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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 300x300, vet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6323617 No.6323617 [Reply] [Original]

What's the game plan?

>> No.6323664

sell everything and buy ripple

>> No.6323758

Wait for Pboc since we found out cck is actually an insider

>> No.6323819

theres a new moon on the horizon, if you made some bank you should sell now and get in on XLM. ven gonna go sideways and probably dump after the rebrand

>> No.6323824

You hold it til it reaches $50

Until then go out for a walk and stop looking at the computer every 2 seconds to check the price. This isn't some random shitcoin, let it run its course.

>> No.6323838


go up already reeeeeeeeee

>> No.6323869



you're one dumb motherfucker, this bitch is going $100 - $500

>> No.6323927

isn't friday the day for bigger news?

bmw too

>> No.6323970

why would you think its gonna dump after a rebrand?

>> No.6324003

REBRAND = X 10 . you are moronic not nto hold at least a consequent part.

>> No.6324037

i have 86 VEN but i want to buy some RLC before it goes back up but all i have are VEN. would it be a good idea to exchange $100 worth back into ETH to buy some RLC while it's low? ridiculous question but VEN just seems like such a solid hodl i dont want to regret doing this

>> No.6324045

He's just fudding

>> No.6324050

if you sell now you will regret it 100%

>> No.6324058

I wonder where that autistic ven shitposter from a few days ago went. Think he fomoed in?

>> No.6324061

yes please sell

>> No.6324070


>> No.6324085

is it really the Alibaba CEO in the newest CCK video?

>> No.6324128

i dont really think it is but it could be i suppose

>> No.6324198

So CCK is legit af
But are they just using him for viral marketing, with the carrot leading the donkey being the PBoC?

>> No.6324205

priced in
everybody waiting for the rebrand price jump, what do you think will happen next lol. fucking newbs

>> No.6324230

thank you for the advice. i was planning on having a friend buy me back the VEN tomorrow as i imagine it'll be around $6 still but who fucking knows.

i have $100 USD just sitting here and not a single non-scammy exchange will allow me to instantly verify and buy with fiat (i had a coinbase account for a while until i got b& for dnm shit recently) what do /biz/ im still waiting on gemini and bitstamp ;__;

>> No.6324236
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1501668485229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin about to correct hard below 10k just as ven was about to moon
for fuck sake, this was my shot at finally making it, now ven will capitulate with everything else because of bitcoin

>> No.6324244

lol fuck off back to your stellar thread faggot. do you even know what ven plans on doing?

>> No.6324245

They told me he is in the other ven thread, the detectives on leddit are not sure.
Would be huge, every single asian crypto would kill to be their partner.
Bigger than amazon.

>> No.6324270

this really kills the hype.
We might only get 60% of the price increase. Oh well. It will just take a bit longer. The end result is the same.

>> No.6324289
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>> No.6324335

no buy buy buy

>> No.6324350

lol what are they planning on doing then? fucking site rebrand, IoT, bunch of other useless buzzwords, no whitepaper. good shit op. thing will tank like a rock 100% good entry point was 2-3 months ago when this shit was shilled on here by some, too late now

>> No.6324389


>implying they won't announce new partnerships


>> No.6324391

good luck.
you’re gonna kill yourself soon when you look at the price

>> No.6324421

cool, have fun holding your v is for vapourware coin and my bags

>> No.6324503

it just killed a wall and is going up you retard

Sure, don't buy it man, more for me.

>> No.6324573

The product is already out and being used.... Are you this fucking retarded?

>> No.6324584
File: 109 KB, 780x394, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody wants your wtc bags waltcuck.

>> No.6324604

lol falling for the most obvious bulltrap, are you new here?
funny fucking product that can't be found anywhere hmm

>> No.6324639


Terrible tier fud

>> No.6324653

If dubs, VET $500 by EOY
If trips, VET $1000 by EOY
If quads, VET official Chinese currency by EOY

>> No.6324664

dude you’re embarrassing xlm holders please stop

>> No.6324746
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1515231068269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for every post you make I buy another 100 ven

>> No.6324762

not argument vapourshills, you are being played by chinks including that pespikis like a fiddle lol, have fun holding this shit

>> No.6324783

please try not to commit suicide in 12 months.

>> No.6324799


God I fucking hate 19 year olds who type lol after their own sentences.

>> No.6324830


You're only playing yourself
Heh, nuthin personnel kiddo

>> No.6324834

Remember when this board used to shun those who typed lol, xd, wtf and ellipsis?

>> No.6324835
File: 28 KB, 550x720, 1515627391304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a bunch at 2.8, having so much fun desu

>> No.6324860

wanna know how I know you have a portfolio of less than 5 grand?

>you're the type of person that is always getting burned on PnDs
>you're the type of person that thinks because the price has gone up from 20 cents 2-3 months ago to $7 now, that the only good time to get in was when it was 20 cents because according to your logic, it has no room for growth.

I will literally throw diarrhoea down from my penthouse apartment on to your homeless ass that's sitting in the street

>> No.6324893


>95% of coins held by nodes
>shills are actually calling this chinacoin

It's like NEO all over again

>> No.6324912

been here since 1.20 and making 30k for every dollar it goes up. you could say i’m having fun you’re right

>> No.6324914

in since 1.7
So damn comfy.
We hitting 7 today

>> No.6324954



>> No.6324990


>buying a useless coin at 2x the normal high cause it's on binance now


>> No.6325003

damn the butthurt is real. Youll take the crown from wtc cucks as the saltiest streetshitters on here. I held this shitcoin since sub $.80 and dumped my bags, moving on to the next thing. Did the same with wtc, same with etp, same with all chink coins that traded high and dropped to shit after china fud. Remember kids, don't get attached to your investment haha

>> No.6325052


how heavy are those esp2 bags you smelly walt cuck.

you're the type of nibba that bought ETH when it was $12, then sold it when it was $20 then didn't buy back in and watched it rise all the way to $1,000 whilst adamantly reassuring everyone that you dont care that you missed out on mad gains

>> No.6325075
File: 13 KB, 332x332, 1507433606459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the current price of VEN, holders would have to see billions in demand for THOR to make less than a 5% profit

VEN is the ultimate pump. They just copied NEO and hyped it up hard. Your THOR is going to be fucking worthless. That means the VET is worthless too.

>muh dApps
>muh chinacoin

>> No.6325098


>> No.6325124

thats not how it works bud
it’s not coming back down you can stop fudding nipesh aktak

>> No.6325145

this coordinated FUD campaign by salty walties

shoo shoo pajeets

>> No.6325146

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6325157
File: 35 KB, 498x594, 1514648525631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same posters keep spamming the same fudpasta over and over again, every thread
whats your endgame lads

>> No.6325162

dont get mad my man, I can always buy back if it goes parabolic (but theres about a .0001% chance of this happening), I've made good gains on this shit already. the difference is you'll be holding your shitbags until kingdom comes like all the other "muh iot" cucks on here. again, emotional attachment is never a good idea sweetie

>> No.6325192

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.6325283

omg i fucking cringe so hard reading every one of your post. i just want to stomp your fucking face in and it’s not even about ven. fuck

>> No.6325289

why does the ven price always goes down around the same time, stays there for a while, then pumps back up?

>> No.6325295


>buying a chinamancoin

>> No.6325330

Some of you guys on here are better at killing memes than redd.t

>> No.6325360

Based on what? Your ass? Some random ass country "banning" trading you can't even trade with because of capital controls? Wake the fuck up.

>> No.6325404
File: 6 KB, 228x250, 1515625136786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becauz it a vapoware no ypaper pump n dump chink gook scamcoin sell now buy wtc

>> No.6325407

Good for you anon. Take your gains and stick them in tron or verge then.
>look at me muh gains muh gains
That's what you sound like.

>> No.6325409

>China-based e-commerce giant Alibaba has teamed up with PwC to develop a system to reduce food fraud using blockchain tech.

>> No.6325417

Had my cursor on a buy button but then I researched a bit more and holy shit, found some really SHADY shit! Stay away from this one!

>> No.6325424


You're literally that reddit fudder, huh?

>> No.6325434


not a leaf is out of place


>> No.6325438

kill yourself

>> No.6325461

Fuckin Chili Pepper. Same fucking guy that goes around on every 4chan thread and all over the VEN subreddit.

KYS faggot.

>> No.6325527

kinda love how each ven thread devolves into a group of coordinated FUD and people ironically fudding...

former 40 man research team here the more i research the more shady shit i find, sell sell sell

>> No.6325657

Brainlet and small time ven hodler here. How is a rebrand going to affect the price? Genuine question, because as a newfag it seems pretty insignificant.

>> No.6325706

> unironically thinking pwc would expose themselves like this, working with only one baas provider

>> No.6325749

what's the current price of VEN then buddy?

>> No.6325777

VEN FUD memes are the best
40 men researching shady shit right here

>> No.6325784

it should be insignificant but this market runs on hype

>> No.6325810

not much point marketing now, when they rebrand nobody will recognise them
when the rebrand arrives proper marketing can start
that's the minimum effect

some people saying it will lead to a 2x like antshares but idk, bit hopeful.

>> No.6325850

Then why doesn’t every coin just rebrand? Checkmate nocoiner