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6359885 No.6359885 [Reply] [Original]

Computer Science PhD candidate here. Want to know how I know a bunch of you "muh whitepaper" fags are brainlets who either pretend to read or pretend to understand math? Because 75% of the whitepapers in this space are garbage. I don't mean "I can follow this but the math is faulty" garbage either, I mean "This literally doesn't follow any kind of real mathematical logic. Are...are they just throwing in shit that looks like an equation every few paragraphs? Oh, there's a standard equation lifted from a textbook but the paper is making it out to be something entirely different" misleading scam-tier kind of garbage. The fact that nobody is even bothering to call these teams out on their psuedo-math papers means that the market is pretty brainlet-dense right now. Don't waste your time, ride the hype of whatever makes its way to Twitter's Stacies and Tyrones who are starting to try and do the get rich quick thing with crypto. XRP and TRX are what's hot with the normie crowd right now but this is just the beginning of hype surfing, take advantage of this paradigm or keep pretending to be Alan Turing who really understands all of that totally-real math in those whitepapers and lose it all.

>> No.6360006

Oh my god shut up

>> No.6360015

"blockchain" is the "neural netwok" of finance right now. It's all hype with some sparse good uses, just go with it.

>> No.6360072

Kys you fucking programmer faggot you are literally on the lowest rung of society. Even though you make good money women literally HATE you more than men that are unemployed because "computer science" and "programming" are such pussy drying fields.

>> No.6360094


You claim to be a PhD graduate but can you give specific examples of white papers with garbage in then and specific examples of white papers that are non garbage? If anything if you’ve read them all can you please make a list because I don’t want to invest in hype. I know Cardanos white paper is peer reviewed, and so isn’t ChainLINKs and RLC. Any more you can suggest?

>> No.6360124

Can confirm this as true.
I have absolutely no comp sci background, I only invest in ideas I like and coins that have hype.
Made myself a quick 100k in 2 months.
I actually don't believe any of these start-ups will take off.
Like most of this does not need to be decentralized, so why would normies change big aspects of their lives to decentralize say music, odd jobs, cloud networks....
I like powr though.
Electricity should be decentralized.

>> No.6360147

I bet you have the smallest dick in the world

>> No.6360156

lmao stemfags btfo

>> No.6360193

most of the whitepapers are trash most of the projects are trash. thats why you read the paper you moron

>> No.6360198

Not OP but that's complete bullshit. Are you implying women care what you do as long as you have money?

You sound bitter also.

>> No.6360238

t. liberal arts grad

>> No.6360255

>I'm a retard buy my bags

Fuck off back to Twitter faggot.

>> No.6360280

i think decentralized youtube would be a good idea in its current state

>> No.6360322

Women respect Engineers and Architects. They HATE programmers and their autistic brains that think about everything as "algorithms".

Women HATE anything that deviates from normal and programmers brains are anything but normal, they're disgusting aberrations.

>> No.6360451

Women don't give a shit about any of that. At least not any of my exes nor my current gf

What are you on about?

>> No.6360531

>t. i've only had one encounter with a woman ie my mom
you realize some women ARE programmers?

>> No.6360579

you sounded like a nice lady up until the point you told him to kill himself. your cats must loooove you huh sweet cheeks?

>> No.6360664

True. I unironically haven't read a single whitepaper. Got into the Tezos, Chainlink, Icon, Wanchain ICO without knowing what they do.
t. math student

>> No.6360674

I agree with OP. Most of the whitepapers I've looked at are just jargon and buzzwords designed to make autist "investors" feel clever while not actually saying anything technical.

>> No.6360950

no i'm literally a white knight soyboy male who can't code

>> No.6361030

Give it about 10 years and it'll likely be mostly women working as programmers in the west, ironically. Not because women are better or even good at it, but because as more of the field is offshored the women and diversity hires will be the last to go. Luckily governments and international megacorps will be able to use the gender disparity reversal from mass developer offshoring to newspeak the reality into a good thing.

>> No.6361077

>"blockchain" is the "neural netwok" of finance right now
this is good. I'm stealing this.

>> No.6361092

sorry bud, need at least 2 phds to post here gtfo until you are properly credentialed

>> No.6361247

in 1000 years women and men will be equal in coding ability so it won't matter anyway :^)

>> No.6361311
File: 17 KB, 469x469, 1506202134974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you anon? Say her name.

>> No.6361403

>sorry bud, need at least 2 phds to post here
I know two double PhDs, funnily enough they're the only other people I know in academia that probably actually post on 4chan. You have to be both very unapologetically autistic and millionaire-parents-NEET to do the doctorate route twice.

>> No.6361546

Ay bruh I'm finna make a smart investment not some normie one nawmsayin bruh can you let down some fax about which coins are the real shiznit

>> No.6361943

What? There are tons of actual uses for neural networks

>> No.6362171

>Comp Sci Phd candidate
>poor grasp of English
>no credible evidence
Sounds more like pseudo science to me