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6373873 No.6373873 [Reply] [Original]

>gf of 4 years just left
>sudden urge to either kms or make it big in crypto

What do

>> No.6373887


>> No.6373906

makes no difference to me. you are nothing to me

>> No.6373912

Just focus on crypto my man. Once the roastie was gone i started doing very well. You'll find a better one. Trust me.

>> No.6373917

Bet it all on tron

>> No.6373920

This guy fucks.
seriously anon who gives a shit in the long run she's a dumb bitch who isn't worth it if she'll just up and leave

>> No.6373925

put it all on doge and then kill your g/f. when you get out of prison you'll be a millionaire.

>> No.6373932

go big or go dead brotha

>> No.6373958

Nowhere to go but THE FUCKING MOON

>> No.6373961


get rich. so you can cry in your lambo

>> No.6374211

Already all in on LINK
I wont find a better one trust me

>> No.6374220
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I see what you did there, KMS by blockfolio Seppuku

>> No.6374305
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>> No.6374335


>> No.6374345


>> No.6374355

all in on FUN

you will make it bruh

>> No.6374361

How old are ya?

>> No.6374364


we're all gonna make it OP

>> No.6374375

Make it big then fuck her sister.

>> No.6374378

OP don’t sweat it senpai. Give it a week and hit the gym and no fap and you’ll be set.

>> No.6374385

kys then make it big in crypto

>> No.6374391

Buy ngr

>> No.6374409

actually he should fap. I only miss my gf when im not fappin mostly

>> No.6374491

>make it big with cryptos.
>flex on instagram.
>wait for the "i miss you text".
>reply with " i miss you too. But im in Spain now. Take the next plane to Barcelona, so we can be happy, together.
>Whilst she's mid flight, text her " jk lol"

>> No.6374555
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do this OP

>> No.6374569

>Never had gf
>Wanted to kill myself everyday until I started with crypto
>Now all I think of is graphs and getting rich
Is this the end of inceldom on earth?

>> No.6374578

Life gets a lot better after your gf leaves.
you wont believe it now, or even 3 months from now
but give it a year.
You'll start to see how shit it was.

>> No.6374606

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6374615

You've lost your gf, but there's still time to lose your money too! Go all in on crypto!

>> No.6374626
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Be happy that you don't live in a country that knows the concept of common law marriage.

>> No.6374736


>finding meaning in life via materialistic ambitions

you might as well be dead anon, crypto wont save you

>> No.6374745


>> No.6374788


what the fuck is that whitepaper template tho

are they all not filled like this? nub here

>> No.6374846

Do not talk or respond to her for one week exactly from the time she left. Then at that exact moment. Say that I want you back and let's make love!

>> No.6374861

did this with my ex
>when she was leaving me for another dude she used to say "hold on i'll reply in a bit" and not text me for the whole day
>One day she got her mother to message me on facebook saying she wanted to talk
>told her to meet me at coffee shop at 7
>7:30 got text "hey, are you here"
>hold on ill reply in a bit
>8 "uhhhh whats up?"
>few more texts after that and haven't spoke to her since
Felt like a complete waste of time desu, didn't feel any better and she just told her friends i was trying to smash that i was a piece of shit

>> No.6374914

gf of 1 year just left me and blocked me of all communication we talked literally everyday, even gave ourselves goodmorning and goodnights and meet occasionally been trying to contact with her adding her with dummy accounts but she just won't respond . Friends and family told me it gets better over time but if she doesn't respond in the next days l'll just end it l can't live without her

>> No.6374929

be happy. that's what you should do.
imagine being married to her and getting divorce raped in 10 years.

ignore bitches, acquire crypto, live the good life.

>> No.6374965

she's with someone else, dont off yourself fag, but you need to accept this.
Girls do this so you might not find out and if it doesnt work out they can come back because you were blocked and don't know about the other guy.

>> No.6374981

Dude I was the same, the best thing to do is no contact for a month minimum. Go full on radio silence, she'll start wondering what the fuck you are doing and if you are seeing another woman. If you had deep feelings with her, she will not forget you that quickly. Making dummy accounts to talk to her just reaffirms that she has made the right decision dumping your needy self.

>> No.6375004


fuck bitches get money... and shrooms

>> No.6375084

>I wont find a better one trust me
yes you will. every single time. your brain is playing biological tricks on you. how old are you?

>> No.6375108

Why do American toilets get plugged? I've literally never had this problem, the design you use must be terrible.

>> No.6375230

All women are like that, it's called hypergamy. Just make it big and flaunt about it, so she sees, and she'll be stuck to your cock 24/7, if not, then just find an other vacuum cleaner.

>> No.6375252

fuck bitches get money fool

>> No.6375395

should l try contacting her again in 1 month then? it's so hard it's been just 1 day and l haven't been able to sleep or eat

>> No.6375433

listen.. you guys helped me make quite a lot of money so I'll give back some real advice.
90% of cryptos are shit and will die and some will make big gains. Everyone will tell you different coins but I'll suggest go 30% Ethereum, 20% BTC, 20% Neo, 20% Ark and 10% EOS.
So step 1: put all money in crypto (everything you earn too)
Step 2: get fit! Figure out what to eat and how to work out. Getting fit will do wonders. It'll make you much more self confident which girls love + you'll look great.
Step 3: after getting rich + fit the only thing you need to do is get to know other people. Join sports clubs, travel and figure out ways to meet other people. You will get to know girls.
Step 4: To get a girl look up push pull techniques. Learn how to be a little cocky but don't overdo it. Also google "common shittests". Girls will test you constantly at first to see if you are a pussy or not.

>> No.6375480
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Get over yourself cuck. Most of us have been through this shit but you better get over it soon because she's out having fun and getting fucked by a carousel of cocks whilst you are wallowing in self-pity

Read some good books, play some vidya, go jogging most days for 30 mins, eat right and then start looking for a replacement girl when you are in a good place because right now you are just being weak.

>> No.6375564

>but if she doesn't respond in the next days l'll just end it l can't live without her
the state of this absolute cuck

>> No.6375607

What should I do then? Asceticism? What's the success rate of that?

>> No.6375660

>sleep or eat

Anon, i was the exact same,

im going to skip a whole lot of typing and just cut straight to the bone.

1. Focus on yourself, judging by what ive read, you've lost your manhood, re calibrate and re evaluate your life and get after it.

2. no contact ....AT ALL, WHATSOEVER, delete everything to do with her, shes as good as dead in your books, she passed away.

Take it or leave it anon,

Man the fuck up and good luck

>> No.6375697

this, remove your mutual friends that are girls too unless youre fucking them, they'll just talk about her all the time

>> No.6375790


This is different than tossing your old onahole and buying a new one how?

>> No.6376117

Buy ven you faggot

>> No.6376275

How do you keep a girl once you get her?

>> No.6376333

What he said... TRUST ME I'M OLD AS SHIT.

Also you should consider this a blessing in disguise, women are completely worthless and the sooner you learn this the sooner your life will be more enjoyable.

>> No.6376431
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>suicide because a single human female will no longer touch your peepee
Go do some shit that's actually worth your time faggot. Gym, soup kitchen, church, brothel, fucking anything at this point.

>> No.6377323

My boy knows his Corey Wayne

>> No.6377902

Apparently they use smaller piping than developed nations.

>> No.6378209


Mate this happend to me too today! Been 4 year together, she left. It was my fault, didn't give her enough attention. Anyway, I feel exactly the same as you do.