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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6333226 No.6333226 [Reply] [Original]

>recovered from yesterday's losses
>start to see green shit everywhere
>still need to go above the newfag fees i paid in the beginning to transfer my shit but so far it's looking good
>obsessing over blockfolio
>euphoric as fuck
>absent minded with everyone
>have barely talked with gf
>only gains matter

what the fuck this crypto shit is making me become a jew. is this what soul corruption looks like?

>> No.6333253
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>> No.6333269

Welcome newfriend

>> No.6333371

Shit gets really intense after being in for 6+ months. I am starting to feel corrupted, I hate poor people, I don't give a fuck about people's emotions, I view everybody as competition even if we have nothing in common. I managed to curb these thoughts a bit but still feel disconnected. I am not a millionaire, but my portfolio is high enough that it distinguishes me from 95% peers. Very few of these people know about it though.

>> No.6333585

My objective is to become independent and break the chains of this trite office job life. But shit, I now get how this shit can become a vicious circle.

>> No.6333724

I am having a similar reaction. I'm a shell of my former self

>> No.6333771

i get completely bored and depressed when the market doesnt go up. like the whole of last week.
i didnt want to do anything except lie in bed

>> No.6333782

It's like living in a casino at the roulette table 24/7 bro welcome

>> No.6333845

It gets worse. In the end you stop functioning at all. You won't be able to do a normal job anymore, because you're constantly thinking that you're not being paid enough.
50k a year for being a cashier? That's nothing?
100k? Don't make me laugh?
500k? Well, that's kind of okay.

>> No.6333914

>all my holdings are still red
>down 10%
I want to die

>> No.6333993


It's funny isn't. I bought myself a 50k€ MB E-class and all my colleagues but two of my closest friends think I am leasing and that I am actually stupid for doing so. They'd be right though, but I prefer it this way.

>> No.6334742
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Welcome to /biz/. Enjoy your stay.