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6321856 No.6321856 [Reply] [Original]


How does someone get on Vitalik’s level of understanding blockchain and programming?

I’d like to enter developing a cryptocurrency but I wouldn’t even know where to begin. How did he learn so much at a young age?

>> No.6321889

Father was a computer scientist, probably received a lot of influence and was interested from a young age.

>> No.6321907

His dad was a computer scientist

He basically got the mozart treatment. No one can really match that

>> No.6321949

probably knows the real entity behind the satoshi nakamoto psuedonym. might be him himself. might just be this is all a russian transfer of wealth from the west. one thing for sure: this guy is in the know and will probably be the most powerful person in the world one day

>> No.6321951

Buy an autism potion from the grand exchange

>> No.6321960

I don't think you get to that level... You are born with that power level and then you unleash it in the category you desire.

>> No.6321986

weapons grade autism

>> No.6321988

We all talk shit and make memes but he developed eth at age 19. Spent many many years of his life on it. He’s goofy looking and a bit autistic but you can’t deny he’s genius tier. Learn by immersion, everything in life is layers and levels and he’s going to do some amazing things in his lifetime.

>> No.6322031

Having smart parents that challenge you at a young age is an absolute entry point. This isn’t even factoring in innate ability.

Vitalik’s father was a programmer and he was sent to private school as a child. Zuckerburg had a professional programmer teach him in his youth.

You ever meet someone who learned English after they were 21? They never really get it right and there is always that lag time when running over concepts.

I think that is the same for programming. You have to get in at a very young age to think like a programmer and achieve genius level work. Don’t get me wrong, it is completely possible to land a nice google/apple job after learning to program late in life.

>> No.6322052

LOL you fucking retard. Vitalik is not Satoshi. What a goddamn retard.

>> No.6322210
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Why are you guys so desperate to imitate other men? Why not try to be like Jesus Christ?

>> No.6322291

Unironically this. Every 'genius' I've met irl have had one thing in common: their parents were often STEM people and that rubbed off on their kids in various ways.

It stings because I never got that sort of treatment during childhood, but that's life I guess

>> No.6322336

plus those with many years in the crypto game have an insane advantage in terms of "education time". now that crypto's going mainstream, not only are their holdings more valuable but their level of knowledge is also miles ahead

>> No.6322369

kek'd pretty hard at this. so vitalik published the whitepaper when he was 12?

>> No.6322416

You can't get on his level unless you're born with good bones. He was popular in school for being able to multiple 3 digit numbers in his head faster than any of his classmates. He can naturally comprehend more complex concepts because he has more RAM

>> No.6322459

t. vitalk

>> No.6322475

You learn about software every waking minute of your life. You develop a literal obsession with C++, Go, Rust or any other other systems/network oriented language and pour your life into learning about software patterns, maths, etc.

You build things regularly and contribute to multiple open source products.

I am a Googler who picked up BASIC at 12 and Vitalik is so far above my level it's laughable.

Good fucking luck

>> No.6322520
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He had intelligent parents who raised him right. Meanwhile I was raised by a jobless alcoholic single mother.

And here I am doomed to beg for fractions of his memecoin.

>> No.6322551

Step 1) Acquire autism
Step 2) ???
Step 3) Profit

>> No.6322577

This is why people who complain about Vitalik for being rich are mentally retarded. This kid is the definition of genius and is motivated by his passions rather than any monetary gain.

Have you seen his techcrunch interview? This guy does not give a fuck about anything except his interests and goals.

>> No.6322601
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i did not expect vitalik's father to look like this desu


>i expected some old grandpa that had kids late in his life
>which would explain vitalik's autism like genius

>> No.6322626

his dad did.

>> No.6322652


is he sitting on his dad's lap?

what a fag

>> No.6322665

you can see the fucking genius in his eyes

>> No.6322690

>Buterin said, “We did not shape or push him in any direction. We gave him acceptance and love and felt that he would find his way.”

>> No.6322694

I had a single mom too. This thread is making me feel like shit, I wish I didn’t create it. Sounds like the ship has sailed.

I’m tired of wagecucking and keeping up with emerging coins/announcements every day when I’m off of work. Might just throw everything in ETH and focus on learning.

>> No.6322786

very, very (very) easy op. All you need is extraordinary high IQ and passion for your work. Thats all. Otherwise, I'm sorry, but it looks like you are bound for mediocrity like the rest of us.

>> No.6322801

made me lol

>> No.6322807

>How does someone get on Vitalik’s level of understanding blockchain and programming?
I don't know for sure because I'm nowhere near this man's level but I can tell you that the first step in the right direction is leaving 4chan for good.

>> No.6322821

nice just sold 100k

>> No.6322846

You wanna learn, learn. You have a computer with the internet, MIT opencourseware, pirate programming pdf's and read. Spend hundreds of hours a month learning from books and programming, come up with ideas you can create while you learn.

t. Self-taught programmer at 20.

My favorite MIT courses:
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/ (your a noob so heres a comfy introduction)

>> No.6322848

Ya familial support is incredibly important for success. If he had shit parents, he'd end up homeless or some shit because of how much higher the stakes are when you're at that level of genius.

Like there was this successful autistic piano player that would had no chance in society if his parents didn't encourage and help him with learning piano.

>> No.6322907

>Click here
If you don't have the skill by now, its already too late... i work for arguably the #1 tech company in the world, and i interview nigs for job positions... i can tell you right now, theres a big diff between nigs that went 4yrs of college in compsci/software eng... and nigs that just have it... its like a 1% of undergrads, and 0.0001% of u shit tier non tech pajeets

>> No.6322914

>autistic fuck that ended up homelsss because of shitty parents
O shit. At least I recovered after a couple years

>> No.6322917

Bullshit this is what personal failures tell themselves and upset their dying parents over.

>> No.6322929

the only crypto i truly believe in his eth. no joke.

ethereum has been brutally honest with the limitations of crypto, and has directly confronted the trilemma. no other coin has properly done that on a comparative level.

he is idealistic, practically to a fault. but this idealism ensures he chases innovation and world-improvement over profit. the world needs that.

ETH is my core pick, absolutely. 99$ of coins dont even get stress tested to a point where its limitations are revealed. ETH handles over 50% of all trans.

>> No.6322993

> 99$ of coins

>> No.6323014

This is the correct answer.

>> No.6323034

lol what is this projection, it's obvious that environments affect a child's development significantly. I am pretty weird but because of my father's open-mindedness, love, and encouragement, I am able to be successful.

Also reading this article shows how innovative, compassionate, and forward thinking Dmitry Buterin was which obviously influenced what Vitalik is like now, genius-tier smart and idealistic.

>> No.6323103
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He's a pedophile though so Im living a better life then him lmfao

>> No.6323106
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Also OP there is more to distributed systems then just cryptocurrency, if you're interested in becoming passionate about the field you wouldn't narrow yourself down to currency applications.

MIT OCW is just as good as going to MIT, >>6322846

Write your blog some more, you have access to the internet and enough time to shitpost on 4chan you can teach yourself anything online, you have no excuse for learning despite your environment.

>> No.6323119

It's okay anon. I had a single mom and my Alphabet RSU's are worth more than most of these anons crypto gains.

You are not fucked

>> No.6323162

lol nice assumptions mate

Sorry you need to cope with learning later in life lmao, it's not a bad thing at all but for some reason you seem pretty insecure about it

>> No.6323166

While at the age of 11 you're starting to discover your weewee gets hard if you rub it and you spend your days doing literally nothing till you're 18, these guys keep studying and studying for a reason or another.

>> No.6323178

You are right, it is a spark to some degree. Can you code for 10 hours straight?

I can and I WILL out Autism you.

>> No.6323200

I mean you can and you should learn, there's really no excuse. But the question was about getting on Vitalik's level anon and you can do all the learning you want but thats not gonna help you there.

>> No.6323262

what? why are you so desperate to imitate a dead jewish heretic who held weakness as being the most holy virtue?

>> No.6323281

I know this is a father figure and vitalik cock sucking thread but vitalik isn't that brilliant he's a CS dropout from waterloo who made the python implementation of ethereum, his work now is mostly in overseeing the project, nothing outstanding he didn't build rome all alone.

>> No.6323484

This is seriously undervaluing his skillset, but yes he Is no Carmack or Ken

>> No.6323580

but would i trade my life for his? no
i get pussy even though my portfolio is <1000

>> No.6323606

> vitalik isn't that brilliant he's a CS dropout
yeah because he received a 100k sponsorship and went on to work on eth fulltime. Obviously the kid wasnt interested in academia.
> who made the python implementation of ethereum
had the foresight to realize the potential of smart distributed applications at 19 but sure continue coping op

>> No.6323636
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>im op.

>> No.6323853

>Having smart parents that challenge you at a young age is an absolute entry point.
Reading this made me realize how much I owe to my parents. Thank you ma and pa for making me who I am today. One day I will make it (through crypto and other means) and I will make em even prouder.

>> No.6324542



know it from myself. was only raised by mum, she is intelligent, but has no collage degree. she could not help me anymore after age of 16. but till this time I was some of the best in class.

At young age I had so many questions about computer, coding and electronic stuff, but nobody could help me. Even I got good at it, with college degree. But if I had parents who could learn me all this stuff, I would be without doubt amazing, cause I wanted learn so much and asked every day so many stuff in very young age.

>> No.6324701

At least someone gets it.

> gud genes
> inbred slav parents dun edumacate

He's a nuclear waste autismo canuk. 24/7 365 he only thinks about his current focus and is functional enough to create something.

>> No.6324725

Vitalik dancing

>> No.6324738

yea it was actually a Thiel fellowship. is Peter /ourguy/ now? he's been myguy for a while