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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6326918 No.6326918 [Reply] [Original]

Jacob here.
Some of you linkies are alright, Don't not be in Link during the next 3 days.

If you sold a little to gamble away and accumulate more linkies, you need to come back to the mothership right fucking now. Assblaster was right, some big folks are going balls deep over the weekend.

>> No.6326973


For fucks sake can't you just let this dip under $1 for a few weeks, fuck even just a few days.

I haven't bought any Link for over a month due to how expensive it's been getting. I've been dumping my paychecks into other alts hoping to double my money so I can get more Link. But all my stuff went up about the same amount Link did so I can't get ahead.

Just let Link dip and wait till one of my alts pumps please.

BTW I didn't sell any of my Link I just want to accumulate more.

>> No.6327330

seriously tho would it kill the whales to throw a little of the shitcoin proceeds they made last week our way

>> No.6327369

how do you have intel on this Jacob? I heard these big boys will be savvy enough not to market buy, do you think if we hold out long enough and not sell, they'll be forced to market buy?

>> No.6327614


>> No.6327646

Nope, they get their bonuses on Jan 15 at the earliest. Next 2-3 weeks will be interesting.

>> No.6327774

I'd like to join you guys, but I'm not willing to get rid of REQ, ICX or QLC and BNTY is so fucking low that it can't get possibly any lower and I refuse to sell low. FUCK. As soon as BNTY gets to at least $1 I might become a stinky linky.

>> No.6327956

Sell your QLC shitcoin for some LINK and you got a very solid portfolio.

>> No.6328024

Link to Assblaster?

>> No.6328039


True, how do you know Jacob? I didn't know you flew in the same circles as Assblaster, I thought you were a friendly neighborhood eth whale not a high finance guy. But this is baller af if true.


You do realize these guys don't live paycheck to paycheck like you do don't you?

>> No.6328045

I work for this man https://twitter.com/andy_lucerne
at swisscom we provide tech services to many medium-sized EMEA banks, and are managing the API setups required by the new PSD2 regulations.
the banks buying in here are by no means the largest but they are smart people, and are taking steps to stay ahead of the big boys and be the first major players in a new API/oracle services market that will be opening up over the next few years.
Andy in particular is way ahead of the curve and has been invested in crypto since 2015. He has networked with a number of our bank clients and from what he has told me, there is an agreement between Swisscom and two fairly substantial swiss banks (Lombard Odier and Julius Baer) to purchase Link slowly throughout Q1 in preparation to set up a pool of nodes which will be sold as a service to many other banks throughout EMEA as demand for API/oracle services explodes throughout the year.

>> No.6328081


>> No.6328110

true if big

>> No.6328113

why didn't these "big folks" bought earlier?

>> No.6328135
File: 203 KB, 1309x924, Screenshot-2018-1-12 Anyone know if LINK is involved in the Europe's PSD2 • r LINKTrader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool. Yea someone on reddit posted about working in EMEA as well and he seemed super bullish,

>> No.6328147

If they are going to accumulate slowly in Q1, wouldn't they be motivated to suppress prices? We'd then see a Q1 with absolutely no price movement until no one except us and them are left in the market.

>> No.6328165

Simple question which blows up all this larping.

LINK was 800% cheaper two months ago. Why didnt all these smooth operators buy in then?

>> No.6328182

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6328186

cos for once, /biz/ boys are the early adopters.

>> No.6328237

hei dir irgendlwechie insider infos über de status vo chainlink?

>> No.6328242

hold about 50% XRB and about 12.5% each XBY, XLM XRP LINK.
I want more Link. But not sure which other coins to sell? I don't really want to sell any of them, and I have no more fiat.

>> No.6328248

someone redpill me on assblaster and jacob

>> No.6328270

proof that you are jacob blink with a 500k sellwall on binance

>> No.6328287

This is also kind of facscinating too because I've begun to suspect sergey's lack of shilling to regular people to set up nodes meant that at least initially it wasn't going to be the sort of decentralization you think of when you think of crypto (i.e., a full node in everyone's bedroom) but rather predominantly corporate nodes.

Do they expect to make a lot of money running a network of nodes or is it just for there benefit so they and other banks can use the system and profit from actually utilizing the network?

>> No.6328358
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they should have! I did, andy did. representatives from swisscom attended Devcon3 and saw Sergey's talk.
basically, the swisscom execs have been talking the banks into it for a long time now because they need a large amount of capital and a significant node pool to become this first major player in the market

there is just too much money coming in to suppress it, you will see a steady rise though as they try to keep the lid on. I imagine LO and JB will have their analysts work on an accumulation strategy

P.S if any of you are into stocks SCMN would be a good buy now. When there is a formal announcement of these blockchain API services I fully expect it to double

>> No.6328408

oui mon ami, qu'aimeriez-vous savoir?

>> No.6328425

This right here. This is the kind of shit I read biz for.
Unless you're larping then suck a dick.

>> No.6328457

hurrr durrrr big potential, big gains, big community, low mcap, low whatever, shill shill, buy my bags, I'm a fag

>> No.6328471

T'as combien de Lien? T'habites où, au juste?

>> No.6328521

They probably aren't the only ones thinking the same thing.

>> No.6328595
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>Why can't the entire financial market just buy it cheap and early all at once?

Maybe, idk, those people buying are the reason it's gone up 800%?

>> No.6328630

oui oui omlet du fromage

>> No.6328644

350k. Köniz, Bern

>> No.6328673

T'as quelle montre?

>> No.6328699


>> No.6328708

what's wit /biz/ and link? Ive never heard of it anywhere else

>> No.6328709

ah une romande
Je garde 10k LINK depuis 0.20, c'est suffisant?
comment ont-ils progressé avec le mainnet? Connaissez-vous quelque chose sur les partenaires? Avez-vous eu un contact direct avec sergey ou achetez-vous juste assez de jetons? Quelle est la rentabilité de Chainlink?
haha moi bern breitenrain

>> No.6328753

Hey guys we can't speak French

>> No.6328787
File: 17 KB, 274x242, 45F49FE5-C9E8-4D42-A2BA-E0EE5A8A4BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah Jacob, long time no see.

>> No.6328795


Thanks for the info boys. This place is 10% genius and 90% fags.


Learn how to use google you fucking idiots.

>> No.6328799

speak for yourself, I can understand it, it sure paid off being born in a 4th world shithole, having to learn all these languagese

>> No.6328838

Biz is a collective hivemind of autistic no life nerds who research crypto all day (and street shitters). The rest of the internet is normie idiots. Biz always finds the good ones first.

>> No.6328867
File: 159 KB, 700x496, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_noai_nioshi__sample-1001e81a235ceab6c7e0ed67d6c7d31a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's very good nice just bought 100k HOWEVER....How high could ChainLink go.... realistically

>> No.6328887

yea we're supposed to google "assblaster" and "jacob"

fucking idiot

>> No.6328900

Fuck off back to africa you nigger

>> No.6328909
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Pic very related.

>> No.6328913

When its actually being used the sky is the limit.
But realistically i predict you should see this coin around £100 Q4 2019

>> No.6328916

bought because cup and handle and I want to see if its just memes or real.

>> No.6328923
File: 38 KB, 955x538, JACOB_AND_SERGEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that hard

>> No.6328924

I feel like ICX has more short term potential than link right now, so i'd rather hold on to it than swap for link. Thoughts?

>> No.6328936

>How high could ChainLink go.... realistically
Chainlink is shaping up to be the key to mainstream smart contracts.
The raw potential is virtually limitless. And everything in between.

>> No.6328952

Its in the /biz/ archives.. have you actually tried? your the idiot mate. Seriously the state of /biz/



>> No.6328989

>he doesnt know google lists your ip in your search links
nice just sent 100k tons of gravel

>> No.6329018


>> No.6329056

How much link for a node?

>> No.6329063

hey cocksucker how much longer do i have to wait

>> No.6329089

You can run a node without any LINK.

The more LINK you have the higher priority your node will be.

>> No.6329144
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 1515029743063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is assblaster goatse?

>> No.6329163

Lol how hard is it to say "assblaster is a larp / link insider" instead of spazing out

>> No.6329188

I understand generally what Chainlink is for (oracle etc) but what do the tokens actually do? Like how are they not worthless? Or is it like buying stocks?

>> No.6329225

it's a gamble mate, every other coin I chose to gamble with , I'm doing it so I can accumulate more LINK , so far it hasn't paid out much tho, and 24th seems like an eternity away

>> No.6329233
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You don't need to warn me, I never touch my link anyway. Not selling until I'm a millionaire

>> No.6329237


>> No.6329244

>what do the tokens actually do?
Three basic things:
1) node staking (to determine priority)
2) contract staking (multiple nodes "bid" on contracts, the winner's "bid" Link stays staked as an insurancy, the losers get their "bid" Link back)
3) node compensation (winning node gets "bid" Link back, plus the agreed fee, if all goes well)

And of course there's the fourth use:
4) for investment, trading, and speculation

>> No.6329273

did you read the thread my man? >>6329089

now that's not a very nice thing to say, anon, remember how you promised yourself to be a better person this year

>> No.6329345
File: 410 KB, 1075x983, Screenshot_20180112-234906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where the is going Jacob

>> No.6329347

jacoooob ou t'es?

>> No.6329362

Assblaster said 2 weeks like 6 days ago.

>> No.6329370

Odd. There’s a few people thinking like that now; not caring about btc or eth, but LINK accumulation. Keep your hands on your icx desu, I have some too and will be selling it for LINK. I just don’t know how much LINK Ian enough. I only have 52k atm. 100k would be ideal but I don’t have a job as I’m in final year of med school, so I’ve just been trading my way up from my initial cash investment last year.

Exciting though.

>> No.6329389

Jacob, if that really is you and not some faggot larper, you need to start posting with a trip

>> No.6329407

How do we know you're not larping? Post a pic of your balance or past buy orders of LINK or something like that.
I hate larping faggots

>> No.6329431

Il s'est enfui quand je lui ai demandé quelle montre il a.
Sans doute il a honte de son Steinhart.

>> No.6329516

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6329566

haha mais non
mon frère jacob a qu'un hublot

>> No.6329628

Ok, I'm gonna give you a hint because we were all newfags once upon a time. >>/biz/

>> No.6329657

So its best to sell my link rn? And buy back in a couple of days

>> No.6329696
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1506886407287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6329718

he said don't not be in link in the next 3 days
so be in link

>> No.6329723

Start using a tripcode OP

>> No.6329749

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6329798


>> No.6329835
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Then it's simple.

We buy the LINK

>> No.6329987

I call on you son of Isaac.

>> No.6330027

Nice larp. I know real bankers (no lending for a house shit) and most of them have no idea what blockchain is. There are a few backend gurus, but they are still watching. Setting up oracles like mad is pure fiction. The market isn't there yet, and it probably never will. There are stark insurance and risk problems with smart contracts regarding EU law and it will take years to sort them out. PnD coins, fine. But everything else is pure fiction.

>> No.6330082

Swisscom has so many problem, most professional dealers set this on hodl if you have it and sell if you can.

>> No.6330207

ahahaha what the fuck is this piece of shit? thanks I had a good laugh reading the "whitepaper"

>> No.6330231


thanks just sold 100k

>> No.6330238
File: 61 KB, 640x838, Keep-it-classy-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've convinced me,
It's...it's ogre.
Dumping my bags in your street toilet now.
No flushing.

>> No.6330259


Did you look up that niggas twitter account? He has more knowledge of blockchain in his pinky toe than you will in your entire life.

>> No.6330261

PSD2 has to happen by 2019.

They're gonna be forced to learn DLT/Blockchain one way or another.

>> No.6330264

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6330292

Shut the fuck up, you just make it seem like a scam anyway by posting this shit everywhere.

>> No.6330296
File: 15 KB, 407x407, 491C8D80-AB58-4780-AC9C-F192BA13C00B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First year IB analysts don’t count anon.

>> No.6330301

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6330349
File: 79 KB, 627x548, Screenshot_2341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads-up, don't listen to this shilling. This is their fucking whitepaper.

>> No.6330368

the heads of innovation at big banks are basically froced to look into blockhain tech and its true that partnership with a bank doesn't mean they will ever use it or build something with it
banks are fuckin' scared of everything

but don't you think PSD2 will make banks invest in something like chainlink?

>> No.6330596

>tfw my 400+ french streak in Duolingo pays off
It's destiny

>> No.6330720

I'm going all in on LINK, which isn't much, but 1000 LINK should be plenty for a poorfag like me.

See you on the flip side or on the bottom.

>> No.6331364

does someone have an idea of how much link you will need to run a node? is it complicated? do i have to buy additional/special hardware to do this?

>> No.6331416

How ever much you want. Can pool too.

>> No.6331418

You can run a node on 0 Link.

That's what makes Chainlink so fantastic: it's a free marketplace without artificial limits like Ripple with its "hurr you need to stake at least X amount or our token is useless".

>> No.6331462

but presumably to bid on contracts you'd need some.

>> No.6331515

Pretty sure there would be zero-bid contracts too.