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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1200x500, charity_water_pouring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6391402 No.6391402 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you give to charity /biz/? You should share your moon gains with the less fortunate.

>> No.6391792


I volunteer on school building treks with BuildOn. Went to Haiti and Nepal, lived in a village with a host family for a month. Pretty cool experience.

>> No.6391889

Nothing. I would give less if I could

>> No.6391966
File: 36 KB, 600x600, JEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly 0.
have my keks

>> No.6392126

I am not going to give to charity exactly. I am going to fund over time for my local Justice system and clean up my city.

I will do this after crypto and the overall economy bubble pops and I bought up cheap real estate.

So not only do I get to punish the wicked and make it safe for the law abiding, but my bear market investments will grow quicker.

>> No.6392163

>Exactly 0.
Amateur kike detected.

>> No.6392168

Currently, none.

In 5 years, still none, but I'm using my gains to create a transit service for half of a county... so that'll kind of count.

>> No.6392187


>> No.6392208

Elon Musk please.

>> No.6392244


I wont givfe a single cent of my monies to niggers or brown people. We have *way* too many of these useless vermin on the planet as it is. I will use my gains to fund the next holocaust and research into bio selective viruses though.

>> No.6392316


lol. nah I moved back to a rural area from a city and have no wheels unless I plan around my wife's car (work from home). it's made me realize there's a caste system here revolving around access to transportation since the towns are so far away from the two cities they neighbor. I know the local governments will never chip in, but after running the numbers I think I could potentially scrape together enough to spin up a profitable transit service tying the whole region together.

>> No.6392352

i give all of my money to africa so they can breed uncontrollably and flood into europe and na pushing the whites into extinction.

>> No.6392356

People like you make this board worth browsing.

>> No.6392360
File: 194 KB, 1620x1080, HEA-Forgotten-Millions-Train-Tracks-Story-Serbia-JCurrie-4_707633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im going to donate 10% of my crypto earnings so that refugees will have better homes to stay in, more food, and less diseases...

its horrible the condition these people suffer in, our fellow human beings

i just want to see the world become a better place...

>> No.6392382

>research into bio selective viruses
I'll be laughing when you get infected.

>> No.6392404


post more

>> No.6392435

Actually the more money they have, they less they "breed".

>> No.6392440

nice b8

>> No.6392570

Fund a breeding eugenics program. By saying no arrests and IQ over 115 you rule out 99% of blacks and you bleach the rest.

>> No.6392576

This. /thread

>> No.6392596


>> No.6392618
File: 368 KB, 999x562, 3a86e6b443d9490fb4541ea3db5513c9_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6392621

Only to those who deserve it. I'd go full autismo research on someone or a family before giving them my precious gains

>> No.6392634

absolutely nothing. In fact, I would pay more if it meant keeping them impoverished.

>> No.6392636

Didn't you watch Planet of the Apes?

>> No.6392643

Are there any charities that promote vasectomies in the third world?

>> No.6392670

I'll give the head villager my binance account and a mobile hotspot. If I can do it so can he

>> No.6392688

There will be.

>> No.6392714

Its called tax faggot. All my hard earned money goes to some dindus that are too fucking useless to get a job to support their 18 children. Fuck off kike

>> No.6392756

No, charity perpetuates the problem and will lead to global crisis and anarchy.

>> No.6392760
File: 450 KB, 453x585, reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no (you) today for such weak bait. If anyone replies to that faggot's post seriously, you deserve a month long fucking ban

>> No.6392847

I use an app that has partnership with ONU, called "share the meal", to donate food to poors children.

>> No.6392883


(you)s aren't a measure of a posts success you dummy, stop perpetuating that false meme. its literally just used to reply to people. not everyone is attention whore

>> No.6392945

You can find trust worthy charities.

>> No.6393150

lol, the old (you) deny never fails to make faggots like you angry.

Look at all these patrician comments deserving of a hard-earned (you). Maybe if you weren't such a homo who promoted the proliferation of third world niggers you could feel the warm embrace of my (you) as well.