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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6335534 No.6335534 [Reply] [Original]

>U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he will work with the Group of 20 nations to prevent cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin from becoming the digital equivalent of an anonymous Swiss bank account and ensure “bad people cannot use these currencies to do bad things.”

>> No.6335595
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>> No.6335603
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so realistically, how much more of this are we going to take before we just fucking SNAP?

>> No.6335625

This causes me an unknown amount of concern.

>> No.6335644

Jewish accounts/lawyers/bankers = best

T. New york city resident

>> No.6335647
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>> No.6335661

>every bitcoin transaction is saved for all eternity
>pretending there's anonymity in bitcoins

This guy just doesn't understand, OR, he does understand and he's playing the market.

>> No.6335684


>> No.6335763
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Which do you think?

>> No.6335772

are you lost, do you know where you're at? lol

>> No.6335942

I wouldn't give this administration enough credit to come up with a plan to short bitcoins. Tho, it's possible someone suggested the idea to him and he's just a "useful idiot" carrying it out. That seems more in line with Mnuchin's motives for policy change in the past.

>> No.6336058

so he acknowledged it being a currency?

>> No.6336072

And by 'Bitcoin' he means 'Monero'

>> No.6336125


>> No.6336427

so basically Ripple will win after all?

>> No.6336478
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fuck Ripple

>> No.6336516


>> No.6336568

>Please bring your money to the """banks""", dont buy Bitcoin, please dont be antisemitic!

>> No.6336579

>no one can freeze xrp


>> No.6336611



>> No.6336702

>non-XRP balances


>> No.6336746

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6336777


This is literally Fake news.

>> No.6336788

Because they stand to make money off you in those scenarios...

>> No.6336826

>link to their own website

>> No.6336889

How long is the excuse of "bad people" going to float with the public?

These kikes are worse than whatever threat they claim to be protecting us from.

>> No.6336897

Why haven't they banned swiss bank accounts?

>> No.6336899
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I smell the fear.

>> No.6336958
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>> No.6336969

Because they can't. And they can do even less about crypto.

>> No.6337002


>> No.6337042

You couldn't tell he's a kike just from looking at his face?

>> No.6337067

they sort of did ban all foreign accounts, now any bank reports all Americans back to the USA

>> No.6337076

the idea is that centralized banking will use the XRP Ledger, not XRP

>> No.6337100

my jewdar is blowing up
he looks like an a wyatt mann caricature

>> No.6337136


Check out his other Tweets and answers. You can ask him as well. XRP will be used

>> No.6337139

>the plebs are escaping the system. regulate it.

>> No.6337153
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>mfw all these kikes dont realise the next millionaires are a bunch of racist shitposting 4chan NEETS that dont give shit about political correctness of other peoples safe spaces

the futures gonna be glorious my fellow /biz/raelis
of course this cunt and all the other kikes are scared their whole world is about to collapse

>> No.6337161

When xmr reaches #1

>> No.6337183

this. So many newbies

>> No.6337184
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>> No.6337207

None of you faggots listened to me when I told you XMR and other privacy coins would get BTFO by legislation and regulation.
>muh private ledger
Machine learning and AI are going to bst your asses.

>> No.6337218


show me those /biz/pol/ millionaires

it's a meme
I bet most of them can't even cash out 100k

>> No.6337280

glorious for us, bad for them. Of course they are shitting bricks, unless we are being played and they'll get all the cryptomoney in the end after some huge market manipulation

>> No.6337284
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pass; why would I care about a cryptocurrency that has ties to central banking when there are close to 1,500 others that don't?

>> No.6337296

I would have been a millionaire by now but I cashed out $240k in October to put a down payment on my house. I'm back up to 120k tho.

>> No.6337308


>> No.6337330

i bet you are one of those nocoiners or people that claim the bubble is about to pop
we havent even started to enter a bubble yet
and yes theres many wealthy 4chan cunts just dont see them for obvious reasons

>> No.6337352


Who really gives a fuck if Ripple can freeze anything. They aren't going to freeze you. They aren't going to freeze me.

Drop the "muh principles" and "muh decentralization" act. We are in this to make money. Nobody gives a fuck what's centralized, what's decentralized, what's bad for the ecosystem, or any of that other shit.

I like cryptonigs acting like societal white knights when we all know all they want is sick gains.

>> No.6337356

Swiss bank accounts aren't what they once were. As an American you can't open a Swiss bank account without signing a document saying you have no financial obligations to the IRS. They also changed how tax law works for non-Swiss people using Swiss accounts. Before, Switzerland considered tax evasion (non reporting of income) to not be a crime (just a fineable offense), while tax fraud (active deception) was. Now, evasion is considered the same as fraud for non-Swiss users of Swiss accounts, and Swiss banks will lift banking secrecy rules in tax fraud investigations. The bottom line is you can't use Swiss accounts to hide income from the IRS anymore.

That said, you can still use Swiss accounts to register businesses in Switzerland to gain the benefit of Swiss rules protecting businesses. I have a few real estate LLCs set up through UBS for this reason.

>> No.6337381

> Muh Bitcoin is a bubble without utility, it's just digital tulips.

> Stop using Bitcoin as a Swiss bank account!!!!

>> No.6337451
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please go away

>> No.6337469


It's safe to say that 99% of these will crash and burn

right now it's all about the hype , pump and dumb + fast money.
If we're talking about practical things then most won't even be ready to compete.

After all the government and the banks will stay in control.

adapt or get crushed

>> No.6337471

Cheap talk is cheap. Old people in high places have been saying dumb shit on TV every day since the news started heavy coverage of Bitcoin. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any market-killing new regulations from this guy just like I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the epic crypto bubble popping that's allegedly been right around the corner every day for the last year.

>> No.6337546

>isis and drug dealers use bitcoin for five years
>normal people start making money

>> No.6337548

fun fact
if youre swiss and lets say you "forget" to declare something its not even illegal
you just have to pay the remaining stuff and be done with it
t. swiss

>> No.6337590

Sick gains are only the first step. If you can make bank gambling on booming shitcoins, then go right ahead. You'd be stupid not to. In the long run, though, we all want cool technology and safe ways of storing weath. No fucking way would I want to store a big chunk of my wealth in a format that's explicitly designed to be destroyable at the whim of some rando regardless of how unlikely you can rationalize that being.

>> No.6337607

>Move to Switzerland or Japan.
>Hide your money in Bitcoin or Monero instead of opening a bank account.
>Cash out with no questions asked.

Why wouldn't this work?

>> No.6337625

its about changing the world while making a buck, fucktard

>> No.6337646

Fucking retard, what's the point of being "rich" when you're using a currency that is 100% controlled by people way above you that can destroy your life savings in an instant whenever they desire?

>> No.6337718


Both countries wouldn't let you in.
Maybe if you are a multi millionaire or billionaire.
Neutralization process for the average foreign citizen takes years

>> No.6337759

kek. Banks are getting so fucking scared. I love it.

>> No.6337761
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>After all the government and the banks will stay in control
this is satire right? you're just being funny?

this is mathematically impossible

either way, I don't invest, speculate, or hodl.....I trade utilizing pic related
>spoiler: it literally breaks money lol

>> No.6337793

You're literally never going to make it because you've already accepted how tiny you are. You'll only have as your masters want you to have.

>> No.6337794


So they can destroy everything but not your almighty bitcoin?
Don't you think that many banks and investors already play you like a fiddle?
/bizpol/ is fucking retarded

>> No.6337798

>Cayman Islands.
>Mashall Islands
The world is a big place isn't it?

>> No.6337836
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a good analogy is Telsa and free energy

I'm pulling ridiculous amounts of money out of fucking thin air

>> No.6337844
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They did it to themselves, I hope it crashes hard on them the most.

>> No.6337876


Are you scared, jew?

>> No.6337882


t. retard

enjoy getting keked by the government and law enforcement

>> No.6337919

So is Switzerland another Jew hell hole like israel? There's now way a white country has that much freedom and not be Jew controlled. I've already read about the satanic shit the elites do there.

>> No.6337962

Bitcoins utility is for people to use it like a swiss bank account, this has created the rise in prices attracting normies and created a bubble.
You think gubs gonna let some one challenge there fiat monopoly?

>> No.6338166

if you are basing your worth as a human by how much shit you have you are already perfectly controlled and good goyish.

>> No.6338204

haha I remember poltards saying to my face back then that "yeah Mnuchin is a kike but he's our kike". So much for that lmao

>> No.6338253

they dont like it but what are they gonna do about it, buy all the buttcoins and crash it? we all move to eth then. They buy all eth? we move to ltc, or doge, or whatever shitcoin is decent, we can play this game for years. Crypto is here to stay

>> No.6338281


Glad these are the people that crypto is up against.

>> No.6338390


>> No.6338471

most have nowhere near millions
this board is primarily made of larpers and liars
also, even if they did, they would squander it and make nothing of it. because getting things done requires collaboration and communication between competent people.
yes a few nerds will get some money. nothing will change.

>> No.6338499
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> So you want to own your future, wouldn't you have to pay taxes on that?

>> No.6338517

>Bitcoin has become such a phenomenon that central banks have begun looking into developing their own digital currencies. Russia, for one, was reported to be looking into crypto, something Mnuchin said Friday he wasn't "at all" worried about. "I don't think that's a concern."

>He added that the Federal Reserve has looked into digital dollars, but "the Fed and we don't think there's any need for that at this point."


>> No.6338527
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>the goyim are cutting their chains!

>> No.6338555

lol dinosaurs about to get hit by a crypto meteor

>> No.6338632

>“bad people cannot use these currencies to do bad things.”
How could they possibly do that without banning it
Even then, actually

>> No.6338724

>tfw this is main reason for investing in crypto and to an extent not killing myself
I can't wait to see what the world will look like in 50 years time when the next ruling class across the world comes from 4chan.

>> No.6338725

the black market has been using crypto for years. they only care now because the goyim are catching on

fucking kikes. we need a real final solution

>> No.6338731
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>trusting a kike and his twitter account over the official website

You deserve your impending poverty.

>> No.6338772

The government created the internet and the code bitcoin was written in. Look at what the global banking system did to Hitler and Germany, look at what happened to Iraq when Saddam wanted to sell oil in euros? same with gaddafi. look at north Korea, Iran.

I hope what is said in this vid is wrong and cryptos win, Hopium doesn't have much affect on me.

>> No.6338784

>unless we are being played and they'll get all the cryptomoney in the end after some huge market manipulation
>what is ripple

>> No.6338830

the absolute state of totalitarian anti-snek fags
they be losing now
they be gone later

>> No.6338835

you can't control crypto like you can control the imaginary fiat cuckbucks. you can't freeze it. you can't confiscate it.

>> No.6338896

>the Federal Reserve has looked into digital dollars
Lol what does that even mean? Are these people really not aware that most of the money supply has already just been made up ones and zeros for decades now?

>> No.6338897


Even if they end up controlling cryptos, dapps still give us much more freedom than we had before. The censoring kikes in Silicon Valley won't be able to dictate what is said or not said on the Web.

>> No.6338960

>The government created the internet and the code bitcoin was written in.
That doesn't mean they can't regulate/ban it. The government creates weapons and regulates their distribution.

>> No.6338992
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>Steven Mnuchin
Steve "Dolla" Mnuchin!

>> No.6339021

Crypto, dApps, and smart contracts are one in the same fampai.

>> No.6339032

>retarded whore wearing gloves inside
>dumb roastie has to be in the pic to attention whore like a nigger with dolla dolla bill ya'll
women were a mistake

>> No.6339050

what's your point, democide is not an option
only a question of time until we get open source systems devoid of (((intel))) and what'shisname "competitor"

>> No.6339075

Crypto does not need to be controlled to be destroyed or at least lose legitimacy. It just needs to be regulated and potential outlawed.

watch this vid and try and not use any ad hominem like boomer our no coiner, look at the guys vids, woke to the J q and woke to the crypto scam.


>> No.6339087

>satanic shit the elites do there.
That has been happening in every country for a long time now. Consider the Rothschild family has OWNED Britain since the 1815, the Battle of fucking Waterloo. And they've OWNED America since 1913 - before WW1. Which by the way was to kill the Tsar of Russia and create the Soviet Union.

>> No.6339102

Him and his nasty bitch wife. Fucking smug cunts.

>> No.6339122

You sound like a fucking Pajeet

>> No.6339157

Who cares if the NSA & CIA spies on domestic terrorists they will never spy on me!

>> No.6339176

>It just needs to be regulated and potential outlawed.
>regulating crypto
>regulating MONERO
>banning crypto
because banning something like drugs didn't make them more valuable aahha ahaHAHAHAHAHa

>> No.6339205

The feds would salivate over digital currency so no finical transactions will be anonymous. /this is the whole point of the bit coin cyrpto scam, to introduce digital money created and controlled by the fed.


>> No.6339210

kek, either he does not know what BTC is or he does know and does not want people to use privacy coins

>> No.6339215

unknown amounts of underrated

>> No.6339330

nice cope, WE ARE NOT HERE JUST TO MAKE MONEY NEWFAG. Literally kill yourself holy shit, this new fucking shitphrase is so fucking annoying

>> No.6339507

Ah yes just like we regulated copyright and how well that worked out right? Oh wait I forgot piracy is still rampant

>> No.6339524

The risk to reward is worth it for a drug user even if they are illegal, drugs make you feels good, the profit for dealers and producers of drugs was also worth the risk.

Most people are in crypto to make money. very few for principals. The gub can make it painfull and a pain in the ass for normies to use cryptos they dont control. Once that happens the crypto bubble will pop and the gub probably will not give a fuck about crypto and probably even use as honey pot.

>> No.6339540

Isn't most of it fictional money that only exists in banks books because of the multiplier effect?

>> No.6339541

Well, we're already mostly there with fiat currency. Credit cards, checks, and bank transfers already make up a yuge share of all transactions by dollar volume and they're the opposite of anonymous.

>> No.6339649

Yep, the point is to kill physical cash, the last thing that is anonymous.

>> No.6339684

>the crypto bubble will pop
lol we're literally in the opposite of a bubble you fucking idiot

>> No.6339760
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you are a jew

>> No.6339765

Yeah. That's been the case since way before computers existed.

>> No.6339794

the only honey pots are the fake privacy coins like sumo and bitcoin private

>> No.6339840


Blatant example of a jew and his blonde shiksa. These people reek of sleaze.

>> No.6339842

>crypto is right here

>> No.6339890

Ruh oh! only ((them))) are allowed numbered accounts

>> No.6339911

That's something to be scared of, but I think it's important to keep in mind that a lot of the people who pay the lobbyists who tell the politicians what to do have a lot of illicit capital that they like to be able to launder and use in various ways and a lot of the upper crust are already using cryptos and making money from them. I doubt they'll want to shoot themselves in the foot.

>> No.6339960

Buy POLL before regulators mandate wallet identification

>> No.6340078
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>physical cash
cash isn't fungible. i can give you a hint at something that is...

>> No.6340118

>>lol we're literally in the opposite of a bubble you fucking idiot

Care to give me the reason you think this rather then just name calling like make a argument? I am calling crypto a bubble due to lack of real world adaption and utility. There will be coins that do great and will last most, are shit and will going away. I am highly doubtful that the gub will let crypto get to bigger without clamping down over control, I think we are very close to that point.

>> No.6340147


>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Get ready boys, we're at the "fight you" stage, one more round and this whole Jew banker controlled world will come crumbling down around them!

>> No.6340188

explain how cash is anonymous when it is serial numbered you jew bastard

>> No.6340192

>lack of real world adaption and utility
you don't understand the Blockchain do you?

>> No.6340224

Why would this decrease bitcoin's value?
Anyone in it for the reasons he stated would buy a fuckload more. Probably monero though.

>> No.6340287

makes you sound like a colossal fucking faggot when you say it out loud tho.
wish XMR holders would stop writing it everywhere

>> No.6340349

>using the correct word in the correct context makes you sound like a faggot
fuck off nigger

>> No.6340372
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>> No.6340427
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How can cellar door ever compete with fungible?

>> No.6340429
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That's why privacy coins like Verge (XVG) are going to reign supreme in the future. Much more private than monero, real world implementation already like telegram, a fantastic dev team, a subreddit (I know) with over 40k subscribers already. This coin is going places faggots

>> No.6340466

it's all true

>> No.6340465

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.6340482

I dont get this argument. The serial number is not linked to any personm why are you calling me a kike? I hate this system as much as everyone else hopium just stopped working for me a while ago, kinda a old fag. I think the concept of crypto is great in theory just think it wilil some way be corrupted and controlled the tptb, I hope I am wrong as stay salty.

I am trying my best to, and I like coins like BAT and see how the block chain can help in this case advertising, and I think tokens have a future cuz they will not compete with gub fiat.
Do you have any way of valuing the blockchain and the current market cap of cryptos?

>> No.6340501

Welcome to crypto. Good luck with your verge. You will need it.

>> No.6340524

>The serial number is not linked to any personm
>it is impossible to track something by SN

>> No.6340529

why 8^x?

>> No.6340610

Good luck controlling a decentralized coin, at least it's better than being a literal retard that buys into a centralized scam coin made out of thin air.

>> No.6340615

/pol/ was right

>> No.6340651

Yeah good points, however at some point imo crypto will be a big enough threat to the money system that "they" will need to kill it. Money laundering has been around a lot longer then crypto.

>> No.6340663

/pol/ is always right

>> No.6340685


Consensus on every board is usually right - you just have to be able to spot it because there is also lots of garbage on every board.

>> No.6340755
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1. the Blockchain is literally the most important invention of all time
2. all governments everywhere in the world are on their way out; this is the beginning of the end

>> No.6340768

thats 2^x you illiterate faggot

>> No.6340793


>> No.6341021

unironically the retardation levels seen on pol/biz some times makes me wish I was born part of the high Iq tribe.

What is your double digit iq argument about cash not being anonymous due to the serial number again. really curious to see the inner working of your small brain.
Just a reminder retard you can both like the physical cash and the concept of cyrptos,

>> No.6341072

>ad hominem
topcuck. try again, sweetie

>> No.6341157

I am trying to understand his argument faggot

>> No.6341160

>can identify individual bills


>> No.6341190

it's not complex. cash has serial numbers and therefore it's traceable. monero is fungible.

>> No.6341212

Fuck off with your gatekeeping; if anything "pol/biz" is right.

The government can (and has) blacklist any wallet or hashes when they find out who owns it and they don't like them. This is why fungibility and anonymity between transactions is important.

>> No.6341220

not in the day of facial recognition software, cameras, and timestamps
do you guys think its 1980 or some shit?
old fag indeed

>> No.6341226

kike alert

>> No.6341369

Yea fuck google and facebook. Left wing faggots trying to accuse me of thought crimes because I dont know all of the 35 different genders.

>> No.6341485

Switzerland is fucking retarded.
They literally made a huge ass mistake on their end and basically told me to find the problem and report it.
I didnt know what went wrong at that time so i had to do some massive investigation and in the end i just said you faggots fucked some shit up and then i got a letter stating i have to pay 30 chf.
Even though i would have had to pay like 10k or so kek.

>> No.6341517

Good someone is starting to make an argument. Red pill me on how the gub knows that I am in possession of bills due to said technologies. I can see how it can be done just seems way to cumbersome and absolute inefficient.
If the gub has this much control to monitor and track cash controlling crypto should be easy.

>> No.6341575

>If the gub has this much control to monitor and track cash controlling crypto should be easy.
you are, perhaps, the dumbest nigger alive. we just made the case that some crypto is fungible and transactions are masked, unlike cuckbucks

>> No.6341587

Yeah this is why I am in BAT, I want to be able to support content creators freely.

>> No.6341640
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We warned you ZOG your time will come remember the kristallnacht.

>> No.6341642

Then just send them BCH. BAT is pointless shit.

>> No.6341661

Don't need it. Bought in at 60 and 160 sats. I'm up over 10x since sept.

>> No.6341712


>> No.6341726

>Get paid to view ads or block them on a whim
This is a niche market that will only grow, why do you think PRL and ADS are trying to capitalize on it? I bet on BAT being the winner.

>> No.6341769

I already block ads. Using BAT wouldn't provide anything for me.

>> No.6341789

are you going to make your argument our not?
i really am curious. Yes cash has a serial number on it, how in the fuck do they know who is in possession of a certain dollar? Red pill me.

>> No.6341861

So do I, you realize that the majority of the market doesn't use adblockers though right? Getting paid on top of it only sweetens the deal for normalfags, seriously listen to Eich's presentations, it's sound.

>> No.6341926

>>Then just send them BCH. BAT is pointless shit.
You give normies to much credit.
No this is the point of BAT. to make it easy for normies to convert fiat into bat and then donate to content creators.

>> No.6341986

Yes stop the bad men please!!! Please Government save me from the bad bad men!

>> No.6341994

Fair enough. But would you use a browser that automatically blocks trackers and third party ads? How about a browser whose incognito windows use tor? And if you do get ads you get BAT for watching them, which is money in your pocket.

>> No.6342014

>I don't want the content I watch to make any money to continue making content
So many retards itt did you all just exit a Ted talk or something?

>> No.6342046
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>the next Swiss Bank Account
Meaning he's 100% for it then

>> No.6342087

BAT could have a use case, but I don't see it. I'll continue to hold currency coins and block ads on my own.

I seriously don't wish bad things on BAT hodlers, just imo I don't see it going anywhere.

>> No.6342112

>serial-numbered cash is fungible
fuck off jew

>> No.6342382

feels good to be swiss desu

>> No.6342385

How the fuck is tax evasion illegal? Seriously though

>> No.6342447

Bruv I go to pool parties regularly and tbqh I am thinking of leaving all this shit, the mental midgetry of polsters or whatever just gets to much when every argument turns into jew kike nigger fag soyboy cuckwhat ever, i am on your team just trying to understand your argument. You are going autist with this fungible shit.

>> No.6342520

>ad hominem
you forgot your arguments again kike

>complains about pol
the siren call of the reddit newfaggot

>> No.6342531

Same reason the mob will break your legs for not paying protection money. Nothing about it is moral.

>> No.6342574

You are a fucking retard kill yourself

>> No.6342598


>>pool parties regularly
>>reddit newfaggot

>> No.6342741

>i can parrot what i saw on kym i'm le oldfag
fuck off reddit

>> No.6343024

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6343064

Hahahahaha trumpsters, how ya feeling now?

>> No.6343145

im right here

p.s. im jewish

>> No.6343210

you know that meme where mike Enoch has his Jewwy grin with a and is holding a bunch of Russian shekels ($350 dollars worth) , I was sitting next to him when photo was taken at the after party of NW forum he was drinking a bloody Mary. TBQH this is really depressing, maybe the kikes are right and we are just a bunch of foolish goys needed to be milked, INb4 kike detected. I was also the first fan of millenial woes to run into him in public after the election of Trump, when he was in Portland going to the Nw forum. he had a brief interview of me up for a while on his channel.

>> No.6343252

So (((they))) will pump the market within few weeks and at the same time are trying to start a war on crypto that will hit normies and small players. Expected nothing less.

>> No.6343266
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i skimmed and read maybe every 8th word of this post and the reddit is overwhelming

>> No.6343299

im glad we can have a discussion about the government and the future of crypto regulation without it devolving into mass shitposting about jews

oh wait we cant because old /biz/ is dead and we are overrun with /pol/ retards

>> No.6343303

fuck off reddit

>> No.6343328


i still don't understand why so many Monero holders were dumping the past few days

>> No.6343332
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>> No.6343338
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>> No.6343361


His wife is hot.

Yes that’s the extent at which I care about what he has to say right now.

>> No.6343366
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Why is /pol/ always right

>> No.6343395

Old /biz/ was pretty shit too anon be honest

>> No.6343400

So why doesn't he just make Swiss bank accounts illegal then? Or Panama accounts ? Because his friends are in those already? Oh ok I missed the part where millionaires already hedged their true profits inside a hole where no one can see it or use it on any way possible.

>> No.6343425

It's fungible in practice, no?

>> No.6343432


250k in crypto, 1.5 million in bank/property

cousin is on here, too, and has 4.5 million in crypto alone.

stay poor, i guess

>> No.6343433

>/pol/ retards
>/biz/ was good
back 2 reddit, faggot

>> No.6343442


>> No.6343479


>pay for a $50,000 car with """""fungible""""" cash
>dealership reports you to the irs
>dealership tries to deposit the cash

>> No.6343527

>bank runs the cash through the money counter/SN screener
>now the irs/US Gov knows what cash you had and can trace it
you're retarded if you think they don't do this

>> No.6343575
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fuck you dinosaur shitcoin die already

>> No.6343586

I'm not saying cash is perfect, but I'd argue it's less traceable than bitcoin.

>> No.6343627

>what is monero?
nobody gives a shit about king shitcoin.

>> No.6343663
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TFW you are a bitter faggot cuz you never got to see millennial woes in person wearing his fabulous purple shirt.

Will any of you small brain faggots tell Kenny of the cyrpto report that he I am holding this drawing for him and the kike owes me 14.88 for it,

>> No.6343681
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>> No.6343722

>millennial woes
wtf is this some newfag cancer?

>> No.6343988
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>> No.6344021
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>> No.6344092

What does FUD even mean?
>inb4 newfag

>> No.6344110
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>> No.6344205
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