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6366719 No.6366719 [Reply] [Original]

Hack into my computer and take my crypto. Dox me and exposed my perverted and disgusting identity to everyone irl. Put up a hired assassin for me, just do it. I dont want to live anymore. please kill me now, end this fucking reality. I rather be reborn as a sea urchin than live like this

>> No.6366744

It's never over pal
I'll take your crypto though, I'm so fucking poor

>> No.6366751

Looks like someone just got liquidated lmao

>margin trading

>> No.6366771

whats wrong anon?

if you need to talk let me know, I am good at it.

if you want to make money safely, put it into ZCL

Also nobody really wants to waste their gains to kill you

>> No.6366793

Okay op what happened? You live in the Midwest? I can take care of what you ask.

>> No.6366809

this is why you don't use leverage

>> No.6366850
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>> No.6366860

how bad did you fuck up?

>> No.6366884

>tfw shorted eth 100x margin

>> No.6366913
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I already made 500 damn k worth of LINK and i hate it. those normies... those goddamn normies. All i hear on this friday night is them partying, and im here all alone. End my suffering now. Isnt there at least one coder here who can just track me and ruin my life already? im in a constant state of purgatory

>> No.6366917

Send it here before you get v&


>> No.6366953

Anon I’ll even Skype with you and we can kick it and talk crypto

>> No.6366955 [DELETED] 

We all hate our life, that's why we're here.

>> No.6366969

Grass is always greener on the other side, don't be so myopic. The people you meet partying don't usually care about you as a person. They also would kill to be in your position. Lighten up OP

>> No.6367053

dude take that 500k, but some property. build a small farm, raise some animals, play in the woods. build whatever the dfuck you want. live the dream.

at least this is what im chasing

>> No.6367080

I party,drink,go to raves with my ""friends"" pretty often and I hate every second of it suppressing my power level
but its better than being alone which I did previously for honestly 2 years without having any IRL friends. now I am a normie but I loath it.

I want to get enough money to move states and start over fresh.

>blog post.

>> No.6367117

Fucking cash out and go to fucking shrink

>> No.6367177
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I dont want to die alone. I want to be with grill

>> No.6367281

is there a teamspeak channel?
i'll be on TS.Gamers-4-Life.com:9997 in the warhammer channel

>> No.6367317

st fucking import a virgin from some poor white country
ez pz

>> No.6367464


>> No.6367494
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500k? You made it bro, I'm so happy for you XD XD

>> No.6367506

Fucking chill, all your problems are in your head, you know that right? You can turn everything around in your social life on a whim with a mindset change, as for me I'm skipping out on the social stuff (most of the time) to try and achieve babbys first crypto mil

>> No.6367631

Brother. Turn off the internet, take some quality food to cook on a campfire and go camping for a few days away from everything. It resets your brain. You are stuck in the rat race of society mentality and internet is poison. Trust me, if you are ready to die, then don't fear bears or random weirdos. Just go do it and you'll feel so much better. Don't thank me, thank yourself for listening to me after you do it. Cheers. Things could always be worse, just remember that.. be thankful for what you do have. Seize the day friend.

>> No.6367661

Women aren't that hard to impress. Its much harder to make 500k in crypto though.

>> No.6367696

Give your link money to me.

>> No.6367726

Just get a hooker with some of your gains lmao

>> No.6367822
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>> No.6367863

yeah op go camping in the middle of winter. ez

>> No.6367890

if you'd honestly rather be wasting away at a party and listening to shitty music with horrible people, then what are you even doing here
you will not find any worthwhile grills at a typical party unless they were dragged there by their parents to be a chauffeur/designated driver
everyone else is pretty much guaranteed to be a worthless fucking normie

>> No.6367892

>DBC investor

>> No.6367924
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>> No.6367973

Oh this is your problem. Yeah man, just kys.

>> No.6368708

Start going to the gym every day. Hit the wieghts hit the treadmill. Not sure about your diet cut out bread soda most sugar and don't drink much liquor. Go paleo or keto. Discipline yourself make a to do list and start doing it. Read. Donate some shekels to alt right causes. Improve yourself approach women and try talking to them. Find a good church. Join a masonic lodge. Build yourself up find a grill & make white babies. U can be happy not all the time of course but youll get out what u put in. Stop bitchin and work towards your goals and the 14 words.

>> No.6368816

Ill help guide you thriugh this purgatory. I charge 40k a year. We can just chill together and Ill belp you get laid. 125135393@protonmail.com

>> No.6369020
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lol 3D

>> No.6369505


>approach women and try talking to them

instructions unclear: got charged for sexual assault

>> No.6369545

cash out and crash a party then make it fucking rain my man. sitting sedentary looking at a screen with no real sense of belonging does horrible shit to a man and the first step to getting your foot out the door is to get in the mindset get some adderall or even just caffeine in your system to hype you up and then go ham. fuck the fomo, 500k is enough to make you happy.

>> No.6369584

The guy who bought the WTC top detected.

>> No.6369596

Hey buddy. Read about Vipassana meditation to fix your fucked up mind.

Google for mindfulness in plain English pdf

>> No.6369606

cool humblebrag faggot. your life is so hard

>> No.6369667

I was right there with up until you said masonic lodge, the literal shabbos goy trap

>> No.6369813
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I'll make you my slave and take all your possessions, just fill out this consent form. You in?

>> No.6369969

I think you need to talk to someone bruh, drop an email, skype or discord

>> No.6370082

>tfw not crying that you have way less than 500k
Maybe my standards are too low.

>> No.6370094
File: 453 KB, 1500x766, ribeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat this, everyday. you will feel better

>> No.6370662


>> No.6370724


wow 500k is enough to buy you a friend
why do you like to be hacked

is that a new fetish of yours?

I'm a normie i did party last friday night.
laughing at you lmao

>> No.6370774

Maybe, maybe not. A bit melodramatic, but a lot of us seriously hate our life.

>> No.6371073
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i feel better. gonna distract myself. wish i could talk to random girls.

>> No.6371135


> put it in ZCL

Fuck man this guy really wants you dead.

>> No.6371398
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$500k can buy a lot of bomb.
Saint Elliot started the fire now it's up to you to flame it and show the world that we're sick of getting the short end of the stick.

>> No.6371446
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