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File: 16 KB, 534x385, B4054F06-50F4-4125-B45A-9EFDBD4627C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6418730 No.6418730 [Reply] [Original]

Can you autists please post TA charts for BTC. The rubber is about to meet the road.

>> No.6418804

Depends how high the next high is... From my research:

If its very high, > 16k, it will be going to 10k (as it will become bearish).

If its a lower high (lower than the last peak), it becomes a triangle and 20k will come - as long as the volume is low - becomes bullish.

We just have to wait and see how high the high gets.

>> No.6418851

It's definitely going up in the next few days.

A lower high is around 15k (lower than the last peak). But it has to stay in those parameters in your graph.

If it goes above the line, we'll get a bear market.

>> No.6418852

looks pretty healthy

>> No.6418858

If btc hits 15k it is going to 18k
this is what some whales are expecting
keep drawing lines

>> No.6418895

clever anon

>> No.6418919

Not entirely true - if it hits 15k and we drop back down to approx 12-13k it will then shoot up to 20k.

If it goes up to 15k then up to 17-18k (bad). You'll then see 10k don't FOMO @ 18k.

>> No.6418939

dunning kruger effect.

>> No.6418958

ty anon.

>> No.6419016
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If it does pic related its a bear flag and were gonna be seeing pink for the next three years

>> No.6419033




>> No.6419062
File: 53 KB, 1417x779, chrome_2018-01-14_01-23-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only TA chart you need for BTC

>> No.6419076


The next high is make or break for bitcoin. Stay frosty.

>> No.6419079

Thanks anon. Can you show me what the bullish flag looks like, please?

>> No.6419115

you just solidified my point further. btw haejin is a whack job, he has been providing lulz for years.

>> No.6419139
File: 80 KB, 1309x906, 7CF7C1B8-E0DB-4BAC-8F5E-AE56A42D70BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found it. Prayers up for this...

>> No.6419147


You posted it lol. Just look at the first link that other anon posted by H. Lee.

>> No.6419211

That "whack job" has made me $10k in 3 months.

>> No.6419241

That’s where I got it. We get that scenario, and you can Q the dukes of hazard music. Kek wills it?

>> No.6419268

Be careful following other people like that anon, one day you will lose your ass.

>> No.6419279
File: 228 KB, 497x649, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st support: $12.8k
2nd support: 11.2
3rd support: 9.1
Absolute bottom: 5.7

>> No.6419281


Whackjob how? Because he compliments his own work? “Beautifully done.”

>> No.6419317

You should be able to make a lot more than that in crypto in 3 months

>> No.6419334

Day BTC doesn’t quite hit 16,000, say it hits around 14-15,000 and retraces. Bullish or bearish?

>> No.6419356

The problem is that BTC becomes hardly useable at 20k and above.

That's why ETH is a better position atm.

>> No.6419433

Completely depends what your initial start was and considering I got JUSTd by the china dump. I think I came out ok.

>> No.6419477

BTC is going to 16k by the 22nd, then falling to 12k for a little support. After that the breaks fall off and it goes all the way to 7.5k. Will bounce back to around 10k and then trade between these two ranges for the next 3-6 months before falling more.

Meanwhile the rest of crypto market will gain massively on bitcoin, but probably take a hit as well.

>> No.6419548

That's my hope. I tripled my money while BTC went from 19 to 12k. As long as it unravels gradually we can make some nice alt gains.

>> No.6419562

How’d you do that?

>> No.6419564

Checked and Kek'd

Praise Kek!!

>> No.6419581

ETH is having the same issues as BTC.

The only one that is truely fast at the moment is cRipple (shamefully).

>> No.6419592

>nice alt gains
and what will you do with the alt gains? convert back to btc and hope it goes back to 20k and beyond? eth? trade against fiat on fairx or similar?

>> No.6419647

That’s the million dollar question. Anons?

>> No.6419710
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66% chance it goes down

>> No.6419720

Looking for signals of whales accumulating and riding the waves.
I've held VEN, ZRX, SUB, XVG, XRP, ADX, KNC, ADA, MCO, EOS, ZCL, NEO. Each of them for a period between 2 and 10 days.

I said my MONEY. That means my fiat value went 3x. Just because BTC is possibly fading out doesn't mean crypto-to-fiat disappears.
People who held Ripple while BTC tumbled down to 12k would have still made 10x fiat gains if they cashed out to BTC.

>> No.6419763
File: 404 KB, 500x213, Trustless Network.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH is fast. Transactions are almost free instant and the network is trustless. Fuck XRP, its not a crypto nobody wants your Twitter nigger bags.

>> No.6419899
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>> No.6419926

That last big red candle from 14.3k to 13.5k looks fucking OGRE

>> No.6419978

My memelines work nearly 50% of the time!

>> No.6420196

It's over my man. The bear market already started, at least for BTC.

There's a chance BTC may never recover if ETH or any other coin overtakes it within 2018. Or it might take the entire market down with it.

One thing is sure though. The bear market started and BTC will have a 2013 2.0 in 2018

>> No.6420241

At this point in time a bear market for BTC very likely means a bear market for everything

Maybe ETH will shot up as you say, but everything else, especially shitcoins, will be BTFO

>> No.6420256
File: 78 KB, 640x640, menwhostareatcharts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join our group of TA experts

>> No.6420389

If ETH replaces BTC as #1 it might substitute for BTC and prevent a total bear market. Meaning useful (probably ERC20) coins/tokens will not go into bear while the majority of actual shitcoins will probably bear as well.

I suspect cryptocurrency to go bear (Bitcoin,LTC,Tron,Raiblocks any other currency)

While cryptocommodities such as ETH,NEO,Enigma have a higher chance to avoid a bear market.

But that's pure speculation. The bear market is here though.

>> No.6420390

See, the issue also is people are fucking idiots and bitcoin is the thing the general public thinks of when they hear crypto. Even if it fucking tanks, it'll be the first thing any geek off the street buys into if they want crypto.

>> No.6420457

>t. Warren G.

>> No.6420603
File: 477 KB, 571x457, starving polar bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins (the really shitty ones) will go into starving polar bear market.

All the normies who bought during the insane december bull run will get JUST'd so hard that I fear uncle sam will introduce harsh regulations after every normie starts crying and saying that crypto is a scam because they lost 90% of their investment.

>> No.6420741

BCH has only a fraction of the daily transaction volume of BTC or ETH though. I'm not convinced it would perform any better in the long run. Besides, why not just use Litecoin

>> No.6420853

Inb4 normies confuse catching a falling knife with buying the dip and get rekt

>> No.6420859

Litecoin actually will have the same problems as Blockstream Core because aside from block propagation its the same roadmap. Which is small blocks. The market is overlooking BCH because the massive amount of politics and shilling campaigns. It scales, nChain has proven they can scale it much higher.

>> No.6420960

I don't have any ripple anon, I only use it to transfer between exchanges and get rid of it straight away.

BCH took me 45mins last night between exchanges. Ripple took me 3mins.

>> No.6421300

that will definetely happen

>> No.6421535

this will actually be what happens tho lol

>> No.6421610
File: 580 KB, 1412x664, WelcomeFam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already took the only one i got!!

>> No.6421813
File: 60 KB, 896x626, 55ema.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC almost never breaks the 55 ema (purple line) so if I'll see a candle that closes below that I will be worried

>> No.6421862

its about to drop hard. get in tether, eth and neo

>> No.6421919
File: 73 KB, 2480x3508, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6421959

I've been popping in and out of tether for the past week accumulating according to the trend but as of tonight I tethered up with a buy in sub 12k, I just don't trust this shit enough to go to sleep on it.

>> No.6422002

Parabolic stop and reverse. A trend indicator.

>> No.6422955

Have the odds changed?

>> No.6423100

Things are beginning to look bad, really bad.

>> No.6423350

Imma going down with the Winklevosses.

>> No.6423704

If it goes under $13,350 it's all over since it shows btc has no floor.

>> No.6423867

Stormcoin looks like a 100 pc moon shot what do you fkn majeets think?

>> No.6423899
File: 491 KB, 1445x877, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pessimistic. Might still be a 4D bear trap

>> No.6424005


>coins founder/developer is dead
>everyone knows now that bitcoin has insane scaling issues
>some rats are trying to replace it with their bootleg coin

Only brainlets are still holding btc at this stage

It has no future

>> No.6424106

If I see the phrase 'under 1 Dollar' I want to get physical and hurt you morons.

>> No.6424132

>>some rats are trying to replace it with their bootleg coin
What are your thoughts on Ethereum? It too is a fork, one that reverted transactions after an exchange got hacked.

>> No.6424141

So what is support? 12,916?

>> No.6424242
File: 98 KB, 1233x534, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of support to be broken, if it's going to dip.

>> No.6424244

more like 12,300 being the next more stable support, followed by 9,950, 7,400 and most probable cement bottom, 5,000. But some good news, several millions of tether and non of those might hold true

>> No.6424496

Still 66% I’m pray’n for a bear trap.

>> No.6424560

>that fucking wheelchair
top kek

>> No.6424613

I feel like its going to follow the same pattern as always. It goes back to 15-16k sits there a bit then does this again. UNTIL THE END OF FUCKING TIME.

>> No.6424775
File: 406 KB, 1411x850, bear flag on a bear flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praying to Kek might be te last hope. I wish I'm wrong and anon's >>6424242 blue channel has strong support

>> No.6424850

wow could you be anymore new

>> No.6424932

Charlie clearly said he will increase block size if blocks become full. As an actual engineer he just want to see bitcoin diyng because literal retards in charge of BTC development.

>> No.6424940


I feel like someone just blew their nose inside my brains

>> No.6425082

Where did all you TA fags learn this. Is it worth self teaching?

>> No.6425146

Having btc as the "store of value" to your alts is like being part of an office where you're working hard on a project but your boss is an unstable alcoholic, months away from dying from alcohol poisoning. At best he does mediocre work but most of the time he shits the bed and undoes weeks of hard work in an evening.

The problem is even if btc is replaced, the time it's going to be for a clear successor is going to be hell for alts (eth is a huge improvement but there are cryptos now that are 10x better).

>> No.6425195

Bch is fast and cheap coz no fucker uses it.

>> No.6425196

>be in crypto
>not knowing how to TA
just kys already

>> No.6425242

ok, but we are on crash number 8 now. I have been counting the number of times this has happened and I predict at least 10 more of this. so 15-16k "return to normal" then this again.

Screen cap this.

>> No.6425315

lmao you provided nothing to this TA discussion dipshit. came in and laughed at a wheelchair. fuck off

>> No.6425328

>bitcoin did this before and it didnt crash so it wont crash now
retards dont understand that normies bought a lot of bitcoin in the past few months
and normies love to panic sell as soon as they see the -10% candles

>> No.6425387

Look its already returning to normal right now. Maybe go side ways for a little while. Its going to 15k at least. It might get a bull run and everyone gets super happy! YAY 16-17k

Then it goes sideways while alts go up. And it will crash again maybe on Monday or Tuesday.

The BEST is going to be the "exit your alts kiddos" threads. Those are always the best because they ALWAYS happen one or two days before it crashes again HAHAHA

Seriously screen cap, I am calling it AGAIN!!! Lets go for magic number 9 times for this to happen! Lets see if we can at least hit 10.

>> No.6425477
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But same as btc and ltc it is getting spammed. Somebody is attacking crypto currencies as a whole

>> No.6425541
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is resistance
>what is support

>> No.6425556

maybe core should raise the block size to fight back all of these would be attackers. It would work really well!

>> No.6425608


>> No.6425691

The discord pump group where everyone makes money. Some more some less but everyone makes it!!

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6425903

kek, I doubt it's going below 10k though. For people who are looking to buy it might be a good idea to buy some at 10k and then buy more if it goes down to 8-9k

>> No.6426009
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>> No.6426962
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>not divining the charts through the noble art of tyromancy