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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6417173 No.6417173 [Reply] [Original]

Is chainlink the worst performing highly shilled coin on /biz/?

>Multiple threads daily, often more than two at a time.
>A chart that wouldn't get a look from most traders outside of /biz/
>Undeserved cult like following.
>Rarely talked about outside of /biz/

The Chainlink team does not even communicate with its investors, last tweet November 6th...

>> No.6417217

not really?

>> No.6417360

Yeah most of my holdings are in Link and i feel like im just watching these other coins rocket past it. Should i keep holding it?

>> No.6417407

ya after seeing sergeys inability to communicate with LINKies i decided that I'd rather have some tron
10k$ tron soon

>> No.6417446


Nah you should sell. I hear by next week its going to drop hard. This is the top.

>> No.6417447

I think my opinions on it are pretty clear, it's up to you though.

It just gets shilled here relentlessly.

>> No.6417495

Fuck you're right. I'm selling it all for a high performer like bitcoin gold.

>> No.6417534

> The Chainlink team does not even communicate with its investors

You're not an investor faggot. You bought an ERC20 token. They have no legal obligation to you.

Go cry to mommy if you need to be coddled so much. Plenty of news has come out to justify holding. This project is still wicked undervalued and under the radar. You're going to FOMO right back in once it crosses $2.

>> No.6417535

It’s a shitty ERC20 meme token with only two no name devs.

>> No.6417685

This isn't normal for an under performing coin


>> No.6417782
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>under the radar
There is almost always 2-3 active threads on /biz/

The cult like following of link is unjustified...

>> No.6417962


> actually thinks /biz/ is the whole crypto market

Jesus christ, and they call LINK holders deluded. This board of screeching autists is made up mostly of poorfags and pajeets. The general market hasn't even begun to take notice yet. Once main net is launched the marketing hire is on board, its game over for nolinkies.

>> No.6418185

Stinky Linkies never learn!

>> No.6418289

Oh no the market knows about Link, it just doesn't care!

>> No.6418308

Not while DBC exists.

>> No.6418373

Yeah I sold link at a profit. Aren't there other products that do the same thing chainlink is supposed to do?

>> No.6418412

DBC is just a baby, link has been shilled for months!

>> No.6418420


>> No.6418431

>stinky linkies unironically believe this

>> No.6418434

Funny you say that about a coin that has literally not even rolled out anything other than a white paper yet. What do you think will happen when the main net is launched? Take a guess, LOL.

>> No.6418439
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>muh every other coin is mooning, so definitely drop this undervalued and groundbreaking project FUD

>> No.6418720

I'd be extremely disappointed if i held chainlink from ICO

>literally not even rolled out anything other than a white paper yet
Is this a positive?

>> No.6418881

>I'd be extremely disappointed if i held chainlink from ICO
that's because you're poor and retarded

>> No.6418951

Jesus, linkies are fucking dumb

>> No.6419438

There's hundreds of these linkies shilling the shit out of this coin, but nobody gives a fuck and just ignores them. In the current crypto market the holders and buyers determine the price all based off emotions and garbage. So is the coin actually undervalued and groundbreaking tech? Why wouldn't it be way higher than it is if the market thought that to be true? Personally I think their application to smart contracts is where the actual product is, but I don't think the coin once we have a product will sit over $1. Keep in mind less than half the coins are in circulation right now too.

>> No.6419645

Great comeback!

>> No.6419706

Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.6419754