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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 396x123, aigang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6332420 No.6332420 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, it's AIgang

>> No.6332467

Has it moved yet?

>> No.6332491

market cap is so low... no brainer

>> No.6332612

The name is so fucking stupid, I cannot buy something named "Aigang"

>> No.6332690

This will go parabolic in the coming days. Low marketcap, working product.

>> No.6332726

>The name is so fucking stupid, i cannot buy something named "Bitcoin"

>> No.6332790

Let’s be real bitcoin sounds better than aigang. Bitcoin actually sounds good

>> No.6332793

No it's not. Bought this turd at 36k sat yesterday and down 25%

>> No.6332873

I fucking hope it does.
Got in at 32k. I'm down $2000.

>> No.6332922

is the coin really worth it or just pnd?

>> No.6332947

It's worth it I FOMOd yesterday and bought at .5 now I'm sad

>> No.6332956

I bought the coin on the first day for almost double what it was trading for on other exchanges.

Why am i losing money.

Freaking dumbass do some research, now is the time to buy it's the same price across all exchanges.

>> No.6332977

I'd hardly call it mooning but whatever. We'll wait and see what it does.

>> No.6333063

Fuck you faggot. I was just saying it's not mooning. Go kys

>> No.6333128

i bought at 18k
not the coin's fault you're retarded and don't know how to cut losses

>> No.6333232
File: 41 KB, 499x499, 1461707042720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought in at 20k, feelin comfy.

>> No.6333570
File: 126 KB, 604x516, 1515756859395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arbitrage was possible yesterday if you bought on etherdelta and sold it on kucoin
price difference was like a 4$ on etherdelta to 5 on kucoin ....
bought in von the mega dip on 17k and waiting for
40k to sell to buy me some dbc

also comfy

>> No.6333696

Sell walls dropping fast goys. Initiate launch sequence.

>> No.6333744

i like what i see

>> No.6333867

compare the candles with CAM for the first days it dropped onto KuCoin...seems like it might be a pattern for newly added coins......see it?

>> No.6333934

CAN - sorry

>> No.6334327

I really hope I can recoup my losses after buying it at 32K
I didn't even want to but somehow I did like an idiot
Altho I can Imagine this going somewhere I just don't really wanna wait for it

>> No.6334427
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1483527471871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he sold
>pump it

you now its gonna happen

>> No.6334497

this coin has such a low marketcap and high volume . it will go up . there is no way around it .

as you see

>> No.6334600
File: 30 KB, 400x400, bogdanov_icone_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6334821

Literally inferior to UFR in almost every aspect.
Buy Upfire instead of this pajeet coin

>> No.6334868


>> No.6334887

says pajeet shilling his ufr shit

how is that shitty discord doing you stupid poo in the loo

>> No.6335478

What the fuck it's tanking

>> No.6335507

Anal insertion GANG

>> No.6335948

its mooning in reverse
I guess I din't really need money anyways
Are litterally the only people selling right now pajeets?
I guess I'll hold this for the rest of my life

>> No.6336168

What the fuck is going on with the buy and sell orders can someone explain this to me why the walls keep drastically changing

>> No.6336245

Whale manipulation.

>> No.6336339

Where did you find a market cap?

There are apparently 29,274,567 in existence at a price of around $3.10. This puts the cap around 100M. Not that low in my opinion.

>> No.6336378

29M total, but 17M circulating. Market cap is calculated by circulating supply

>> No.6336397

17 million in circulation, mcap of abut 52million

>> No.6336432

Fair enough, looks like cmc hasn't updated.

>> No.6336658

40% of my portfolio is riding on CMC updating their info ( APPC and AIGANG). Other 60% is in ETH so its not all bad

>> No.6337397

hold tight. we going to the moon soon.

>> No.6338184

like when and why?