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File: 25 KB, 611x499, dow jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6368672 No.6368672 [Reply] [Original]

literally the longest and largest bull run in history.

Along with crypto to complement it (which isnt slowing down either).

This shit is scary to me.

>> No.6368758

A lot of science and tech is fueling it which is great. My portfolio has had almost a 20% return in the past two years which I'm super happy with.

Thanks for the non btc thread as well.

>> No.6368799


The crash will be glorious. The question is will crypto or stock crash first? I think the stock market first... which will only fuel crypto more

>> No.6368815

It's driven by tax reform benefits for corporations, along with some deregulations.

From an actual market perspective, many of the Dow stocks are likely being driven up by the proliferation of "Momentum" funds, which essentially buy things that are trending up.

>> No.6368840

62.5% thats healthy growth

>> No.6368853

do you really think the same money that pumped the stocks will be happy to put it into shitcoins where 99% of them dont do anything?

>> No.6368914

The crash won't be that severe and there isn't a sign of it soon with the tax reforms

>> No.6368926

Finally a thread not just about crypto? I want to kiss you (no homo).

>> No.6368969

down massively in btc

>> No.6369045

I know. I'm so happy to see it I'm going to bump this.

>> No.6369104

15k sats to 25k sats in 3 years?

fuck this shitcoin

>> No.6369141

>buying the ATH
you deserve it

>> No.6369176

Its gonna be 50k by 2050. I read it in a book about two acended masters from the future called disappearance of the universe. When I read the book DOW was at 5,000 I think.

>> No.6369178
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>20% return in two years

>> No.6369419
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Whenever I get reminded of the state of our economy I feel like getting a gun.

They inflate the currency by printing more dollars and they loan those dollars out for free

>> No.6369564

I know its hard for coinfags to understand monetary policy but come on now

>> No.6369586

>being this ignorant

>> No.6369615
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>> No.6369647

A stock market crash is not going to fuel crypto. If there's a crash, everyone with real money to lose is going to run for safe holds first. Treasury bonds. Gold. Real estate.

Crypto has never been through a stock market crash, so nobody knows how it will act. The smart investors, though, won't be holding Bitcoin to see what happens. They'll wait on the sidelines with safe investments. If enough of them pull out of crypto to go back to t-bills, hahaurfucked.

>> No.6369679
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>> No.6369726

>start an internet meme coinpaign
>"Once the Dow Drops, Watch the Crypto Pop"
>"Survive the crash, Crypto will save your ass"
>"Don't let your money go to waste, find safe haven in the crypto-space"

>> No.6369750

Why’s it so scary anon? You no money?

>> No.6369758
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>> No.6369775
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>> No.6369825
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Ameriburgers really are this stupid.

How many of you have maxed out your credit cards?

>> No.6369841

he's trying to make America not become a bigger shithole

>> No.6369874
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>> No.6369903

Anti-illegal immigration
Anti-radical Islam
Not a liberal

>> No.6369919

>continued trend from Obama administration
wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.6369929
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We have eight times more junk bond debt than in 2008 when the last bubble popped.

I'm sure everything will work out fine.

>> No.6369945

Too much credit and liquidity = bubbles.

>> No.6369951

ZOG puppet

>> No.6369961
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Wow, 67% in 5 years. That'll make you super rich.

>> No.6369974
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If you don't understand this chart, you shouldn't own stocks.

>> No.6369981
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It is not substainable for the interest rate to be this low for this long. Every idiot can make 0.5% a year

No matter what you buy right now the returns will be much larger than the interest you'd have to pay meaning that loans gets maxed out and every market gets pumped up. It's not sustainable so it's pretty much a government founded ponzi scheme that colapses whenever the interest rate eventually has to move up

>> No.6369996


I hope people realize this is 100% due to President Trump.

The recent tax overall is putting more money into American's pockets, and corporations have more money to grow which leads to more jobs (companies and businesses create jobs, not poor people)

Obama and other past presidents did everything they could to turn off the economic machine that made America great in the first place. Trump is turning all the switches back on one by one.

This is a great time to be alive.

>> No.6370041
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>> No.6370057

does it mean the stock price is increasing proportional to the revenue? I assume that would be a bad thing cuz you're paying more for companies that take in less.

>> No.6370064

Fuck off, you're just jealous of Obama's thick black dick.

>> No.6370070

Ya, for cancer.

>> No.6370073

Stocks have gone up because he (inadvertently) devalued the dollar. Do you understand this? Let me break it down:
>Trump gets elected.
>Oh shit, the dollar has no future!
>Sell sell sell.
>Oh! Suddenly it's become cheaper for other countries to buy US stocks.

>> No.6370076

well it looked the the market had reached the ATH and was flat lining only to boost again.

And Paul Krugman predicted a bust. He didn't predict "the stock market will boom, but only because of Obama's legacy", no he predicted a bust under Trump. "It's because of Obama" seems to be the post hoc explanation after the predicted bust never happened.

>> No.6370079

Do you guys think the dollar will go down or up if it pops ? As I see it, the everything bubble is actually the effect of dollar losing its value against certain assets (stock, housing), so if it pops the dollar shouldn't go down as inflation created by debt has been factored in ? Am I right ?

>> No.6370093


>treasury bonds

wew lad

>> No.6370113

No financial professional is that confident about stocks. You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.6370119
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Hindenburg omens are peaking.

Please don't concern yourselves, Trumpsters.

>> No.6370121

Yes, good thing Trump took over five years ago and fixed the economy.
>Fucking /pol/ brainlet.

>> No.6370125

Can you imagine what the markets look like in the shithole Hillary timeline?

>> No.6370156

It means stocks are overvalued due to speculation. People are buying stocks to resell them, not because of dividends.

>> No.6370164

The exact same.

>> No.6370214
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>20% in 2 years

>> No.6370224

One might argue that if the bubble pops, people will try to deleverage, i.e. repay their debts early. Less money in circulation would mean deflation and a stronger US dollar.

>> No.6370245

First the dollar goes up. Then it pops. But I don't think it's gonna be a big deal. The will cool down gradually.

>> No.6370259

It's like it's a negative 42% against the average! Hahahaha.

>> No.6370262

Sargon BTFO

>> No.6370264


>> No.6370270

Asset bubbles don't care who is President.
What is important is who is Fed Chair.

>> No.6370302

Exactly, because the Fed Chair is always a
8+3 Jew 4w ...?

>> No.6370313

This means jack shit. As companies grow their costs and revenue naturally grow too. Showing just revenue without accounting for increased costs is stupid. Look at price to earnings ratios. Those are actually fine

>> No.6370317
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>> No.6370321
File: 121 KB, 511x738, 161130-newsweek-clinton-wins-610p_9fa2b8be87c77ffc1d05389008674acd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hillary wins
>more welfare and food stamps for jobless negros
>higher corporate and personal income tax to fund the welfare state
>more illegal immigrants sending money back to their shitholes and not paying taxes
>more environmental restrictions holding back the economy (while countries like China don't give a shit)

in other words, all her campaign promises

>> No.6370342


> S&P grew almost 50% the past 2 years
> super happy with a 20% return


>> No.6370390

The chart is a stock price to company revenue RATIO you brainlet. Both the numerator and the denominator grow over time. The ratio will not keep moving in one direction, but will mean-revert at some point.

>> No.6370422
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>Look at price to earnings ratios.

>> No.6370423

i think people who have been here for over a year and found out what worked for them left this board unless they are autistic and enjoy the same threads every day

>> No.6370526

20-30 is healthy range. Overevaluation in 2000 was mostly tech companies, so it’s logical that the overal average wouldn’t be very high. Compare now to 2008 and you see what I mean

>> No.6370561

Trump extended the bubble for another year.

It is going to pop and you are going to get fucked unless you have T bills.

>> No.6370578

So the crypto bubble will burst once important people (phds at the FED) start saying that cryptocurrencies aren't overvalued and that it's a natural transfer of wealth from Fiat to a better form of money.

>> No.6370601

I was going to pop back into stocks after killing it with crypto but now I'm waiting for the crash. You can't even buy drugs with stocks.

>> No.6370613


Ethereum is not a shitcoin

>> No.6370649

>20-30 is healthy range

15 is the long term mean.
Majority of observations are between 10 and 20.
Crashes have always occurred when CAPE goes above 25.

"20-30 is healthy range"
fucking hilarious

>> No.6370657

Stop trying to be a political shill, besides watch this.
>more welfare and food stamps for jobless negros
And thus more spending power at lower socio-economic spectrum means they will spend more fueling the economy on staples and smaller businesses. Poor people are less likely to save and inject their money back into the system.
>higher corporate and personal income tax to fund the welfare state
Meaning less debt borrowed against the national budget, adding a balanced budget to stabilize the economy. Nevermind the fact the house and senate would not have gone along with a Clinton tax plan, and thus nothing would have changed.
>more illegal immigrants sending money back to their shitholes and not paying taxes
In every case illegal immigrants means cheaper products and higher harvest yields saving the average citizen anywhere from 10-34% on food staples in heavy ag states, which is most of them. Plus, higher tax revenue, because illegals can't get refunds. Legal immigrants from shithole countries traditionally become entrepreneurs in the mean while causing a boost in job creation.
>more environmental restrictions holding back the economy (while countries like China don't give a shit)
So expensive environmental clean ups help the economy? Pretty sure that just adds financial burdens to the lower courts as lawsuits increase as cancer rates do, putting more strain on the healthcare system.

See, anything you say either pays for itself or makes no difference. It literally makes no difference on the current economic model. The tax cut will have the worst economic effects later in history.
Anyway hope you learned a valuable lesson about economics!

>> No.6370658
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>My portfolio has had almost a 20% return in the past two years

so this is the power of the stock market

>> No.6370695

its larp
the dow went up like 70% this year alone

>> No.6370699

a better president than your feminine fag country deserves

>> No.6370715
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>> No.6370732

Current averages: DJ 23
Nasdaq: 27
Sp500: 22
A little high but not even close to 2008 or tech in 2000

>> No.6370767
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not a worry in the world...

>> No.6370787

possibly the greatest president in US history unless he tanks in the next 3-7 years.

>> No.6370810

you're seriously retarded if you think obama is the reason for this bull run continuing and accelerating.

>> No.6370914

Russell 2000 has a PE ratio of 139.


>> No.6370919


>create jobs

Don't you mean outsource to illegals and fund things like driverless trucks and kiosks to replace workers? Corporations don't create jobs unless they absolutely need to.

>> No.6370983
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>> No.6371085

i guess if you are poor, 20% seems very small

>> No.6371097

>The economy doing great is thanks to Trump
>Even though it was doing great already before that

>Obama did everything he could to destroy the economy
>Economy did great
>Somehow Trump is what caused it to do so great

Fox News: Not Even Once

>> No.6371103

>And thus more spending power at lower socio-economic spectrum means they will spend more fueling the economy on staples and smaller businesses. Poor people are less likely to save and inject their money back into the system.
Government subsidized consumption by the lowest standing on the socio-economic spectrum does close to nothing for the growth of the economy. It adds no service and no investment. It merely adds to the aggregate demand which is really only a possitive if you subscribe to keynesian economics
>In every case illegal immigrants means cheaper products and higher harvest yields saving the average citizen anywhere from 10-34% on food staples in heavy ag states, which is most of them. Plus, higher tax revenue, because illegals can't get refunds. Legal immigrants from shithole countries traditionally become entrepreneurs in the mean while causing a boost in job creation.
Less than 1% of immigrants work in agriculture. Many illegals don't pay taxes at all. Many illegals commit crimes. All in all illegal immigrants is a net loss and the same can be said by some demographics of legal immigrants

>> No.6371134

Nah you were the only one who saw the larp

>> No.6371150

The crypto market is still so small (comparatively) that I don't think it will be affected a lot but a bearish stock market. Let's say the total crypto market cap falls by 50%. That would take us back to November 2017 levels. Kek.

Eventually growth will slow down and it will peak. Notice: first it slows down, then it peaks.

>> No.6371236

>more illegal immigrants sending money back to their shitholes and not paying taxes
In every case illegal immigrants means cheaper products and higher harvest yields saving the average citizen anywhere from 10-34% on food staples in heavy ag states, which is most of them. Plus, higher tax revenue, because illegals can't get refunds. Legal immigrants from shithole countries traditionally become entrepreneurs in the mean while causing a boost in job creation.
>more environmental restrictions holding back the economy (while countries like China don't give a shit)
So expensive environmental clean ups help the economy? Pretty sure that just adds financial burdens to the lower courts as lawsuits increase as cancer rates do, putting more strain on the healthcare system.

See, anything you say either pays for itself or makes no difference. It literally makes no difference on the current economic model. The tax cut will have the worst economic effects later in history.
Anyway hope you learned a valuable lesson about economics!

More illegal immigrants means higher strain on welfare services, most of them breed and raise kids who are not at all productive for many years.

It's a net loss of capital to import immigrants as we live in a welfare state. It's just forcing taxpayers to subsidize their replacements.

Environmental restrictions which are arbitrary and limit the creation of new oil processing facilities inflates the prices of gasoline and makes our country dependent on foreign sources. Destroying competition and stifling productivity hurts the consumer and taxpayer.

>> No.6371401
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>20% in 2 years

>> No.6371552

>/biz/ having long, serious discussions about things that aren't crypto
kinda spooky desu

>> No.6371654

Citation and sources please.

>> No.6371809

>Environmental restrictions which are arbitrary and limit the creation of new oil processing facilities inflates the prices of gasoline and makes our country dependent on foreign sources. Destroying competition and stifling productivity hurts the consumer and taxpayer.

>So expensive environmental clean ups help the economy? Pretty sure that just adds financial burdens to the lower courts as lawsuits increase as cancer rates do, putting more strain on the healthcare system.

People don't seem to understand that we are currently engaged in a life or death struggle with China for global supremacy. They are willing to sacrifice the environment and their people's lives to attain that goal. We can't continue growing at 1.6% while China is growing at over 10% every year.

China doesn't have SJWs, political correctness, "racism", soyboys, and gender identity bullshit holding them back. As Trump said, we can't afford to be the stupid country any more.

>> No.6371915

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6371932

>China is growing at over 10% every year.
Yup, exactly why I'm not worried. Haha.

>> No.6371947

>Real estate
Real estate is already in a global bubble, that bubble will pop in any sign of a crash as it did last time in 2008.
Inflation is rising meaning interest rates will have to rise (and already have started to) to compensate to keep inflation in check.
The problem there being that consumers have never been in more debt, houses, cars, credit etc. The interest rate rises, those highly leveraged will default, hence real estate downturn.

>> No.6371952

This chart is why people measure their % gains with BTC pairs

>> No.6371994

/rgt/ threads are literally up every day.
They're basically the defacto stock threads.

>> No.6372298

True, we don't know how the crypto market will react.

But I can tell you that crypto is my hedge against the dollar.

So if there is a stock market crash, I will be buying more crypto. I imagine I'm not the only one who sees it this way

>> No.6372362

This is a joke right? Consumer debt as a % of GDP is less than 4% right now. Running average is 5% and before the bubble popped it was >9% before dropping to almost 0% after all the foreclosures and bankruptcies took place.

Source: Am financial advisor

>> No.6372494


yes, they will see cryptos as a stable investment. The market will crash and people will point out "LOOK once ETH hit 1000 it never went back down, once BTC hit 8k it never went below, once bitcoin cash hit 2k it never went below. Good cryptos are the most stable investment"

It's at that point that bitcoin will balloon to 100k, and McAfee will be spared the embarrassment of a penile meal

>> No.6372558

You can only see bubble once it pops

if bubble pops, good, sell-offs will go to crypto and we make massive gains boys

>> No.6372610

Have you checked CMC total marketcap lately? Were fucking down.

>> No.6372682

temporarily, due to volatility, size of the market and institutional adoption.

>> No.6372798

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6372800

You first.

>> No.6372936

If inflation rises. real interest drops you retard. If it brings nominal interest "up" with it, then interest rates are unchanged. All increasing inflation really does here is increase the effective lowerbound.

>> No.6372942

Things brainwashed delusional idiots actually believe.

>> No.6372976

My body is ready.

>> No.6373112

cant argue with that

>> No.6373117

Your ID is literally "fag"

>> No.6373229

>Your ID is literally "fag"


the gods have spoken

>> No.6373252

LOL busted faggot

>> No.6373271
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>> No.6373300

As an Econfag I was eager this board got created. But soon realized talking about anything other than crypto here makes me want to blow my fucking brains out based on how stupid/ill-informed people are here spouting nonsense. I wonder if /sci/ /his/ are this bad? or is it just cause of the high traffic and cryptokiddies?

>> No.6373304
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>20% return in the past two years which I'm super happy with

>> No.6373320

where is this coin listed? Look about to tank

>> No.6373330

I got got.

>> No.6373359

shut up fag

>> No.6373383

I hope people realize that you're 100% an idiot.

>> No.6373456
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It's the federal reserve's money printing that is creating these bubbles.

This is what we're all fighting against on here.

>> No.6373496

How fucking stupid are you people?

Low interest rates is a fucking disaster

We need to abolish the federal reserve

>> No.6373553

Trump is the same as Obama

Just more central banker bullshit

>> No.6373557


>> No.6373652

Paul Krugman is a keynesian kike piece of shit

>> No.6373687

>market has had a downturn for many, I'm up

Feels good man.

>> No.6373707

A literal fag.

>> No.6373745

Krugman was an exceptional economist ruined by his his terrible political takes and secret desire to be a political scientist despite having a 5th grade understanding of civics and being a screeching harpy. It was fine when I could just ignore the latter. But it is literally fogging his economics now.

>> No.6373748


Low quality bait, m8

>> No.6373811

>bullrun continues under new president.
Its almost like markets aren't entirely decided by who is president.

>> No.6373832

>neo-keynesian that constantly praised the status quo federal reserve and constantly got btfo by everyone
>exceptional economist

>> No.6373868

Sounds like an interesting book. Worth the read?

>> No.6373870

You should look at what the markets did the day after the election.

>> No.6373916

they suffer from their own success. as any crypto operation.

>> No.6373941

>status quo fed reserve
No shit. Its not as good as some other central banks but its kinda led a bull run on economic growth since its inception and neoliberalism is literally solving world poverty. I bet you are some fucking retard who thinks Keynes was a socialist or hated capitalism.
not a long run trend. Uncertainty of elections create a very short speculative drop that always recovers. good time to buy in desu. Plus it was correcting and went on a bullrun within days.

>> No.6373970


It what happens when you have a president with massive balls

>> No.6373986

>This shit is scary to me.

There are few retail investors in it anymore either

>> No.6374010

Keynes was a gigantic retard and if you support any of his insane views or if you support central banks in general you do NOT belong on this board.

Get the fuck out nocoiner

>> No.6374059


People actually believe this. Forget about him inheritting markets that were already at all time highs. It's going to be glorious when the market corrects. I bet he won't stop quoting what the market is doing then

>> No.6374138

I hold coins. But I really wish /pol/ would leave or we got an actual econboard where we could have discussions with people who actually understand basic econ. Have you even read a single book or paper written by Krugman (newspaper articles dont count)? read any
Keynes? Do you understand the Philips curve or anything about monetary policy? Dumb youtube videos about muuh gold standard ron paul speeches and econ 103 dont qualify you to say anything but " I dont understand econ!" which was obvious by your lack of literally any argument.

>> No.6374195
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Keynes was a literal faggot and so are you.

>> No.6374244

You're a faggot commie. It doesn't work. Get over it.

>> No.6374273

Europoors what are you guys doing with your money right now. I don't think we can catch any of the S&P500 gains since they are dollar-denominated and the USD is devaluing rapidly against EUR. The exchange rate will probably be 1.35 this time next year. Our eurostoxx 50 is a pile of shite by comparison, the eurostoxx 600 is slightly better. Where is your money right now guys?

>> No.6374294

I'm on my phone so can't write that much

Keynes and central banking in general is the sole cause of business cycles and if you can't see this you are brainwashed moron.

> print massive amounts of money and pump it directly into the stock market and other markets
> expect no malinvestment or any problem at all to occur

Krugman wouldn't even debate Bob Murphy when 100000 was raised for charity if Krugman did it.

Fucking keynesian scum I swear.
I can't wait until cryptos destroys your precious central banks.

>> No.6374510

>literally the longest and largest bull run in history.
Longest but not the largest

Growth has been small

>> No.6374681

I mean you dont understand how money printing works. Nor how open market operstions work. But you also fail to grasp what a small role very limited and necessary moderate money supply increases to stimulate minor inflation is. For obvious reasons such as sticky prices, and increasing lowerbounds for interest rates.
And besides a small fraction of a small fraction of the feds mandate krugman talks about a lot of other stuff. He has interesting analysis on development models for one. Even if he sucks off Rodan and Hirschman too much.

Still no offence, but I dont intend to take this any further. People who obsess over "DUDE THEY ARE PRINTING MONEY!" are generally too retarded to discuss econ with. And I dont think I will convince you to actually study it on 4chan. So why bother?

>> No.6375346

non of this is an argument

Explain how pumping newly created money into the stock market doesn't create a stock market bubble

You people are so fucking brainwashed and lacking in actual arguments it's unreal

Central banks need to be abolished

>> No.6375624

sticky prices/wages is a myth

>> No.6375675

Well for one it doesnt buy stocks. For 2 it doesnt fund every operation with "printing money" it actual lends, and makes investments major commercial banks hold accounts at the fed, who turns profits over to the government.
nah. lots of times there is contractual/union bullshit hurting paycuts.

>> No.6376441
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>>continued trend from Obama administration
Oh sweetie...

>> No.6376470

Hahahaha literally anyone outside burgerland will tell you that he's an embarrassment to the world. Don't try to rationalise your immense fuckup

>> No.6376523

include me in the screencap

>> No.6376529

Ok I'll bite. Where do I learn about this shit?

>> No.6376552

No kidding. All the kids go into crypto for mad profits and all the boomers warn them about a bubble, but here I am, with most of my savings in crypto because I see the real economy in a huge bubble.

To be fair, >>6374273 I'm also yuropoor of francistan so it makes the choice easier. Investing in traditional markets is suicidal in France, any gains you make are taxed to hell and our FISC makes the IRS seem tame.

>> No.6376562


Their goal was/is to destroy the US economy, advance globalism, and turn us all into soyboys and gender confused libtards dependent on the government welfare state for survival

that's the "progress" she was talking about

>> No.6376574
File: 25 KB, 711x802, Hmmm kill myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half Irish half nigger fucks up economic growth and has a shit 8 years

>> No.6376594


none of us in burgerland give a shit what you think

>> No.6376598

>Globalism is a bad word because I'm a super smert flat erpher!

>> No.6376804

>yes, they will see cryptos as a stable investment.

Cryptos are never a stable investment. Any exchange or trading platform I have used always carries a warning in regard to Cryptos, on the first pages "Volatile - Carries High Risk"

Should a crash happen, investment will be moved into lower yield index linked stocks and assets, with a low risk and low return.

>> No.6376856

What can an individual do to protect themselves from the bubble popping tho? Literally buy gold or some shit?

>> No.6376930
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1508159437644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years

>> No.6376959
File: 191 KB, 955x713, FIXED MOST OF IT OBAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally never said flat Earth.

>> No.6376995

All these niggas falling for this bait

>> No.6377026

it mooned literally the night he was elected

>> No.6377080

Libs are always such longwinded faggots responding to 3 sentences with a wall of text

>> No.6377142

Just looked up your first graph for student loans and it looks wrong af.


I'm not even gonna bother with rest of those fake news graphs.

>> No.6377370

There are literally sources given in the photo Einstein, here let me google the first graph for you, the "Federal government; consumer credit, student loans; asset, Level (FGCCSAQ027S)"


>> No.6377876

Trump is Irish too. Bush was Irish too. Clinton was too. So was Reagan. Take the green pill. Irish people control America. It's all a big revenge for treating them like niggers

>> No.6378292

>China doesn't have SJWs, political correctness, "racism", soyboys, and gender identity bullshit holding them back

>actually believing idpol/social trends not concerned with consumption or wealth creation significantly effect national economics

and no, "because of diversity, bosses have to hire women/minorities who suck at their jobs and the economy goes down" is not a convincing nor true statement

>> No.6378414

yep, the more people here the more normal it gets and the average person knows shit about business/econ

>> No.6378474

That's weird, wonder if there's a correlation between /pol/fags and inability to do math?

>> No.6378485

I've never seen any mention of Trump being.

>> No.6378667

embarrassment to the US*

>> No.6378696


Highly unlikely that you are as smart as you think you are

>> No.6378767


The only thing Krugman has "accomplished" in economics is being absolutely wrong about global trade. He has a platform because he is a liberal academic, nothing else.

>> No.6378799

You’re retarded, the momont the stock exchange crashes all the money will flow to property and metals, crypto is crashing down with it.
All speculative assets go out of the window when the market crashes, the money doesn’t jump for one to another because guess what what caused be crash in one market will affect others so you just jumping from market from market until the crash gets u ( which will be instantly) because like I said all the liquidity goes into property and metals as always.
This year the bull run will continue, maybe a little correction towards mid year and then we continue.
We’re amid the good times, remember we just had a crash a few years ago the market only caught up to where it left mid last year. Everything looks good, people getting debt to buy dumb shit, retailers doing good, car companies doing good, tech is doing incredibly and people fee positive and confident the bull market will continue and for that reason it will continue for some time.

>> No.6378900

>BMW, used VW logo


>> No.6378948


back to school

>> No.6379000

nice bubble you got here.
gonna pop any time soon.

>> No.6379076
File: 32 KB, 680x680, 1513917628625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My portfolio has had almost a 20% return in the past two years which I'm super happy with.


>> No.6379121

fuckin Jesus