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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 300x300, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372185 No.6372185 [Reply] [Original]

Are you having FUN?

>> No.6372238
File: 623 KB, 600x946, 1514681730526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, 56k funs

>> No.6372283
File: 97 KB, 1050x671, 1515751140790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FUNbros get in here

>> No.6372300
File: 17 KB, 245x205, htrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150k fun reporting in, rising to 200k soon

>> No.6372357

same here with 150k. is it worth it tho>? this shit has tanked last few days

>> No.6372361

I'm the dude that shilled FUN from jail two Wednesdays ago. Still all in on FUN. This shit is going to pay for my entire legal process AND a juicy principal payment on my house. 1.50 by April.

>> No.6372375
File: 819 KB, 950x1319, 1515290913519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


daily reminder that if FUN doesn't make up a large part of your crypto portfolio, you don't know what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.6372384
File: 48 KB, 339x236, funmunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372389

All cryptos tanked the last fiew days due to that nonsense in South Korea.

>> No.6372413

>this shit has tanked last few days

Every crypto tanked the past few days, dumbass

>> No.6372432

yeah but this one isnt going back up

>> No.6372466

It is, but slowly right now. Just wait until February.

>> No.6372471

Stop saying that the funtards get angry

>> No.6372489
File: 668 KB, 412x872, fun32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Product release incoming soon, its bound to go up. Its calm before the storm.

>> No.6372529

NOt having fun
I have other shitbags to take care of
I want to get rid of these
Push the price higher so i can dump on you goofies ffs

>> No.6372568

I did a 70/30 split in my last investment into DBC and FUN. Wish I did it the other way around now.

>> No.6372589

thats a cute boy in the pic. so should I expand hodlings to 200k?

>> No.6372592


> isnt going back up

you fucked up there m8, see u after the bullrun is over

>> No.6372875

Bullrun when tho

>> No.6372927

Engines start on February

>> No.6372965

This is so dumb I can’t even

>> No.6373038

>Far away enough to bullshit
>Close enough for lamboiiii

>> No.6373164

It is known

>> No.6373184

Not really...

>> No.6373210

Still hodling.
This week has been bad so far but that applies to the majority of alts. Hoping for a pump next week

>> No.6373241

I kind of wish south korea actually did ban crypto trading
It'd be nice to be rid of the group that panics into FUD's the easiest

>> No.6373513

gonna invest 1k. wanna put 500 in linkie, 250 in fun, but what should be last the 250? SALT?

>> No.6373548

i check every 10-15 minutes every day but nothing happens

>> No.6373905

do you guys think there will be a mass dump at 1 dollar?

>> No.6374153

all in on fun you wont make it otherwise

>> No.6374224

ENG, but swap 500 on FUN 250 on LINK

>> No.6374239

there always is with every coin brah

>> No.6374279
File: 686 KB, 481x639, Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth? I have 100$ and want to buy some <,50 coin.

>> No.6374300

is worth

>> No.6374433
File: 106 KB, 720x1187, Capture+_2018-01-13-03-37-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with a tad over 300.
When will I have 10k to fast-track my way to 250?

>> No.6374481
File: 499 KB, 320x163, Are-We-Having-Fun-Yet-Party-Down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374610

you are getting memed. dont buy that shit man

>> No.6374632

Its memorable and memeable enough to become known to normies as the gambling coin. And it saves online casinos money so theyll be likely to want to use it.

>> No.6374717

>you are getting memed. dont buy that shit man

yes, buy my ethbet bags instead.....p-please

>> No.6375144


we have time don't you get it. I just took my profits out of fun and dumped them into bitbean. Quick way to double my money so I can then reinvest and have double the fun

>> No.6376099
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 1515149162395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6376282

>online casinos
Who gives a fuck about such stuff nowadays? Oh and their team is full of old 50+ farts, what a coincidence!

>> No.6376443

>Who gives a fuck about such stuff nowadays? Oh and their team is full of old 50+ farts, what a coincidence!
>i don't care about it, so that means no one else does either!

Online gambling is a rapidly growing market and expected to be a $1 trillion market by 2021, dumbass

You are literally nothing, and so your opinion is nothing also, fuck off

>> No.6376548

FUN being over $1 defeats the purpose of this token

>> No.6376629

>rapidly growing
>$1 trillion market by 2021
Hahaha now that's funny, not sure if pajeet or dumbo

>> No.6376647

Online gambling is already huge, i play online casinos myself.

The market and licenses are already such a huge deal that there is absolutely no reason to use for a cryptocoin.

You can instantly transfer from credit card/bank/neteller etc. to a online casino right away.

Huge licenses likes Play 'n 'Go, Merkur, Quickspin etc. won't need a random pajeet coin between customer and online casino. Why not just use FIAT right away?

Can anyone tell me a reason for this ? Are you all getting fucking trolled here ?

>> No.6376706

>Hahaha now that's funny, not sure if pajeet or dumbo

Yea, i don't know who I should believe. An obviously retarded poorfag like you, or a global market research firm


>> No.6376839

>Online gambling is already huge
Not for Burgers or a host of other countries.

And have you tried withdrawing money - kyc, closed loops and bank fuckups mean you can wait up to a week for money.

Fun in.
Fun out.

Accumulating FUN for FUN times. Only 2k at the moment.

>> No.6376868

>Huge licenses likes Play 'n 'Go, Merkur, Quickspin etc. won't need a random pajeet coin between customer and online casino. Why not just use FIAT right away?

Jesus christ you are fucking stupid. You are comparing centralized casinos to the blockchain based software that FUN is developing.

basically your argument is:


>> No.6376894

Withdraws usually take 1-2 days if its to a bank account.

Under one hour if its neteller/paypal

Online gambling will still be illegal in those countries even if you use a shitty pajeet coin instead of FIAT

No big casino game providers/casinos will risk losing their license just because you are planning to use FUN.

>> No.6376920
File: 1.48 MB, 1641x911, 1515751140790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377047

That is only a small function of FUN token. What is being brought to online gaming by fun is truly independent, trustless and immutable results of each game/round you play as they are created on the blockchain. Say you're playing blackjack. The cards dealt are not decided by the shady ass casino who could as far as you know be pulling dodgy shit, but by the blockchain and the results are kept forever on there too so are fully audit-able by anyone at any time. It eliminates the need for the player to have any trust in the casino they are using. Payouts etc are also handled, immediately in real time too. If you use online casinos yourself, then you know how shady some of these sites are and how beneficial this is. The games themselves are actually powered by blockchain, it's not just about making payments by the token, that would be retarded and you would just use LTC or something if that were the case. FUN is much more.

>> No.6377151

>won't need a random pajeet coin between customer and online casino.

Do you even know what "pajeet coin" means? obviously you don't as that term doesn't apply to FUN, at all.

No, you're just a retard that parrots words you hear on here, thinking it makes you sound like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.6377310
File: 253 KB, 1620x1080, 1515225852105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377327

You're so stupid. Screencaping everything you're saying to shame you with.

>> No.6377407


don't even reply to him, it's obvious he's a normie that doesn't understand crypto on even the most basic level

he thinks repeating some words he saw on here like "pajeet coin" gives him credibility, when he obviously doesn't even know what it means.

to even argue with him would require thinking on the level of the retard that he is

>> No.6377482

is this the best buy on the market? it hasnt mooned yet and has a lot of potential. /biz/ is hyping up link but it's already over a dollar. at 14 cents and some announcements coming soon you can easily 10x your money if fun runs up to a dollar after the news next month...

>> No.6377513

>And have you tried withdrawing money - kyc, closed loops and bank fuckups mean you can wait up to a week for money.
If you want to cash out from crypto it's the same

>> No.6377671
File: 182 KB, 1280x1054, photo_2018-01-12_20-01-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People actually believing in this coin

Would you actually gamble in a random crypto online casino with no RTP regulations?

You plebs are unbelievable.

Pic related - FUN Shills

>> No.6377734

Please don't put your family pictures up on the interwebs, you might end up hurting your loved ones.

>> No.6377750

that dude with the bald head what the fuck

>> No.6377766

CEO of Fun

>> No.6377772

That's OP himself

>> No.6377800

Faggot goyim not haveing FUN plebbut dick weed.

>> No.6377832

>Implying it's a dude

>> No.6377898
File: 133 KB, 900x585, 0abf1610-eefd-41ba-94ff-4c4884407e0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377921

It's time to wake up, seriously.

>> No.6377969

Dafaq is it
>bald head
Is this the next phase of a soyboys life?

>> No.6378050

pretty sure they're all dudes my dude

>> No.6378077

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6378110

thats not a dude, u can see the titties

>> No.6378142

pretty sure a dude can get implants my dude

>> No.6378181
File: 601 KB, 808x805, 1512974476941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 1k FUN

>> No.6378264

That ain’t no dude.

>> No.6378294
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 9ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>191 FUN

>> No.6378353
File: 20 KB, 340x326, the FUN starts here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6378362

looks like ben franklin the transexual

>> No.6378418
File: 844 KB, 638x460, 1515816984115.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret finding this.

>> No.6378494
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>> No.6378540

FUN has a bigger market cap than LINK already.

>> No.6378820


wtf? why are you in jail?

>> No.6378843
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1501257608396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have phones with internet in jail?

>> No.6378885

what are you in for?

>> No.6379006

2 grams of grass, I believe it was.

>> No.6379032
File: 3.15 MB, 1920x1080, lola_fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 30% this week
Not especially but I still have faith.

>> No.6379078

Phfff. You get jailtime for possession? Or were you dealing?
>doing time for victimless crime

I mean you were an idiot, sure, but come fucking on, jailing you is such a waste of taxpayer money.

>> No.6379099

>2 grams of grass, I believe it was.

no way, what are you really in for?

>> No.6379100

Meant to quote >>6378494

>> No.6379102
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 1515258089378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6379209

keep your voice down or the attorney general will hear you

>> No.6379274

where do you live, that thread from jail made my day heres a pic of 99%thc

>> No.6379298
File: 3.41 MB, 1970x2819, 20180113_063755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6379331
File: 238 KB, 1988x1172, funfair03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup jail bro. Best of luck to all of us FUNsters. It was a great thread, through memes we forge a coin to make us rich.

>> No.6379395


I was only in the thread

Someone sent him $900 of Eth for his $1500 bail.

>> No.6379419

transitions to and/or in the kitchen

>> No.6379458

Where will this be by early feb?

>> No.6379461

top looks like butane soup

>> No.6379474
File: 51 KB, 564x564, df5ebe1906f082ac000096d73751511d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dab and meth

Pic not mine

>> No.6379531

thats 99% thc crystal covered in pure terpenes, the taste is unbelievable

>> No.6379545

thats not meth you mong its thc

>> No.6379770

So, the fact that it eliminates the need for casinos to maintain their own servers and offers licensing for their software for practically nothing means nothing?

>> No.6379818

His other picture fagt