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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 404 KB, 1450x1122, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 10.10.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6362092 No.6362092 [Reply] [Original]

>Brussels, Belgium


>> No.6362148

H-He even looks like Dennis.....

>> No.6362180

That's him

>> No.6362227


I thought the same thing.
>it's true. all of it

>> No.6362284

>proud dad

take me too daddy..

>> No.6362285

He so sexy, I bet he really blasts asses.

But don't scare him, I want more inside scoops.

>> No.6362297
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1515631238650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362302

Hey that AssBlaster guy turns out to be sexy and handsome.

>> No.6362337

Holy shit.

>> No.6362363

I can't imagine a guy who looks like that going around /biz/ calling himself AssBlaster, but's certainly possible.

>> No.6362443

holy fuck

>> No.6362477

Master of disguise.

>> No.6362487


I'm pretty handsome myself tbqh.

>> No.6362513

When my future children ask me how I became a millionaire, I'll tell them about AssBlaster

>> No.6362520


You'd be surprised, anon. I know multiple multimillionaires who browse here.

>> No.6362547


It's real life Patrick Bateman. The meme timeline is fully converged.

>> No.6362561

Dudes is this really happening? Are we gonna be holding a $25 token at $1?

>> No.6362574

yeah yeah and your step father works for sega.

>> No.6362579

1.2 mil reporting in

Got pretty caught up in the Antshares shilling, and put in a years worth of salary. Did pretty well.

>> No.6362629
File: 100 KB, 665x891, 1515277205876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm not sure, what do you boys think?

>> No.6362651
File: 1.12 MB, 1448x2180, ASSBLASTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IS THIS REALLY ASSBLASTER? If it is, be cool, because this guy has really hooked us up. Honestly, he's a fucking hero.

>> No.6362674
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubted ass blaster for a second. This guy is the real deal, and so is LINK.

>> No.6362688


Could actually be him.


I'm not a millionaire, not yet at least, anon, but am friends with some who post here. Chans are one of the most unique places on the Web and so attract a large variety of people, and not just outcasts. The anonymous nature of it is very enticing. Even Taylor Swift was on /b/ in like 2013.

>> No.6362731

That hair is way too similar, especially where it fades slightly right above his ears.

>> No.6362768

I think it’s the wrong ID. Post tripcode assblasster

>> No.6362770

i don't see the resemblance, nancy drew.

>> No.6362776

So this guy could legit not be Larping

>> No.6362778

well, his twitter punctuation / grammar doesn't match but maybe he was going for the character limit

>> No.6362804

Don't be a dick guys, I want him to post more

>> No.6362817
File: 270 KB, 1868x836, 4432452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is his tripcode.

>> No.6362823

Assblaster said he was UK

>> No.6362843

I shared an online mutual friend with Drew Houston in 2006, we spend all our time in vent being gaming degenerates and he would occasionally join in. We all knew about 4chan even in those early days, he might still shitpost. I wouldn't be surprised if this place had a few billionaire regulars that we might not expect.

>> No.6362859

I thought that mister Assblaster was Justin Sun. He JUST blasted mine

>> No.6362902
File: 70 KB, 589x628, brucerick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird, I cant find anything on this guy in the company profiles he listed. Seems to be some random twitter troll.

>> No.6362919 [DELETED] 

someone post that picture assblaster posted of himself with the face blanked out
his hair looked just like this guy's.

>> No.6362947

Nice try, AssBlaster.

>> No.6362961 [DELETED] 

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.6362969


>> No.6362990

Already did here

>> No.6363004
File: 12 KB, 480x360, binanceheadquarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no no there must be some sort of mistake, im not the assblaster!

>> No.6363097

That's not him. I attended almost all the crypto conventions in europe since 2015 and I've never encountered him. I would 100% have recognized a french speaking graduate from EPHEC, former NATO/EU BNP Paribas/ Lloyd.
t. frog living in Brussels working for Deloitte

>> No.6363255


Is Deloitte working with SmartContract by chance? I've had my suspicions that they are since the Sony/AXA contract was discovered. I know they've been eyeing blockchain tech for a while, and Chainlink seems like it'd make pitching blockchain contracts way easier since it would require less work from the clients.

Spill the beans.

>> No.6363299

Someone with chad looks like that working in the established old money financial industry is not going to be a virgin dweeb that attends "crypto conventions".

>> No.6363303

Don't ruin by outing him

>> No.6363381


4chan's secret weapon, Assblaster!

>> No.6363567

>Proud Dad.


>> No.6363624

different hair color, different hairlines
assblaster has more narrow 4head

>> No.6363902

2016-2017 crypto is quite different from before. You now have more bankers in suits than cypherpunks in hoodies. It's not 2013 anymore, blockchain is now an industry, ((((disruptive fintech))) you know?
A lot of crypto meetings are not open to the general public, you have to be invited by someone from the industry or just have a russian accent, it works too.
Not that I'm aware of. We're have consulting activities with various blockchain companies but it's more about their fiscal aspect than the tech they produce.

>> No.6364068

>You now have more bankers in suits than cypherpunks in hoodies.
The fact that people haven't really commented on the irony of this situation yet is the greatest example thus far of crypto jumping the shark.

>> No.6364396

Bro the book Digital Gold is a comment on this irony. Read it

>> No.6364605

This is not real

>> No.6364629

I fucking told AssBlaster, weeks ago, and also today, not to post any shreds of identifying details because you autists would find him. Fucking. Told. Him. Even if this isn't him it disproves the point people were making in the thread earlier 'muh why would anyone bother finding him he's not important'. Because that's what 4chan DOES. Why does a fire burn?

>> No.6364732


He actually posted in the ChainLink slack. If this really is AssBlaster it's not like he was hunted down, he kind of outed himself.

>> No.6364787

The dude posted in the chainlink slack. No one was hunting him down at all. And honestly I don't think anyone truly gives a shit.

>> No.6364810


What in the fuck are you guys conjoined twins or something

>> No.6364825
File: 64 KB, 395x401, 1443148361551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I might become multimillionaire through imaginary internet money with the help of a guy named Ass Blaster
I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on in this timeline anymore

>> No.6364835

no shit, this guy doesnt exist in the companies listed.

>> No.6364852

Even if he's being a truthful insider it's still trip/avatarfag attention whoring behavior that you expect from plebbitors begging for people finish on their face with an upvote. For that reason alone I hope his reckless shitposting noticeably screws up his life in some way.

>> No.6364883
File: 434 KB, 1600x1154, assblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I'm not just sperging out I fucking love AssBlaster and literally made this OC of him shepherding us to deliverance. I just didn't want him to get doxxed and have bad shit happen to him.

>> No.6364891

like someone else said
you'll be telling your grandchidlren how you got rich thanks to a guy named assblaster posting on a macedonian bee keeping forum

>> No.6364905

Its different people. Assblaster uses UK spellling as well - "decentraliSED" and not decentralized

>> No.6364944


In general I'd agree, but if he's giving us something of value then I have no problem with him revelling in the attention a bit. His posts have always been really interesting.

>> No.6364953


/ourguy/ confirmed

>> No.6364968



>> No.6365115


Good catch, anon.

>> No.6365155

jesus the level of autism is actually ridiculous

>> No.6365333

This. Ffs deluded linkies are so fucking retarded.
Some pajeet steals some chads' picture, present himself as some badass crypto businessman with no background d whatsoever and yet people believe his lies. Just seeeeellllllll fucking retarded linkies seeedellllllllllll.

>> No.6365370

posts like these are the reason why i haven’t offed myself yet