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File: 109 KB, 900x500, vechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358019 No.6358019 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the legitimacy of these connections?


We're gonna be rich if even half of this turns true.

>> No.6358108
File: 205 KB, 1319x650, ThisSettlesIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, we're all gonna make it. Walton Pajeets inbound 3 minutes. Enjoy

>> No.6358150

If I could have sex with my vechain stack, I would.

>> No.6358168

Here are my coins:


I was thinking of narrowing this down from 7 coins to 3. I already plan on putting the rest of my BTC into VEN. What are the other 3 coins I should get rid of?

>> No.6358188

Holding until my 1k VEN are worth 1mil
Comfiest coin.

>> No.6358229
File: 54 KB, 400x267, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo Mistar u buy walton? Vechan a scam ok u die and lose veri veri veri dollar

>> No.6358295
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1515418238442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw student in eastern eu socialist shithole and have only 200$ on VEN

cant work bcuz I am brainlet and apparantely CS is only hard for me and parents wont lend me some money cuz they think crypto is american-jewish conspiracy.

>> No.6358313

ven omg zrx

>> No.6358328

75K here and I got in around $1. You have no idea how much I want this to be true. I just need one more 10X to make it.

>> No.6358345
File: 334 KB, 720x1280, 1477345807494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin has so much room to grow, hoping for huge gains.
175 venlet here, will i make enough to pay off my 50k student loans??? (and get a gf life pic related)

>> No.6358379
File: 268 KB, 997x665, wtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this all lie and bull shit just like my streets filled up with, you want buy walton, we get lambo that way for sure !

40man developer team more i look iunto coin more suspicious it look btw

>> No.6358495

All jokes asside, yeah it's legit. Did my research when it was at 3k sats when some dude on youtube made a video about it. Fact checked and everything seemed alright.
Great partnerships, nodes, rebrand, inc news, maybe BMW/PboC.
Fucking losing my shit here, waltonfags getting paid 1 dogecoin a shill and I'm all outa cocain. Anyway, VEN great coin, DYOR cos for all you know I'm the Pajeet
Here's the video that got me hard:
20 minutes of joy

>> No.6358534

50k is ambitious for only 175 VEN but with that stack I am fairy certain you could bag ((her))

>> No.6358704

I'm with him on the 0x call if u give a fuck, peace!

>> No.6358773

Fucking VEN doing perfect trajectories, I could fap to dem charts. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6358930
File: 119 KB, 600x600, 1503767510058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successfully bought at the bottom of the two most recent dips

>> No.6358949


Yeah, I'm selling REQ and will later sell off TRON. I don't want to sell LINK since that was a gift, so I'm riding that down to 0 if I have to.

That leaves OMG and 0x. I have 12 OMG and 242 0x. I'm debating which one has the better odds of giving a profit since I plan on finishing this up and then not opening this profile again until December 2018.

>> No.6359017

oooof tron

>> No.6359121

y market sell TRX asap

>> No.6359129

TRON was also a gift. I got it from an airdrop when it was worth $2. It was literally free money.

Once tron hits 20 cents, I'm thinking of selling it for VEN.

>> No.6359303

It's too good to be true, it's gonna be a massive dump.

>> No.6359340

Rebranding soon and they have been pretty quiet on news lately.

>> No.6359395


>> No.6359408


same guy who wrote that also wrote this

>Whether anyone believes me or not but I am a super intelligent. When I was in 3rd grade my teacher spoke to my mom and had me skipped to 5th grade because the 3/4 grade class I was in; couldn't keep up with the work I did. I am not saying I am perfect, but there is a reason I know patterns and how to use logic to figure things out. Logically they would come out and discredit me if I am wrong. They can't come out and say I am wrong if I am right because that will hurt them too. So they are trying to silence me. I have been downvoted and banned for little things relating to this article.

lel fedora

>> No.6359415

>Once tron hits 20 cents

>> No.6359427

Yeah, still beating myself up about not selling it when it reached 25 cents.

>> No.6359441


>> No.6359673

before VEN -

30 other coins

a few shitcoins waiting to sell for VEN

>> No.6359923

Pretty much this. I know there are potential 100x moon missions literally out of nowhere that nobody could ever predict, but as a poorfag, I can't afford to diversify into 20 coins. I have to take a chance on one really good coin, even if it takes 6 months to 10x. With all these partnerships and possible PBoC, $60 per coin by July shouldn't be that farfetched, right?

So if I pool my resources and get $1,000 into VEN, when I look at it in July, it might have grown to $10,000. From there, I can either stay in VEN or take some out and diversify.

>> No.6359964
File: 171 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180113-021734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my folio. Started stacking at 1$, more at 1.60, 2.60 and now at 6$..

>> No.6360099

Most of the top 50 wallets have been accumulating coins in this recent dip. Don’t be surprised if the price continues to be depressed until the next announcement and they can’t hold it down any longer.

>> No.6360301

That's what I'm getting antsy about. I don't know if the rebrand is on the 15th or not, but once it happens, the price is guaranteed to go up no matter what.

>> No.6360358

looking pretty comfy there

>> No.6360437

Mid Jan. Not 15th specificaly

>> No.6360461

It’s never been said to be on the 15th only mid-January. It’s also going to be a longer process ending in February. I’m honestly not expecting much from it. More excited for other announcements.

>> No.6360472

BAIDU just released its own blockchain as a service platform. Just worried it will kill all other chink coins.

>> No.6360714

that's where you're wrong kiddo. kek

>> No.6360725


they have some sort of event happening in singapore this month
I'm sure it'll start to kick off then

>> No.6360727

8K VEN holder here. Just thinking about how much fucking money I'm going to make next week gives me a hard on. Honestly, I can't get my mind on anything else for more than 10 minutes at a time.

>> No.6360756

]The rebranding lasts until the end of February but there is a rebranding EVENT somewhere between Jan 15th to Jan 20th.

>> No.6360776

Do we know when this is?

>> No.6360796

We moonin' boys

>> No.6360806

Same, this coin is like crack. I check every 15 minutes to see my gains. I can't wait for this week so I can cry my tears of joy

>> No.6360925

I doubt it. The sudden burst of volume was out of nowhere. It was just some whale buying in without any accompanying news.

>> No.6360955


not sure, i assumed it would start the rebranding process
so soon, i guess

>> No.6360997

Usually big news is out on saturday. Check the Vechain history. But I guess this time we'll have to wait for Thor.

>> No.6361173
File: 8 KB, 250x209, farage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 16k ven. Will I make it bros?

>> No.6361191

I've gone all in and I never go all in. VEN is just that fucking good.

>> No.6361218

fuck Vechain and all other shitcoins, they are all going to 0 in a few years. who's with me?
who else /all in/ tether here???

>> No.6361256

Same. I made the mistake of daytrading a bit just then, and fomo'd back into VEN and lost 268 ven fuck. Got 2954 now.

>> No.6361292

I highly doubt we will get any real news until the rebranding. I get the feeling they are going to do their rebranding event and reveal some partnerships and then for the whole rebranding process reveal more and more things.

>> No.6361520

But news should emerge soon. A week max. News about the rebranding i mean.

>> No.6361560

I think Noah said mid-january was anywhere from the 15th to the 20th so It is coming next week regardless.

The only question is if we get good news before then.

>> No.6361566

I think we will have a new ATH by the end of the weekend.

>> No.6361693

True. Momentum is just about dead right now.
It is both good and bad that they don't really want to hype it.

>> No.6361786

I doubt it without news. It's ping ponging between 42K and 47K.

I do think we will probably get an announcement of the rebranding date though. I'm close enough to making it that all of this is making me nervous.

>> No.6361816

>Our efforts towards apotheosis will last over the course of a month and a half from today, the full range of details will be released periodically from now until the mid of January

They said that Dec. 6th, so I guess we're waiting for the final news etc about the rebranding which should pretty much be any day now

>> No.6361850

I'm a poorfag and I put a buy order in ridiculously low in case it dropped over night.
And somehow it got filled without really dropping.
I made 2k in my sleep, so comfy.
Just a little feel good story for you anons.

>> No.6361879

I think things changed. In the AMA Sunny said it was going to last until the end of February.

>> No.6361965


ah right
Hopefully the CCK will drop some dope shit soon, too

>> No.6362053

Infos coming till mid jan, rebranding itself till end of feb.

>> No.6362117


they may count the rebranding as happening all the way until thor is released, which is like june or whatever

>> No.6362193

I honestly don't know what rebranding means aside from changing the name. Maybe a bunch of the use-cases and abilities of VeChain and with each use case it reveals a new partnership which will use VeChain in that way.

But there is no telling.

>> No.6362492

33k VEN reporting, all in. im gonna fucking chad this shit. whos with me faggots?

>> No.6363012

Thanks a lot biz I'm stuck with 1k VEN and fucking Walton is mooning. Awesome.

>> No.6363281

good for you anon. have fun with it :)

>> No.6363929

1.4k VEN all in.

>> No.6364049

we gonna make it boii

>> No.6364111

>the virgin Vechain vs the Chad Walton

>> No.6364141

5000 reporting, need to mine a winner so I can buy more VEN.

>> No.6364223

>1k VEN bagholder
I feel like I've been literally cucked by WTC

>> No.6364332

No no no no pajeet not here dont buying Ven Need to BUY A WALTON (WTC) not into buy scam ven please buying WALTON (WTC) i need to feed my twelve kids in pakistan oops i mean i need to pay off my student loans.

>> No.6364370

Is the WTC deal as big as they're saying it is?

>> No.6364397

It's honestly huge

>> No.6364490


>> No.6364568

>$6.42 a coin


>> No.6364612

Currently has an inverse relationship with WTC

>> No.6364616

Honestly, will VEN even be buyable anymore once the rebrand event happens? If it doesn't jump to at least $15 after that, then I just don't know.

>> No.6364628

God fucking damb it feels good to be a WTCuck right now. Lm@u venfags. You were never worthy enough for the bants.

>> No.6364673

What a fucking mess lel

>> No.6364719
File: 325 KB, 904x583, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364773

why do walton people care so much about ven? making me scared to buy wtc

>> No.6364850

Jan 15-20 rebrand canceled


moved to feb 26th

>> No.6364857


No moon missions soon then???? ;_;

>> No.6364941




>> No.6365195

Take a deep breath. Read their announcement in full (the document linked, not just the twitter feed). Not so bad anymore.

>> No.6365519

venbros are we about to get /JUSTED/ ?

>> No.6365611

weak impatient fags cant wait til feb 26 BUYBUYBUY

>> No.6365679

This just in, Jim Breyer has committed suicide.

>> No.6365740

Fuck it, just sold my 8K stack. Might get back in if it dips enough.

>> No.6365818

Careful of a scam going around with a url that looks like "vchain foundation".

Just got scammed for the first time ever and lost 400 VEN. Brutal.

>> No.6365957

hope u lose

>> No.6366027

i assume you sent it to them? what possible reason could you have to send anyone ven?

>> No.6366043

wtf it is going back up again this cant be happening

>> No.6366080

Thought I was sending it to MEW for an "airdrop". I'm fucking stupid.

>> No.6366105

Why would you possibly think there was an airdrop?

>> No.6366181

I don't know. A lapse in judgement. I got tricked by what I can only assume was a hacked twitter account. Fucking sucks.