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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6396721 No.6396721 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this crashing? Even with binance announcing they will add it, it is dropping like a rock its not fair why they are allowed to tank the price when I sold my eth to buy at $31

>> No.6396797

Well, APPC is already on Binance and tanking as well.
As for KuCoin, it's a massacre over there anyway. Dunno what's going on, maybe people preparing for the flippening.

>> No.6396822


I bought shitblocks at 33usd.

Seriously, why the fuck am I losing money here?

I'm gonna sell this shitcoin.

>> No.6396891

Basically every other day there's a technical problem whether it's wallets exchanges or whatever ppl are starting to doubt raiblocks tech

>> No.6397296
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buy high, sell low

do it!

>> No.6397389

do you realize how fucking pointless shitblocks is? It's already got scalability issues and the only thing i can use it for is buy toothpaste lol. Down the drain shitblocks goes, bye bye, kiss my IOTA hoarding ass

>> No.6397470


It was bitgrail running on ONE node. If you still think it was the wallets or xrb itself you are literally fucking retarded.

>> No.6397490

I especially find it funny how retarded niggers on reddit think raiblocks is gonna be bigger than bitcoin and every exchange will use a raiblocks trading pair hahaha i couldn't stop laughing, the community of this coin are all dumb autist pajeets with single digits IQ

>> No.6397576

give me one good reason why any person would ever run an XRB node? Only exchanges will have to run one and that's it, rip shitblocks.

>> No.6397777
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look mom a soyota brainlet in his natural habitat
would you rather pay 5% visa fee's on every transaction
or run a xrb node?
guess which option will be cheaper in the long run
keep believing in your Internet of memes tangle bullshitery
cant wait to check my emails on my fridge

>> No.6397867

id rather not run a node at all and just have big business run nodes because they'll need to and i just piggyback off of them, you salty cuz u bought xrb at $31 you fucking pajeet? Feels good having your top coin be in the top 10 while your shitblocks keep going down slowly, just like TRX. Have fun being able to only buy toothpaste you pajeet

>> No.6397869

idk but I want some of it soooo bad. It's driving me insane. I'm just tied up in too many shitcoins to buy a reasonable amount.

>> No.6397872

I'm switching to IOTA agan fuck this shitcoin.

>> No.6397890

It did a 100x in a single month, obviously a consolidation phase was going to follow

>> No.6397963

I dunno, I run TOR nodes and nobody pays me. Some people just like doing this kind of shit.

>> No.6397981

>being emotionally attached to your shitcoin
youre never gonna make it soyota boy
and no i bought my raiblocks at 3$

>> No.6398156

you should, iota is backed by tech giants like Bosch and Fujitsu that obviously see how great the tech is. Meanwhile raiblocks is backed by an unknown toothpaste company haha

For a global scale currency a few altruists will never cut it, you need an incentive to actually run a node and you need million nodes if your currency is to be used on a global scale.

>> No.6398202
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until binance

>> No.6398339

I'm dumping shitblocks as soon as it gets on Binance. I have no clue why I fell for the pajeets everywhere shilling XRB nonstop. This shitcoin is running into problems everyday and its not even that fucking big yet.

If you want a safer long term hodl, then jump ship to IOTA.

>> No.6398434

It's not backed by those companies. They made it very clear there is no real partnership per se. They are simply willing to participate in the marketplace. Still big. But not as big as people make it out to be.

>> No.6398629

Bitcoin doesn't have an incentive to run a node.

There's no incentive to Torrents, either. Does just fine.

Until we're even thinking about going global, there are other issues to solve. I doubt incentive to host a node will be one of them.

>> No.6398676

You are so rude, but thats your choice
Good luck

>> No.6398707

So this shitcoin got 4 billion marketcap out of nowhere and you are complaining? Bagholder detected, you made a lot of people rich, OP. Thanks based OP.

>> No.6398730

btc doesn't require the amount of nodes XRB would lol stupid comparison and Bosch even bought IOTAs through their venture capital arm. If you don't think that means they believe in the project then you're a dumb pajeet and you deserve to hold bags and miss moon missions forever.

>> No.6398875

I have more IOTA than XRB. Note how I didn't say Bosch doesn't believe in the project (why the fuck would they participate if they didn't.
I'm saying that they aren't an official partner, which is what many people like to parrot.

>> No.6398980

I can't wait to see all the I sold RaiBlocks at $24 wojacks.

>> No.6399042
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Cutting my losses here, fuck this shitcoin, gonna invest in REQ, is in a dip right now, hopefully it's gonna moon next week

>> No.6399138


As a holder since 2k sats, I'm running a node to give something back

>> No.6399264

>btc doesn't require the amount of nodes XRB would lol stupid comparison

Also, wat.

A standard VPS with an SSD can already validate anywhere between 4-5 thousand transactions a second, realistically. Nodes don't even compare transactions outside of a contentious fork of the respective account's blockchain.
Operating a standard node is way less expensive than running a Bitcoin node.

>> No.6399349

You sure like losing money.

>> No.6399486

I am not familiar with DAGs. Are the problems fundamental to the DAG design, or is this just a case of a shitty implementation?

>> No.6399546


>> No.6399579

The node sync bug was only discovered with high volume. It is not unique to DAG.
Devs said they should have it fixed early next week.

>> No.6399650

most DAG's offer free transactions but it's a problem since you have to run nodes for free. Only so many altruists in the world, there can't be enough nodes ran for free to sustain the whole system. IOTA does it smart, they made it so that big tech companies want to use IOTA and therefor they will HAVE to run them nodes to get the amazing benefits of IOTA and we, the users, can piggyback off of them. Meanwhile at Raiblocks there's no point in running a node and no business will ever use raiblocks so they won't run nodes either and as it grows it'll get more and more congested.

>> No.6399657

bitgrail and kucoin both have fucked nodes or something. they have not allowed cashout for a week+ now. people are dumping into bitcoin so they can cash out and im guessing will buy back in when withdrawals are allowed again.

>> No.6399683


intelligence is the ability to hold two conflicting coins at the same time

>> No.6399798

Have fun with your marginal gains. I don't think you realize how much it will take to push the price of IOTA when the total supply is 2.7 billion. Comparatively XRB's 133 million supply allows for more diversification so you're not held hostage by one coin. But whatever, allah snakbar faggot

>> No.6399808

Just as with IOTA, incentive to run a node is that it allows you to view and process transactions. A P2P currency will have many services utilizing the network and they obviously need payment data. Their only way around not running a node is pulling data from a possible remote node or creating a custom read-only node. The first requires trust which is likely not acceptable if you are using a cryptocurrency and the second makes very little sense as the additional cost to being a useful node is negligible. There is a self-serving interest for services that benefit from the network to ensure the maintenance of it.

>> No.6399896

WHY IS MY COIN THAT'S UP 1600% IN A MONTH DROPPING 20%??????????????????????????????

>> No.6399908

>most DAG's offer free transactions
Interesting. Is it because it is technically hard to integrate a reward for those who run nodes into the design, or is it simply hubris ("Our transactions are cheap as fuck, so let's make them free. That'll be good marketing.")?

>> No.6399969

I'm going to go ahead and speculate that people are starting to lose faith in the whole crypto currency fad. Right now, everything is funneling into etherium and I suspect that will then drain back into a lot of usd. When bitcoin makes another big move down, everyone will be super skittish and it won't be easy to make money on much of anything for a while. It will pass though, and people who are legitimately trying to make products will survive.

>> No.6400027

you fell for the reddit coin. it was obviously a con when they had the CEO sitting on reddit the entire time to resolve issues. they just wanted people to pump the coin as much as possible.

>> No.6400124

exchanges literally cannot keep up with demand right now. so idk where you are getting the idea that people are over crypto.

>> No.6400173

It's not even about that. It's the market coming to its senses. People aren't buying any shitcoin in hopes of a 5x anymore, instead they're putting money into established projects with real fundamentals. This is extremely good in the long term, I was getting fucking scared of the previous bull run.

>> No.6400463

Why would you guys wait for it to actually be listed on binance? The confirmation was the news. The risk of holding and waiting for it to actually be listed to binance was far to high. Most smart people bought a week before the vote and double dipped in when it was clear they were going to win the community vote. I myself bought in at 22 and sold at 34 before the vote even finished. THAT IS THE NEWS. FUCKING SELL THE NEWS YOU IDIOTS.

>> No.6400746

why did you sell before the vote finished?
wouldn't the price go up after rai won the vote?
but the price didn't idk why though

>> No.6400883

ITT im an idiot that fomos into all time highs, fuck shit blocks.

>> not buying under 3 dollars
>> comfy af

>> No.6400886

Because xrb had like 50% of the votes out of what, 10 coins? Next closest was xp at like 22% if I recall. It was dead obvious xrb was going to win. It was basically a 5 day grace period waiting for what everyone already knew, xrb will be added to binance. It doesnt take extreme intelligence to figure out your exit point at that time.

>> No.6400899

node sync problem
for months, even during pump, there was no new node able to sync with rest of the network
devs have had a glaring critical bug in their nose for months, even before the 100x pump started

this is not acceptable for a coin, its broken.

just you wait faggots, when its known "uh uh this is not a bug" but a feature - since they cant have consensus in dag coin.

>> No.6401076

but why wouldn't you buy when it obvious rai was going to win?
is it because everyone saw that rai was going to win so they bought and rai became overbought?
if the clear outcome of the vote was too clear then yes it would have the same effect on price as if it won so yes it would become overbought
so you'd sell when you were sure everyone else was sure rai won
then you buy back in right before binance actually installs it on their exchange then probably sell a bit of it then buy back in about a week later since it seems like it takes a week for a coin to start mooning after hitting binance

disclaimer: i bought rai when it was 50 cents so i don't really care what the price does now lol until it gets to 1000usd

>> No.6401255

I did buy it when it was obvious it was going to win. The consensus at that exact time was xrb was the next hot coin, so I rode that wave until I felt was a good exist point which was 50% gains for me. And yea I do expect it to actually drop significantly after it officially hits binance then moon. How much it drops or gains I have no clue, but I'll be buying in for sure.

>> No.6401296


>> No.6401316

Go all In on LINK

>> No.6401340

sorry i don't buy coins dropping in price
please accept my apology

>> No.6401341

when biz fuds, you know its time to buy.

>>thx just bought 100k

>> No.6401478

Made a Shitton with xrb at burgrail, sold before kucoin listinf because the amount of technical priblems told me sonething. Now hodling EOS all in.

>> No.6401926

good for you.

read that post again Anon.
a lot of people, me too, made ton of BTC on BG.
now is time to bounce away, come back 1 or 2 months after binance listing

>> No.6401967

>Now hodling EOS all in

People don't actually mean they are all in on one coin r-right?

>> No.6402171

Are you having a lack of testosterone?
You should have your balls checked out.

Real traders, do their own research, analysis, have big balls of steel.
They go all in, balls deep in, on every coin they trade.

Do you want to make 1 10x with 0.1BTC or with 2BTC? And have the rest of your shitty portfolio slowly wither away.

If you are one of those retards "stuck" at 100k blockfolio, this is why. You didnt have balls to go all in on coins.

>> No.6402319


>> No.6402427

>Not splitting into 3 solid coins

You're asking to get fucked. I hope you stop loss your shit for your own good.

>> No.6402575


You place a fucking stop loss before you place your buy order.

With my methods and giant balls, 2017 I made profit of 34000% by executing 14 trades for the entire year.

>> No.6402730

You act like a fucking faggot, I feel sorry for people who know you in real life.

>> No.6402796

Bought 250 xrb at $4, dropped 160 of them around $25, I'm just going to HODL the rest.

>> No.6403011

unironically me
i've plateaued at around 90k
the recent crash didn't really hit me that hard though

>> No.6403432

He's trying to tell you you have to be a step a head of everyone else to make money. The better and earlier you can predict the psychology of the market the more money you can make.

>> No.6403589


>> No.6403785

It will reach 50$ in a month and 100$ in a year.

>> No.6404130

Yes, you see, you are too diversified and in normal, that is normie faggot world, that is exactly a good thing - you have close to 0 risk and stay at 90k. Just like their stocks portfolio.

What you need to do is, get down to no more than 3 coins. Until you grow a pair to go down to 2 coins. And so on.

>> No.6404171

Sell now.
Price is only going to go down, look at the momentum.

>> No.6404182

Sell now, and buy it back at 80k sats.
When it, in 1-to-3 months post-binance listing has a pump, you will at least have profit loss of 0, instead of negative as you have now.

>> No.6404211


>> No.6404239

XRB is a shitcoin that got pumped in altcoin pump season, its going to slowly bleed back to where it belongs. Sell now or sink your ship

>> No.6404420

Comparing similar techs, Raiblocks has very little ready compared to Byteballs.

Additionally, Raiblocks has no transaction fees, which means it is susceptible to a spam attack on its network. IE: I create two wallets: I send 1 dollar between the 2 of them 1 million times. Now repeat this using a script via a few more pcs

>> No.6404595

literally a moron

>> No.6404808



>> No.6404880
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Never change, /biz/

>> No.6404922


I sold at 22usd and it literally just went down to 21

suck my dick

>> No.6404989

>we comfy
Bought 600 xrb at $0.74, dropped 100 of them around $32, I'm just going to HODL the rest.

>> No.6404994

Wow you must make so much money

>> No.6405040

Only if it's feminine.
t. bought at $4 and don't give a single shit

>> No.6405758

Rebrand coming soon
New wallet coming soon.
Impatient people selling the bottom
Time to accumulate

>> No.6406043

Holding some XRB and I'm not convinced any of this will help

Rebrand could just be fake shit to get people to FOMO buy
Wallet seems unlikely to make any difference
Binance listing could easily lead to a dump, since people have lost hope in XRB to begin with and want to bail out the second they have a chance to

>> No.6406543

this whole thread is reduced to this. People love talking bullshit before stating the obvious