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File: 12 KB, 764x188, dent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6366792 No.6366792 [Reply] [Original]

I work for one of the two Major telecom company that the DENT platforms works for AMA

>> No.6366887

is this designed similar to BAT....where it designed to hover around $1?

>> No.6366893


>> No.6366937

Are they on track with the roadmap. Will i see gains by EOM

>> No.6366963

No, but with a working platform, theres no reason it can't get to one dollar right now.

It actually works. Shows up as "bolt-on" data on the carrier side.

>> No.6366966

Does DENT actually work as advertised with your telecom or is it a vaporware shitcoin?

>> No.6367008

You'll see gains by EOM for sure. End of February is when you'll see huge ROI when the app is available for android. Only IOS right now

>> No.6367047

Is your telecom company based outside the US?
If so how much of your userbase is android (approximate)?

>> No.6367160

It actually works. Thats actually how I found out about it. One of my representatives called me over because he had a customer asking a weird question about data and that someone had sent him data.

Thought it was complete bullshit because how could anything get through our systems and "give" our customer data.

Well it wasn't bullshit, he had a 6gb mobile share advantage plan, and the data that was sent to him showed up as "bolt-on" data on our systems and was the exact amount customer was stating had been sent to him. It was like 27mb.

Looked it up and saw that it was DENT and so I bought in. It was a sign from God or something.

>> No.6367275

We outsource certain departments but we are definitely a US based company. the Biggest in fact.

I would say our user base is probaly 50%. 48% apple 2%shit phone

>> No.6367296


Prove you aren’t larping

>> No.6367331


Sure, but ow could I do that in a way that makes sense to me/secure

>> No.6367495


How does it work on the backend, on the telco side

>> No.6367623

AMA shilling is best shilling

another DENT shill thread just landed on the catalogue......now your timing is suspect

>> No.6367723


So we already have the packages in our billing system. They are something that was already available for two of our business channels. Small/global business account types and primarily from our very large sized prepaid market.

If you have the appropriate umbrella plan, once your monthly intial data plan has been consumed you can then purchase bolt-on data packages which added more data.

Dent platform adds a soc code via the already in place ATT billing system.

The thing that was impressive to me was that up until that point, I had never seen Bolt on Data soc codes added to a Post Paid account. Since those are usually fixed data plans.

Heads up, we are changing our plans to something called Mobile Share Flex Plans. If your grandfathered in, youre okay, but data is going to become more expensive and so something like Dent will be an intresting thing.

>> No.6367795

what do you see this hitting at mid 2018 ?
anyone one west-east cost works at Verizon big fucking deal man

>> No.6367809

I saw that lol I put a link in there to this one but thats deffinitely not me. But im surprised that there hasn't been more talk of this. Considering there is an actual working platform.

>> No.6367882

now that there's no net neutrality law to protect customers telcos going to literally fucking rape us with tiers
>does Mobile Share Flex Plans utilize DENT ?
>what are your idea on growth ? it's fucking steal right now at .6 cent...

>> No.6367995

Realistically, .50 cents is optimistic. But thats only because after watching this coin, there is hardly any marketing.

>> No.6368067

I have one big question
Since you will be able to sell your data near EOY. How would it work for AT&T subscribers who have unlimited data. Do they get capped?

>> No.6368181

Ok cool going to buy 100k, this’ll hit a $1 right?

>> No.6368385

its basically the same thing as the mobile share advantage. Just repacking of data sizes/prices. Bolt on data has been a thing for a while now.

I would think 1.00 EOY would be a fair goal. It is a rather large market cap, but still a low price. If shit coins like TRX can moon, theres no reason this can't.

Every carrier caps their customer. Att caps customers after 22gb per line. So far there hasn't been any major changes to our already existing unlimited choice and pllus plans. Any changes would of course not matter as long as you dont willingly change to any new plans.

>> No.6368496

Now this is larp I can get behind.

Show us your pay stub without your name/amounts.

I will dump 1k into it right now of you can do it.

>> No.6368554

Is DENT traded on Binance?

>> No.6368603

no need for pay stabs - but maybe a biz email or something official with redacted name

>> No.6368615

stand by

>> No.6368641

Damn i want to know this too...if only there was a way to check...

>> No.6368682

yeah fuck me right?

>> No.6368697

Im all in on DENT with 20k tokens... should i be sleeping comfy?

>> No.6368706
File: 8 KB, 211x163, DENT_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DENTANON is best anon

>> No.6368716

and it's not

>> No.6368723

Get it on KuCoin

>> No.6368741

I told you fuckers when DENT was at $0.02 now is $0.08 but you just ignored me, i don’t care about the platform, I care about profits just like any of you, now if this mofo can prove the shit he’s saying this could be a big deal

>> No.6368790

What exchange are you using for DENT?

>> No.6368824

It's on Kucoin which is legit and doesn't need KYC shit for withdrawals of crypto.

>> No.6368831

A fucking ridiculous deal. Prime example of buy the rumor.

Dear OP, if you can provide proof of what you are saying and then your eth address I will give you 5% of my take from dent in june.

Paystub is great but proof is worth more than investment, its worth real money for you.

>> No.6368870

I mean come back in a day or two with proof IF you can somehow aquire it.

>> No.6368910

KuCoin. I really like it so far. Only other one im on is binance

>> No.6368973

A friend of mine sent .005 eth from binance to kucoin and to this day i’ts still missing is there a minimum deposit or he just got tricked?

>> No.6368977

it's AT&T. "6gb mobile share plan"

>> No.6369011


Go away pajeet. This thread is not about kuckcoin.

>> No.6369066 [DELETED] 
File: 2.80 MB, 1836x3264, 20180113_012827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sup bros.

>> No.6369102


>> No.6369114

DENTanon with the sauce!

>> No.6369128
File: 74 KB, 625x374, 046657ede3154549514cc754684cdd013f51e7c5ffee9a90fc5cab6ef1d1b1ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369137


Dude fucking delete this they can find you with your totals and deductions not hidden.

Thanks though. Drop your eth address and check above messages.

>> No.6369139

Don't mind me just gonna buy a few more thou dent brb

>> No.6369179

are there any reasons you can think of for telecoms to be hostile towards dent? My thought has always been that telecoms can advertise flex plans and the ability to "sell" excess data, either for cash or more likely-for statement credit.

Do you see this as a possibility, working in the industry?

>> No.6369181


I hope you mean another few thousand dollars worth.

>> No.6369213

how does backend works ? are you guys running DENT network inhouse or everything still in the air and not ready for prime time
>will you basically rebrand DENT as new AT&T service ?

>> No.6369235

THIS is why I lurk here OP you glorious nigger.

>> No.6369251

Yo delete this for your own sake but also BASED ANON

>> No.6369263

Ya don't hurt yourself for us anon. Thank you for uploading that paystub.

>> No.6369292

agreed. delete it, OP. proof is satisfactory. no one wants you to get outted over it.

>> No.6369320

>hardly any marketing.
>constantly shilled on 4chan earlier in the week

>> No.6369345

just wanting to let people know DENT is real.

>> No.6369369

Soo in june will be at $1, seems fair to me

>> No.6369370

Someone reupload >>6369066

>> No.6369401

no need
>OP delivered

>> No.6369506

>tfw work at AT&T and the only crypto related email I ever got was something about the blockchain back in July last year

>> No.6369559

thank you. This is good info. I agree that marketcap is pretty high at 700m right now, but with working app, and the android version coming my main concern was if dent could actually work in conjunction w/ telecoms, b/c if not- they'd be crushed to death. Seems like it can and is working already which is cool.

>> No.6369592

Epic bread. I think its safe to say most of the anons in this thread bought themselves a stack now. comfy DENT threads ahead

>> No.6369597
File: 10 KB, 197x256, 1513050322408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they rebranding it most likely and using crypto-as-service
>customers have 0 idea they are using DENT on backend

Question is was back-end already integrated with DENT and tested and if not what at the time frames for release ?

>> No.6369708

well shit, allright


>> No.6369753
File: 21 KB, 178x178, aristocrat-wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw unironically already holding 100k

>> No.6369820

Att is very innovative and is best telecom company hands down. They have their fingers in a lot of things.

The beauty of dent and its mass adoption is in the simplicity of its platform. It communicates with the billing system as where it is purchasing data and does the heavy lifting on the dent side. The carrier side is just seen as a purchase for bolt on data.

>> No.6369828

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6369865

DENT devs own 90% of the coins and sell them directly on the app
Once you put them on the app you cant take them off

Shit coin.

>> No.6369871

Ignore bot

Thanks op, interesting insights.

>> No.6369946

You get eth bounty if you can prove anything you just said. Come back with proof in a couple days about how dent is integrated and you will get your 5%.

Already dumping some cash in as we speak. Also if this is a new pnd strat then congrats you faggots are brilliant.

>> No.6370006

It doesnt fucking matter. A coin that works NOW and exists and can be proven to have use case is more precious than gold. I dont give a fuck if its a shitcoin. This is prime hypefuel and can 2x Dent in a couple days if released across the net. This thread alone.

>> No.6370007

To make a worthwhile investment in this coin I would need to....stretch my financial situation. Is the possibly payout really worth it?

>> No.6370074

>10 billion coins circulating
>thinks it can reach anywhere near 1$

>> No.6370078

dont invest what you cant lose.

or do it what the fuck do we care

we're not your fucking wife or therapist shithead

>> No.6370088


I dont see how companies will get hostile because DENT is basically buying an already existing bolt on data package. So it isn't a situation where att is doing heavy lifting on the exchange.

>> No.6370163

This is going to be 'whalebro' all over again

Gonna buy stocks in popcorn. No need for salt, the tears will do.

>> No.6370189

Dent are going to be the first assholes to bring access to mobile data trading to a worldwide marketplace 24/7. Sounds a little bit retarded to me, but the 'buy-and-trade-anything" with crypto hype is so massive that having access to something used by practically fucking everyone is an enormous leap forward.

OP just semi-confirmed that their product is live and working in the real fucking world on the largest mobile carrier in the USA.

This is the best signal I have ever received from /biz/. I am going to follow it. Not with everything of course, but 10%. If I get burned it won't kill me, but if it means what I think it means, I will make fucking BANK.

>> No.6370303

bump... did OP proof? I didn't see

>> No.6370331

I'm fucking jizzing right now. Cum in running down my leg into my boots.

>> No.6370365

he actually uploaded his paystub to verify he works where he works. Anons told him to delete it since his deductions were still visible and could potentially be narrowed down by accounting. M A D M A N

>> No.6370368

Yes he did

>> No.6370392

holding since 0.02

>> No.6370487

Listen up faggots I don't know if you really understand how rare and valuable insider information is for a product at this stage in development. We just got a signal from somebody on the inside who proved he was on the inside, that a platform in development that IS ABOUT TO RELEASE ON ANDROID, actually works as advertised, right now.

If any of you understood this how I do, you would feel like you just injected black tar heroin into your nutsack, how I do right now.

Lurking 4chan today just made my $50k usd minimum. Now I'm going to go do a line of coke and fuck an 18 year old asian hooker.

OP you brilliant fuck. If this pays off I just might pay you without hard evidence anyways.

>> No.6370506

I actually dont think it really matters. I am unionized and there are no NDAs in place. Plus I didn't share any information that isn't technically in production since its actually working. Therefore public.

But its actually really touching to see concern. Been on 4 chan since 2008

>> No.6370552

I'm not doing coke. But I am adding to my stack. Significantly. As I said somewhere earlier- this was literally the only real concern. And OP verified. For once /biz/ wasn't a faggot.

>> No.6370627


I appreciate you coming here with this. If you want to make some money, you might still be able to sell this info to several signal/pnd groups in discord.

Like I'm talking several thousand dollars a pop, if you can somehow acquire tangible evidence.

If you DONT do this in the next couple days...maybe hours...I'm going to be a huge faggot and shill the archive of this thread across the internet, because I want to make bank.

I promise that I will heavily edit and remit all of your personal info on the image of your paystub that I saved though, because I want you to be safe. If your shit gets leaked...well it wasn't me.

Best of luck. Move quickly if you want to take advantage. Go seek out those signal and pnd groups for a nice payout. Bonus is that they will cause dent to massively surge.

I'm going to give you 12 hours, then I 'leak". Somebody else is already probably beating me to it.

>> No.6370665

Bought 9k.

>> No.6370728

I’m concerned but fuck it i’m buying! This could be big

>> No.6370824


it was a customer that called in about it, and is how I found out about it in the first place. I'm just sharing a working use case so i didn't think this was such insider knowledge to be honest lol.

Lets make money bros

>> No.6370853

agree didnt heard anything new

>> No.6370856


>> No.6370880

We agreed not to release any info about this until 212 hours from now. Please hold off, while I may have finished, others on the inside are still accumalating and supressing the price. Thank you.

>> No.6370957

The biggest takeaway that makes this big is the fact that telecoms view DENT as an add-on to their existing service that doesn't require any additional work on the telecoms' ends.

This is huge for the simple fact that it confirms telecoms benefit greatly from DENT's usecase, not DENT alone. The users who wish to sell their extra data to others benefit, and lazy normies who just want to get money back for extra data they don't use can ostensibly do so, by way of the telecoms selling that data in the marketplace for them (while pocketing some for themselves).

>> No.6371021

10b aren't circulating. 8.5 billion (actually more) are locked in the data exchange to foster transactions to fiat. They can never enter the circulating supply. Research it.

>> No.6371077


precisely, this bit of info dispelled the doubts I had about DENT in the first place, when I first heard and read about it.

I expect .12 end of next week if info gets out. Might have to wait for it all to blow though once android platform drops.


cmc has its info wrong then, it's counting 10b+ circulating right now

>> No.6371106


actually nevermind, cmc is pulling from the hash so of course it will be counting the 10b

I guess I'll go read the whitepaper again and see whats up.

>> No.6371162

im just a humble poor anon. I only started this crypto journey with 600 dollars in early december so i took this as a sign.

>> No.6371218

I too am a poor humble anon, but I'm late to the game, I'll just be happy with a 2x, plz don't be another fucking memecoin like trx

>> No.6371264

is the pump over?

>> No.6371298

I dont understand why this is a good investment of my money

>> No.6371315

its already had a working platform for iphone

Once it on android is when it will really moon.

Im hodling long term

>> No.6371363

going to calm down and watch this for a couple days, ready to go with my eth stack

still going to fuck my asian hooker, but I'm not going to buy in yet until my hype has settled and I can be rational


>> No.6371376

It's going to make whales a lot of money

>Didnt work on iOS but I'm sure it'll work on android!

>> No.6371403


if you have unlimited data you dont have caps, you just get throttled.

>> No.6371408

actually, you're right. 10b circulating. I was thinking of a number relevant to qash when I said that. I'm sorry for the misleading info.

That being said- those that say its retarded to think dent can reach $1 are shortsighted. that's a 10b marketcap. Given that crypto as a whole will end up around 2 trillion by 2019, this isn't farfetched.

>> No.6371432

This is a useless shittoken shilled hard by a discord group. they get points for every post and comment they make here, if they don't post every day they get banned. That's why there are DENT posts here 24/7.

it's not because so many ppl like DENT; it's jsut because 50 retards have to shill for it. ...most of the comments being positive about DENT are all from the same group.

It's obviously nothing than a scam.

>> No.6371460

lol whalebro what a laugh that pajeet was

>> No.6371464

I meant cap = throttle in an unlimited data context

it did work on IOS...thats why i made this thread lol. Try it yourself or wait for android.

>> No.6371530

Is this credible?

>> No.6371588

nope, not part of any discord group.

Tho it looks like i should be with this knowledge huh?

There hardly are any DENT posts. Thats the reason why im making this post. This FUD makes me think that there are people trying to keep this lowkey for the time being.

>> No.6371593

How can we test it?

>> No.6371620

I don't think its unreasonable to hope for huge growth from this company, IF they can get people to start using their app. I don't have ios devices so I cant test it out, but I walked outside just and asked my filipino friend if he thought it would be cool to sell his unused mobile data at the end of the month for pesos, and he said "sign me up boss!" laughing because he thought I was joking.

data is precious to much of the world, and having it not evaporate into the void, but rather be fed back into the economy at an affordable rate might be an amazing thing

these guys AFAIK are the first ones to explore that territory, at least with crypto, so it has me pretty hyped atm.

>> No.6371651

As credible as you're gonna find on a Polynesian basket weaving forum in the middle of the night.

>> No.6371691


you would need to have an att or verizon account or a friend who is with att or verizon who could check that you did in fact receive data purchased using DENT on its app.

it shows up as bolt on data if you want customer service to find it for you to verify the amount you purchased using dent.

>> No.6371703

been holding 40k for a while now, hoping for good things, one of the few cryptos that dont make me giggle. shit is serious niggers get in now and be rich or die a lonely ranjeet on a shit filled street

>> No.6371713

I'd like to see where all these DENT posts are. I'm always lurking and have been holding since $.01 and have maybe seen one dent post every couple of days that gets archived with one or two responses tops.

>> No.6371715

I'm not even on the correct continent, thanks for verifying

>> No.6371763

Sorry if someone already asked you this, but do you think this is going to be profitable w/in the next year

>> No.6371855

Really? You missed the shilling just last week where it hit like seven postcaps in a matter of hours??

>> No.6371862


that guy is using the anti-UFR shill group copypasta

also I have some news for OP >>6366792

archives already snagged your paystub, so its out there in the wild


kek the guy you are asking could have already 10x'd his stack when dent peaked if he was holding since .01

I don't know if he sold and bought back in or something, but he was obviously clever enough to pick it up at .01, even right now he's still hovering at a 7x, which is fantastic.

>> No.6371913


It isn't some vaporware. Its a working product and once more people become aware of that, it will moon.

>> No.6371939

might be, but does this mean dent does a 10x?

>> No.6371967

It was shilled on biz and reddit just last week, 'more people' arent going to learn about it

>> No.6371995

this wasn't some secret for att. I dont understand what you are implying?

>> No.6372019

I'm actually both of the posts you quoted. I wasn't using pasta. Genuinely have not seen many dent posts. Definitely not any before last week.

I sold half of my 80k, but not at the peak. I missed it and sold around $.08

Bought more at $.06 sitting at 85k

>> No.6372067

Don't worry about it. Thanks for all the info dentanon. If I can make some money from this, I'll kickback a bit to you with that address you posted earlier. Cheers man.

>> No.6372112

I mean.. the next year? yeah dude. just about everything that has a working product will be profitable in a years time. The thing I and most care about is this month. I just doubled my stack because this information, however trivial some may find it, actually does answer a very important question I have had about DENT, which I described above somewhere.

End of the day- you have to make your own decisions. I bought another 40k, but if that was in any way a significant chunk of my portfolio, I wouldn't. But I'm content with my choice in the fullest.

>> No.6372145


whats worse that could happen?

>> No.6372175

I wouldn't know and I doubt anything bad would happen. I'm just thrilled to be in an epic thread :) Thank you again.

>> No.6372324

I'm implying that you put possibly personally identifying information on the internet. That's all.

It's probably not a big deal, but I've had innocuous things come back to bite me in the ass in my life, so I'm just super paranoid.

>> No.6372427


thanks for concern bro. Biz has been big reason for my crypto journey and so who else to tell if not biz

>> No.6372822

EOY price predictions?

Im just gonna assume you are what you say you are

>> No.6372864

.50 cents for sure 1.00 if really optomistic

>> No.6373217

desu your predictions mean shit, you're just some employee, no offense. Think Charlie Sheen in Wall Street. All of his ideas were shit for Gordon Gecko. Except the one he had insider info on, his dad's plane company.

It's the your info that matters. Which I'll be checking on with my brother-in-law in the morning, he manages an att&t mobile store in California. If he comfirms, thanks I'll buy 100k :)

>> No.6373561
File: 5 KB, 259x194, zefohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to buy some I guess.

>> No.6373607

lol, those predictions are realistic imo.

store agents would be able to see it online or app via my att as bolt on data.

would actually need to use app.

I am in the know tech support so if i was not aware of it until customer called in asking about it, then i doubt a retail sales guy would have heard anything about it. no offense.

>> No.6373638

when i say would actually need to use app, i mean as in the DENT IOS app to make purchase and thus, see it reflected as bolt on data via myatt app or website.