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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6376026 No.6376026 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you cunts have been good to me. I'm up over 100x on my 4 grand I put it back in April mostly thanks to this bhutanese prayer flag forum. I shilled you iota at 3c on ydx slack trading channel, block and sky at $5 but now i'm letting you in on what will be the biggest App/Crypyto project for 2018.
Full disclosure; I am an advisor on this project (wysker) but currently haven't bought any. I am currently riding moon missions on VTR and ADC which I will try sell a chunk of to drop as many ETH as I can on this just before the presale ends on Jan 31st to try get the 30% bonus for contributions of 25 ETH or above. I would like to put $100k plus into this project if possible.
This App is fucking sweet (here's the CEO with a demo-https://youtu.be/_1FHa_QftP4)) and every normie is gonna go mad for it. I could easily see this becoming THE app for online shopping because it offers the inventory of amazon plus thousands of other retailers with an even better product discovery than instagram. This basically guarantees massive user adoption. The data this app builds about your purchasing intent will be some of the most valuable information out there to advertisers but if they want to get access to you and your data they have to pay you in WYS. It's a very similar idea to BAT but the reward for selling your data/viewing paid products is paid in the WYS token which is then redeemable as discounts/free shit in stores.
This idea is totally radical as it turns your data into your own valuable asset and lets you release it with cryptographic consent. It also presents a massive investment opportunity because if advertisers wanna get at that super valuable data they need to buy WYS on the market to reward you.

>> No.6376069
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Digital commerce/online shopping is in the trillions of dollars annually, advertising and data too. This app will bring normies into crypto en masse just as the crypto wave unleashes into the mainstream and also give cryptoheads a way to cash out for products listed in their app by simply buying enough WYS on exchange to get a 100% discount thus giving it a price discovery mechanism again.

Seriously Anon, get the fuck on this coin.

>> No.6376681

I hear ya Anon, but I can't do an ICO.

>> No.6376744

Oh cool, BAT without the browser, tech, or world class team behind it? Nice!

have a sage

>> No.6376764

You’ve piqued my interest. What’s the going rate/market cap?

>> No.6376798

>le cunt saying australian xDDDD

>> No.6376917
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You could just as easily say it's better than BAT because it doesn't rely on users having to switch browsers but rather adopt a new app that creates a whole new experience for online shopping. It's not even in competition with BAT. If you think BAT will be the only one using a three individual triangular relationship matrix then just stay poor, retard.

>> No.6376922

Nigger this coin is garbage

I've read about this ICO like 4 months ago you pleb fuck. They had to extend their ICO because not enough people bought in

Don't fall for the hype and nice social media BS.

This coin is unironically trash. Who the fuck is gonna use this, realistically?

That being said (I may have bought 300 bucks worth just in case because of this current market)

Don't sink anything major into it though

You heard it here first mate

>> No.6376960

Also, I mean, the team is probably good enough to justify an investment, but I just don't see people using the app or it becoming a "thing", it might do though.

Like I said, better to stick some in just in case, but who knows these days...

>> No.6376985

Holy shit I sweat they've had to extend their ICO perioid 3 times now.

>> No.6377024
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This idiot thinks people would use a different browser.
>But mer perderper shillz

>> No.6377056


>This idea is totally radical as it turns your data into your own valuable asset
>your data/viewing paid products is paid in the WYS token which is then redeemable as discounts/free shit in stores

I see this on so many coins but no one is going to do this shit, all these you get x reward for using is so stupid. Normies are never going to get behind any of it and thats the only way it will take off if everyone is doing it. A huge percentage of people dont even redeem gift voichers theyve been given and thats the most basic straight forward shit ever. I just dont see people tracking all their product viewing data and cashing in tiny discounts at a super slim range of providers. Not a good idea to build around imo

>> No.6377065

ALSO, fucking 4 MONTHS until its on exchanges. That's years in the world of crypto.

You could 100x your stack several times during the waiting period. And who even knows where crypto will be in 4 months?

>> No.6377268

Nice taste with ADC, it's also getting recognition in Japan

>> No.6377315
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6c currently. Hard cap of 107 696 ETH for 3b tokens. They have the hardcap in ETH from before the parity bug where they lost half a million euro. They restarted the presale, honoured all original investors +25% on the new token launch and got a bit delayed with the ICO and App launch. Because of that the market cap has kinda been dragged from 25m to 50m but they've promised to burn any unbought public tokens and a relative amount of their tokens from dev fund.

The app now drops on the same day the ICO starts so I expect to see a lot of hype but they're be diminishing bonuses from that point so try get in before then. I think the ICO will easily sell out considering some 50m coins have no working product and people will actually be able to give it a go. I've tried the app with a limited range of inventory though and I can tell you normies are gonna be all over it.

What will be really amazing is when BLOCKNET gets its atomic swaps running with 0x and you can spend any crypto to get shit listed in the app. The app should be able to get bitbay listings and shit in time too.

>> No.6377375

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6377404
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Stop talking shit you wanker. They extended the ICO because they lost half a million Euros to the parity fuck up. They also did their early investors a solid by rewarding them 1.25x on on the new token swap for their patience through the relaunch.

>> No.6377498

lol everyone who bought that shit will get fucked so hard. They incorporated as an amateurish UG (with 6K € capital LOL https://www.unternehmensregister.de/ureg/result.html;jsessionid=AC6320F08B1E5E1FB1FC41D286C74C67.web03-1?submitaction=showDocument&id=17609555).).

Also Nucleus will beat them to the ground.

>> No.6377558

Well either way mate, everything else I said still stands. Be careful lad

>> No.6377576
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Glad you can recognize value. Are you in VTR? Bittrex wallet is down at the moment but someone bought 99BTC worth the other day and someone else a couple dozen today. Bittrex said in slack that they'rebworking with dev to update the database for what is gonna be zcash implementation and torrents. This is at 18m market cap but will be at 1b before ya know it if torrents are indeed about to drop any minute now.

>> No.6377711
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Haha, You tried that shitty FUD when I shilled this here in October. That's how start ups work in Germany except normally UG only have to put up 1k, so they're actually way over paid on their liability.

>> No.6377900
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You don't get x reward for using dumbass, you just fucking use it because it is the best app for shopping. You then generate valuable data which becomes your asset that you can sell for a tradeable commodity. Some chick can now shop online with a better experience than any other app and gets to keep her data to sell so advertisers can target her to buy more shit. The more she spends the more advertisers wanna get at her data to sell her more specific shit. Normies are alwaya gonna shop, and before google or facebook would sell their data. Now they can sell their wys to subsidize their retarded shopping addiction or to buy tron.

>> No.6377932


Yea, you probably also bought confido. A professional startup would use at least a GmbH with a capital of 100k> €. But 6K € is a fart in the crypto world.

For comparison, one of the iota devs invested a half of a million of his private money at the start of the iota distribution.

So what I'm asking you, what the fuck those wysker guys are doing? Why should anyone trust the with such a low capital? They don't even trust their own project putting that little money in it.

>> No.6377957
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You didn't say anything else besides brainless FUD. What do you mean still stands?

>> No.6377981


So, it basically shows you an item on Amazon, and you swipe left or right (like tinder), and then Amazon fags can buy your data? Do they also get background demographics on you? Name, race, country, etc?

>> No.6378010


60m is pretty high for a hard cap.

>> No.6378194

Lol, okay lad. We'll see. Like I said, I stuck a few hundie in anyway just because knowing the average cunt they'll love this shit. But still, I just don't know, I'm not convinced is all.

Obviously we're all hoping for green

>> No.6378276

You enter a term say "nike high tops" and it scrapes through all listings and gives you a subset that you can scan through at up to 20 images per second with a one button modulation. If you don't see any you like (as it loops) swipe right to get to a new set of listings, double click to go to store to checkout. The app will have listings and payment processing inbuilt in time but at first it will still take you through the online retailer.

>> No.6378458
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True, but 6b is nothing into a multi trillion a year market and for a project that can bring crypto to the mainstream like this one could. It's aiming to be THE app for online shopping and I've never tried anything as appealing to the normies as this.
The working product gives this coin a huuuuge advantage.

>> No.6378488


I'm very bullish on the idea, it's just the hardcap is a bit high for return potential on an ICO

>> No.6378585
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I can see why you think that but people are going to be trying this app while the ICO is still open, then it's highly likely the app will go viral, or if they sell out the ICO they'll crank their marketing up to 11 to get mass adoption. If they don't fill the hardcap they'll burn the tokens and you'll get your bigger multiplier.

>> No.6379044

>Give us ETH you can have our valuable coin :^

Fuck off I'd buy if there was any other payment method

>> No.6379129
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Totally. I advised against using ETH but they wanted to go ahead with it and then they got snapped by the parity fuck up. It's been the main thing holding me back from going all in on it.

>> No.6379498
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>even the logo is stolen


>> No.6379630
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Nigga, that's just a triangle.

<the logo

>> No.6379964

Guaranteed x100 stop shilling it here cause unsold tokens will get burned.