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6347744 No.6347744 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know why lads but I feel like ETH is going to 10-20x this year
>muh Bitcoin 2.0 for normies
>muh Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
How deluded am I?

>> No.6347815

>Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
Why the fuck is Google, Amazon, or Facebook not part of that shit yet?

>> No.6347831


>> No.6347855

you know whats going 10-20x this year? UFR token baby.

>> No.6347859

You're not deluded. One word: CASPER

>> No.6347866

I am and i don't think it's irrational at all.

>> No.6347897

no fucking way it does 10-20x before sharding, the fees would be too retarded at that point

coming from someone who is 85% ETH

>> No.6347907


>> No.6347910

>How deluded am I?
Extremely. Do you realize what the marketcap would be if it increases by 20x? ETH is too big for that kind of return now, and I say it as someone who holds a lot of it. Only possible way it goes 10-20x is if some country announces that it'll start using ETH as a reserve currency.

>> No.6347916

Because they're on LTC

>> No.6347922

>$122B market cap
It has already made it. It has more room to grow but if you want another 10-20x you'll have to look elsewhere.

>> No.6347949
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Buy eth. Buy top erc20 tokens.

>> No.6347971



How is this even possible? Not denying that something like this is possible considering all the wacky shit that's already happened in cryptos but 20x would bring the market cap to over 2 fucking trillion USD.

People who invested a few hundred bucks during ICO would be multi millionaires many times over.

>> No.6348001

It was set up to be deliberately open to new development, since we really still don't know what the true use case of crypto is other than decentralized store of value

In that manner it's adaptable, and still big and decentralized (unlike all of the meme upstarts that are centralized pseudocryptocoins). It isn't as resistant to new development as bitcoin is, which sets it apart.

I'm 40/40/20 BTC/ETH/XMR and still trying to figure out if I want to cut BTC off or not at this point. BTC still has proof of security and stability that no other coin has and attracts big money so I don't think it's dead as an investment vehicle, but ETH has been strong recently.

>> No.6348002

it will at least 10x post sharding if there are no competitors that pull it off first - probably more

>> No.6348029

>People who invested a few hundred bucks during ICO would be multi millionaires many times over.

Not this stupid meme again. And how many of them do you think held 100% of their stack through the dips from $1 to $1000+?

>> No.6348076
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god he's so cute :0

>> No.6348105


Uh I don't know, I don't think it's impossible to imagine someone who held since ICO, considering im one of the few people who bought before the crash in late 2016 and held up until now.

>> No.6348165


I did

>> No.6348170

Ethereum is hands down the best project in crpyto. Best leadership, best/most devs, best platform, best partnerships, best network. It is not a fad like bitcoin.
Eth will easily be over 10G eoy and that is EXTREMELY conservative. The best part is it is actually worth the money.
Ethereum is a DYNASTY.

>> No.6348185

The only way ETH does a 10x let alone 20x is if it actually gets some significant mainstream usage

Right now the network's killer app has been ICOs and shitcoin trading. If it actually gets another killer app beyond this (dependent on how they improve scalability), you're gonna see some shit my friends.

>> No.6348416

I spoke to some people in the crypto community in spain today (I live in chicago) and they were telling me that the majority of people have never even heard of ethereum. There is so much fucking power behind this coin, just wait until the normals catch on

>> No.6348459 [DELETED] 

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6348615

The supply is too big to allow that to happen
Still has a 2x in it perhaps

>> No.6348685

Hard to tell how much it will moon.
But heres the mindfuck.
Who can overcome ETH and money skeletons lethal weaponised autism?


>> No.6348750

What is casper?
How it will impact circulating supply of ETH?

>> No.6348755
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>Who can overcome ETH and money skeletons lethal weaponised autism?

Autists in other teams like this guy from Cardano and Dan Larimer in EOS.

>> No.6349015

etherium is a prototype; it's is slow, not scalable, over priced, and going to be replaced by etherium 2.0.
the price will go up while the blockchain is still useless and in test phase, but eventually it will die out because people will move on to newer and more usable chains

>> No.6349286
File: 93 KB, 735x473, trump-mouth-saying-wrong-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its "Ethereum" you fucking nigger. People might take ur opinion a little more seriously if you knew how to spell the topics you are discussing.

>> No.6349353

One post by this id

>> No.6350217

Yeah 1-2 trillion dollars. If crypto isn't a meme this will be obtained in a year, two tops.

>> No.6350427
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>can't even handle a fucking kitten game
>going up 10x

the only reason ETH went up was people buying it for ICOs

>> No.6350521

sharding is priced in retards

>> No.6350566

>sharding is priced in retards
Not when people keep switching to other moon missions.

>> No.6350646

Yeah, I don't get it neither, money skelly is one of the biggest SJW out there it would be a perfect fit.

>> No.6350677

that doesn't change something being priced in

god the crypto community is completely fucking retarded at economics and markets

>> No.6350727

Only one, Vitalik.

>> No.6350732

you think sharding is priced in? LOL

I don't even think PoS is priced in, but sharding? are you completely fucking out of touch?

>> No.6350788
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thing that ETH bagholders keep shilling about isn't priced in

>> No.6350807

>Vitalik is a hodler
Kek!!!!!! He sold a huge portion of his stack at $7 to $25 i think.

>> No.6350961

But then price would tank due to them exchanging for the token, retard

>> No.6351190

This post was good then you got fucking g stupid shitting on Bitcoin.

>> No.6351228

ETH is going to surpass BTC's marketcap in Q3. Screencap this

>> No.6351271

absolutely deluded.

>> No.6351410

>solving the crypto scaling problem before anyone else puts you at half the market cap of cripple coin
you're not very bright?

>> No.6351422


There's no reason for ETH to even exist once ADA implements merely half of the features on their roadmap, and they're quickly getting there.

>> No.6351721

>vitalik cares about money
The dude is rich as fuck and wears jeans and a t shirt everywhere. He has no use for more of our mortal fiat money.

>> No.6351777

2 posts now

>> No.6351841

There's no reason for ADA to exist once ETH implements half the features on their roadmap.

>> No.6351869

hasn't done anything except collect ICO money

>> No.6352094
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How's my folio we got kind of the same idea I just wish I had more XMR.

>> No.6352430


ETH doesn't have the brainpower to accomplish half of what's on their roadmap.

>> No.6352679


nice bait