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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6332618 No.6332618 [Reply] [Original]

I've been saving up and investing/trading crypts for the better part of a year. I left my dream school (U Penn) early to move back home to help out a bit. As my mom has been on disability for the past 6 months after her parkinson's got too severe and has been raising my siblings alone (13 and 17). My big break came when I put a grand in cryptocurrencies. Invested about a thousand bucks and quickly turned it into 20,000. Was able to buy my mom a car to get around and take my siblings to after-school programs. (Her pos was more expensive to repair than replace). Was able to take my brother and sister out clothes shopping and just to do normal shit so they can get their mind off of things. I still had a gf in Pennsylvania that we tried to maintain long distance as I planned to go back once my brother turned 18. She ended up calling and telling me about her family losing the house and all this other shit about how she hid that her family was broke and that she would spend the night at my apartment often because she sometimes didn't have heat or electricity in her place. All this crazy shit. She asks me for 10 grand which was about all I had left. She promises that she can pay me back because there is a personal loan that was taking time to process but she needed to pay the backed up mortgage before whatever date. I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple and she robbed me fellas. She stopped replying to messages almost immediately after the transaction and it's been weeks. Just a lesson for you all. This girl doesn't know that 10 grand was what I was going to give my brother to hang back and take care of my mom for a year before going off to college so that I could finish mine and move back home and get a real job. Now I'm stuck working at fucking costco probably for a good few years more. I would honestly kill myself if I didn't have siblings.

The world is a fucked up place anon... Trust no one.

>> No.6332693

Let this be a lesson to you to never ever tell anybody (not even your parents or wife/gf) about your crypto shit. They're going to rob you. Always.

>> No.6332699
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>I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple and she robbed me fellas

>> No.6332778

Expensive lesson. Glad you learned the lesson faggot

>> No.6332781

>tfw threw all of my cash into a fire
Bros... who knew it was flammable? Life is so unfair

>> No.6332791


whale here. show me the 10k$ tx and then we can talk.

>> No.6332813

You think that's bad?
I fell for the APPC shills last night
Was a fucking brutal 12 hours

But seriously anon you can get that 10k back easy, crypto run is still strong, find a good ICO and be rich again

>> No.6332827
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>I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple
Think of it this way anon, at least you didn't send her the 20k. Also, you made a good choice dropping out, you'd definitely fail considering how much of a gigantic retard you are. Chin up, OP.

>> No.6332836

I'll try to remember not to give all my money to a whore thanks op

>> No.6332871
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>long term relationship
>sends gf 10 grand
Holy shit.

>> No.6332888

I hope your real whale bro
After last nights bullshit it would be nice to witness 4chan doing something nice

>> No.6332911

Seriously, though, why don't you grab a baseball bat and visit your ex?

>> No.6332930

At least you got fucked the way you wanted. Most cryptofags are gonna get JUST'd the hard way.

>> No.6332946

I don't understand people like you. Track her down and get the money.
If she doesn't give it to you, destroy 10k worth of her or her family's property

>> No.6332955

Shit like this is why the r/TheRedPill exists. The sub is 90% cancer, but every now and again you find advice that tells you why shit like this is a BAD IDEA. Seriously wtf were you thinking? What is your map of reality like such that you thought this was a good idea?

>> No.6332959

>I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple
>it's been weeks.
So you sent her 4k worth of ripple?

>> No.6332987

So you have evidence of all of this? As in messages from her promising to pay you back?
Take her to court anon.

>> No.6332998

What happened last night (nice trips btw)

>> No.6333002

>awesome pepe

>> No.6333017



>> No.6333025

I believe OP made an elaborate larp to make >>6332959 this joke

>> No.6333039
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u live and ya learn

>> No.6333047

>has been on disability for the past 6 months after her parkinson's got too severe and has been raising my siblings alone (13 and 17). My big break came when I put a grand in cryptocurrencies. Invested about a thousand bucks and quickly turned it into 20,000. Was able to buy my mom a car to get around and take my siblings to after-school programs. (Her pos was more expensive to repair than replace). Was able to take my brother and sister out clothes shopping and just to do normal shit so they can get their mind off of things. I still had a gf in Pennsylvania that we tried to maintain long distance as I planned to go back once my brother turned 18. She ended up calling and telling me about her family losing the house and all this other shit about how she hid that her family was broke and that she would spend the night at my apartment often because she sometimes didn't have heat or electricity in her place. All this crazy shit. She asks me for 10 grand which was about all I had left. She promises that she can pay me back because there is a personal loan that was taking time to process but she needed to pay the backed up mortgage before whatever date. I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple and she robbed me fellas. She stopped replying to me

seems fair to me

>> No.6333051
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>The absolute state of normies

>> No.6333111
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You dumbass, I wouldn't even give my own wife $500 bucks!

>> No.6333125

Got shilled APPC
been so desperate for a moon mission I was ready to believe any bullshit

Will moon in an "hour" they said
Mooned right to the centre of the earth
My fault I know but still hard not to be salty as fuck about it, it looks like I will break even soon and be released from this con coin

>> No.6333145

>trusting strangers
Are you retarded? This is why /pol/ should be mandatory to browse for a few months. So many people are just retarded and assume everyone has their best interest in mind.

>> No.6333158

Hey brotha, I highly recommend you seek out a minister that you can talk too. You sound like a smart young lad with a future so try to find some support that group is more sympathetic (not greedy biz trolls). Also, take in consideration all of the crypto millionaires on here talking about how much their lives suck. Stick that 10k of cryptos in NEO ans go back to school! You can start over.

>> No.6333293

How was she anon did she let you put it in her fart box ?

>> No.6333309

Parkinson's fucking sucks. My uncle has it, funniest and nicest bro ever, doesnt have a mean bone in his body and isnt the creepy uncle and he got it out of everyone in my family of assholes, we all thought it was cause he worked on computers and it was related to carpal tunnel at first. But sounds like you trusted a skank and got dumped, what did you expect? Never just give someone that much money. Know someone for years before giving someone that much. You live and you learn, you could've been born in Sub-saharan Africa. Your charcoal skinned neighbor brews moonshine made from bull piss and fermenting mangos in his hut and today's entertainment is watching Wadogo get tied up to a tire, soaked in gas and set on fire and rolled down a hill in the town square. Brotip: Don't get into a relationship until you're 30, there really is no fucking point. Honestly just fuck skanks and get money, then you just pay for their dinner sometimes, you don't have to live with them and waste time and miss out on opportunities. Hoes take up so much time.

>> No.6333329

Did her last name end in -Berg or -Stein by any chance?

>> No.6333437
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>> No.6333501

He should post her address and whatever happens happens

>> No.6333735

>The world is a fucked up place anon... Trust no one.

Anon, she took advantage of your good nature, im sure lessons were learnt. As others have said you are clearly not a total idiot and have a decent future ahead of you, so stop feeling depressed and stick this page in the stuff i learnt folder.
You would have lost half your Ripple this week anyway so put it down to a bad investment and move on.
Good luck with everything, especially your mums situation.
Not get as much cash as you can and stick it all on Kin.
Not a shill as i havent managed to get any yet but i will be.
Forget the bitch, and buy Kin anon, thats my advice.

>> No.6333889

i dont know if this story is fake or not, but i look forward to what we'll be reading as soon as people find out this might actually be profitable

>> No.6334032

>People are retarded
>His solution is to increase said retardation.

Great logic there retard.

>> No.6334111

Yeah fuck those uneducated white racists :----D

>> No.6334279

>Giving a slut money in other situation besides in exchange for sexual favours

>> No.6334588


/pol/ is full of people that aren't white lol

>> No.6334738

Thats true, lots of burgers in there

>> No.6335182

No, he means they are all fucking asians and spics. Which is true. There are no fucking white people on pol, its all self hating non whites which makes the board even more pathetic.

>> No.6335463
File: 44 KB, 455x586, 1505698853508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 10k? You got a fucking deal, anon.

Best to learn the lesson now, then in 20 years when the same thot takes half your assets, your home, your kids, and force you to cut her welfare cheques for the rest of your life.

>> No.6335790 [DELETED] 

You are an idiot op but remember this
Theres not best investment than the money you lose for being an idiot

>> No.6335981

>how she hid that her family was broke and that she would spend the night at my apartment often because she sometimes didn't have heat or electricity in her place.
Huge red flag right there.

>he asks me for 10 grand which was about all I had left
2nd red flag. Should have ran away.

>I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple
The absolute dumbman.

Man, you're stupid. How could you? You should have asked us what to do... We would have advised against this.

>> No.6336041

yeah but you still came up 9k

>> No.6336275

>Only 10k? You got a fucking deal, anon.

Best to learn the lesson now, then in 20 years when the same thot takes half your assets, your home, your kids, and force you to cut her welfare cheques for the rest of your life.

Unironically this anon. 10k for a lesson some men kill themselves over after their bitch wife takes 80% of their assets, their kids, and destroys their reputation is not bad at all.

Get a 10k loan, finish your studies, feed on the hatred and keep at crypto. Keep investing, researching, trading. You'll laugh at this many years down the road, and the whore that stole your money will see karma catch up to her. I guarantee you that.

>> No.6336393


>sent a girl ripple
>robbed me

pick one you cuck

>> No.6336405
File: 412 KB, 1668x2048, girlepitomy_1D_kalysta_mallory_ksmoothie_DJ901wQVYAE5tda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help him anon, make the world a better place

>> No.6336567
File: 437 KB, 1280x1200, 1512861259173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about OP just screams cuck, also try paragraphing your fucking wall of text. Learn to put yourself first like a real man. And buy some Chainlink

>> No.6336646

congrats on trusting a walking vagina anon

I'm sure you're a bright young man

>> No.6337478
File: 92 KB, 525x691, 23b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3D

Just Monika.

>> No.6337738

tfw i tell my wife about my crypto gains, and she doesn't really care

feels good to marry a non materialistic woman I'm telling you fellas, just find a woman who doesn't care about things! it's that fucking easy

>> No.6337954

By the time the court is resolved, the 10k in ripple are gonna be worth 100 in ripple

>> No.6338044

I second this, perhaps some photos, are diserving of a certain /b/ thread

>> No.6338210

And we're gonna kill you pathetic lefty fucks.

>> No.6338865

you're gonna keep sitting in your basement jerking to cartoons is what you're gonna do

>> No.6339389

Terrific advice. Women are incredibly stable and never change their mind about anything.

>> No.6339464

track her down and beat her up desu

>> No.6339558

Hate to be the "not all women" fag, but you're making a serious error by extrapolating from several instances. In 100% of cases of getting screwed over by women, there are serious red flags that are ignored.

>> No.6339637

>definition of a simp screencapped
nice bait faggot

>> No.6339661

Hey at least it transferred fast, right?

>> No.6339774

Why not report this to the police?

>> No.6339899

What would they be able to do? He gave it to her voluntarily.

>> No.6339937

if i told my gf about my crypto gains she'd likely be deeply disturbed and possibly dump me just because of the financial power imbalance it would create between us. people are very different my man

>> No.6340067

My woman is incredibly stable and doesn't change her mind about much. They're out there anon.

>> No.6340351

The only thing you send bitches is semen.

>> No.6340577

Dumbest time to do a 1 post thread

>> No.6340833

Anon didn’t say all women. But this girl could’ve easily get him to marry her and take even more shit. Expensive lesson, but he should be grateful if he planned to be with for a longer period of time or marry her.

>> No.6341124

Double trips of truth

>> No.6341199

gave some one 10k when you was living paycheck to paycheck, you truly are a retard

>> No.6341208


Not even a good larp OP

try again

>> No.6341235

You can easily press charges and get your money back and/or put her in jail & ruin her life... assuming this story is true. Theft is theft, it doesn't matter if it's fake money or a towel or your dog. You have a clear record of communications with her and her telling you this bs story. Just call the police.

>> No.6341334

>She asks me for 10 grand which was about all I had left. She promises that she can pay me back because there is a personal loan that was taking time to process but she needed to pay the backed up mortgage before whatever date. I sent this girl 10k worth of ripple and she robbed me fellas.
Top fucking Kek!

>> No.6341439

Top fucking Kek how it's theft if he gave her the money like a fucking cuck?

>> No.6341486

Did you get it in writing that she'll pay you back?

Take her to court.

>> No.6341692

How poor are you? Or just greedy? I sent a random hot girl on reddit $500 just to sext me