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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 353 KB, 714x946, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6390939 No.6390939 [Reply] [Original]

Digital. Gold.

Store. Of. Value.

New. Asset. Class.

>> No.6391028

Say it with me. Worthless. Bad tech. Out evolved. No reason to be over 5,000.

>> No.6391120

maaaagical crypto
the best thing is simply to hodl

>> No.6391147

$100k by EOY

>> No.6391148


Bad tech
No reason to be over 5,000

>> No.6391226

the market doesn't fucking care about tech, haven't you realized this by now?
Dozens of shitcoins are rocketing daily at absurd prices, and the new money flowing in gives zero shits about which blockchain moves quicker or has a better use case.

>> No.6391407

BTC has bad tech and slow growth kek.

>> No.6391416

it doesn't matter if they care about tech when normal usage is "an attack on the network." when the confirmations die BTC will die, and that's not far off since the core devs refuse to fix on chain scaling. segwit gui may 1st, what the fuck. lightning network prefunding channels and having to run a hot wallet 24/7, bullshit. LN is a ploy to centralize lightning channels to paid web services run by blockstream, and that will kill it if the network doesn't die first.

>> No.6391441
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so this is the essential battle
between the folks who HODL BTC or ETH
who will win in the end though

my bets on BTC

>> No.6391547


>> No.6391565
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>> No.6391601


And yet its the best known coin with the most value, most volume, and most worldwide mainstream usage. Even though there are half a dozen coins that may technically work better, it doesn't matter because BTC is king.
And in the highly unlikely scenario that BTC dies, so will crypto in general. However the masses will not allow that to happen; the transaction foolishness will continue until it is fixed.

>> No.6391629

This. Don't expect Bitcoin to do anything in the near future but bleed value. You're retarded if you're still holding.

>> No.6391707
File: 79 KB, 233x240, DERANGED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard
sure, it's king today, but you if you think that can't change, you are truly a fool. absolutely deluded.

>> No.6391714

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.6391790

>It'll stay king because it just will.
The absolute state of corecucks.

>> No.6391821


>> No.6391829


Tell me a single coin in the past 9 years that has overtaken bitcoin in value, market cap, or percent dominance. I'll wait.

>> No.6391868

why not both?

>> No.6391884

>Tell me a single coin in the past 9 years that has overtaken bitcoin in value, market cap, or percent dominance. I'll wait.
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH thats you're reason? How about the fact that we just hit the ALL TIME LOW of BTC's market dominance this month?

That should scare you corecuck.

>> No.6391893

Yea they do lmfao, you barely see non smart phones being used anymore

>> No.6391903

you realize BTC dominance is at an all time low right?

>> No.6391938

The king is still the king until it is overthrown. You know how this works, and still couldn't answer my original query.

>> No.6392028

jesus you really are retarded, I feel bad for you now

>> No.6392030
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>The king is still the king until it is overthrown. You know how this works, and still couldn't answer my original query.
Ok keep HODLing until ETH flips BTC you fucking brainlet.

>Hurr durrr the number of users Facebook has will never surpass MySpace because it has never done so in the past

>> No.6392115

Every fucking time BTC stagnates /biz/ taunts it and calls it useless then when it moons everyone goes "I SHOULD HAVE JUST BOUGHT AND HELD BITCOIN WAAAAAAH!!!". Shut the fuck faggots your time is soon up.

>> No.6392130


>muh shitcoins overtaking BTC
Please. Everybody thinks their big bags are going to skyrocket and become the next big thing. Did you not think the millions of ETH, LTC, DASH holders weren't thinking this as well? Go ahead, tell me how your super sekrit special coin is better.
The delusion here is absurd.

>> No.6392223

> Everybody thinks their big bags are going to skyrocket and become the next big thing. Did you not think the millions of ETH, LTC, DASH holders weren't thinking this as well?
This has to be bait. ETH early adopters are already rich as fuck. The gap between BTC and ETH's marketcap is really close.

>> No.6392246

it's probably vitalik shitposting for kicks, I ain't even mad

>> No.6392269
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Store of value is a secondary use case in all assets. Bitcoin doesn't have a first use case of digital cash anymore. The only use case Bitcoin has is buying other cryptos. Anyway, BTC to 16000 then eternal bear. Better load up your bags with BCH and XMR.

>> No.6392279

Yes, but my point is that every other alternative coin has been secondary to BTC up to this point.
I can't believe people are legitmately arguing this fact.

>> No.6392286
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Tell me a single time that the year has been 2019 AD. Yeah that's right never and it'll never happen. Checkmate cucks

>> No.6392337
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Remember guys: Just SODL it.

>> No.6392372
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>> No.6392395
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What Core tried to do with the LN is to turn BTC into a Ripple backed by Bitcoin.

>> No.6392516
File: 341 KB, 1406x1000, bNWtaC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand how this work, son.

>> No.6392526

32.5% market share and dropping

>> No.6392545

Yeah and Blockstream Core failed to get their products up and running before the flood of people into the market. If they had another year or two they might of actually pulled this off. But now Blockstream Core Coin is utter trash and people need to move funds now for cheap. Meanwhile the actual bitcoin is going to be rolling out so much shit this year its going to make people's head spin.

>> No.6392729
File: 130 KB, 736x569, 97980c4a5a2ca21c8b6b1d0af7d034b0--scifi-star-trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((They))) always win. I wonder how they'll kill BCH or whatever replaces BTC.

>> No.6392833

After Blockstream Core failed to deliver they got into position with XRP, from idiots literally giving them their crypto for free. In exchange for literal Chuck E Cheese tokens. So at this point the market doing well is in their best interest. It's no surprise that even Jamie Dimon has come around and said Bitcoin/blockchain is the real deal and not a fraud.

>> No.6393232

they won't be able to kill BCH because they depend on the chinese miners to keep their network running. they are a cornered animal. that's why all their communities are so hostile (ex: r/bitcoin).