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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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635661 No.635661 [Reply] [Original]

>be 24
>moved to Czech Republic when I was 21 from the USA
>Graduated HS in US, but was illegal alien due to parents not getting me any sort of papers, so I couldn't even go to college there or get legal work.
>Now in CZ, trying to get legal in Canada, my GF is helping me. So I can finally start my life.
>Get letter from Unemployment Agency in the Czech Republic that they kicked me out of the government paying for my health and social insurance ~150$ a month for 6 months due to a bureaucratic error (they thought my written 2 was a 1, tried talking it over, lady was like a broken record)
>Can't pay it, leaving for Canada in a few months, trying to get a working holiday visa.
>GF already sends me money so I have food to live off of and don't place a burden on my parents
>Really just want to die right now, cause I can't pay for it with the money that I have
>Really just want to die cause life here sucks so bad anyways, no friends, nowhere to go.
>Need your help /biz/, need to make 150 dollars a month to pay this stupid government. So they don't send debt collectors after my parents.

Please? I'm desperate. And don't reply with the usual "suck 50 dicks at 3 dollars" or "sell drugs".
Any online work I can do? Or telecommute? Tech support?

>> No.635662

physical labor. find it.

>> No.635669

Can't really do physical labor due to a shitty spine.

>> No.635687

Lol sorry m8 that's Social Darwinism for ya. Implying you are not a scammer, even if we gave you a 1,000 it would end up hurting you more than helping.

>> No.635688


Why would you give $1000 to someone over the internet, anon?

>> No.635714


go teach english

>> No.635730

Service industry. Shittiest industry, but still. Check all the burger places, fast food and what not. Check restaurants, see if they need a server for a few hours a week or something (you probably only really need to work two days in a month to get this $150).

If you think you're up for it, they always need salesmen for stuff (mostly because people quit due to them being some of the shittiest non-manual labour jobs, probably).

>> No.635766


print out fliers with your cell phone and advertise yourself as a handyman, caretaker, dog walker, baby sitter, maid whatever and leave them on peoples doors and on billboards etc.

Wait for calls, negotiate price, make profit and most importantly, network with your customers.

>> No.635842
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I don't want your money /biz/ just ideas I can implement. I hate taking others' charity.

>> No.635847
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This would work in the US. But people in this shitty small town rarely even pay for a pizza delivery.
Minimum wage here is about 2.50-3.00 USD an hour.
They don't tip either. Czechs are cheap bastards, part of the reason why I hate this place so much.

>> No.635978

Wow. You fucked your life up by moving to a shitty slav country. Nice job.

Go to the US embassy and request help. Maybe you can sweep the floors there for a while until you have enough money to move on with your life.

>> No.635979

dude, just suck 1.5 dicks for $100 per D

>> No.635982

I don't get it, so what country were you born in?

>> No.636002
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I was born in the Czech Republic, parents brough me over to the US when I was 7 years old. All I know is America. I've traveled since then, I ran a little Amazon business in the USA and Ebay. Went to Australia spent 3 months with a chick. Then came back here (didn't work out she was crazy), worked 12 hour shifts as a security guard, met a chick by accident that lived in Canada through a friend. We spent countless hours talking, saved up what pleb money I could, worked 4 months to get plane tickets and came over to see her.

>> No.636006

Just a heads up there is very little chance you will get into canada

>> No.636027

why dont u marry the canadian girl who is sending u money? and emigrate to canada

>> No.636060

Why not travel back to Czech short term, and work there? It's way nicer than the other two options.


It sucks but you're gonna have to get a real job like a real person bro

>> No.636065
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Yes maybe. However I'm doing international experience Canada and I've made a python script that will check the site every 15 minutes when they release the visas.
Working on that, Will marry her soon. But that takes time too, they don't just give you permanent residency. And I might have to hire an immigration attorney.
I am in Czech right now. Can't find work, shitty town. No one is hiring IT people. Would travel to Netherlands or Norway but housing there is expensive and again would need capital in order to do that. And it is pointless cause I will travel back to Canada in 2-3 months once I get that visa. I don't have a problem getting a real job. Like I said I've worked 12 hour night shifts with no overtime. Trying to leave this shit slav dump forever.

>> No.636067

He is in Czech and trying to get out of there from what i can tell..very confusing write up by OP

>> No.636068
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I apologize, it's hard for me to get my thought out in a fluent/non-confusing manner. Pretty sure I have ADD.

>> No.636080

Dude you are in a very lucky position (compared to your fellow slavs) since u have a girl who is ur ticket to a developed country. Sure it will take time, maybe years but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel. If u are suffering now just use that to build and strengthen your character...because suffering is part of life.

>> No.636081

If you part of the eu, go to germany or england. If your not, go to italy as an immigrant and get citizenship within a week. Once a citizen of italy, you can utilize the open borders thing and then go somewhere more prosperous.

>> No.636083
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Thank you fellow slav-enabler.
I have utilized this suffering, I've been working on an affiliate site in my spare time. I've also been getting strong, running 4km everyday and body weight lifting exercises.

>> No.636132

>Pretty sure I have ADD.
Go claim money for it. Maybe you have aspbergers and shit, too. Everybody's got aspbergers today, it would seem.

>> No.636168
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IDK If I want to be one of those welfare leaches, plus I don't really want to go to a psych here. They label you crazy afterwards and you can't even own a gun permit in the future, even if you go for something as small as anxiety or add. :/
I really want to work for my money too, there's a certain satisfaction in it. Plus living off welfare, there's nothing to do all day. A man needs a purpose. TY anyways though.