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6373837 No.6373837 [Reply] [Original]

> Korea Fud debunked
> main net launch in 11 days
> added to Chinese exchange in 15 days
> "ICON is preparing to showcase a number of NEW services in time for our MainNet launch."

Get comfy anon.

>> No.6374062

the news is priced in already

>> No.6374160

Real thing to do is to sell a day or two before mainnet and buy the dip of all the people dumping.

>> No.6374203
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>> No.6374854

was EOS Dawn 3.0 priced in, tard?

>> No.6375018


Was the existence of Cardano and the fact that Dan Larimer is incapable of achieving his roadmap priced into EOS Dawn 3.0?

That said, ICX is going to tank hard EOM when everyone realizes mainnet isn't a big deal and it's literally years behind Cardano already.

>> No.6375176

Cardano isnt even close to releasing a mainnet, and the two project are completely different. I cant believe you think vaporware is worth $24b. I guess youre part of new dumb money

ICX has partnerships with 27 financial institutions, 3 major universities, Samsung Securities, hospitals are already using their product, and theyre going to announce new partnerships and DAPPS on the 31st..

What does cardano have? a gread bus dev team and no product?

get out of here with ur shitcoin pajeet

>> No.6375211
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>> No.6375611


Cardano have a mainnet and a wallet our right now you fucking fanboi retard. In March they'll be releasing their staking system so miners can start receiving block rewards from transactions.

The two projects are not completely different. Icon is literally just a more marketing and sales focused version of what Cardano is doing academically through scientific rigor. Both of them are dApp platforms. Both of them are cryptocurrencies. Cardano will allow people to create provably secure, high assurance dApps on top of a blockchain that is built upon the most advanced and secure blockchain technology ever designed, Ouroboros.

Icons partnerships are tenuous at best, they've never once elaborated on the actual nature of any of those relationships. The most they've ever actually claimed is that some of these institutions have been testing out their blockchain called loopchain as a distributed ledger for their internal operations. This has literally NOTHING to do with ICX, which is just one of the tokens that can be deployed on top of loopchain. Loopchain isn't impressive at all, it's just another mee too tag along blockchain platform that is no better or worse than NEO to any significant degree.

>What does cardano have?

Literally many of the most brilliant minds in cryptography and computer science from around the world building the world's first provably secure high assurance blockchain platform.

Icon has a bunch of marketers and MBAs pushing it. HAve you looked at their dev team? It's a bunch of nobodies.

Cardano is literally building software that the world's most demanding financial and distributed computing companies can rely on and meet all regulatory compliance issues BECAUSE it's provably secure, and it also happens to be vastly less expensive to run dApps on versus ethereum and near the theoretical limit of performance for a globally distributed blockchain network.

Keep kissing that soft gook ass though hombre.

>> No.6375778

ok talk in 2 months and compare gains

ur autistico ass isnt going nowhere

>> No.6375858


Cardano is just a whitepaper.

>> No.6375899


Cardano is deploying their delegated proof of stake system in March. Icon won't even have mining of any kind yet in March.

Yeah faggot, let's see.


Look at their GitHub you fuckwit, it's THE most active blockchain project in the world, with the highest profile compute scientists and cryptographers contributing. Download their wallet if you want to, the mainnet is already deployed.

>> No.6375995

I can't sell this fucking pos coin. All it does recently is go sideways or down.

>> No.6376022


It's going to dump hard EOM too, just you wait.

>> No.6376072

Wow. A wallet worth 20 billions. kek

>> No.6376123

Why does everybody FUD this coin? Now its not even the Korea FUD its just people talking shit

>> No.6376195


Yeah, goes to show how much government and industry are supporting nothing more than a whitepaper, doesn't it? A lot of very powerful people are banking on Cardano being successful because there is no other blockchain project that is actually creating a provably secure dApp platform from the ground up.

Looking forward to see how Icon handles their dApps being hacked and millions of dollars stolen like what happened with Ethereum because they don't actually know what the fuck they're doing and are just a bunch of gook marketers with some code monkeys copying other projects.

>> No.6376220

they're testing you.

>> No.6376224

Cause it's kinda dead. You'd be making more money holding ETH, unless you bought in at 3 dollars or somethinf

>> No.6376236

They are scared because this is a coin ran by actual successful businessman with multiple partnerships, instead of a bunch of soyboy cucks.

>> No.6376267

icon has staking and LFT (dpos) coming with mainnet launch, retard

>> No.6376297

400% in a month is dead


>> No.6376321

What people? kek I can tell a billion of ICX confirmed partnerships, not just speculation.

>> No.6376341

literally autism

cardano shills resort to jumping iCX threads, spread fake FUD on the coin, and shill their autistic 24B word doc

>> No.6376354


Name even just 3 that are verifiable and transparent in their relationship. I'll wait.

>> No.6376415

>Looking forward to see how Icon handles their dApps being hacked and millions of dollars stolen like what happened with Ethereum because they don't actually know what the fuck they're doing and are just a bunch of gook marketers with some code monkeys copying other projects.

How is that fake FUD? Name one notable cryptographer or computer scientist associated with Icon? There are none. They're all working on Cardano.

>> No.6376417

People are very impatient. It's been shit the past 3 or 4 days and is not showing signs of recovering back to 13, fuck it, even 11 dollars. Immediately people start disliking it

>> No.6376445
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Your turn, C-U-C-K.

>> No.6376473
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sorry this is more than 3, check any

>> No.6376504


>> No.6376511

>ICON CEO says they want to be the 'Samsung of Blockchain'
>former Samsung exec appointed head of Korean Blockchain Association

you just know

>> No.6376521

daily reminder that soy isn't bad, and PJW meme'd the right into thinking it is.

>> No.6376569

You realize that Koreans actually shun this, right?

>> No.6376587


These are worthless infographics you dumb gook. Show me proof that any of these are direct partnerships that have anything to do with ICX and not just testing out loopchain in some way. Show me proof that theyre is money changing hands. Show me proof any of those partnerships are supporting the Icon project with money and manpower.

You can't because Icon isn't transparent and all of their partnerships and shit are rumors and announcements and nothing more. You can literally say you're partnered with someone if they agree to test out your technology in one office or some shit.

You're retarded.

>> No.6376618

have you seen their interviews?

>> No.6376656

Btw, I bought ICX at 8100 gwei on the 1st of January. It's now barely 7300 gwei, despite having had a couple of "moons" between now and then.

>> No.6376665


The ones in Korean? No. Because I don't speak Korean.

So please, show me some verifiable documentation of the nature and quality of these mythical partnerships. I'll wait.

>> No.6376698

the ones in English.




>> No.6376710

If you were not a clueless dumb retard and did 5 minutes of research you would know about CoinOne and Dayli. By the way, you have not shown Cardano’s partnerships.

>> No.6376778

I bought in at 0.11$ this thing is far from dead. It got hard by korean fud because it's only korean token listed right now.
Team has been silent for far too long and there will be some huge news coming during the summit end of this month.

>> No.6376869

I bought at [X amount] is always the argument I hear from you guys. You gotta look at my point of view too>>6376656
Anyways, so do you think it will reach at least 8500 gwei before the EOM events or nah?

>> No.6376885

there are two reasons to spread fud on icx, reason 1: to drop the price to accumulate more, reason 2: being a brainlet

>> No.6376970

>not in english
>this can’t be real if it’s not spoken in my native language
>being this naive and still continues to fud a coin he knows nothing about
Why even bother to talk if you know you haven’t researched the coin yourself

>> No.6377159

>PJW meme'd the right into thinking it is
Honestly soyboy was a term used as an insult, not something taken seriously. he just took the meme seriously and made it popular with boomers and other conservatives who think they're edgy and actually take infowars seriously.

>> No.6377229


They never look at it in terms of gwei gain/loss, just fiat. They also bought in early. I personally sold all 15k of my ICX to keep my gwei amount safe, I was losing it really fast and it was fucking me over.

>> No.6377246

are you watching the interviews? Where'd u go?

>> No.6377301

True, it was always just a mindless insult meant to strike a nerve. PJW is just an autist

>> No.6377371

ran out of soy milk, had to go buy some

>> No.6377408
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>> No.6377441

People said this about the NXT ignis airdrop too, and then it continued to moon for another week.

>> No.6377486

The difference is ICX isn't mooning
It failed the test. The FUD is alredy dispelled, but ICX isn't doing anything

>> No.6377490

He won’t come back. He got absolutely thrashed by everyone in this thread and has no arguments left.

>> No.6377511

Why does ICX keep going down? I'm getting screwed by this shitcoin :(

>> No.6377531

>what is consolidation: the post

>> No.6377609
File: 422 KB, 800x670, IMG_1171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realize this is the biggest project in 2018 right? This is the 100x moon mission. Besides [Mainnet on January 24th and their annual summit on the 31st](https://medium.com/helloiconworld/icon-annual-summit-mainnet-launch-release-candidate-6a6c5b5d86da)), you can checkout their [business/technical roadmap](https://icon.foundation/en/)) (have to scroll down a bit to find it).
Q1 2018 we should see:
On the business side
* 2nd Developers meet-up
* Expansion of DEX reserve pool to most of major cryptocurrencies
* Expansion of partnership with blockchain networks
On the technical side (this was set for Q4 2017 but got delayed, so I expect to see it in Q1 2018)
* Nexus Mainnet launch
* Reserve channel open
* IISS implementation
* DEX(Ethereum/ICX) launch
* Wallet Web/iOS/Android
There was some more technical milestones for Q1 2018, but since the Q4 2017 milestones were delayed, they might be delayed as well.
* Representation channel open
* Public channel open
* AI advisor launch
Then in Q3 2018 on the business roadmap:
* 3rd Developers meet-up
* Financial investment consortium : second service launch
* U-coin Expansion : 10 Universities. - sidenote, I think the idea of having these kinds of stable tokens will be massive for ICON since it's a big step towards a cashless society. ICON is very well positioned to lead the way in this regard (Weebee coin and U-Coin are both tokens on the ICON blockchain and they fit this use case). This is truly society changing on the blockchain! There are a lot of opportunities for more efficiently by having infrastructure able to interact with the blockchain (which this could allow, and partnerships seem to indicate), from taxes to legal documents, to payments, to how businesses work together, to banking, to contracts, to insurance, to assets and ownership. What I imagine happening, ICON will entangle itself within Korea's society and since it's generally winner take all, it will be the de facto intermediary blockchain for the country

>> No.6378007

what a retard

>> No.6378008

dumped my VEN bags and went all in on ICX

hoping for at least a 2x by EOM


>> No.6378274
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>> No.6378372

>the existence of Cardano

What existence? It barely has a fucking wallet

>> No.6379181

Cardano is the biggest scam in crypt-no, actually human history. A $33b scam with a fancy white paper to show for it.

Mainnet not released.
Marketed based on having best minds and cryptographers but this has not been demonstrated at any level.
Purports to be secure which is laughable because it doesnt even have the infrastructure to be tested.

Just a trash coin. Glad I dumped my bags on your sorry ass.

>> No.6379439
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Stay salty my friend

>> No.6379508

the volume and hype are so dead....
i wish their marketing wasnt complete horseshit.

>> No.6379549

Been looking at the 1m chart
>Last price: 0.00740
>Sees someone selling at 0.00730
Why do people do this? Does it mean whales are accumulating?

>> No.6379561

Nah people want off this corpse of a coin desperately

>> No.6379567


Dumb money will buy regardless. This market is full of people who bought Doge because of its "super low price".

>> No.6379620

its called "wash trading"

Whales set up low buy walls, and crash sell orders into them
it creates "panic" and people sell lower...

classic manipulation, banned on major stock exchanges

>> No.6379637

Difference between buy and sell orders. Weak hands

>> No.6380262

I do this sometimes. Because if I put a sell at 739 or 740, some other bot will immediately put a sell below me. THis way it gets sold immediately.

>> No.6380333