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File: 38 KB, 300x300, B8F8CB17-C7DC-48FA-B695-3EF49708E922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6347028 No.6347028 [Reply] [Original]

Just downloaded Brave browser and it sucks fucking ass. Who the fuck would use this piece of shit software. This is honestly the worst browser I have ever used. It’s super laggy and just generally slow. Is this in alpha? If the fate of BAT rests on BRAVE, you guys are so fucked.

>> No.6347066


>> No.6347079

Brace on desktop sucks right now, but the mobile browser is 10/10

>> No.6347110

sounds like someone sent BTC with a low tx fee to bittrex

>> No.6347151

The fate of BAT rests on it being $1.

>> No.6347154

I like the lion logo, and it's not too bad

>> No.6347166

>b-b-but muh coinbase listing

>> No.6347224
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>> No.6347235
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Works fine for me

>> No.6347244

Works on my device

>> No.6347257
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>t. google

>> No.6347274

this Mobile brave is great. Uses a shit ton less battery power than firefox etc.

I use brave on my compute but IMO I think Firefox is better.

>> No.6347276

i am replying using brave right now. This browser is fucking great. Suck a dick pajeet.

>> No.6347284
File: 514 KB, 1242x931, C0C529BD-0FCA-44BC-9680-57936594A43A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, 31 reviews, this is a dead meme

>> No.6347321

desktop brave runs significantly faster than chrome for me.

>> No.6347341

desktop brave is mediocre, but the mobile version is the best browser you can get for those platforms

>> No.6347358

Little reminder that normies don’t have gay ass gaming computers like you

>> No.6347359

Yeah since the last update you fucking brainlet

>> No.6347415
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>> No.6347486

What exactly are you getting at here, brave only runs fast on fast computers?

>> No.6347532

When I installed brave mobile it felt like I upgraded my phone.....its much faster and smoother

>> No.6347552
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Then $2, then $5, then $10, then $100, and so on.

>> No.6347704
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Terrible fud.

Its an amazing browser.

>> No.6347789

Clearly as my old ass MacBook can’t run it well. Make fun of me if you will but most normies don’t have the newest computers.

>> No.6348027

is this the new pasta

>> No.6348538

This. For now, use their mobile browser, it's the only one I use right now and it's fucking awesome.
Their desktop browser is still a work in progress, so your "is this an alpha?" is actually quite on mark. Personally, I'm waiting for add-on implementation that is scheduled for the near future (it was not their immediate priority last time I checked), but once that is done, I'm very likely to make the switch on desktop, too.
I understand that for whatever Godforsaken reason you feel the inner need to bash BAT and thus attack the Brave browser (probably because you invested in a "competitor" project), but you're really doing yourself a disservice here. Come and see the light.

>> No.6348612

Using both the desktop and on my phone. It's good OP. The FUD should be about normies exporting all of their passwords from chrome and logging into facebook again when they have forgot their password

>> No.6348648

It's my default desktop browser. Fast as hell for me. Better than Chrome.

>> No.6348677


The whole point of this copypasta is to be 1 dollae

>> No.6348716

i use it on mobile because it allows youtube background play.

desktop version is trash.

>> No.6348789

>chromium fork with pre-installed ad blockers

I think bat holders are worse off than the linkies

>> No.6348845

watch your fucking pretty mouth there bucko

>> No.6348881

I call bs. It's most likely you're computer

>> No.6348883

But it is so much better. It actually blocks all of Google's tracking shit.

>> No.6348889

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the coin. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.6348924

Brave is the best and fastest browser i’ve ever used.

>> No.6348938

I looked into bat just because of that pasta
I just don't get where this idea come from

why would they even say that

>> No.6348959

Then install an ad blocker on chrome? Are you stupid? Oh yea, on brave you have no plug in support

>> No.6348992

You guys are all fags, Brave is shit and BAT will never be above a dollar. Definitely don't buy this coin until I accumulate more.

>> No.6349000


>> No.6349009

lol @ these nobatties. sorry you won't make it

>> No.6349072

So chrome runs faster for you? I'm confused because brave runs faster for me, so I would expect the incentive to switch would be even greater for someone with a slow computer. Either way, normies only use their phones, and brave certainly kills chrome there https://youtu.be/kHWf6hRV-GM

>> No.6349075


>> No.6349213

Okay good point. Tried to make you bite there but your kindness and articulate manner has convinced me. Thanks Anon.

>> No.6349260

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the coin. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.6349368

brave ad blocker is waaaay better than any ad blocker i've ever used on chrome. And you can install plugins on brave its just a bitch

>> No.6349936

Fell for the anti-vivaldi meme until today, downloaded it and it's the best fucking browser I've ever used. destroys the anuses of chrome and firefox.

>> No.6350066
File: 34 KB, 540x378, 1507632302313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's using brave
>f5 is browser and show him that it was mooning 700% the whole time

>> No.6350184
File: 36 KB, 258x199, smug himouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use waterfox for his desktop browsing

>> No.6350305
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>he doesn't use palemoon for his desktop browsing

>> No.6350484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6350531


you guys are like twins

>> No.6350755

>Brave vs. TOR?

>> No.6351008

TOR isn't a browser. Use a few brain cells.