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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6366153 No.6366153 [Reply] [Original]

I've moved all of my accumulated LINK into cold storage. There is no more reason for me to post on this normie infested board. To all my fellow linkies... Good luck.

>> No.6366186

Godspeed anon

>> No.6366227

Is there any perticularly clear reference somewhere to do this. I filled my bags to their final limit today when link reached 7400 sats, and would like to cold storage them as well.

>> No.6366268
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Sorry, I didn't mean to sage that

>> No.6366307

It was a good sage tho

>> No.6366346

Link will increase to $2.00 then slowly decrease to $0.40 over the next three years.

All of those savings, gone.. like tears in rain.

>> No.6366368

>locking in the price at 1.15
lol why would you do that

>> No.6366401

Everyone knows this was one of the biggest scams of biz. Just drop the bags and get back in the game. Let it go

>> No.6366426

store it in your eth wallet. print out multiple paper wallets. store it in a safe location until you're ready to cash out. you can do this all with myetherwallet.

>> No.6366501
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Thanks mate.
The thought of the potential singularity makes me shiver.

>> No.6366601

I'm legit doing this right now with my 10k Link.

See you boys all on the other side.