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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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635445 No.635445 [Reply] [Original]

>laid off
>as a pizza delivery driver

Plz tip

>> No.635447

How do you manage to get fired as a pizza delivery driver?

>> No.635448


I wasn't fired.

I was laid off.

This is a sign of things to come. I've been preparing to short the retail restaurant sector for quite some time now.

>protip: the company I worked for is one of the top in the retail restaurant sector

>> No.635455

Lol what does that even mean.

>> No.635461


>be on /biz/
>talking about stocks and stuff
>make a thread about how i was laid off as a delivery driver
>in a post after that, I mention that I'm shorting the sector I was working in
>because the company I was working for is doing lay offs
>and the company I work for is a top dog in the sector

Literally, what I'm trying to say is this: the company I worked at experienced such a decline in revenue that they have to do layoffs to counter-balance. If you had the SLIGHTEST bit of a brain, you'd know that this means to SHORT. Cash will be flowing from the top dogs to the underdogs, and from the sector itself into other sectors.

I can't tell you which underdog will become a top dog, nor which sector you should be looking to buy concerning the change in cash flow, but all I know is that I've been preparing to short the retail restaurant sector.

Is there anything else I need to hold your hand for?

>> No.635468

Had to read that 5 times and you still don't make sense. You're saying the company is shorting and so your shorting everybody and everyone is shorting each other off? Explain yourself.

>> No.635469

I've been preparing to short the retail restaurant sector
nigga thats dumb as fuck

>> No.635471

More importantly give a better definition of shorting.

>> No.635473
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>an attitude like that
>wonders why he can't keep a job as shitty as a pizza delivery scrub

>> No.635480


>actually made more than all of the bosses I worked with
>because of my attitude

That's the thing about delivery, your attitude really determines how much you get paid. I get a minimum of $15/hr. That's including vehicle maintenance as well. This job will be gone within a couple of years.



I can't believe you're that fucking stupid.


Instead of shorting multiple stocks accruing gigantic fees, I'm going to either find an ETF to my liking or simply customize one myself so that I can reduce the transaction costs to pretty much zilch.

Not only that, considering that every top dog in the sector is overvalued, I feel more confident in doing a broad short than trying to pick out which companies will go down the furthest and only shorting them.

What's dumb about that, again?


What I'm saying is that this is something that is happening not only at the chain I worked at, but at every other major chain. I've done work in five different companies publicly listed in the last two years and I can tell you each and every single one of them have only been getting hurt in terms of revenue and are being forced to adapt in much riskier means.

One of the companies had some of their stores in other parts of the nation outright close down because the risks they took ended up completely backfiring and ruined their reputation in those parts enough to where they had to permanently exit those markets. Granted, this one very company has been doing good in terms of price, but it' still withing it's bubble range...

Wait... what did I just say?

Bubble... range?

Why would I say that concerning the retail restaurant sector?

Oh, that's because most of the sector has bubbled up in the last couple of years.

>> No.635494

Such autism..wow. you are really over thinking ur jerb.

>> No.635497


Wouldn't it be more autistic to simply post what you posted instead of actually contributing to a financial discussion?

>> No.635499

Not really.

>> No.635500


>oh god this post is so autistic
>i must post how autistic it is
>i just can't NOT post about how autistic is

Austim. 2015

>> No.635539

ITT unemployed ex-pizza delivery boy acts like he's a stock market tycoon with insider information.

>> No.635551
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Get wrecked. If you were a fith as smart as you think you are u wouldnt have been a delivery driver to begin with.....let alone a shit canned one.

>> No.635555
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thread over

>> No.635566

Quads confirm

>> No.635598

I don't take financial advice from pizza delivery guys.

Are you just using "short" because it's a buzzword you heard on /biz/?
I find it hard to believe that my local pizza guy has anything more than a paper trading account.

Nice b80, m80

>> No.635599


>> No.635793


>Thinks that one restaurant doing lay offs is a sign to short the entire restaurant sector

Obvious b8, but was funny

>> No.635848


Actually I'm the same guy who told you about OSG and RSH. I also told you to short gold at 1800 KEK.


I've been looking into opening my own restaurant(s). But, hey, if getting experience in the field you want to go into is stupid, then... well...


But you'll take advice from ass/wipe/ KEK

How does this board not know what shorting is? It's literally the opposite of longing. This has to be b8.

I also operate a side business, so... (collection agency)


Consider this: if a company can't afford to have a couple of extra people for 2.35/ hr, then that must mean they are hurt. If this is going on through the just the top three pizza chains, then this must mean it's going through the entire sector. (not that sales are dropping, but there is an adjustment period, aka the dotcom bubble, aka the housing bubble)

Not only that, but the specials they are having is akin to department stores doing a liquidation sale because they are holding too much inventory which wasn't considering to be too much until a certain economic event happened that concerns the department store. They are looking to downsize or they will go broke. THINK RSH HERE. (which I'm looking to add to my position for the next month or so during their bankruptcy proceedings)

Also, do some research on bubbles. Everyone's so eager to say the nasdaq or the DJIA is bubbling right now, which is entirely untrue.

>> No.635864


Trolling isn't if funny if you're genuinely retarded too

>> No.635867

Is wipe still around? I wanted to know if /econ/ was archived.

>> No.635871


this is why this board is shit. can't have an actual discussion without being called a troll


no he left because this board is shit lol

>> No.635895


Don't listen to the haters in this thread. short now and short hard - clearly if you are part of a major chain and they are laying people off, this is immediate proof that there will be a larger industry wide trend of that happening, and that everyone will be doing it because of losses.

short hard.

i am already short on yum brands because based off your story i can already tell that pizza hut will be worth it's current market cap within 3 weeks.

i bet dominoes gets it even worse with all their cap ex expenditure on these new fangled fancy pizzas they are failing to sell to the heartland of america...

the shake shack ipo is probably the highwater mark for this round of economic boom/bust cycles.

everyone head for the exits. you heard it here first.

>thank you based pizza delivery hedge fund manager

>> No.635900
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>you will never get the proofs that you told /econ/ to buy DWTI @30

>> No.635943


every chain has been targeting the millennial market and are falling on their faces. they are trying to target a demographic who now hold the average for first-time jobbers and the jobs they are getting don't pay enough to warrant spending 40 bucks on two pizzas.

>> No.636342


Most towns have other pizza delivery places to work for. You'll be back on your feet, errrr in your car in no time.

>> No.636683


Thank you for your words of kindness.

>> No.636755

its not insider info if you arent a hedge fund manager.
first letter of the company name that shitcanned you.

also, shouldnt the delivery service be a bit more profitable now since gas prices went down along with a growing american economy leaving lards more money to buy more pizza?
i dont know the industry at all but it seems they just need to jumpstart a more effective marketing strategy to start making a profit since everyone loves pizza?

also thanks for not being extremely retarded and actually contributing to /biz/

>> No.636758

They actually just started releasing the pizza vending machines here. They dont just reheat pizza either. They cook it from fresh dough and such.

Toss one of those in a 24 hour cafe.

>> No.636761

Your presentation and attitude are shit, but I am intrigued by your raving. I'll go look at the financials of various food service companies now.

>> No.636799


this is a shit board what do you expect except for top kek


nah costs of other materials and bank fees and such
not only that, but the delivery charge has actually increased since the drop in gas
obviously they are trying to change their ratio of take-out:delivery and probably end up outsourcing their delivery service so they can have cheaper labor and maybe even lower prices.

That actually gives me the idea to see if it's possible to create a company that can do delivery for all of the companies.

>> No.636802

you mean a courier? it's possible, you'd just have to have employees on call during their business hours and be cheaper than just paying their normal employees wages to deliver

>> No.636825

Just 1099 the drivers and pay them flat mileage plus they can keep the tips.

>> No.636835
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>tfw chicken tendie delivery