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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 500x500, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358834 No.6358834 [Reply] [Original]

alright boys, just got off work. Today our higher-ups were talking about Amazon Web Services partnering with Chinese crypto-currencies for data storage. Currently, Amazon has huge problems with our AWS in China because of the Chinese government requiring us to give them private keys of every database they touch due to their shitty commie government's privacy fetish. Obviously, this causes huge problems for us on the infrastructure side (my division). Because we have to very clearly separate Chinese services from things everyone else uses and it's basically a logistical nightmare and causes the Chinese data market to be barely profitable for us. I dont know if this is common knowledge, but we earn more from AWS than we do from our retail website.

HOWEVER, with crypto-currencies and distributed data storage, we can get around that very easily, since nobody will have the private keys. Today's meeting's 1-pager was deciding solutions to this problem and seeing which Chinese crypto-currencies to partner with. Oddly enough,TRONIX was the favorite, because we can essentially oversee the development of the entire product. Sun was really amicable in letting us choose the direction, and letting our PM's draft the architecture. It's basically a blank canvas, because they have very little done so far. Amazon loves control. They bully every partner they run into, but Sun seemed really submissive to everything. You can look at his past Tweets with Charlie Lee and see his passive personality. I think it'll go really well.

this is fucking huge guys. we can already see a pump starting on Binance. idk who else is leaking this info, but i fully expect this to be $1 EOM.

>> No.6358942

Why even lie about this?

>> No.6358988


>> No.6359065

to sell his tron bags.

it only takes 10~15 mins to think up and write this trash... and he can hopefully get out in a few hours instead of holding on for weeks.

>> No.6359073

believe me or don't. Obviously other people are leaking the info too, look at the fucking charts. Amazon treats us like shit, and like 30 people on my floor were in that meeting. Don't expect secrecy from the engineers you bully.

I put 20 grand into this in the bathroom at work. Follow or don't. I dont care. I'm just giving fair warning to my /biz/ bro's who taught me everything i know about crypto.

>> No.6359083

Kys Justin

>> No.6359127

>thinking anyone would believe this

>> No.6359175

Link the public address for that 20k transaction then. Why not do that and prove it immediately? Oh yeah, because you are full of shit.

>> No.6359234

LMFO, taught you how to shill?

>> No.6359247

Will op deliver

>> No.6359257

>posting personal information after violating an NDA, incriminating myself.

yeah, no. I don't care if you believe me or not, I have no stake in your wins or losses. i'll be here next week to post the screen cap.

>> No.6359333

Damn pretty hilarious shilling. Try to make it more believeable. Lol tron

>> No.6359339

I'm a cloud engineer for a company with AWS sites all around the country. There is inter-region VPC Peering, and we peer all our asain sites through se-asia-1(Singapore) and utilize cloudfront and redis for caching content.

You obviously have no fucking idea what your talking about

>> No.6359435

Fuck is this true. I just got my first eth just now on this app on iTunes. How do I buy tron??? Should I tell all my friends to buy too? Also how do I create an account on here?

>> No.6359446

>Expecting China to peer through Singapore.
you just proved how much of a larp you are. Next.

>> No.6359544

Software deve here. This sounds legit. You were dropping some terms that make me think you're in the business.

Whether Amazon actually move forward with partnering with TRX is yet to be seen, but I believe you..

Gonna pick up a bit more trx today. Thanks for sharing man.

>> No.6359604

>I put 20 grand into this in the bathroom at work.
For real, brah?
Do Amazon bathrooms double as break rooms?

>> No.6359612

lmao gtfo trx holding fag

>> No.6359718

What would stop amazon from creating their own crypto? They don't need to partner with anyone.

>> No.6359725

This is fucking fake guys. I bet he isn't even a level 4 employee.

>> No.6359737

we dont have break rooms in my building, and also what i did was highly illegal, so i didnt want anyone to see it.

>> No.6359753

Bezos has more money than fucking God.
I bet he already has some sort of blockchain solution cooking up in R&D

>> No.6359792

Couldn't wait to get home? You did it in a toilet stall?

>> No.6359803

Amazon buying a fuck ton of LTC before the announcement for an epic profit.

>> No.6359839

I bet he got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

>> No.6359863

6:15 pm in Seattle right now. Good luck getting out of Amazon and home by 6:15

>> No.6359904

> I have no stake in your wins or losses.
Then why post it? What's your motive?

>> No.6359914

nice larp

>> No.6359957

If this was true I'd sell my amazon shares right away.

>> No.6359961


Get the fuck out of my board virgin bullshiter

>> No.6359965

Would that not be insider trading? People violate so many rules in crypto (e.g. PnD) they forget rules still exist.

>> No.6360005

Crypto isn’t regulated by the SEC.

>> No.6360048

Because he absolutely lost his ass on Tron.

>> No.6360068

fuck off lying faggot

>> No.6360075

Tell me what building aws in in.

>> No.6360101

level 6 Amazon employee here.
OP is lying, tryna sell his TRONIX bags on you while he acquires N1C3L4RP coins (what amazon is actually gonna use)

>> No.6360113

>pretending to be this new

>> No.6360122


L5 here.


>> No.6360183

My dad works really high up in Amazon and says they indeed had a big meeting about this but it's more likely they will eventually partner with VeChain

>> No.6360220

Oh any my dad once said he is level 13 but that's like a year ago now so maybe he leveled up anyway I think he knows better.

>> No.6360302

My dad is the CEO of Amazon, they're putting all assets into bitbean to start sprouting.

>> No.6360345

And my dad is level 99 and has a shiny chink golden armor of Tronix and he said Justin is a filthy scammer.

>> No.6360350
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> got pumped x80 in a month
> no working product

Negros don't fall for this shit

>> No.6360416
File: 121 KB, 601x602, 1498060205197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king will return.

>> No.6360423

Is that you Lance? I was wondering what the fuck you were up to at the urinals today. You know goddamn well we aren't supposed to say shit about the TRX deal.

Don't bother coming in tomorrow.

>> No.6360465

>b...building name?

>> No.6360556

Hahahaha gtfo veshit. Fucking normie

>> No.6360746

I am tired of all these partnership talks about Amazon partnering with a cryptocurrency. We will make our own if we ever get to that point.
>t. humble book salesman

>> No.6361238
File: 418 KB, 1366x768, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 6.54.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys this is fucking real hoyly shit check the fucking OCoin (first coin on the tron network with JUSTIN SUN BEING THE HEAD) and one of their fucking partners is AWS


>> No.6361322

fake and gay

>> No.6361353

Website DOES actually have that on there. Hmm...

>> No.6361364



>> No.6361492

Tron is a shitty ECR20. Not a network. sage for being fake and gay

>> No.6361584
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x2208, 7DAEB7AF-8690-4167-A582-46086AC7BD43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you’re actually being stupid...

>> No.6361868

why does this seem like bs and the webpage yall link looks like trash in nigger vill

>> No.6361890
File: 55 KB, 1242x2208, fakeandgay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok LARPer. I can put a fucking AWS logo up on my meatspin page too dipshit. saged yet again you lying faggot.

>> No.6361892

Yep. It’s on there. Curiouser and curiouser.

>> No.6361969


Bro I'm not fucking larping dude it's right there what the fuck else do you want me to do? this is the confirmed pre-ico site for the token.

you not listening just shows you're too fucking incompetent to just check the damn site and you can see

>> No.6361984

its on there but what does that even mean?

>> No.6362134

Well... it does say “Media and Partnerships.”

>> No.6362201

i dont see anything leaked on Blind yet, and i usually get a lot of good info there about amazon leaks. Care to post it there also?

>> No.6362489

so they're going to rent out a fucking EC2 instance. Big. Fucking. Deal.


>> No.6363182

So, uh, I shouldn't sell my TRX then?

>> No.6363521

You're a fucking idiot if you believe this