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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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636947 No.636947 [Reply] [Original]

Pleb here.
Currently in the savings game
Not yet in the stock market game
But I need your advice /biz/

>catsitting at old rich people's apt
>cleaning lady is there, starts talking about investing money
>Says she got a good tip on a stock from other people she's cleans for
>Some noname firm trading on Nasdaq at >$5/share

So if you were in OP's shoes and this old cleaning lady told you about this stock, would you bite? It's been staying between $2-$5 for the past 5 years, and the only reason I see for it bringing a payoff is if it's getting bought by a larger co. On one hand, I value this lady's input because she invests money herself and works for old NY money. On the other hand, she's Azn and could be trying to scam me, or get me wrapped up in some legal issues that could do without.

I'm hesitant to give name of stock

>> No.636955

>I'm hesitant to give name of stock

Good. Because heaven forbid other people buy it and inflate the PPS. Just do your DD and you'll be fine

>> No.636956

do my DD?

Need I remind you I am pleb.

>> No.636968


"DD" stands for dick dinging. Don't listen to that troll.

You definitely need to invest all you can in that stock as soon as you can. Then, come back to this thread and tell us what the name is.

The big financial companies have web crawlers that search for mentions of a stock and, if they see people talking about it, their algorithms start trying to buy up shares. If you mention the name enough times you can start a bidding war that will increase its value maybe over 500%.

She's Asian, man. This is your golden ticket.

>> No.636994


oh man op, i'm so jelly.

I wish i had some hot azn stock tips.

>> No.636996
File: 102 KB, 432x585, 1361516624978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last time i got a stock tip from a cleaning lady i netted over $1m, godspeed anon

>> No.637000


>> No.637025
File: 378 KB, 884x811, justthetip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.637031
File: 262 KB, 894x486, stocktips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.637032

Your stock a shit.

>> No.637034

top fucking kek lad