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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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629892 No.629892 [Reply] [Original]

> be me at 16
> close friend at school
>says he's going to drop out to become a hairdresser
>we stay in touch over the years
>this guy constantly gets spoken badly behind his back for choosing to be a hairdresser I joined in sometimes which I regret
>I concentrate on studies
>2 years later
>i get a levels
>meanwhile my friend gets a job down in london after two years of working in his hometown
>we talk on facebook
>he makes £10 an hour at 18 in london
>earns average of £10 tips a day
>boss tells him that soon he'll get paid more
>meanwhile i'm spending £1000 to go to thailand for 8 weeks
>he may not be earning tonnes but thats still money which will be a long time for me to get with the decisions i've made
>i say to my self "it doesnt matter i'll earn waay more than him in the future"
>get back home
>go to uni
>speak to friend
>we're both 19 now
>he's earning £15 per hour as a hairdresser at 19.
>tells me he wants to open his own salon
>go back to uni for a year
>baarely talk
>on facebook i see he's won a hairdressing competition and is in hairdressing magazines
>message him to say well done
> he says thanks, but he's clearly had enough of working for someone else
>month later i'm in london with family, I see him in the salon he works in its £35 for a haircut.
>I wait for him to finish work
>he cuts my hair at his flat
>best hair cut of my life
>we go for a drink at a bar he tells me he has a meeting with a bank for a business loan
>i go back home and we chat on facebook here and there
> I finish university with a second class degree in history
> look for job
> cant get one
>£50k worth of debt
>3 months no job
>get a job at costa
>i go on facebook (didnt go on for ages because i deleted it for a while).

>> No.629898

(PART 2)

>find my friend on facebook
>he owns a hairdressing salon
>has done for 8 months
>pictures of bustling shop
>beautiful salon, looks so profiable too.
>message him
>he's been open for 8 months and is making £600 per week on average, his business will only grow: only two rooms of the buildings are decorated so far...
>he asks me what i'm doin
>i havent replied because im embarrassed
>mfw education is a lie that gets me a job at costa
>mfw education gets me 50k in debt
>mfw my friend makes £30k a year at the age of 21
>mfw my friend is the most successful 21 year old I know
>mfw I work at costa with a first class degree in history

Guys i feel like my entire teenage life has been a lie. I wish i'd learned a trade and worked my way up. My friend even started investing in a clothing company, so he started his investing career ealry because he could, i dont know how to invest and thats purely because i havent had income! i've been stuck in classrooms for 5 years. I cant get a fucking job! My friend cuts milfs hair all day while I clean coffee machines. FUCK THIS LIFE. don't go to uni, learn a trade save some money and open a business...

>> No.629939

What did you try to major in OP?

>> No.629951

Obviously your friend is going to dramatically out pace you when he is opening his own business and you're fucking around with a history degree.

>> No.629953

college is primarily filled with people that don't know what they want to do in life, and a small handful that know what they want to do and need a college education for it.

your friend knew what he wanted to do and he knew he didn't need a college education to do it, so he's successful. meanwhile you picked a shit major and went to college because that was the thing to do, and now you're fucked.

>> No.629955
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>tfw your friend is 23 and works at a beer brewery and has his own house

His parents friends got him the job and his dad gave the house to him but I'm still jelly

>> No.629957
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Yeah. That's not worth it to much of anyone unless they're good at networking. I'm going to community college and will probably get $10/hr starting and will probably go all the way up to $60/hr.

Keep spreading your message OP.

>> No.629961
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Congratulations! You just bought a used ca- magic paper! Isn't it what you've always wanted?

>> No.629971

The problem here is you're retarded for choosing a shit major.

>> No.629974

>10 years later, friend has ruined his back and joints from cutting hair all day
>friend kills himself
>all he wanted to do was cut hair, man
>OP can make a bloody good cup of coffee, and he can tell you all about Roman emperors.
The show ain't over 'til the fat lady sings

>> No.629995


try and get a job at the front desk and maybe he'll hook you up.

>> No.630009
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I used to think the same man. I have a friend who became an electrician right out of highschool. He is 26 and makes about $100k a year. I am 26 and have $50k in student loan debt and work in an office making less than half that.

BUT, there is something that is almost as important as money, and that is respect. Trade careers don't get much of it. Also they usually destroy your body over time.

Also, you'll move up and expand and do things in different avenues of life, but the only world your friend will ever know is doing people's hair.

Also 600 euro a week is not that much money money. You can collect people's garbage and make more than that.

Also you studied history. No bueno.

>> No.630051

When people weigh the pros and cons of college, they rarely account for the time spent there. They compare entry salaries at age 18 to entry salaries of age 22 college grads. They should be comparing age 22 college grads to age 22 with 4 years experience.

In your friend's case, he was obviously better off in his field getting paid experience rather than paying for education. In my field (engineering), I could live comfortably off a technician job (associates required) and get a couple years head start against my peers. That's what I'm doing if I don't get athletic scholarships from a school I could transfer to.

>> No.630064

pretty sure that most people are aware of the opportunity cost in one way or another.

a while back i carried out a quick calculation of what my net earnings would have been had i started working in a $60k/year job straight out of college vs getting a phd and then a $80k/year job after the phd. i also included a modest raise in each case so that at the end of a 25 year period the salary would be what an expected salary for an engineer would be towards the end of his career.

in that 25 year period the net earnings with a phd never caught up with those with just a bachelors. if my university wasn't full on kike i would get a masters degree and bail, but they prohibit phd students for getting a masters degree.

>> No.630081

You don't think with a phd, and starting at a better job, you'd have more upside potential over the course of your career?

>> No.630099

it might seem so, but in engineering experience is far more valuable than education. a phd in engineering also greatly limits your employment opportunities. your expertise ties you down. sure, your job title might change, you might get a raise, but you'll still be doing the same job in the same laboratory.

my hope is that by some miracle i land a job at a bank.

>> No.630320

>implying he'll cut hair for the rest of his life. He's a directing manger, u think the founder of McDonald's flips burgers all day?

Shit I respect him...

>> No.630324

>17, mom says I should go to beauty school to be do hair
>says it'll get me laid
>look it up and it takes 9 months, nope I'm going to be doing big things in 9 months
>about to turn 23, only recently lost virginity, neet, criminal history for fraud, $8k in debt

>> No.630327

>degree in history

And he's blaming uni.

>> No.630330

It's because you're a fucking idiot.

You went to uni? That's so vague. Do you mean you're doing a Physics degree at Oxford? Mechanical Engineering at Imperial? Maths at Warwick?

No wait, don't tell me... business studies at podunk county.

>> No.630348

>studying african-american lesbian basket weaving

>> No.630350

That's what you get for choosing a shit major. Lucky for us in the health business, we are smart, driven and always succeed...It doesn't hurt that our jobs are at the top of the food chain, either. Doctors vs english majors. Gee I wonder who is going to kill himself for not finding a job.

>> No.630353

50k in debt over a fucking history degree, man. You had it coming, you deserve it. This is natural selection at work.
Anyway, 30k in London is chump change. Every single graduate position offers at least 25k. I'm graduating this year and my first job offer is for 40k GBP. My gf graduated this year and she isn't from UK. She came here and found a job in a month that's paying 31k.
Your friend started at 10k, then moved onto 20k etc, his life must have been pretty tough at that point but he stuck with it. My point is that his success wasn't because he didn't go to university. He made it because he did something he loved and busted his ass mastering it. I bet he cut hair 'til his hands bled. If you had quit university, you would be in even deeper shit. You know why? I'm sure you do.
University isn't something were you go to chill for 3-5 years and then start working an easy job and become a millionaire. It's a fucking opportunity to meet successful intelligent people and learn from them. It is 4 years during which you bust ass improving yourself, surrounded by similarly minded peers. You had to make the best out of this chance and you blew it. Good luck with your life OP.

>> No.630364

maybe you should ask him for a job

>> No.630367

Second Class (Upper) i.e. a 2:1 and you're fine.

You're only fucked if you have a Second Class (Lower) i.e. a 2:2.

>> No.630369

>uni is a lie and worthless
>i would know because of my degree in history
top kek op

>> No.630372

What can a 23 year old NEET university dropout with £45k in the bank do?

If only I was smart enough to think of a good idea myself.

>> No.630377

Kill yourself. NEETs are worthless.

>> No.630389

Yeah this. Lol who gets a degree in history? Wtf were you thinking OP.

>> No.630394

>Implying money ≠ respect.

>> No.630400

>BUT, there is something that is almost as important as money, and that is respect.
Are you being serious? Nobody worth befriending cares about how you earned your money.

>Also 600 euro a week is not that much money money.
>Also, you'll move up and expand and do things in different avenues of life, but the only world your friend will ever know is doing people's hair.
He'll obviously quit working himself and become a full-time manager of his numerous hair salons. Meanwhile OP will be an office slave.

>> No.630579


>> No.630605
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btw guys his salon isnt open in London. his salon has opened in the midlands. Here in the UK London is approximately double as expensive on average comparatively. 30k a year where we live is fucking great money, he blatantly earns more than that anyway as he's already disclosed that he's began an investing career. Look guys i'm panicking a bit but I appreciate those of you who believe I'll be fine, I do too. However, i'm experiencing a hard time right now. A few of my friends are in the same boat too. I have the intelligence to admit that my friend will most likely always be richer than me. I feel kind of tricked guys, but my determination to find the right job will not stop until I do find one. wish me luck friends, all of your comments have been helpful in one way or another. Peace.

>> No.630614

Feels kinda weird that I can get a degree in statistics, after that get a degree in law, study for 7.5 years with a couple part time jobs on the side, graduate and have 20k in my bankaccount without a single cent of debt because I was able to live off of 600euroes a month including student fees. And all of that in country with a higher standard of living than almost any other on the planet.

Sometimes I feel a bit sad for americans/brits because they actually have to take risks. Not sure how many people would study over here if tuition fees were 20,000 a year.

>> No.630695

>he got a history degree
I've identified your issue

>> No.630704
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> I finish university with a second class degree in history
Stopped reading right there. I'm going to guess you became a barista at starbucks while your friend cuts hair for overweight wealthy elite moms at $500/cut and gets blowjobs from them when they aren't being "served" at home.

>> No.630744

I did an integrated masters in physics and went into banking.

Earning more than anyone I went to school with.

>> No.630811

maybe you should have found a job while studying, you only get a degree so that you become a member of an exclusive club you little shit

>> No.630861

>be 30
>only one of my highschool friends who went to uni and got a degree (IT)
>they all left school at 15-17
>they all got jobs
>they all now own houses
>I can't even get an IT job
>I can't even get a full time job doing other things

The guy who left at 15 is the one making the most money and didn't even get a trade.

It's all a fucking lie.

>> No.630880

True shit?

>> No.630884


>> No.630892

30k a year at age 21.
Wow dude, that kid is going places.. NOT.
That is fucking nothing you fucking piece of shit!!!

>> No.630901

What business do you own, and how much does it earn you per year? And how old are you?

Since im sure you owned a business and made more than he did at age 21 right?

>> No.630913


lol you can't pay bills and buy nice things with respect. Youre just trying to validate yourself.

>> No.630920

30 sterling you americuck

>> No.630942

Your mom and dad are obviously brother and sister.

>> No.630944


>> No.630947

>be me
>spend six years getting bachelors degree cause I couldn't decided what I wanted to do
>get six figure job upon graduating
>spent years drinking and smoking weed all day while my blue collar friends were hard at work
>I'll probably have more saved up than them in a single year

Education sure seemed good for me.

>> No.630949


Why don't you convert it to real money so we can understand then.

Also I thought europoors got free tuition why does this faggot have all this debt

>> No.630953

only sand niggers and niggers get free education in britcuckland.

>> No.631448

>Education sure seemed good for me.
If you got six figures at the start, you're probably brighter than most and/or have rich parents who sent you to an ivy league school.

>I'll probably have more saved up than them in a single year
If you mean that you've earned more than them so far, you're wrong. If you mean that they waste all their money, that's not a trait that education fixes.

>> No.631462

You fell for the trap that having an education instantly means you're going to have good job offers and a high salary. In the period from the 50s to the mid 00s, that was probably true.

Now, it isn't.

Rectify yourself and utilize your degree in some way. Historical artifacts are fucking worth a MINT on the collectors market, you could start there. Anything associated with WW1 and WW2 is going to go up in price.

>> No.631463


That's actually pretty good for Britcuckland. Wages are shit there.

>> No.631469
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>the in the exact situation as OP
Except I am in Australia with a theology degree
>we're fugggg'd sonnnny :DDD

>> No.631480
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>> No.631483

>theology degree

gonna guess, did you go to Hillsong College in Sydney?

>> No.631491

>History degree
Gotta go to grad school after you get a history degree nigga. History degree is a wannabe ambulance chasers way into the business easy.

>> No.631501


Don't forget, that's GBP, so it's like 50k in burgercoins

>> No.631508

of course uni is a waste of time when you study fucking history. What the fuck did you expect? Lmao you fucking idiot going to uni is one of the best investments you can do if you

A.) Study in Europe/Canada/Australia where tuition costs are very cheap
B.) Study something that's actually useful

Studied Nuclear engineering for 5 years (master's degree) in Germany. Finished at 23. Moved to the U.S. Salary after taxes is just south of $100k. I also get medical insurance, dental insurance, 401k's etc. etc.

But yeah $97,000 / year at 23 which will probably peak at $150-200k some time in the future plus all sorts of other perks is bad and I should've become a fucking hairdresser

lmao face it OP, you fucked up.

>> No.631551

The thing is, if everyone moves into these science fields for the big pay you'll see those starting wages drop like a rock. The guys entering in 5 years won't get the same pay. There's only so many fields that need people at any given time, the financial jobs paying 6 figures 15 years ago pay below 50k today. You can't knock the hairdresser no matter what, he's doing what he loves and his pay is all his own. Business owners make the money and live their dreams, you're hired to help someone else live theirs.

>> No.631556

You're just a fucking idiot, dude. Who the fuck studies History? What kind of job did you EXPECT to get? Are you this fucking stupid?

I'm studying Finance. All of my senior friends (I'm a junior) who are getting jobs right now all have base salaries in the range of $65-80k, which isn't crazy, but a lot of them are gunna fucking killing it with bonuses, too. Some of them will probably make over $120k their first semester.

That's what happens when you study something that isn't retarded.

>> No.631558


>> No.631564

>be 22
>take over familys old business that's almost failing and with a bad reputation
>shit is going pretty bad and it's difficult to get it turned around
>work hard as fuck
>take minimal salary
>any money over goes to take care of parents that are retired
>Try to find out ways how to make products that we sell cheaper
> Slowly but surely get connctions around the world for manufacturing
> Slowly but surely start to get companies reputation and profitability up
> Other companies in the same business and sizes as mine go bankrupt, I keep growing inch by inch
> finally find a manufacturer in another country that makes good quality products at 1/4 of the price that I paid before
> Be 25 now and I will start to manufacture a spesific product that I can sell for 15-20€ Retail and 6-8€ wholesale and cost me 1€ to make and I now already sell 20000 pcs per year in my small country in retail
> will start selling online and possibly in a couple of years Ill be selling 100000-200000 pcs around the globe retail and even more wholesale

>> No.631570

I have no idea why I wrote this here. I guess it was a small way to blow steam while I'm sitting here drinking redwine in the airport of little piece of shit town in the middle of nowhere

>> No.631571

where are you from?

>> No.631572

how the fuck do you expect to get 4 years experience in engineering you dumbass? Nobody hires a high school graduate for anything these days and you think youll be able to rank up based on experience with no college education?

Get back to me when you start looking for jobs after high school.

>> No.631573

Hardly, at the undergraduate level it isnt 100% critical to make all these connections, you can and it would benefit you but your graduate school in most cases is way more important to be serious during.

>> No.631582

I'm from a tiny country called Finland

>> No.631795
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OP here. He just made a snapchat story of him at a mercedes Benz show room. The jealousy flows through me like a vicious curent.

>> No.631798

How were you close again?
This is what usually happens when you have amibtions and work hard towards them by taking the risk at leaving by the age of sixteen.

>> No.631818

He said his friend is now OWNER.

>> No.631835

>The thing is, if everyone moves into these science fields for the big pay you'll see those starting wages drop like a rock
If you can finish the degree. Not everyone is cut out to study science or work in that field. Just like my somewhat stupid friend used to say "I should just go study technology" even though she is a fucking moron who would drop out before the first year is over.

>> No.631847

>Not everyone is cut out to study science or work in that field.
you'd be damn surprised at what type of people manage to get engineering degrees.

at this point i would argue that an engineering bachelors is outright meaningless.

>> No.631854


In the first part you had a 2:1 and in the second part you have a 1st, which is it?

>> No.631876

>go to uni for accounting
>fuck off and hate my major
>decide to say fuck it
>switch my degree to bio
>working harder than ever to get into dental school
>hopefully I will make something of myself and take over my father's practice

I should have just done dentistry from the start

>> No.631878


Why do you have to post your shitty story in every thread.

>> No.631885

Dental student reporting.Where are you from brah?Are you interested in partnership?
I have a few more questions if you don't mind.

>> No.631904

Stop feeling sorry for yourself cunt, and get a real job. Sell drugs

>> No.632011

Not much older than OP at 24, also a Britbong, and damn were the teachers pushing "higher education" hard when I was in high school. They were sending us on open days every year and basically telling us that if we didn't go to uni we would have shit careers. I didn't buy in to it, and while I'm not doing amazing by any means, I'm doing better than all my mates who did go to uni. Freelance programmer, income's a bit all over the place, but it beats working on the tills at Sainsbury's or being on the dole on top of all that debt. I think most of my mates got in before the price tripled luckily at least. So I get why you feel missold OP.

>> No.632026 [DELETED] 


>> No.632034

I agree but nursing master race here. Feels good being a hispanic, bi-lingual male.

>> No.632037

>proud of being a shitskin and being able to speak a shit language

>> No.632043

Don't want to see sick/dying people for 12 hours at a time when, sorry.
Money's good though. Have you thought about traveling?

>> No.632050

Girls love my olive skin and my bucks plus I get to order awesome food in Mexican restaurants without getting my food spat on.

I was actually thinking of traveling or saying fuck it and join the army to become a CRNA.

>> No.632059

Not even sure if I would wanna study if it would cost me that much money. Going to college seems like a gigantic risk unless you know that youre smart enough to get exceptional grades in a field that isnt overrun. Hell, I worked part time, took like 4 internships over the years and will graduate university at 28 with 2 degrees in my bag (to be fair, in my country we used to start studying at 20/21, at least the males did), ~20k in my bankaccount and not a single cent in debt.

So if everything goes to shit, which I certainly hope it wont, I can at least start fresh without having to worry about fucking interest rates.

How do people actually deal with their parents paying tuition fees? I mean, my parents are 'wealthy' but I think that I still would feel like shit if they had to pay upwards of 20k on an annual basis just so I can get a proper education.

>> No.632175

Mexicans are short, fat and poor. No girls love you except other fat, poor, short mexicans.

>> No.632292

Nah, i bet they spit on your food anyway.

>> No.632293

>tfw 22
>tfw I stumble upon a piece of shit from highschool
>he is now selling weed concentrate and seems to be doing really well with it
>graduating college
>no prospect for jobs

what the fuck

>> No.632537

They should tell college grads that they start at the bottom- we get engineers at our plant that almost cry if they have to work a few weeks of nights.

>> No.632539

>second class degree in history
I think I see your problem.

You should have done literature and studied the green eyed monster.

>> No.633456

>tfw english major
Oh boy
At least I can be a teacher

>> No.633484

>mfw when you are impressed by anybody making £30k/year
>mfw when Swiss and minimum wage here is chf 48k or £35k
LOL'ing at your pleb europoor country m8

>> No.633488

Technical writing?

>> No.633495

>30k in London is chump change
This. The quality of life you have in London on that salary is utterly miserable. You will spend almost all of it to rent a shoebox flat in zone 5 and buy a travelcard, and then live off tins of beans. 50k is the minimum for a non-miserable life in London.

>> No.633519

>this faggot is jealous of a hairdresser

>> No.633520
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>freelance programmer

>> No.633559
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>mfw half of that goes to the taxman

>> No.633635

Underrated kek

>> No.633651

>Dont got to uni
I think you mean "Don't study history"

>> No.633687

Can't put my job application in the bin mate.

Gotta put each project proposal in one at a time

>> No.633695

>criminal history for fraud

>> No.633708

I recommend op to get his teacher certification at least. Not sure how much teachers get paid there but in US its 45kmin. It might be shit tier money but u get a shit ton of paid days off.

>> No.633735

Hi. I can help you use those 45k wisely. I don't ask anything in response unless you'd like to.

Contact me: goldensun237@gmail.com
My shit email, so don't bother le troling

>> No.633741

I've become to notice that where you go in life is a lot about taking chances and shoveling shit for the first few years so that your future is something great. A lot of young people are miss informed slightly by their 6th forms and colleges that if they go to university everything will fall in to place for them.

Young kids spend to much time flicking through instagram liking rich peoples photos of G wagons and thinking that if they go to uni they will have a car like that in the future. Its not going to happen unless you work outside of the nine to five that a uni place MAY offer you at the end of your degree.

Im doing an apprenticeship at the minute in engineering (design not manual) im on 13k a year which is chicken shit but i dont care. I went for the apprenticeship after i failed to get into university. It was the best decision i have ever made. Most of my friends are students and are partying all the time whilst im working a 9-5 and back 7 months ago when i was working in a pizza shop for 5 quid an hour i was depressed because my friends were living it up whilst i was cutting pizzas and saving my money for future investments.

Surround yourself with hard working people and dont slack. If you really want to be successful put in the hours after work working on side projects. I've met loads of great people at my place and they have offered me jobs out side of work which I am going to be involved with soon enough. In a few years i can potentially earn £45-60 contracting

the world doesn't owe you shit it is up to you whether you want to go to places.

Much Love

>> No.633744

The well worn path of education is getting worse and worse every year.

>> No.633765

It doesnt. There simply are more people who get a college education so it becomes mandatory. Or to be precise, not picking a shit major is more important than ever before.

>> No.633797

>20, germany
>study law in third semester
>hate it, shit grades, doubt that i will pass

Is it to late to change? I dont even know what else to study...
I can speak fluently german and russian, pretty good english and basics of french
was pretty good at math and physics at school

I really dont know how to go on... somebody got tips for me? I have a shitty minimum wage part time job, I have a car worth 10-11k € (its very economical, so in the long run its not that expensive) and about 6,5k saved up....

>> No.633844

Get energized about law, and get your degree fgt. There was a reason you picked it in the first place. And fluency in German and Russian opens up possibilities of consulting import/export businesses once the shit about Ukraine settles.

>> No.633873

I am significantly younger than you are (still had to do 13 years of high school and attend the army for almost a year) and regret not having switched fields earlier. Already got a Bachelor in VWL and recently started studying Jura as well (3rd semester).

If you feel like the field isnt for you, quit and do something else or you just end up throwing away you time like I did. At least I can bring up my first degree in case I am specializing the tax/cartel law. Will be 28 by the time I graduate. Youre fucking 20. No one gives a shit how old you are as long as you didnt sit around, doing nothing. Not even then anyone really cares.

But if you dont like law and already have shit grades you wont get any Praedikatsexamen, in which case you might as well not have studied law at all. Try to figure out what you want to do instead, maybe you can still get a spot at a decent university (for SS15). Bayreuth comes to mind, they offer all sorts of shit.

Law in Germany is completely different than in other countries. Depending on the state you live in, more than half the people fail to pass. If youre not interested in law in the beginning, and cant manage to get grades either, studying it is pointless and a major waste of time.

You will either graduate with a shit degree, which is worthless. Or not graduate at all, in which case you pissed away almost 5 years without having anything so show for it. If you fail to graduate engineering you at least can claim to understand some shit about marketing etc. If you fail law you have nothing.

>> No.633904

>There was a reason you picked it in the first place
Also one more thing. Initial interest is irrelevant. German schools do a piss poor job at providing information about higher education. There are many people who start studying something because they initially were interested in, but as soon as they actually study it they realize that its not their cup of tea. Law and economics seem like no brainers to them so a truckload of people end up studying one of the two.

I finished a degree with focus on finance and econometrics and should have switched fields earlier. But I didnt because of what you just said. I was already 1.5 years in and under the impression that things will improve, but they never did. I graduated with pretty good grades, but got bored shitless after working (mostly internships) for a while.

There are way too many people who swallow shit they dislike because they think that they can just switch fields afterwards. But thats something that doesnt work with Law or Medicine. Especially not over here. Another reason why more people should switch fields is because it doesnt cost them much. If you reset you progress in the US/UK youre looking at tens of thousands of dollars in student fees. I will graduate with 28 and not a single cent in debt. In fact, I currently have more than 20k in my bankaccount.

>> No.633923

thanks about the posts

I took law because i didn't knew what to take, what I am interested in is engenering, IT, law and economics... I was acceptet for Wirtschaftsinformatik and law at the local uni, so I wanted to chose between this two so i dont need to rent a flat in another city.
Couldn't decide which to take, my parents suggestet law for me (didn't force, but wanted me to study law since forever)
I litened to their advice and now i am fucked...
I usually know the "results" but I can not write all this shit, my exams are way to short...

I am thinking about switching to Wirtschaftsinformatik this summer...

>> No.633929

>because i didn't knew what to take
Thats basically what most law students say. Thats why only 40% make it past the first 3 semesters.

>thinking about switching to Wirtschaftsinformatik this summer
If what you say is true and you lack interest, motivation to study and cant manage to get good grades, I would encourage you to do so. Law is just too risky unless you really are interested in it. The worst part is that a Bachelor in law, which is something more and more universities offer nowadays, is fucking pointless since you will never be able to actually practice law as a lawyer.

Jump ship before its too late. 1.5 years isnt too bad and no one will be happy if you graduate with 6 points and end up being a taxi driver. If you can start IT in SS15, do so. If you have to wait until October, try to find an internship or something.

>> No.633947

Uh... You majored in history and spent £1000 on a trip to Thailand... And why weren't you working part-time in uni if you care that much about money/debt? It's not too late, work hard at Costa and try to work your way up the chain like your friend did. Success didn't come overnight for him and it won't for you.

>> No.633949

>the only world your friend will ever know is doing people's hair.
If he's good enough he'll travel the world doing the hair of all kinds of famous and fabulous people. Oh, the stories he will tell! ...And you?

>> No.633999


>the stories he will tell

stop fucking blogging i hope this thread gets shut down

>> No.634009

>That's what I'm doing if I don't get athletic scholarships from a school I could transfer to.

lol talk the talk when you've actually walked it. don't base your expections on speculation.

>> No.634015

you probably have pakis/somalis so it all evens outs

>> No.634018

Again. Come back when you have the job instead of fucking bragging about MUH DEGREE MUH SIX FIGS

>> No.634537

Keep it up bro. Proud of you.

>> No.634587

Don't beat yourself up OP. I finished a degree, and got a logistics job for $50k CAD at age 22. And then, I go on LinkedIn and all of my old classmates are dentists and Chartered Accountants and Managers and Engineers, yep...

>> No.635369

He said Swiss, not Swedish. The Swiss have a very decent tax rate.

Granted, they have a shitty property tax on net worth.

>> No.635386

How the fuck can you not find a job with an IT degree?

Literally you must be doing something wrong. You can easily move to a brand new city, apply around to any business, tech-related or not, and land a job.
Fuck man. Either your resume is shit or you fail at interviews