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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 71 KB, 750x430, DeepBrainChainLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6402117 No.6402117 [Reply] [Original]

DBC - DeepBrainChain

yeah yeah yeah, 'shitcoin' my ass
get in now if you wanna avoid gettin JUST'D


>> No.6402179



>> No.6402261


Very nice of the weak handed brainlets to sell their DBC on discount. Doubled my stack over the past three days.

Thank you rip off mickey mouse and translator not talking english. See you on the moon.

>> No.6402350

Is the dip finally over?

>> No.6402385

Back at 32 cents

>> No.6402400

I actually bought just now at the recent dip (2080 sats) cause I'm new to KuCoin and knew it's gonna rise the second I saw it

>> No.6402445

are u blind or stupid

>> No.6402485


Good for you. Rembemer to have iron hands. This coin is getting alot of attention and the tree is getting shaken alot, just hold on.

>> No.6402499

gah went up right when I sold it today, fuck this gay earth

>> No.6402538

You're clearly new. Lurk moar.

>> No.6402560
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>> No.6402567

I'm curious it's wild how it came back up from the whales raping it so far but I'm not sure they'll let it go that high while a competition is going on

>> No.6402660

>jan 17th is my birthday
>i am all in on DBC at .45
please don't ruin me chinklets

>> No.6402665

I held all day and was in pain

>> No.6402696


Why the fuck would you sell?

>> No.6402722

I'm still holding strong, the one thing I'm worried about however is the depth of this drop we're experiencing. Is it too low? Will it fill out?

Projections put us around or slightly above $1 by the end of this week and right now we're hitting straight baseline for the start of the week. The Huobi comp was supposed to put us over the edge.

When are we going to turn this back around?

>> No.6402743

Weak hands sold so whales can acumulate.

>> No.6402757
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Your day will come, but your birthday will be late

>> No.6402795

I'm still holding as well, but I don't expect this to last, at least not in the way it rose before the fall. I guess it will be a long way up, with two steps up, one step back. Or maybe occassionally even two or three steps back. I expect a grinding way up.
Then again, I know jack shit about the market or I wouldn't have ended up in this situation in the first place.

>> No.6402852

Its over for dbc. Asch (XAS) is the future

>> No.6402881
File: 379 KB, 623x403, deep brain gang baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up, I’ll only be explaining the current price manipulation on Houbi once and only once. So clean out them ears brainlets. First you have to understand that a few whales can greatly manipulate the price to their will. That just how the game goes in crypto. Secondly, understand DBC was DUE for a huge pullback, that plus the all of the korean fud? Come on brainlets it was the perfect storm for this type of retrace. Now that you understand what is going on under the hood, you also must understand there is a huge competition that is being held on the Huobi exchange. This competition encourages low prices. Don’t you see those huge sell walls? This is so the whales participating can buy their own DBC at a lower price and also simultaneously win the competition. Don’t worry though, this all ends Jan 17. That's when we will start to finally see a recovery. Luckily, that just a few days away. Basically if you didn't sell at .50 or .60 cents your next best option is to wait until about jan 19 and reevaluate the current situation.
In conclusion- Don’t panic sell. /BIZ/ always panic sells and then the coin you sold instantly moons. I’m also a TA fag and it looks like we’re finding a bottom, also noticing a lot of huge buy orders every few hours propping this baby up. SOMEONE some sort of MONSTER WHALE doesn't want this baby to go down any further. This is why youre seeing the sudden surge of prices at the moment. Some Monster Whale that is very powerful is on our side. YOU can almost smell the UPWARD MOMENTUM after this competition. Things are starting to look very Healthy.

>> No.6402950

thank you for the explanation bb

>> No.6403030

I hope you're right, I wasn't aware that the Huobi competition involved volume, that makes sense.

I'm stealing your OC if you don't mind friend

>> No.6403062

Buy high, sell low. Classic.

>> No.6403136

TH dvs of this multibillion$ crash are going to be hunted and killed. you don]t wipe out 2 billion dollr of bitcoin in a week from investors without getting killed. 50% down in 4 days is hitman money

>> No.6403235

how will DBC ever recover again? HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6403257
File: 7 KB, 21x28, pepepls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is my birthday and it's going back up.

>> No.6403292
File: 65 KB, 517x768, 1465521972744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our side
Dude keeps pulling his buy wall to dump on retards kek

>> No.6403309


TA fagget and apparent pajeet here.

The bottom is crystal clear. I'm pretty happy the Huobi competition took place--since the price I drop I threw another $7k at the brain. I noticed the buy walls too. Who is this wrinkley brain whale!?

>> No.6403555

if that's the case, can you explain why the volume on huobi is so low?

>> No.6403731

Probably because no one's touching this shit but the whales right now and a few people trying to buy low you the fucks going to buy when they're keeping the price basically the same now for 48 hours what ever you can buy in at today you can buy in at in 4 or 5 days

>> No.6403778

He just fucking explained it dude. The Huobi DBC is all in circulation right now, no one is holding because of the competition.

>> No.6403867


Brain is as smooth as a pre-teens ass. Keep shilling VEN fgt

>> No.6403985

the competition is ranked based on volume of buying and selling, so just holding the coins does nothing. if volume were high and price were low, then i could see why the competition would be affecting things. i actually own dbc, so im not trying to create fud, just curious how you would argue this point

>> No.6404105


I'm going to have to use all my wrinkles for this respsonse. NO ONE IS BUYING OR SELLING EXCEPT THE WHALES PARTICIPATING IN THE COMPETITION. Once the the competition is over you'll actually see more volume. Everyone is just a little scared over in china to touch this coin. They have low test over there so they frighten easy. Literally what youre saying doesnt even make logical sense.

>> No.6404110

>if volume were high and price were low

Dude what?

The price is low, this is the lowest it's been and will probably ever get.

Also the volume is low because the same coins are being circulated in order to generate high perceived volume, but really it's just the same coins being passed around amongst the whales.

Once that settles the volume and price will both explode. Come on man, you're buying deep BRAIN chain and yet you don't have a brain?

>> No.6404180

The whales are buying and selling their own coins to them selves at this point plus shaking people with bags eating them up how many people do you think honestly want to get involved with the price fluctuations and manipulation you see now. It's whale fights bro

>> No.6404288

Ahab did nothing wrong.

>> No.6405084

Meh, I took my profits at 45¢. If it dips to 100 vitaliks I'll drop an eth into it, otherwise, I'm out, there's better options.

>> No.6405153

Just dumped all of my bags on some poor soul. Should have sold at $0.40+...oh well.

I may buy back in at $0.20 or lower, if it makes it there. ETH isn't a bad hold either way.

>> No.6405842

oh boy you are about to be really salty

>> No.6405907

Definitely possible. But very worst case scenario, I padded my ETH wallet.

>> No.6406154


>> No.6406252

For real though, how the fuck do you hold this long and dump when it actually shows signs of life?

>> No.6406279

If you want a mooncoin, check Clearpoll. Release of partnership and launch of Clarify the 17. of Jan. Thank me later

>> No.6406309


I bought at $0.09, meh. I'm sure it will dip again.

>> No.6406311

he's literally the meme.

Dude sells when it get its to the bottom lmfao

>> No.6406344

for fun
bought $1000 at .22
sold now at .35

and now I can justify preordering monster hunter world with the wee gains

>> No.6406457

We just spent 2 days sub $.30. Why are you so sure it will dip again?

>> No.6406480


It's already lower than what I sold. Called it :-).

Buying the dip later this evening.

Look at the MACD.

>> No.6406573

MACD doesn't mean shit alone. Don't get me wrong, I do agree that it will dip again. Just not sure it will be enough to justify rebuying.

>> No.6406617

I have a buy order at 0.0001805. I have faith it will hit that before tomorrow.

>> No.6406779

Im posted at 0.002120 neo, maybe I was thinking about dropping it a bit, I just feel stupid I didnt buy in at .24 cents again when it was hovering there before.

>> No.6406846
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Don't get too excited yet. This is a test for buyers, if the price retraces here it will continue down. Pay attention to the volume at the resistance.

>> No.6406908

10 eth got taken off the sell wall at 0.000250. Shit is getting real.