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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6353742 No.6353742 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/,

Today's cryptocurrency market is almost solely based upon hype and marketing. Even among the top 100 coins there's a plethora of shitcoins that have no innate value or bring anything innovative to the table. The sole reason for their inflated price is an irrational amount of hype.

Which leads me to wonder, why should we anons not band together to promote undervalued coins? There's plenty of low marketcap coins, bringing real world value whilst having huge amounts of room to growth. The only thing these coins need a little nudge in the right direction on social media.

So I propose, let's band together, coordinate ourselves, and make some sick 10-100x gains. We currently have about 300 likeminded anons among our ranks, and over the span of a week, we've made one coin moon over 500%.

Without further ado - hop on in!

Dis_cord invite code: gq2dTNf

>> No.6353940

This is the most supportive and focused crypto group I have ever been apart of. Everyone here is focused on helping each other out whether it be sharing knowledge, providing analysis, or making good memes.

Being able to vote on which coins that are focused upon next prevents admins from accumulating and then dumping on the rest of us. The coins chosen for this project aren't shitty meme coins that have no future, but instead coins who have real tech that have a real future in their sector. Now is your chance to get in on this wonderful moon group.

>> No.6353998

I've been a part of this group for a little while now, and I can definitely recommend joining, or at least giving it a shot.

We're more than just a shill group though. Yes the gains are good and the coin is great (I truly believe in the projects we shill) but we're also a community for discussing coins and market-trends. I've really enjoyed having a group of crypto-enthusiasts I can talk to and share knowledge with, where the conversation often revolves around the tech of the coin, and not as much the gains (though they are a part of it as well).

I can honestly say that I've enjoyed spending my time talking to the members of the group and I also 100% believe in the way this project is heading. Trust me, go take a look. You won't regret it

>> No.6354010

This group is AMAZING. We are not a PnD group, but we promote promissing coins.
No only that but the community is awesome. Helped me a lot. I have learned so much from them. If you like gainz and thinks you can contribute, please join us. This may be your last chance.

>> No.6354032

Basically a collective of people promoting undervalued coins and making profit by being early investors. Fucking great idea

>> No.6354056

Yep, getting together to promote coins with huge room for growth and real tech/utility behind them is a great idea. Unlike PnD groups, our group stays on a coin for weeks or months, promoting its growth, and we also hold democratic, open consensus on picking out promising new coins.

To the moon together, my /biz/nessmen.

>> No.6354065

The group takes an awesome approach to bringing to light good coins that are ready to grow. There is a singular purpose and goal. The effort it takes to be an active member and really contribute is low compared to bs pnd scams.

This is the best approach.

>> No.6354130
File: 112 KB, 1024x536, kaso_seiza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know how "Cryptobro" now charges 97 bucks a month for his early tips? There is no jewing like that in this group.

We're all in it together and nobody is trying to rip others off. There are also no early tips or calls or whatever, everyone gets info at the same time. And people are genuinely helping each other, there's definitely a sense of community going on here.

We democratically chose the first coin to shill, and we chose it for it's inherent value and quality, because we're explicitly not trying to PnD anything. Join us if you share these values.

>> No.6354131

I've been a part of this group for a little while now, and I can definitely recommend joining, or at least giving it a shot.

We're more than just a shill group though. Yes the gains are good and the coin is great (I truly believe in the projects we shill) but we're also a community for discussing coins and market-trends. I've really enjoyed having a group of crypto-enthusiasts I can talk to and share knowledge with, where the conversation often revolves around the tech of the coin, and not as much the gains (though they are a part of it as well).

I can honestly say that I've enjoyed spending my time talking to the members of the group and I also 100% believe in the way this project is heading. Trust me, go take a look. You won't regret it

>> No.6354132

Nice samefagging loser

>> No.6354187


>> No.6354196

We have 300 members, why is it so hard to believe that a fraction of us would visit this thread?

The more people we have, the more power we and ultimately /biz/ will have to promote small promising coins and for us all to make serious gains.

>> No.6354205

I'll kill the suspense. They are shilling up firing coin. I will be avoiding this tolietcoin.

>> No.6354247

>10xed in the last 2 weeks


>> No.6354251

Because you posted the exact same comment with 2 IDs kek

>> No.6354285

I've been a part of this group for a little while now, and I can definitely recommend joining, or at least giving it a shot.

We're more than just a shill group though. Yes the gains are good and the coin is great (I truly believe in the projects we shill) but we're also a community for discussing coins and market-trends. I've really enjoyed having a group of crypto-enthusiasts I can talk to and share knowledge with, where the conversation often revolves around the tech of the coin, and not as much the gains (though they are a part of it as well).

I can honestly say that I've enjoyed spending my time talking to the members of the group and I also 100% believe in the way this project is heading. Trust me, go take a look. You won't regret it

>> No.6354296

That's not me, I have had the same ID throughout the thread. But we have some faggots in the Discord who are subtly trolling our group, so if you see FUDDing or retarded memes just ignore them.

>> No.6354307

Ok so it already mooned and now you need to lose your bags.

And for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.6354313
File: 39 KB, 512x512, pepe happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great group if you new to crypto game anon. Here are the anons you can actually rely on not like these other pajeet infested discords where you need to pay btc to even be a memebr

>> No.6354335

This is the worst type of shilling/samefagging

Not even natural or fluid. Just generic pajeet paragraphs with no effort.

1/10 for making me reply

>> No.6354357

Q1 alpha isn't even out yet. And we were on this coin way before it mooned. If we were here just to pump and dump, wouldn't we have done it when the coin had mooned 10x over its value? Why stay beyond that unless we truly believed in its utility and team?

>> No.6354383

Oh muh goodness he's a genius.

Did you also know that we shilled FUN, REQ, and LINK before they got legs of their own? Probably not, but it explains a lot, right?

>> No.6354409

This group is not pumping up shitty coins for a profit and it against the point of the group to dump it. It might be called shill but that is a tongue in cheek reference. If you don't like what is being offered then don't fucking buy it.

>> No.6354416

I never held crypto before, and never even went on biz, but found these guys my first day. I was able to buy promising crpyto for low price thanks to them.

>> No.6354488

One benefit of the general trashiness of this board is that the well-coordinated and articulated posts of these scammers stick out like uniformed cultists in a children's playground.

>> No.6354589

what the hell is going on in this thread? everyone is too shilly and im getting pajeet vibes

>> No.6354590
File: 31 KB, 480x445, 1515006241003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a PnD. We only accept serious members and the rules MUST be followed or you're kicked out of the group. We don't want freeloaders and retards, only serious people willing to help the cause.

We have a system to purge those who contribute negatively or don't contribute at all, so if your objective is to join and troll then go find the next group because this is not the one for you.

The coins are elected democratically so there's no way for the admin or moderators to accumulate cheaply before anyone else.

When a coin is elected, it's because everyone on the group believes on the coin and it's future, not because we want to make some quick buck.

Yes, we don't want you in the group, fuck off. I said, serious people, not trolls and pajeets.

>> No.6354621

It's the best crypto discord group I've been into. There's no pyramid referal scheme and everything is democratic chosen, and in result everyone reaps the results from the collective efforts, equally. This is an once in a lifetime opportunity for those who contribute.

>> No.6354648

The masterminds of crypto are in there, outsiders are just crying, holding heavy bags and getting paranoid about every thread here thinking btc is getting shilled too.

>> No.6354655

>We have a system to purge those who contribute negatively or don't contribute at all

why are you here then that's what I wanted to do

>> No.6354656

Well said. This is simply an organized way to promote the growth of certain coins that are chosen by everyone in our group at the same time. There's no resemblance to the PnD groups where you literally have to pay to be allowed 10 second forewarning or whatever.

>> No.6354672

First you faggots say that this is a pump and dump group manipulating the coin, then the narrative changes to us trying to get rid of bags
Which one is it then, faggot? Keep on holding on to whatever shitcoins you have, because once this gets added to a new exchange and the alpha is released, it'll moon like you've never seen before

>> No.6354708

Join the Discord and see for yourself, we aren't Pajeets, we can speak in proper English and use toilets.

>> No.6354730

If you are in this board searching for potential altcoins, I recommend you to visit our discord. It takes less than 10 minutes and you'll get the picture what it's all about. Everything here is transparent. We talk about potential altcoins, we focus on one of them to promote it and then we set a target or period for promotion. It's all up to you if you want to invest in it or not.

The promoted altcoins will all have real potential on their own and with out help they'll get the recognition they deserve. Also they will be insanely profitable investments through out our campaign.

Only duty everyone has is to contribute a small amount of your time to promote the chosen token. We are talking about less than 10 minutes a day on average. In return you'll know about our promotion campaigns, which are very good investments, and also get to be a part of our community.

>> No.6354739

That's not me, I have had the same ID throughout the thread. But we have some faggots in the Discord who are subtly trolling our group, so if you see FUDDing or retarded memes just ignore them.

>> No.6354914

Joined last week and am pleased with the community so far. Plenty of banter and I've already been tipped off to a few moon missions I would've missed otherwise.

>> No.6354952

>post or get banned


>> No.6355081
File: 125 KB, 725x291, I_love_yall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for my pajeet friend whose country blocked 4chan:
Those who hate us complain that we are shills. Those who want us crashing down to the ground claim that we are a PnD. Those who can't take our success await our demise.

But answering them is an easy matter. Literally every coin in existence has shills for them. Compared to some of the more nefarious people and groups, we aren't even bad at all. In a certain sense, we are just a group of people who are enthusiastic about what we think is a good idea to invest in from time to time, and work towards promoting it to other people in the hopes of getting them in too, so that we can all profit. No, we are not interested in the 0,0000001 cent you might raise the prices by, we are just interested in helping everyone win at the end of the day.

As for the PnD claims, whatever we choose to invest in has weeks or months behind it, usually; and a steady rise in value on top of that. Many PnDs last for a few days, hours or hell, even minutes. And in the end, %90 of people lose while a few greedy fucking Jews win. With us, it's the very opposite.

Lastly, those who are actively seeking to bring us down only bring us further recognition and only, at most, delay our wins for a few days, if that. Why they would choose to try and burn everyone to the ground (despite it being impossible) instead of joining in and winning like everyone else is anybody's guess.

Get in, guys. The grass is greener on this side."

>> No.6355326

>this mad that you have to contribute

>> No.6355836


>> No.6355987


>> No.6356444


>> No.6356530

Chillest group of dudes and dudettes i've met on the internet.

No frantic pump n dump group, we just chill and sweettalk the advantages of our favorite coins. No FUD or scaremongering allowed, that brings you nowhere.

Get rich and have a good time.

>> No.6356689
File: 644 KB, 776x644, 1504899329395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir 100% legit discord group sir join now sir

>shill or get banned

>> No.6356821

Thank you for the sweet words, all.

Rather, contribute or get kicked. Group cohesion and contribution is a central part of this project. Clearly you rather just sit back and let others do work for you. Yes, you're right, there is no room for your kind. Fuck off.

>> No.6356863

LMFAO this is the fucking group thats shilling UFR atm. Joke of a discord server. If u dont shill you get banned

>> No.6357273
File: 162 KB, 580x581, stinkylinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a p&d

great community pushing some great coins

you really have nothing to lose, probably one of the only friendly cryptodiscords

>> No.6357500
File: 78 KB, 576x1024, 1515520427477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pajeet got banned

>> No.6357542

I've been in the group almost from the start and I recommend joining and checking for yourself. It's not a PnD group. The coins chosen for this project aren't shitty McAfee coins that have no future, but instead coins who have real tech that have a real future in their sector. Just give it a shot and you'll not be disappointed.

>> No.6357789

There would never be this many post in a row without somebody being called a faggot on 4chan or shitting on each other way to positive you fucking pajeet street shitting fags

>> No.6357818

I have been in ths group not for too long, probably 3 to 4 days only. I wasn't looking for pump and dump groups because theres not real value in any of those coins and its extremely risky. Now the group I am in right now is promoting a coin called UFR, is it the best coin to promote? Not exactly the best in my book but I want to witness if this can be done or not. So I bought some myself and helped shilling. If this coin successfully go to top 150, then I wou ld be very happy already.

I dont need this coin to make me money, this is only less than 1% of my entire portfolio, its not the money that matters to me here, I only wanted to see if this can be done without leaving anyone behind.

>> No.6357859

I've been a part of this group for a little while now, and I can definitely recommend joining, or at least giving it a shot.

We're more than just a shill group though. Yes the gains are good and the coin is great (I truly believe in the projects we shill) but we're also a community for discussing coins and market-trends. I've really enjoyed having a group of crypto-enthusiasts I can talk to and share knowledge with, where the conversation often revolves around the tech of the coin, and not as much the gains (though they are a part of it as well).

I can honestly say that I've enjoyed spending my time talking to the members of the group and I also 100% believe in the way this project is heading. Trust me, go take a look. You won't regret it

>> No.6357861

pajeet faggot shill group get cancer and kys.

>> No.6357962

>damage control


>> No.6357986
File: 68 KB, 813x484, 1fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chill Brah. It's all good.

>> No.6358109



Toilet coin plumbing services on the block chain. This coin is the next dentacoin. It has practical real world use by keeping track of plumbing services.