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6342253 No.6342253 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the rai cult so emotionally invested in this shitcoin?

>> No.6342508

Same reason XRPtards are. They think they bought a crypto currency. Raifags are much much less annoying though.

>> No.6342522

Because Raijeets got in late after the 20x and are realizing they'll have no one to dump their bags on.

It's hilarious, I have a co-worker who bought Rai when it hit $25 and it's all he talks about at work like it will take over Bitcoin and free transactions and all that.

Needless to say, he is of Pakistani descent.

>> No.6342555

>Needless to say, he is of Pakistani descent.

>> No.6342573

The sand nigger will be right if raiblocks comes thru with its promises

>> No.6342672

I think people realize this has a real possibility of being what Bitcoin originally set out to be. Same reason so many morons are still emotionally invested in Bitcoin.

Rai is currently the best available option for a true decentralized currency. Maybe something better will come along, but for now this is as good as it gets.

In any case, all of the emotions aside, there's absolutely 0 reason it shouldn't at least beat out shitcoin IOTA's marketcap.. so it's an easy 3x from where it is now.

>> No.6342688
File: 107 KB, 500x740, mel-gibson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you so emotionally invested in discrediting Rai? You post the same FUD every single day, using the same image (I've seen that image name here literally everyday)

What's in it for you?


That street shitter is going to be smug af after Rai blows up to $300

>> No.6342734

Even if it does and it 3x for him that's a 100x for most people. Basic math and psychology prove it will dump hard at that point assuming exchange volume allows it. If you're playing the long game like a dumb pajeet then you'll miss out on plenty of better opportunities while you bag hold.

But hey, this is just my honest advice as an oldfag is this space.

>> No.6342772

lmfao if you don't have atleast 200xrb at this point you're never going to make it.

>> No.6342769

>he thinks DAGs are crypto

>> No.6342858

ok elaborate why it shouldnt be called crypto then
XRB is scalable and fully decentralized
go on im waiting

>> No.6342939

>spreading FUD because your upset you missed out on getting in at a low price

>> No.6343043

XRB is going to spike again to $40 this weekend. Screencap this.

>> No.6343157

All DAGs require some trusted party. Not a crypto.

>> No.6343196

because i bought at $39 thinking it would easily go up a few more dollars and now i'm holding these bags that only seem to get heavier
goddamn it it better go back to 39 so i can offload this shit

>> No.6343379

>gets 51% hashpower
nothing personal kid

>> No.6343447


Because it took my $100 to $30'000 in two months and made me unironically think I might become a millionaire by 2019. I was working out what to do with the money. Now it's back down to $24 but watch it hit $100 real soon. Paypal's head of Checkout just coded a checkout app in his free time because he loves it so much. Kucoins deposits are now transferring in in sub 20 seconds, Binance will hit the ground running, mobile apps yadda yadda yadda

>> No.6343495


You must be retarded or don't know how RaiBlocks works.

>> No.6343493

>nepotism to pick trusted parties
Now that's what I call Judaism. Its traditional banking, you're too dense to realize this. Same shit with XRP.

>> No.6343646

what the fuck did i just read lmao

>> No.6343759

First crypto that i used that is functional to me. This will be my transfer coin once it hits binance.

>> No.6343767

All DAGs have trusted 3rd parties to verify transactions. That's how they move so quickly. You don't have to believe me or DYOR on this, but when value craters remember this thread.

>> No.6343957 [DELETED] 

Would you sell XRB for a VEN strength node?

>> No.6344268

I got 400. I'm gonna double make it

>> No.6344358


Pick one

>> No.6344422

sure thing billy

>> No.6345022

>RaiBlocks gives users direct control over network decentralization.

>In the infrequent case where the network needs to make a global decision, your wallet software performs a balance-weighted vote to determine the outcome. Since not everyone can remain online and perform this duty, your wallet names a representative that can vote with, but cannot spend, your balance.

>> No.6345187

i.e. "trusted validators"

>> No.6345599

Lol. Doesn't realise btc is a DAG.

>> No.6345688

Are you fucking serious...

>> No.6345747


Not a 3rd party you fucking mong. They're other users in the network, and YOU CAN CHOOSE who you want your rep to be. That's why it's decentralized.

Top tier brainlet fudding.

>> No.6345863

Just like XRP tardo. Its a system based on trust, not proof. You're too much a brainlet to understand the implications of this.