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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6367686 No.6367686 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it would be cool to live in a house like that, the whole gta v thing? Im startin to plan where imma live once we get $100/link.

>> No.6367727


how much would a compound like this even cost?

>> No.6367850


obviously it depends entirely where it is

in a top tier city it would be easily $20-40m, in a shit western city it could be had for $5-10m and in the developing world probably around $3-5m

>> No.6367923
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>> No.6367926




>> No.6367977


Not my ambition at all. CBF with upkeep and I don't want to have a to pay a fuckton of people to maintain where I live. Nice farm with stone walls and wooden floors and a porch to smoke weed on, thanks.

>> No.6368064


dude you need to employ a ton of people to maintain a farm...

>> No.6368156


damn whoever designed that place has great taste

>> No.6368234
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Whenever I see fancy houses like those, I always am reminded of Jackie Treehorn's estate from The Big Lebowski

>> No.6368328


>> No.6368344

Wow what cancerous, culturally marxist taste in architecture you have. Save your money and buy a traditional manor that represents some kind of cultural heritage. Fuck sterile glass boxes, they should be illegal to build anywhere.

>> No.6368388

let the farm go to shit, keep the porch in top condition for the weed smoking.

>> No.6368393


ya i bet i could get a big ass trampoline on that roof for topless chicks to bounce on

>> No.6368407

You actually think this will actually hit $100?
If it hits $134, I'll have a million

>> No.6368509


minimalist geometric shapes are pretty old kingdom egypt senpai

maybe change up the materials to incorporate more stone but this shit looks good

>> No.6368556
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I'm just not into it. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how much it would cost. I would be anxious about losing it for reasons A-Z. I want humble things. I want to travel to exotic locations. I want to learn things. I want down time. I want to be silly. I want to dick around with dapps.

Could you imagine all that excess living space to be a NEET?

>> No.6368558


Seems perfectly fitting for a crypto millionaire. Manor houses are for old money gentry. New money moving in to one of those would be trying too hard.

>> No.6368576

Do you live in fucking Egypt senpai?

>> No.6368619


is LA the english countryside senpai?

>> No.6368640


If it hits $7, I will have a million. That blows my fucking mind.

>> No.6368645


I had a wagie job at one point. I worked for a guy who ran a few businesses, and one of them was managing an estate for someone.

The house was about 10,000 square feet in size. The property was probably at least 50 acres. Took a TON of people to manage it. Once a week he would spend one 10 hour day there keeping it up to date.

It was almost a small army would show up. 4 people to clean, a gardner, 2 or 3 guys to mow the lawn, and typically a few maintence workers/cable guy/painters/roofers/etc. Seemed like a lot of work in the sense that even the owner of the home couldn't truly enjoy the house for one day of the week. Having a house that big means that its 5x as much work to maintain as a normal home.

I personally enjoy quiet time, so I would be purchasing a smaller home (I've thought that if I make it, I will buy a home that is 4k or 5k squarefeet maximum, as it would be big enough for all my needs and I wouldn't need so many people to maintain it.

Both me and my boss kind of agreed that living in a big house was overrated after seeing all the work you had to go through to maintain it. The owner of that large home eventually moved out to a smaller home because they wanted to downsize as they got older, probably because it was too much hassle.

>> No.6368675


$16 here home boy

>> No.6368734

Not if you're taking back what was once yours

>> No.6368742

$20 for me.

>> No.6368764
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Damn, I need it to be $117. I don't know if I can make it. I guess all I got into crypto for was the hopes of getting a couple hundred thousand at best. Even if I got 100,000 out of this it would be great for me, and in order to get 100,000, I would still need it to hit $11 or so.

I hope we all make it though.

>> No.6368796


Can confirm, parents had a 4000 square foot house until I left for college.

They sold, moved into a 1000 square foot cabin, and couldn't be happier.

Crashed there for about 6 months in between jobs and honestly 1000 sq/ft is enough for a family of 3-4.

>> No.6368806
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>> No.6368808

Only if I was rich enough to not only have it, but to employ people to maintain it.

Like fuck I want to clean a house that big.

>> No.6368833

My image is from that house >>6367923

>> No.6368913

That's a fucking beautiful place, but I feel you need to live a certain lifestyle to even take advantage of a house like that. Constantly entertaining guests etc.

>> No.6368935

You guys know what the market cap would have to be for it to be $100, right?

>> No.6369032


Nightmarez. That looks like the set of every Young-Adult-Vacation-Goes-Horrifically-Wrong thriller I've ever seen, my anxiety would sky rocket to lamboland every time I saw so much as a slight breeze brush through the leaves outside of those windows.

>> No.6369151


you'll make it, but it'll be a couple years

>> No.6369232

You not only have to be rich enough to buy it and maintain it, but you have to be *powerful* enough that you can actually use it. The only point in owning something like that is to status signal. You need to have hundreds of people who would drop by at a given moment. You need to be able to summon a crowd at a moment's notice.

This. It's not the kind of place you buy with 50 million. It's the kind of place you need a couple hundred million for, and the right career... entertainment executive, maybe.

>> No.6369293


ya, it's got a shit ton of cocktail seats and tables. could always just refurnish though

i'm starting to realize if i do make millions with link it's going to be difficult to be creative enough to spend my money. lots of things i've been conditioned to not even consider as possible just due to scarcity of money

"hey, it'd be cool if me and my friends could go to vegas some time"

"oh ya, that's right, i can do that immediately"

>> No.6369316

Wouldn't be surprised if Dan Bilzerian bought it.

Seems very "him".

>> No.6369318


>It's not the kind of place you buy with 50 million.

depends where you live. the land is what makes it that expensive

>> No.6369358
File: 37 KB, 443x332, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's not for me, I'm a messy fucking pig, that place would half in value if I lived in it for 6 months.
Something like this, that can look classy but rustic if I can't be fucked with cleaning and maintenance.

>> No.6369387


>> No.6369390

As someone who grew up in a house like that, it’s highly overrated.

You have to go really far to do anything, sometimes travel up and then down stairs again to get to kitchen. Car is parked a 30 second walk from the kitchen, everything just takes longer.

Being materialistically rich is overrated. Living freely with no financial bounds is not.

I lived 20 years in mansions and if I made 10 mil off crypto I’d just buy a comfy 350k home with not too much shit to take care of. All I really want is to be able to wake up and do whatever the fuck I want to do that day.

>> No.6369409
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Just get a tiny house for cheap in the middle of nowhere, thats my plan anyway....... Just chillin and trippin my life away. Comfy

>> No.6369643

How much sq footage do you think is enough for 1-2 people? I've always lived in small apartments/housing.

>> No.6370150

that is respectable :)

>> No.6370250

1000-1200 sq ft is fine for 1-2 imo.

>> No.6371076

Kek at everyone arguing mansion maintenance
I would just let it fall to shit, would make it feel more homely
Maybe every 5 years when it gets putrid and I have to dig through a mountain of pizza boxes just to take a shit in the toilet because the shitting room is getting too foul

Am I seriously then only one that would just be the very definition of decadence and worthlessness
Fuck traveling I hate going outside
Fuck charity's,entertaining guests and pride
I would be rich I could be anything I want
And I want too be a lazy piece of shit

>> No.6371412

If I make it, I'm just going to smoke weed all day lol