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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6393070 No.6393070 [Reply] [Original]

Honest opinions about this.
I have a powerful shill / fud detector pointed at the screen.

>> No.6393105

Good long term. Will probably dump tomorrow due to "sell the news" (news being new UI coming out).

>> No.6393137


>> No.6393213

Shitty exchange, never gonna catch up kucoin

>> No.6393220

You'll see a lot of FUD regarding COSS because people want to get in asap, the same reason you see a lot of retarded FOMO regarding TRX because normies are desperate to get rid of their bags

>> No.6393223

Do your research, compare it to other exchange issued coins, check the supply and compare. Looks good to me.

>> No.6393286

This was always my end game and there are some obvious doubts but i was too busy daytrading and missed the 10x. very sad and might buy in even at ATH

>> No.6393350

Thank you for your input dear anon.
Do you think reddit knows about COSS yet?I am starting to believe that all this buying is caused by normies.

>> No.6393356
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Here you go anon. Calculate how much COSS you need to make 6 figures a year if COSS even makes it into the top 20 (it will go way further)


Protip: it is about 75000 COSS

>> No.6393424

A few days ago it took 30 hours for my ETH to show up and another 5 hours for it to accept my buy order.
The current state of the exchange concerns me but I still believe in COSS long term.

I think we'll see $15 by the end of year.

>> No.6393580
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- team behind it, this is the big negative for me - rune is obviously a kaminoan and is pretty dodgy with a sketchy history, they miss deadlines
- the exchange just isn't used for trading any other coins but coss

- new UI coming out
- they have good ideas, bold ideas, and are in a situation to deliver on them where other exchanges haven't on account of the regulatory environment in SGP

i had eyes for COSS a long time ago when it was under 10c, which is a price i sadly missed chasing other things. altogether, right now, i agree with the idea it is overvalued. 2.70 is just not buyable.

>> No.6393602

Yesterday it took me 45 minutes between hitting withdraw on binance and having coss in the wallet

>> No.6393763

COSS is one of about 10 coins in the market that have a real (non-ponzi/non-pyramid) that have a working revenue model. Of them, COSS has the most potential (50% split fixed + coming fiat exchange for all alt pairs). I genuinely expect the token to be $100-$200 range by end of year, if not higher.

Disclaimer: I liquidated 90% of my crypto portfolio into COSS and plan to retire on the dividends, so I'm biased as fuck.

>> No.6393959

I'm tempted to do the same but not brave enough. 10k coss will have to do for now.

>> No.6394366

OP here.
From what I have read in his medium post, Rune talks about releasing the new UI with limited functionality. I guess he does not want to postpone any longer.
My opinion is that tomorrow after release the fud will be enormous (lel broke exchange sell sell).
Thus, maybe it would be prudent to sell some of my COSS now at rebuy it at say 2.20, with some extra COSS on top.
What do you think?

>> No.6394583

I have been thinking about doing the exact same thing, sell 25% of my Coss and maybe rebuy a bit lower

>> No.6394609

I'm considering doing the same, it's definitely a good hold but I'm greedy

>> No.6395020


>> No.6395102
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>no volume
>only coin being traded is COSS by people who are either fleeing this dump or wishful thinkers who think it might ever be good
>payouts are 0.0000x of every shitcoin which costs 0.02 ETH to transfer

>expensive af, missed moon
>payouts are 0.0000x of every shitcoin
>will drop from 50% to 15%

>actual working product
>marking in beta
>banking license pending
>payout all in ETH or NEM
>20% guaranteed

>> No.6395231

COSS, unlike BNB, does not incentivize people to trade on the exchange (the progressively lower fee is not nearly enough, unless you're a trading bot). That is why ~90% of the volume on coss.io is solely from COSS token.
So I ask you, COSS shills, why would anyone choose COSS over Binance?
>b-but muh one-stop solution
It's almost one year and the exchange is still SHIT. When will that one-stop solution arrive? In 10 years?
That's nice, but you won't get any, because no one uses COSS for actual trading. What are the dividends right now? 0.5% per annum?

See, I could go on, but anyone with half a brain realizes whats up. Few people will get rich, the rest will baghold worthless tokens.

>> No.6395341

Come on bro I clearly asked for no shilling.
I have seen your post like 4 times already.
Kindly fuck off to another thread.

>> No.6395369

protip: COSS price is irrelevant

>> No.6395388

why's that?

>> No.6395432

because you don't buy this coin to sell it

>> No.6395513

Unless you got in early and bought tens of thousands the returns aren't going to change your life.

>> No.6395577

i bought at 0.1

>> No.6395618

Bumping COSS thread

God bless all yall, we're gonna make it friends


>> No.6395675

Jealous as fuck m8

>> No.6395827

bought very little
i am from 3rd world country
Still, at decent exchange size, dividends could give me 2x the monthly wage i now get at office job here.

>> No.6395851

kek coss confirmed as pajeet exchange

>> No.6395854

this will top out at 20 real soon

>> No.6395917

european anon, not all countries are developed in the white mans world

>> No.6395994
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We will all make it, friends!
Maybe not with this boat, but in the end, we will all make it!

>> No.6396167

Ah well it won't change my life but hopefully it'll change yours.

I sure hope so man. I keep thinking crypto is all over and I got in too late though.
>missed the bitcoin craze and felt shit
>missed the massive spike in alts over the past couple of months
I'm in now but knowing my luck it'll all drop to nothing.

>> No.6396283


you guys seem ok enough, you might want to get a look at Shipchain

>> No.6396541
File: 38 KB, 451x272, 1515804187886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think reddit knows about COSS yet?
Even if your average leddit retard knew they will be thrown off by two reasons
A) They are probably thinking this is a pump n dump, they're thick like that
B) The current Coss user experience is very normie unfriendly, 5 to 10 second latency on every action you try
Normies aren't buying this at the moment, all the people buying in are betting on COSS due to its recent achievement at a promising price floor and trade volume and are expecting to perform excellent on the medium term much like BNB and KuCoin did (and it would probably do so)

COSS is offering better payout to have people move to their platform, you'll always do great on betting on exchanges "shares" since they're the only real companies in all this frenzy with a working product that prints money

>> No.6396725

Thanks man, gonna read the whitepaper right now.

>> No.6396732

going to 5$ by this week guys, trust me

>> No.6396778


Get Flyp.me tokens instead. Thank me later.

>> No.6396948

Are we expierencing the beginning of a dip?

>> No.6396970

even up to 50-60$
as soon the new ui is out, plus the new coins at coss.io and coss being traded on other platforms

big rocket here

>> No.6397039

Did anybody get verified yet to purchase with fiat? How long did it take?

>> No.6397076

no, 3$ tonight

>> No.6397127

DOT is a better buy. (Cryptopia's coin currently on the sidelines, even though it's used to pay the $500k listing fee.)

20M MC atm

>> No.6397163

DOT is a scam.

>> No.6397220


>> No.6397285

exit scam soon

the DOT team is dishonest


>> No.6397317
File: 78 KB, 723x724, IMG_20180109_100653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real Coss. Get in at ico.

>> No.6397325

So, Cryptopia is going to exit scam after their expansion from 2 to 50 staff and up a million users the past month as it says in their official news on their site?

>> No.6397438

Dont make fun of a dying guy dude. Hes a tough motherfucker. Hes on his fourth chemo. Im sure he will beat the cancer.

>> No.6397655

>1.3 ICObench rating
ok bought 100k

>> No.6397825

Bankera are scammers google their CEO

>> No.6397899

COSS is overvalued at the moment, its price is currently derived from people wanting to replicate Kucoin's success and hoping that fiat pairs will make the exchange grow.

>> No.6398146

every coin is overvalued

>> No.6398262

too me 4 hours luckyfuck

>> No.6398524

Do you think it's a good idea to sell off 30% now, and rebuy when it dips with the new UI release?

>> No.6398649

Just sold my bags, boguht at 1,38 and sold at a x2 after shilling the coin. I hated the exchange all this time, and the fees were horrible.

>> No.6398794

Selling right now, having a 33% win

>> No.6399410

Hope I don't regret selling

>> No.6399615 [DELETED] 

Our discord is invested in coss and called it two days ago.

- Link for discord is in the pastebin as I can’t post discord links directly in /biz.

Our discord group are mainly look for undervalued coins with 10-100 million market caps on binance/kucoin/ICOs. We will be giving free Palm Beach signals (including timely text alerts within 1-5 minutes), we follow Data Dash, Ian Balina, etc. and we have a nice FAQ for trading for newbs to intermediates. Our discord will always be free, and there will never be any faggot premium subscriptions like that Cryptoverter faggot, or “Crypto Army.”

Just looking for fundamental analysis/swing trader types to grow our room which was created 3 days ago, so apologies in advance for the shilling :) . Also, some calls we’ve made the last 3 days are: COSS, DRGN, EOS, etc. We’re mainly looking at coins on Binance/Kucoin for entry/exit. Again, not a pump and dump - and 100% free always and forever.

We are looking to grow our community with competent 4chan traders for swing trading, good hodls, ICOS, mining, etc and to discuss GOOD ideas, and get rich together. We do this by culling information and seeing what people like Data Dash say, what 4chan is shilling, or what reddit is shilling for instance.

Everything is and always will be free - we are, quite simply, striving to be the Consumer Reports of Discord Crypto rooms - and free speech with no censorship. If you read this all the way here, you can probably tell that we’re legit. We will NEVER accept money, and we are here for good discussion so we can get rich over weeks and months. If that sounds good to you then join, and contribute!And sorry for the shill, I know it’s shit, but gotta do it to grow. We will never charge for shit, nor are we a non-Pump and Dump group, nor will we ever be one.

>> No.6399757

Magnalis is partnering up with COSS to bring crypto to retail. This is only the beginning.
Put 2 ETH into Magnalis ICO so you’ll be set for 2018
Each MGXL is 30 cents each and will probably be $20 or more by the end of the year. Probably the best investment anyone here could make right now.

>> No.6399779

this discord is literal cancer. been shilling everywhere and the mods are egotistical as fuck, they ban people at the drop of a hat and think their shit doesn't stink.

they called DBC at 70 cents and left everyone holding heavy bags, anyone who questioned the experience of the discord founder got banned instantly. Fuck these guys.

>> No.6399806



>> No.6399824

Do NOT ignore this man.
This is our future, /biz/

>> No.6399943

I REALLY hope this shit actually does take off, I've put 0.5 ETH in it and then everyone started saying it was a scam. At this point I've counted those ETH as a loss though.

>> No.6400224

why not just buy after the UI update when it gets dumped?

>> No.6400625
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>Buy before dump, sell at the dump ath
>Rebuy for free gains

Now its probably a little too late, but yesterday or the day before were good prices.

>> No.6400949

Done, now I'm just waiting for the dump

>> No.6401127

for the uninitiated - is the dump tmrw cause of new UI?

>> No.6401281

COSS exchange COMPLETE RE-VAMP ON SUNDAY. Basically a rebranding. Price is climbing

better register asap - https://sso.coss.io/api/invite/KHT4N98T6F

>> No.6401694

Are you even sure the Dump happens anons?
So far, everyone that sold got massively fucked

>> No.6401965

I wanted to diversify about a week ago, and had to choose a new exchange, between Coss and Cryptopia...

If COSS weren't at 80 cents, maybe under 50, I would've probably chose it. The straw that broke the camel's back is when I tried to do a sample buy order for COSS/ETH and the price shown in the purchase box was something like $68 per COSS... obviously a bug but scared me off

So far I've been doing well in Cryptopia, but if this exchange really takes off, I may regret it

Who knows...

>> No.6402462

You should regret it already, if you brought in last week you could have weakhanded 3x or 2x gains literal free money even if you don't believe in COSS.

>> No.6402561
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magnalis is a 100% scam.