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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 416x416, guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6389973 No.6389973 [Reply] [Original]

I bought at 1600 sats.
I lost over 10k already..
> Is it going to recover guys?

>> No.6390025

Volume and market cap is too high for this shitcoin not to bounce back

>> No.6390030



Congratulations for helping our chink to fly to US.

>> No.6390037

Rip m'laddie

>> No.6390047

this crap doesent deserve a spot in the top 50

>> No.6390069

ouch. if btcs rallies ure about to lose 8000 more. gl

>> No.6390077

sorry man, you're done. this is not coming back. why would it? it's a shitcoin

>> No.6390234

>buying a literal scam coin.

Hoping you can still afford sone rope.

>> No.6390247

Sold 200k of it at 1900 sats, sorry bro.

>> No.6390295

i told ya this gook gonna take ur money

>> No.6390320

it will.

>> No.6390347
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> buy into a chink exit scam
> expect thing to go right

>> No.6390395


buy coins from a chink, get ready to see pink

>> No.6390416
File: 148 KB, 1613x1021, Screenshot-2018-1-14 0 00000704TRX BTC Pro Binance com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.6390419

I'm gonna shit myself when 700 sat resistance breaks.

>> No.6390453

Don't worry, your 10k will be put by Justin to good use, on cocaine and hookers.

>> No.6390454

Honestly i think it is going down...

>> No.6390499

Its up 150% since last month. holy shit calm the fuck down and stop expecting gainz daily

>> No.6390516

maybe in like a few months

>> No.6390630

Buying chink coins, biggest investment mistake ever.

Paying these chinks lambos, no way

>> No.6390645

Justin said 90% of Tron is foreigners.

All the normies saw TRON and bought it thinking itll go to $10

Whales dumped your ass, this coin is DEAD

>> No.6390686

These people bought at an ATH

>> No.6390730


don't sell low buddy, just HODL it will go up this year. they have a roadmap that goes to 2023.

their tech is great and they have many big players on board. just don't sell low and don't get distracted by the whalemanipulation of trx. ...it will skyrocket soon.

>> No.6390753

>1600 sats

>> No.6390763


Lawl this shit was 200 sats in late December, kicked myself for not buying back in and when it went past 400 I knew it wasn't worth FOMOing. How does it feel buying 8x smart money?

>> No.6390778

Just dump after the Amazon partnership on Monday

>> No.6390816

I bought into TRX at .003 cents. I intended this to be a long hold and thats what im gonna do. When all these shitcoins die his partnerships will keep TRX afloat

>> No.6390892

what is sats and fud and abbreviation for? I've been here (/biz/) since before the crypto boom last year and still haven't caught on to what this jargon means.

I know FUD means something like false information/disinformation, right? What about sats?

>> No.6390909

And same i bought in at .003 cents.

>> No.6390919

Can't wait till this shit moons and all these retarded redditors and /nubiz/ kill themselves for not buying this dip.

Fuck off brainlets.

>> No.6390957


Haha this. Im gonna make an APOLOGIZE thread

>> No.6390968

No idea what this shitcoin will do long term, but keep in mind Justin Sun's actions would have landed him in jail multiple times over if he was operating his company out of the US.

If a business can't succeed without the founder saying "BIG THINGS BIG PARTNERSHIPS BUY MY SHARES" every 10 minutes, I take that as a big red flag.

>> No.6390975

Dump your bags, buy ZCL and you will recover.

>> No.6391015

Every single TA fag and memeliner said that 707 was the floor and it wouldn't go below it. How the fuck are any deluded niggers still holding this. How fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6391020
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the whales.

>> No.6391101

>the whales.
What are you implying?

>> No.6391111

Me too. We should spam the entire board with "APOLOGIZE" and "JUS-Ohhhhhh my gaaaawd" threads.
I want 90% of the board covered with TRX logos to make the no-Troners go on suicide watch.

>> No.6391154

if i see this fucking twink face one more time

>> No.6391180

>t. literal niggers
You really should finish your GEDs at least.

>> No.6391195

your an idiot

>> No.6391255
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>Bog partnership announced.
>Begin dump

>> No.6391263

>t. Not holding TRX

t. White guy holding extremely light bags laughing at faggots like you who bought the FUD

>> No.6391405

Bought at $.002 so fuck off haters. His partnerships are better than half the coins out there. I don't understand you poor faggots calling it a shit coin.

>> No.6391501

He just tweeted, so it should be alright for the next two hours.

>> No.6391518

>acknowledging the bait
lmaoo kys newfag

>> No.6391540
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.6391559

I have no idea.

>> No.6391598


this thing might go down to 300 sats or just hover at 500 sats beacuse too many normies are hodling bags

>> No.6391645

I'm thinking he got a partnership with an app with hundreds of millions of users?

Snapchat partnership? Facebook partnership?

>> No.6391661

Because he's running it on cult of personality and nothing else. Where's the product

>> No.6391684
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>> No.6391701

>gets BTFO
>huuur u fel 4 duh bate huehue gotem kek look at me im duh edgy redditfag

>> No.6391733

You only suck his dick because you bought in for cheap . It’s not going any higher. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.6391734
File: 20 KB, 539x398, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how I know /biz/ is full of new fag hype artists that dont read shit. I almost feel its the same 2 or 3 guys rotating accounts.

This coin literally is in the top 3 most transparent coins with the most val CEO in crypto.They have an extensive network of partnerships already made aside from this kid being the asian zuckerberg.

Someone literally invested 4.5 billion yesterday.

Here is how you know this coin will moon. It is literally being talked about more than any other alt coin at the moment. TRX might be the TRUMP of this crypto season. Remember how that ended?

The whales simply know that this is a long term coin and are making money until right before a big announcement or update. Trons DETAILED roadmap comes out soon.

Load up or you will regret it. Notice how all these faggots hating peddling their shit coin never mentions logic as to why TRX isnt a top 3 coin. They just go hurr durr racist statement hurr durr no product.

>> No.6391788

4.5 billion? Proof?

>> No.6391871

The thing with Tron is that it's too heavily FUD'd in biz, and that is always a good sign. Means accumulation. My only problem with it is the retarded whitepaper.

>> No.6391887

Great promoters make the best ceos. Businesses thrive on connections, Justin has connections. The fact that it is currently vapor is of no consequence.

>> No.6391922

New tweet. He could actually be talking about Amazon.

>> No.6391980

>new major partnership announced out of thin air
>price still tanks

how fucked are we boys, give it to me straight

>> No.6392022

The original whitepaper was written in fucking chink.

Some random (((volunteers))) went ahead and (((translated))) it to english and it magically was (((plagarized))) off some other coins, which I have yet to see a single post outlining which coin it plagarized.

>> No.6392025

Oh yeah, chinese version of Amazon a.k.a ChingChongHuang with 100m users

>> No.6392042

That he bought in at ATH, his self worth has hit rock bottom, and has now resorted to shilling baseless hype in a vein attempt to trick normies into breaking 100's of btc's worth of sellwalls.
Little does he know that the ones he's targeting are holding bags just the same has him and have made a better use of their time, making OC pink wojaks because they know the coin is dead and shilling is pointless.

>> No.6392064

alibaba partnership confirmed, check zi hang's twitter vice president of sales! Holyshit!!

>> No.6392150

haha nice try

>> No.6392180

bought at .04 intended for long term, my investment never went into the red, people are just retarted

>> No.6392204
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>tfw you will never make a multi billion dollar business for the sole purpose of partnering with ton
>tfw Justin will never hype your partnership with a pre announcement, sending tron up 30%
>tfw Justin will never announce you parnership sending the price up 30% more

Why live. This is the worst feel since failing at kgf 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. I took off 2017 and used it to prep myself for kgf 2018.

>> No.6392253
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>> No.6392361

lmao i feel bad that this chink sucks at english, if you people understood what he was doing and he was way more eloquent I'm positive you'd be as hyped as all the people holding

>> No.6392362

Someone answer this question:

Is there a SINGLE honest chink coin out there?

I would say NEO is the closest one, yet people got PISSED at all the fake news/hype from them.

>> No.6392381

Moon next week.

>> No.6392451

do you mean trumpcoin?

>> No.6392496

Same here dude, was planning on hodling for at least a year.
These people trying to shit on Tron are literally pre-FOMO faggots. They are mad they saw all the threads a month ago telling them to buy under 1 cent. They were to busy playing with their dicks and trading their nothingcoins to care and now that it has already x50 they are all literally shitting and pissing themselves and have no idea wtf to do, so they shill here and try to get us who bought in low to panic sell.
Not gonna lie, past 2 days of nonstop shitting on Tron on this board got me nervous but I had a vision and it made me realize everything I have just typed is happening.
Hodl strong lad, we Lambo Land soon.

>> No.6392525

Tron is unironically the most honest and legitimate Chinese crypto out there and it isn't even close. I guess maybe BNB has it beat but it's kind of different.

Walton? Ven? NEO? QTUM? Lmao all probably the biggest scams out there.

>> No.6392572

its all a scam nigga

>> No.6392628

NEO is doing really well and is a good long term hold it recovered really well these last few days aswell to an ATH

>> No.6392632

>t. No-TRX
Lol, filtered.

>> No.6392731



>> No.6392744

Im actually all in trx cus im actually a norman

>> No.6392782
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This has to be a troll, if you seriously bought at 1600 sats you deserve to be poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.6392829

just wait until the next pump to sell it if you don't want to long term hold.

>> No.6392946

FUD: fear, uncertainty, doubt
sats: short for satoshi, which is the smallest division of BTC (named after the person satoshi, creator of bitcoin)

>> No.6393293

I did my research and it paid off. Unlike you dumbfucks who probably fomo coins. Get good and be like me. Sitting at a nice $200k that you'll never have. Bought $4k at $.002, do the math faggot and come clean my house for min wage

>> No.6393791

Go take you pathetic $82 to a damn casino instead of pissing yourself for missing the Tron train. Go look at our partnerships and call it a scam again fucking faggot

>> No.6393852

its a scam... faggot

>> No.6394083

Sounds like you just keep telling yourself that to make you feel better for missing the train. It's ok I'll give you $100 to wipe those tears off when I cash out my 2 mil TRX coins

>> No.6394447

Never seen whales accumulating this obvious. Screencap fucking normies, next week is going to be a great week for Tron. 30 cents

>> No.6394454

if you have a 2 mil count bag of trash it's still trash

>> No.6394521

btw im just fucking with you i'm full in on tron since it was 2 cents

>> No.6394620

So you're affirming what I just said in different words

>> No.6394751

Wouldnt surprise me at all if this Amazon partnership would be legit. And if it happens, that'll be the biggest partnership of crypto. Walton went up 200%, imagine what would happen with Tron, ath was .28 at 2k sats. I'd say we'd go to 3k sats.

>> No.6394865

Yes, I'm just restating for people who aren't the sharpest spoons in the underwater basket weaving class.

>> No.6394928

Can you post a shred of evidence that an Amazon partnership has been proposed at any point because why the fuck would they when there are better coins

>> No.6394950

What the fuck would scamazon even want to do with this turdsammich? Seriously? You fucking kids just throw shit against the wall till it fucking sticks

>> No.6394974

Based NormieSlayer

>> No.6395077
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>> No.6395217

FUD: fear uncertanty doubt

>> No.6395273

How delusional someone has to be to believe that Amazon, motherfucking Amazon, would stain its name by colluding with such chink?

Seriously, shitty whitepaper, shitty product, the guy doesn't even seem to know what TRX does, just hur dur decentlalized, hur dur facebook, hur dur.

If you bought at 200 sats, great, should have sold at 2000. It probably will hit 2000 again someday in 2018, but there are coins that have much bigger potential for growing and that don't look like a toal scam (even though they may also be, who knows, it's crypto).

>> No.6395295

They're getting it from this site my dudes


>> No.6395334

buying volume is THICCCCC HERE any bad news is to push the price down for accumulators. don't be fooled!

>> No.6395373

yo put your money in the hands of a scammy 16 year old. what do you think?

>> No.6395407
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Ocoin is the first (of already many) coin that is primed to launch on the TRON network.

>> No.6395475
File: 147 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180113-150252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip op

btc is due for another 16k

>> No.6395488


this news just made me so fkn happy

>> No.6395511

I bought at 10 cents yesterday thinking it was a dip, i didn't know my self-esteem was going to dip too

>> No.6395605

just bought some at 7 sats
buy the fud sell the fomo they said

>> No.6395643
File: 55 KB, 1242x2208, fakeandgay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong faggot. Fake and gay

>> No.6395678

what the hell are you doing

>> No.6395718

you wanna get raped?

>> No.6395730

Please name a coin in the top 10 that has more going for it than Tron besides Bitcoin and ETH. ADA is pure white paper science trash and is still 3x the market cap of Tron. Litecoin, EOS, XLM, laughable having a higher market cap.

>> No.6395767
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Don't think the site works on phones brother, but I assure you it directs to this.

>> No.6395853

check trons twitter. They linked it.

>> No.6395945
File: 772 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180113-141205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you on meth?

>> No.6395965

Xlm is about to become the backbone of crypto so yeah I'd probably say that has more going for it...

>> No.6395981

You guys ever think that all this Tron volume is whale bots buying and selling to each other to give the illusion of volume while they are cashing out still relatively high?

I'm 90% sure that is what is happening with that shitcoin aelf to make the volume so high, but Tron volume is too quick for them to execute something like this correct?

>> No.6396039

nice LARP there soyboi. Hey, I have photochop too
>saged fake and gay

>> No.6396230


>> No.6396281
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>> No.6396291

Eat shit sage faggot. This is a good thread. Bump.

>> No.6396397

I fucking hate my life

>> No.6396409

More proof that this shit is about to moon. Hard.

>> No.6396517

Oh, Santhosh, you poor thing

>> No.6396539

Looked didn't see anything.

>> No.6396813

Alibaba. Amazon. Spacechain. Uber. AirBnB.

>> No.6396838


>> No.6397034

Potentially. I’m just glad I got in at $0.03, although I’m sure getting in at $0.10 won’t suck in a couple months.

Business is about connections. And Justin has those...

>> No.6397149
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>> No.6397432

that guy looks like a stereotypical rogue/scoundrel movie character wtf

>> No.6397834

pajeet alert code red. do not listen to this street shitter this coin is a pnd scam get out now and learn from what you did you dumb niggers

>> No.6397960


>> No.6398575

I did the same thing but with $200, wish I put in more

>> No.6399145

>the intertubes 4.0

Were any big partnerships actually confirmed by actual big partners? Or did yall fall for a dude lying on twitter lol.