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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6407268 No.6407268 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6407454

End of 2019 or 2020

>> No.6407701

won't pop until 2021, crypto market is still in infant stage

>> No.6407865

It did pop. It's re-inflating.

>> No.6407933

I don't think you understand the implication of a 24/7 global market. You can see multiple pops on the chart already.

>> No.6408001

Bitcoin is done, I think it's the 'blow off' phase on the bubble chart.
The next phase is going to be mega-hype over 'smart contracts'.
We are in the 'institutional investors' phase now. It's probably going to end when eth flips btc (spring/summer) and the public mania phase begins, lasting who knows how long. It depends on how many actual use case are found.

>> No.6408034

>this time its different
You know "its a global economy now!" used to be said in the late 1920s?

Bubble may go for another few months or a year but it will pop eventually. And keep in mind in 1 year faggots will say hurrr we have another year before the music stops........

>> No.6408115

Yeah but this time it actually is global. You know we have this thing called the internet which allows me to talk you who lives on poopy streets.

>> No.6408166

it already popped 32x

>> No.6408202

The argument isn´t if its a bubble or not. The argument is about when its going to pop and how much gains are left to be made...

>> No.6408369

>not even 1 trillion in total market capitalization yet
>muh bubble gonna pop
Yeah, get back to me when there's 10 trillion dollars worth of crypto

>> No.6408618

This is not going to pop because of the psychology of crypto. As a game developer I can tell you right now this shit is infectious and addicting. We turned savings accounts into a fun game that very young people will end up being entangled in.

As a game developer I plan to begin taking advantage of this as well. My goal is to get them in and get them in young. The IRS will be abolished by the next generation. digital money will be the new welfare.

all hail the decentralized technocracy,

>> No.6408726


here's a little secret... it's not a bubble. What you are witnessing is the breakdown of the status quo; if banks can create trillions of dollars out of thin air, so can we. Hell, blockchain as more inherent value then the dollar.

A coin is worth exactly what you and i are willing to give for it. There are no caps.

>> No.6408792

There's almost 1 trillion in crypto and basically NOTHING OF VALUE to show for it. Besides ETH , NOTHING IN CRYPTO HAS ANY VALUE OR IS USED IN ANY MEANINGFUL CAPACITY. You realise this don't you?

>> No.6408833

>It's 2050
>grandpa can you tell about those times when people still paid with these dollar things and paper? I heard about it in school today.
>haha, yeah those were some good times kid

>> No.6408834
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>if banks can create trillions of dollars out of thin air, so can we.
Jesus christ, some of the mouth breathing retards you encounter on this board....

>> No.6408856

This. Dot com startups were mostly shit but at least they bother churning out shitty products.
Most ICOs deliver NOTHING and likely dont plan to do so

>> No.6408864

I can tell you weren't around for the dotcom bubble. None of those companies had anything either, and yet people were investing shittons of money into them without understanding any of it.

>> No.6408868

all money has no value boomer

>> No.6408918

nobody is desputing this will happen, but what matters for getting rich puposes is when the big correction aka crash is coming which will weed out the scam- and shitcoins

>> No.6408975

>scam icos dictate the direction of all crypto
Stay poor retard

>> No.6409010

dot com just went on for longer because it didnt go as parabolic as crypto as fast. Things were slow back then. Most needed a broker to even buy shit... buying into IPOs was limited to whales.

crypto is much faster so I expect us to reach peak faster than in the fucking 90s

>> No.6409065

ICOs play a vital role in the massive total "marketcap". Even most of the top 50 coins are total shit

>> No.6409075

Who cares, I cashed out my initial investment and just ride the rollercoaster now.

>> No.6409101
File: 88 KB, 1590x1444, cryptobubmay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same time the huge may and september "bubbles" "popped", remember the devestating crash?? everyone who hold on to crypto last year and didn't go full into fiat has probably killed himself by now..

>> No.6409118

You're right about the speed. I however think we have at least until 10 trillion mcap before we need to start shitting our pants.

>> No.6409124

Ok then don’t buy them, stupid. Why are you even here?

>> No.6409126

There's almost $15 trillion in fiat and basically NOTHING OF VALUE to show for it. Besides gold-backed currencies, NOTHING IN FIAT HAS ANY VALUE OR IS USED IN ANY MEANINGFUL CAPACITY. You do realise this don't you?

>> No.6409133

I need to know if this fucking bubble is going to crash so I can wait to buy cheap or if this is the actual once in a lifetime moon mission REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6409145

When do you think it will pop?
Im cautious right now and if things dont get ugly within January/February I will be all in again.

>> No.6409164

Yes, and the DotCom bubble eventually burst in a spectacular fashion and dragged the rest of the economy into recession with it. Crypto is like the dotcom bubble but on an international scale. Nobody can really predict when or how it will pop, but one thing is for certain - it's a bubble. The parallels between crypto and dotcom are so blindingly obvious you'd have to be willfully ignorant not to see them.

Yes it does. Fiat currencies have value because of the governments that back them. You need fiat to pay your taxes, or you go to prison. There's also the petrodollar system which gives the USD value. At the end of the day, it all comes down to men with guns. That's something crypto does not have. THe two can't be compared

>> No.6409201
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see >>6409164
is this board full of 14 year old libertards, or just really dumb people?

>> No.6409214

because I have 7 figures waiting on the sidelines waiting to go all in on bluechips while I play with six figures.

>> No.6409251

I can say with high confidence at least not in the next three months.

Reason being that we're seeing major FOMO from both retail investors and institutional investors (who are for the first time late to the game), evinced by unprecedented numbers of signups at all the exchanges.

>> No.6409260

>$15 trillion in fiat
wat? NSYE alone has a market cap above $20 trillion
what u even mean 'in fiat'

>> No.6409271

>it has value since the governments say so!

kek, fiat is literally backed trust ensured from organizations who regularly fuck their own people over. sounds great fag just sold another 100k for satoshis

>muh petrodollar

yeah let me just (((back))) my currency with oil sounds great

>> No.6409298

I honestly don´t fucking now... I only know that
A) it´s a bubble ( .com style)
B) Once it really pops, cashing out will be impossible, and if my gains disappear I will jump out of my office´s window.

But again the market cap of cryptocurrencies is less than of AAPL, there aren´t even that many crypto m/billionaires yet like in the .com bubble...

>> No.6409301

>seeing major FOMO from both retail investors and institutional investors
What do you base this on? Interviews etc or actual data? not memeing, what do you base this opinion on?

>> No.6409332
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Thanks for this man, updated it bc I've tried to make this point but the visual helps. Look how smooth the past peaks look compared to the latest in each pic

>> No.6409354
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Pay attention. Its not when will it the bubble pop, but what will you do to hedge the risk.

#1 - Physical fucking gold will rocket if BTC and crypto correct in a disorderly manner.

#2 - Darknet markets don't fuck around. Until they say otherwise XMR and BTC are relatively safe.

#3 - Low volatility coins with fiat convertability will be in demand. Right now this describes only BTC, LTC, and BCC.

#4 - Utility coins aren't currency. There are a few good idea out there that may meet with commercial success.

#4 - The house always wins. Up or down Binance, Kraken, etc. will cash in unless volume dries up.

>> No.6409356

go to bed kiddo, and stay on /pol/ from now on would you?

>> No.6409361

Wow, this guys got over 1 million rupees! So impressive!

>> No.6409387

it'll pop when nobody says bubble anymore and nobody thinks it'll pop

that or regulation arresting all the ico scammers, shutting down exchanges and going after everyone for tax evasion and money laundering

>> No.6409409

lol we aren't even at a trillion dollar market cap yet. It will be awhile

>> No.6409425

when everyone thinks this way is about when the bubble pops
dotcom had the same 'new era of markets' magical thinking

>> No.6409433

I think 3 months is a good estimate. In my opinion, what will eventually pop this bubble is regulation from governments. Sooner or later, governments are going to straight up ban the purchase of cryptocurrency once they wisen up the fact that billions of dollars are being diverted away from the physical economy and into this online black hole

>> No.6409446

its weird how /biz/ has no problem with believing some scrib 10xes their 10k while 10xing 200k they call LARP.

>> No.6409459

hey look at that my imaginary coins value double this week compared to your green scam paper, probably because they just printed another trillion of them out of thin air to lend to banks

hey I'll make you an offer, 3 years from now you can cut my lawn for .00000001 satoshis, you can use whatever leftover green paper trash to wipe the sweat off afterwards

>> No.6409473

In 2020-2021.
The wall street whales are just started moving in.

>> No.6409492


Wrong. Governments are not banning crypto. They may regulate, they will not ban. Its getting too expensive to keep the fake ceiling on gold prices and crypto has taken the pressure off.

>> No.6409512

Will he take out a second mortgage to finance opening the LN channel so he can receive your 1satoshi or will you use a 0conf?

>> No.6409526

LOL WHAT?! It went on longer because access was harder? Are you fucking stupid? If access to invest is more difficult, then new capital enters the market slower and the bubble collapses.

Holy fuck /biz/tards constantly amaze me.
More capital & more people entering market = longer lasting bubble

>> No.6409534

It's starting to farm an M. After that.

>> No.6409557

>> There's also the petrodollar system which gives the USD value.

True although one thing that is lost on most people is that it is oil that is on top of all this shit, not money. You could have what ever currency, or coin you wanted but it is oil that powers and moves all of this shit in the industrial age.

The USD is essentially a currency that makes sure the USA controls and profits from the most valuable and critical resource in the work, oil.

>> No.6409564

What do you base this on? What data? How do you know WS didn't accumulate ?

inb4: hurrr durr they are slow and old lel iam smart neet

>> No.6409578


>> No.6409595

More capital & more people entering market = you will get to the last greater fool faster than if you slowly increase inflow over 3 years

>> No.6409596

are you fucking 14??? Really???

>> No.6409623

boomer retard detected

>> No.6409667

>#3 - Low volatility coins with fiat convertability will be in demand. Right now this describes only BTC, LTC, and BCC.

You corecucks are really trying to single out ETH huh? ETH is much more liquid than fucking LTC and BCC.

>> No.6409708
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>US currency is backed by anything

>> No.6409713
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It’s not a bubble you fucking retard it’s the birth of a brand new global economic system if you don’t realize this by now GET OUT REEEEE FUCKING NORMIE >>6409425

>> No.6409715

yeah, people will build infrastructure around it so that they can collect those sweet crypto gains. There will be a lot garbage too, but the smartest millennials and gen z will realize they have the opportunity to build the next google or goldman sachs.

>> No.6409717

>double this week
Wow, don't spend that $500 all in one place!

I've made 7 figures from crypto you dumb little shit. The difference between me and you is that while I can recognise that I am taking advantage of an irrational market, you've deluded yourself into thinking your magic internet money will keep doubling every other day forever.

One day, when I'll be blowing coke up a hooker's ass in Malibu, I'm gonna think back to this little chat we had and take great pleasure in the knowledge that while I have US dollars in my bank account, you'll be the one left holding the worthless bags of virtual meme money without a penny in your pocket.

>> No.6409736

whole new source of tax revenue just came out of nowhere.

>> No.6409753


1. The massive signups at all exchanges
2. http://www.businessinsider.com/bitcoin-price-explosion-wall-street-spends-bonuses-2018-1
3. We still haven't seen the biggest and most important financial instrument for crypto, the Bitcoin ETF. Once that happens, boomers and normies with 401ks will be able to very easily put money into crypto

>> No.6409780
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you dont use correct grammar on /biz/ your fullstops made me get cancer newfags stink so much, what is so hard on lurking and NOT posting until you are mentally rdy to do so?

>> No.6409870

Holy shit you are stupid. No that's not how bubbles work. Less is not more. More capital and more people are not entering the market at a rate exceedingly faster than during the dot com boom.

Go read Bubbles For Fama. Maybe you will learn something /biz/tard

>> No.6409913
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not an argument

>> No.6409935

It's backed by guns fool.

>> No.6409977

>Besides ETH
I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.6409980

I thought that Bitcoin ETF's were already refused twice?

>> No.6410014

I can smell your larp from 10000 miles away retard

if you were even worth a tenth of that you wouldn't be here. And you wouldn't be bragging about keeping your wealth in banks in USD

that is actually the last thing wealthy people do

next time try lying about all the land and gold you own, might be more convincing

>> No.6410281

>I've made 7 figures from crypto you dumb little shit. The difference between me and you is that while I can recognise

if that's true you'll forever contemplate about getting out with a million when you could have stayed and have over a hundred. crypto likely has another 100x behind it BEFORE it ACTUALLY starts becoming a bubble, and that's bout the level it'll pop back to

>> No.6410347

Lol believe what you want. When I said 7 figures, I was talking in GBP too, since I'm in the UK. Go read my post again, nowhere did I say that I kept my net worth in fiat. All I said was that I'd have USD in my bank account - which I will, once I move to the States, and which you won't, once the bubble collapses and you're left holding my bags like the good little cuck you are.

>> No.6410416

Going to join your pajeet family in London then?

>> No.6410439

I'll take that risk. I told myself I'd leave crypto once I hit 6 figures, but I stayed for 7, and I won't be staying for 8 or 9. You're right, crypto probably has a lot more 100x's in it, but I'd rather leave safely now than risk a significant sum of what I've already 'earned' basically for free. I'm keeping $50k or so in ETH, ENG, VEN since those are among the few coins I see with an actual future.

>> No.6410488
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there is no bubble faggot i will pop you in the fucking mouth if you say that stupid shit again now get out

>> No.6410568
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when exchanges will stop having 100k registrations a day

>> No.6410736

said the douchebag mortgage broker in 2007

>> No.6410879


with jews, you lose

>> No.6410920

It pops every other day lel

>> No.6410957
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>>crypto likely has another 100x behind it BEFORE it ACTUALLY starts becoming a bubble,

That would make the crypto market at 75 trillion,basing that of anything or just you pulling that number out of your ass?

The annual GDP for the whole world is 75 trillion or some where around there. How in the fuck does digital money produce that much value?

>> No.6410963

Imagine when all these normies finally admit we are in no danger of popping and immediately go in because our gains our crazy high only to pump ours even higher its poetic

>> No.6411059


They literally do tho. When you go to a bank for a mortgage, they just type in some numbers, which are added to the total debt. These debts are then bundled and sold as derivatives. It's one giant fucking bubble with no inherent value other then millions of wagecucks slaving away to keep the entire ponzi scheme from collapsing.

>> No.6411090


>> No.6411137

>music stops
>24 hour decentralized permissionless blockchain backed market
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6411178

you are a stupid little nigger. you have no idea how big this shit will get. you utter nigger. i took every last cent from my grandma and put it in the crypto market. i told her to believe in me.

>> No.6411219
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>muh gdp
Fuck the gdp

By they way, there wouldnt need to be 75 trillion actually in the market for the total crypto marketcap to be valued at 75 trillion

>> No.6411305

>you're dumb.

>> No.6411340
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>> No.6411401

I hope this is true and your gramma will be ruined and die before the next bubblecycle so she wont see you were right afterall

>> No.6411422

The music is people buying tron
The music is ripple reaching a Forbes 500 valuation by just announcing "partnerships" with sub billion dollar companies.
The music is the pump and dumps.
The music is when my maid asked me to rate her cryptocurrency portfolio.

Crypto is real, but this is lunacy.

>> No.6411496

Yeah that sounds like how cnbc sees the s&p 500. Magical market that should never correct

>> No.6411505


>> No.6411588
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tfw still pre-bear trap phase

>> No.6411774

>gold backed currencies
Nigga wut? It's all pure fiat now, no gold backing since '71.

>> No.6411801

>A community only works if people are willing to work
>ponzi scheme
You fudders never make sense, how can any system work if the components fail to do their job

>> No.6411912

gdp has literally nothing to do with market cap or even wealth, it's just annual flow of money


gold: 7.3 trillion (lowest est. because noone knows how much gold / other precious metals and stones are being hidden)
stocks: 72 trillion
real estate: 217 trillion
derivatives: 544 trillion

>> No.6411951

oh and that's 2015

>> No.6412097

Psychological barriers that keep fags poor, they would hold on to dear life with their 200k you have to not give a fuck

Like when someone plays poker with fake money and can get to one million way easier than if they actually went to vegas then they get fucked.

>> No.6412466

>The music is when my maid asked me to rate her cryptocurrency portfolio.

Did she hold eth?