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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 200x200, trx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6412721 No.6412721 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6412907

Just sold 100k

>> No.6412934

It just keeps going down, it's basically where it was before spiking. RIP whoever bought ATH.

>> No.6412937

Sub 500 sats coming

>> No.6412975

I'm down $5,000
should I just sell?

>> No.6413084

It’s a dead coin

>> No.6413123
File: 212 KB, 1233x927, 8ce2e3becc2221e3e50f2491a2c20f07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of this time, tron have over tripled in the last month.
At one point, it x10. It is currently down from that but is still 3x it's value less than a month ago.
It will return brothers. Keep dem hands strong.

>> No.6413192

It’s dead man. It’s in a free fall.

>> No.6413236

Just went in pretty heavy at this level could have sworn I saw it at like 20 cents last week right?

>> No.6413250

at one point i was like $500+ up
now i'm $22 down.

sucks to sell for loss but how is this fucking thing coming back

>> No.6413252


>> No.6413253

Please do. My happy little bots would be glad to take those bags off your hands

>> No.6413286

flopped hard even when sun is shilling 24/7, if it goes below 350 (where I initially got in) I will consider buying more.

>> No.6413344

>mfw when they think the spike started at 0.09

>> No.6413655

So many normies getting burned on this lmao

>> No.6413730

>founder exposed of plagiarism, lying about partnerships, pushing back update news, hostile towards supporters on twitter
>I-itll rebound right guys?
Yes you fucking idiots, 10,000 end of month

>> No.6413739

It will be back to the ATH by the end of next week.

>> No.6413842
File: 171 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tweets then shit hits the fan... welp guess I continue to hold.

>> No.6414393


>> No.6414465

If you've never been down 5k on a coin before you've literally only been in crypto a month or you've never owned 5k to begin with. Probably both. And you will probably never have 5k.

>> No.6414486

you're a dumbass, but just hold it

justin sun is a talented enough hypeman that the price will go back up eventually

>> No.6414584

this shit was giving me way too much anxiety. I am pissed I didnt sell when I was 7x up on this shit last week but decided to sell half my hold at 3x. I have a feeling that bc I did that this shit will now steadily climb bc of course, but I had some consolidating to do anyway and now I can sleep at night so that's something.

>> No.6414669

Of course, and if you're down 5k on an obvious scam coin, you're a retard

>> No.6415036

It's not an obvious scam coin... It has better partnerships and more going for it than half the stuff in the top 10 and it's only been around for 6 months compared to the rest of them being around for years.

>> No.6415176

>people in this thread actually advocating to just hodl
dumbasses, sell at a loss, put into something that will make your money back

>> No.6415243

I've never sold a coin and not regret it within a month after selling. It's always darkest before the dawn and all alts are taking a beating for the most part, so what this is down 50% from last week instead of 30%. It's going to go up a lot faster too when it gets started again.

>> No.6415295

thank fuck. i had a normie friend who got into crypto this week and all in Tron (don't know how much, hopefully fraser JUST much). he said it got "potential" and it could go to the MOOOON. i'd snap his neck right then and there but i thought he'd do it by himself anyway

>> No.6415331


Thank god, when the nips reject him this shitcoin will finally die.

>> No.6415457


Are you forgetting that it went to 32 cents more than a week ago?

>> No.6415552
File: 80 KB, 1341x189, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at 12.22.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whales are testing to see who's gonna fold next.
they know

>> No.6415618

I learned my lesson about being greedy with another coin. I was iffy on the use cases of TRX. Sold as soon as I made 5x, could've made more but it was a flip investment. Don't let the greed get the best of you. I mostly hodl because I am a coward and I can't stomach daytrading

>> No.6415683

Yes that was a pump. Doesn't happen twice dumbass

>> No.6415933
File: 100 KB, 642x800, boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked by a nips

>> No.6415985

You think you are so much better than your normie friend but you sound like a huge close minded retard and a loser. Everything gets pumped more than once you idiot, look at Bitcoin Diamond, it's been pumped from $30 to $150 like once a month now. Can't wait until your dumb friend makes more than you.

>> No.6416074

Ok bud, have fun with your bags

>> No.6416084

This. His friend will get sad a bit then forget about the coin, will check it again in a month and find some nice gains, while anon daytraded his way to -30%.

>> No.6416159
File: 314 KB, 1000x1271, 1478363224042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its bags cuz i said so and my retarded normie friend bought some they're all retarded luckily i only invest in serious coins like chain link and deep brain chain
>lol ripple fuck that normie coin there's like a trillion of them centralized jew scamcoin it will never break 20 cents

>> No.6416296

any coin that has an autistic cut following like db, link, dgb, ark, or whatever is bad news by default.
>comparing ripple to a chinese scamcoin

>> No.6416390

All coins have retarded followers.

>> No.6416517

Don't trust Sun, too much legit FUD, sold my stack.

>> No.6417133

I wonder how the
"just two more days and my life will be changed forever" guy is doing?

>> No.6417620

>buy high sell low
the true state of /biz/

>> No.6417691
File: 766 KB, 2000x2000, 1514595866939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>urge to buy the dip
>it dips even more
>stronger urge to buy the dip
am I retarded

>> No.6417696

"Legit FUD"
Normie thats why you sold when you bought in at ATH

>> No.6417748

It'll pay off anon, it'll moon soon.

>> No.6417773

It's bound to moon very soon.

>> No.6417813
File: 5 KB, 604x71, ss (2018-01-14 at 12.46.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting increasingly nervous

>> No.6417845

can you please kill yourself?

>> No.6417847

I might buy once my other coins get out the red.

>> No.6417865

Nice projection. I hope you hold those bags forever. I sold this coin near it's ath and never looked back.

>> No.6417874
File: 25 KB, 630x630, 2247231_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only been in crypto for a week, just bought in at 0.00006490 ETH

When do I moon, /biz/?

>> No.6417890

It's only over when you sell. Remember that.

>> No.6417892

fucking lol, how stupid can you be

>> No.6417911
File: 21 KB, 819x460, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you buy bag now!

>> No.6417918

>and never looked back
You're literally in a Trx thread responding to people right now, m8.

>> No.6418030

Actually in on the front page. It's like driving down the road at night and Tron bagholders wander across the road.

>> No.6418055

nice bags you got there

>> No.6418148

No more like...

>Driving down road in the middle of the night
>"Man, I sure am glad I decided to stop running over random fucking animals as I drive my little civic on farm roads"
>Pupperino appears strolling down side of the road on his way home
>autism hits
>You swerve over to kill the poor doggo
Yep, you're completely sane, anon. Let me guess, you actually bought in around $.25, didn't you?

>> No.6418789

Bought at .14 and .10. Sitting comfy as fuck

>> No.6418998

That's what I thought and I'm not so comfy anymore

>> No.6419045


>> No.6419142

JUSTin Sun

>> No.6419218

I am enjoying watching the TRON dump. that shitcoin should never have got the price it did. they must be some fucken heavy bags the ATH buyers are holding.

>> No.6419292
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 15156586681701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your TRON now. Take a seat, sir/

>> No.6419387

it's only even in the top 10 because normies are retarded and think that coins/tokens worth under $1 will be worth $100 because they don't understand market cap. TRX is a shitcoin and Justin Sun is just a hype man who made a shit ton of money off of retards who bought in

>> No.6419456

and to think that some days ago everyone was shilling TRON. oh god how glad im that i didnt follow you

>> No.6419458

I bought at 850 sats, i have a fucking bad luck, first i got bagholding iota, then i got bagholding trx...

>> No.6419481

sold my 500 binance airdrop tokens when it was .22. Thanks for buying my bag, idiots.

>> No.6419823

Looks like fun. TRX's chart is going to look like LINK's here in a couple of months. Until then, keep having fun ;)

>> No.6420798
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>> No.6421472

Be comfy. I set a .25 sell. Then I'll move on to the next pump

>> No.6421770

As usual some foggy announcements of which none will ever happen. Coin is dead.

>> No.6421838

It's not a dip though, it's a crash

>> No.6421858
File: 40 KB, 773x512, 1515332150919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lost $20 from trx