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File: 6 KB, 275x183, dbcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6305114 No.6305114 [Reply] [Original]

so this coin is dead right? time to sell these bags? shit i'll give them away for free at this point

>> No.6305207

can you hodl these bags for 5 more days? thank me later.

>> No.6305247

I'll thank you now if you just say what's going on.

>> No.6305362


>> No.6305479

Heavy storms on the market. Just wait it out, the sun will rise again. Meanwhile hodl your bags. Whales want you to sell cheap. Trust me, the market will correct. The only people that will suffer are the ones that sold low price having weak hands.

>> No.6305519


>> No.6305624

pajeets can't even hodl until february

>> No.6305744

Doesn't it benefit to sell low price to get in lower price ?

>> No.6305803

Brain gang had a correction, and then then the korean FUD. It might look back for DBC, but this is actually a good thing. New money will arrive. This is still on track for $1 dollar jan 30.

>> No.6305811

god you smalldicked weakhands are so laughably pathetic.

>> No.6305911

ofc it does
but chances are you'll fuck it up

>> No.6305995

weak handed faggots. I remember trading on /rhg/, seeing news posted friday evening after exchanges closed about a company's drug failing to go to next the stage and instantly the stock dropped like a rock into the center of the earth. We didn't sell. We couldn't sell. We held our bags like men.

>> No.6306180

It's the trading competition on huobi, it destroys the coin for the duration. It'll be back up after the 17th.

>> No.6306228

So why not sell now and rebuy lower before then?

>> No.6306281

it will pump next bit of news back to new highs

>> No.6306285

Won't sell because the current price is still well above what I bought in at, but starting to sweat a little. Fuck whales and fuck trading contests.

>> No.6306317

So I was just playing a game with some bros and some bull-dyke sounding bitch was threatening me to "buy DeepBrain Chain or I'm gonna come kick your ass"

She got really upset and argumentative and I'm not sure why. She gave me her insta (@itsdaniellekay) and told me to private message her my address but I don't use that gay shit.

Danielle if you're here, you sound like a big old bullish dyke steer and you suck at video games. Also I'm not gonna buy your stupid brain chain because you're a big dumb gargoyle looking cunt with anger issues.

Please come to my house. Please, you may weigh more than me but I'll put you down.

>> No.6306338
File: 67 KB, 606x611, wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it nig nog

>> No.6306435

Well you're gambling with how much lower it will go at this point but it's a good idea. I took advantage of the swings and got myself some extra coins and will continue to until it comes out of this hole.

>> No.6306437


i mean you did say youd give some away fr free

>> No.6306456

If only I could know that it would go further down, I would sell already and just rebuy when it hits the new floor
But of course, I can't ;_;

>> No.6306592

Did you know that people shorted the housing market and held FOR 2 FUCKING YEARS while news report after news report kept saying how great things were? They lost millions waiting to sell their positions and ended up making billions. You haven't been in this coin 7 days. Just sell now faggot the better off the rest of us will be.

>> No.6306906

Biz/ It hurts!
My first 100k in crypto and like a dumbass I didnt secure it.
Im not fit so I will dump (market sell)
See image place orders im dumping it on the btc fags

>> No.6306979
File: 171 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180111-203125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the nasty pic

>> No.6307313

What have you done, anon?

>> No.6307344

Is it still worth buying this shit coin

>> No.6307842

Yeah, me too. It fucking hurts. Only would have needed one more win after that and I could've made it.

>> No.6307901
File: 39 KB, 895x503, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you fucked up son

>> No.6307933

The overall market drop makes this way more complicated than it needs to be. It should slide until the end of the competition, but it could also go up a bit when the market recovers.

>> No.6307973 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 829x1024, 1510870992770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib dbc


give me an email so I can get your address and I will mail you something random from my apartment

>> No.6308065

>muh competition

Retards Huobi has only 5% of the entire DBC volume. It's not going to do shit, competition or no competition.

>> No.6308073

Buy the dips

>> No.6308171

it hursts so much anon, fml

>> No.6308205
File: 80 KB, 333x364, BRAINGANGBOSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you to can join the brain gang on kucoin using my referral 1dfHK

>> No.6308327

More like the DipBrain Chain

>> No.6308443

Debating buying $$800 more of this link or prl someone

>> No.6308554

Just bought 1$ of this shitcoin :-)

Sup, dude. I'd join your referral, but I already signed up. Can I still do so after signing up?

>> No.6308591
File: 11 KB, 275x183, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I held dbc I fucked up.

>> No.6308623

When you buy at 7 cent nothing feels like a dip.

>> No.6308646

nows the time to buy in during this sale
get in with my referral

>> No.6308647

Looks like you got in at the same time as me, anon. I did the exact same thing, but I lost $2,000 instead, so thanks for putting it into perspective. We'll bounce back. Just think about the money you made, not the money you lost.

>> No.6308661
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, sayori biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Fucking greed!

>> No.6308703
File: 128 KB, 1200x889, MV5BMjEyNTUwMzk4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjA1MTEwNw@@._V1_SX1200_CR0,0,1200,889_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick your cock up her ass you mother fucking worthless cocksucker!

>> No.6308811
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1000, 1515562275232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have Faith, this is a bad time to take to heart any losses as in a week or two the market will proper itself up.


If you truly feel you must get out, go right ahead but trust me you will want back in and will regret losing money on selling low.

Besides all coins are bleeding, think they are in a different boat?

>> No.6308823
File: 70 KB, 768x960, 2-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh u ok op?
.Watch out for these pump groups

https://discord gg/tSWYF6V
(Replace the space with a dot)

try again OP u aint dropin ur dbc bags here you fucking brainlet

>> No.6308886

I missed you, friend.

>> No.6308909

Selling right now is the dumbest thing you could do. Even if it returns to half of what the ATH high is before the crash you're looking at a 50% gain. You can go chase tiny little pumps with other shitcoins and maybe get 20%. There's just too much potential here.

>> No.6308959

Yes but knowing most people including my luck the second that we sell it'll moon

>> No.6309009

serious question for you brainers:
how are you supposed to make $$ on kucoin when their withdrawal fees are so high. Was planning to buy some Req and some other shit then take it to MEW but the withdrawal fee for Req alone is 10 Req! I'm poorfag and can't be spending 10-15 bucks every time I withdraw to my wallet. this is nucking futts help explain please

>> No.6309010
File: 95 KB, 670x500, 1515167393065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am spending a day with the family letting the merket do as it will as it will rise up soon enough.

Even now just check buy orders, their a guy at .32 that is buying 574k worth of DBC.

I always miss my BRAIN GANG and the fun times we have lol

I am just holding on to my coins and if it goes too low I would love to have the money to buy more, sadly I dont :P

How was your day my BRAIN GANG friend?

>> No.6309081

I'm already have 20k dbc

Any thoughts on if I should buy a few more in this dip or spend it on link or prl?

>> No.6309228

No offense but if you can’t afford a $10 withdrawal you aren’t even in the game yet.

>> No.6309316

Family first. But it's really nice that you find time to post here and give us all hope.

It's awesome to have good people in this community. Most here just shill their shitcoins or spam their scam discord groups.

Don't worry, money will come soon, friend. Whales will stop pumping and dumping in 5 days when the event ends.
The market will recover and boom.

>> No.6309414
File: 47 KB, 616x462, 1412271311412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I have 100% faith my friend immovable I know it will rise. All crypto is in the red even the ones I believe to be really good investments.

I wouldnt worry all of the BRAIN GANG normals have held their coins too, they know the truth of things.

I posted earlier a few times but their has been multiple threads and such so some might not have seen me. lol

This is destiny I just would love to have more money to invest in DBC on this dip.

>> No.6309426

none taken mate - I'm just making sure I understand it and there's not something I'm missing. So if I buy $50 of 5 different tokens then withdraw them to MetaMask then it'll cost me around $50 to do that. Am I missing something or is this just prohibitive for someone with only a few hundred $$$ to trade? Should I just leave it on the exchange?

>> No.6309464

Kill yourself. I hope you know you drive countless people away from DBC. I even sold a few days ago because of your reddit-tier faggotry. Go look what the rest of the board says about these threads. They freak everyone out. You are a mentally deranged freak.

>> No.6309574

BRAINGOODGUY you're here :)
What do I do my 4.2k bag was worth over 2.5k two days ago now its 1.4k I'm going to hold but I can't help refreshing I even have an important exam in 3 days that i can't start preparing on because of thinking too much about dbc

>> No.6309575


>I have to read every single thing posted in any given thread.

Nigga he makes a long ass post with a picture of food. I have read maybe 1 or 2 of his posts in total. Don't like it, don't read it. Let him do whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.6309597

It's funny how you treat the one guy who isn't trying to scam you.
You'll remember this and be ashamed when you grow up.

>> No.6309703

Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying community

>> No.6309779

I'm hodling you fucks

>> No.6309915

>Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying community

Genuinely made me think.

>> No.6309926

I'd rather hold to 0 than sell at a loss. Hopefully some shitty announcement will make it moon.

>> No.6310085

Remember even confido had a death rattle

>> No.6310166
File: 39 KB, 596x1038, 545462221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least hold till 24 hours after they finish the jan 13th conference .
Note DBC isn't on the in the conference of 20th jan

>> No.6310323
File: 222 KB, 949x2064, Screenshot-2018-1-11 Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole market is shitting itself
why worry?

>> No.6310356
File: 170 KB, 940x705, 1467786276203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol oh you, love peace and happiness to you.

Friend every crypto is in the red, its a big market dip and we have a competition going and we have pnd groups targeting us and we have more fud than a mother fudder lol

Do you what your gut tells you but I would listen to everyone from every other thread who has done crypto for longer than me. They say this is a correction in the market and in 2 weeks it will go back to normal.

Follow your gut my friend but I will be staying for now.

Also much love and peace to you my friends.

Have faith my BRAIN GANG FRIEND!

Hi there, I hope you have a wonderful night BRAIN GANG friend you are cool stuff.

Let them do what they will, he wants someone to blame for something that is happening to every crypto. Let me be the blamed one because his words have no effect.

How are you my dear BRAIN GANG friend, I hope your days are going good.

>> No.6310399

>Girl gamer
>diamond mercy support main
Like pottery

>> No.6310468

>link the vaporware has more market cap than this coin.

really makes you think

>> No.6310526

Cool, hopefully that'll cause some (positive) movement.

>> No.6310742

It's ok, he's probably one of those people who came here from /pol/. Give those with special needs a break lol.

>> No.6310969

I'm from /pol/ and I think BGGG is a decent guy, even if he is a newfag. Everyone should take a note from him on ignoring FUD and insults.

>> No.6310993

Green order books but mean sell walls to eat through..

>> No.6311122

You cut Jan 20th out I can note it

>> No.6311132

Well played, /pol/. Well played.

>> No.6311158
File: 28 KB, 396x385, 1515722341167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traits of a good coin, by Dr. Pepe.

High Volume(DBC has extremely high volume on Kucoin)

Relaltively Low market cap(Potential for big pajeet-city-like growth)

Meme-like name. (this is important, as normies love techy-sounding coins)

>> No.6311217


Can some Chink translate this? Is this true?

>> No.6311255
File: 16 KB, 320x310, 1510030283279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


& to idiots thinking of selling their coins, look at volume and sell walls. This is a small swell in the storm

>> No.6311473

Can't translate it, I can only confirm the article says something about Disney. These characters "迪士尼" apparently translate to Disney.

>> No.6311557

glad you're still in the DBC game!

>> No.6311698
File: 85 KB, 600x418, 1468563308758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always my friend we know the market well enough because I listen to better people at this than me.

Hehe I have been on 4chan since it started, I know its odd but yeah still a nice guy though becareful of negativity and everything is fine.

Howdy there pol :P

did you see the buy order at .32 600k DBC buy order, dang crazy lol


... wow that is insanely good news. rofl!


>> No.6311885

>no resistance
>only tiny hedges in sight

Dare I ask... i..is.. this it? Are we getting back on the bus to the launch site?

That sneaky 1btc hedge sprung up, fuck off tuna boy. I'll slap you silly.

>> No.6311920

Growth is becoming more consistent

>> No.6311944

yeah but it's so much more testo to say "fuck you FUDing faggot pajeets jargon fucking jargon lol etc i feel more confident when i neg other men kek btw i larp cuz i feel like i'm the real faggot and my life is a black hole"

>> No.6312416

Heard rumors whales were targeting $1 by the end of Jan and then dumping it.

>> No.6312504

this is probably true

>> No.6312548

just broke top 100 on cmc boys

>> No.6312617

again! weeee

>> No.6312829
File: 125 KB, 320x225, goku--genki-dama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6313438
File: 584 KB, 1920x1080, BRAIN GANG DBZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey their DBZ dude! You are the reason I made my DBZ BRAIN GANG DBC meme! haha

much love my friend you hype me with the spirit bomb posts!

I knows its awful but OLE BGGG uses paint and stinks at the photoshop stuff rofl

>> No.6313499
File: 337 KB, 704x396, GokuSpiritBombFrieza02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6313623
File: 160 KB, 500x375, keto yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am always focusing my power on DBC my friend, Gigantic DBZ fan myself love it and helped mold me into who I am.

That android 16 scene with Gohan, manly tears!

If they make a live action movie I want Sheamus to play 16 rofl!


>> No.6313648
File: 98 KB, 639x1024, dbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6313689

I heard someone say 6000 sats will be the max.
Where can i see the order book that high?

>> No.6313767

Hello my friend. I will take your bags :)

>> No.6313803

change it to 5 decimals

>> No.6313808


>> No.6313875
File: 243 KB, 962x578, 1515121431464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl BRAIN GANG AWESOME! I save all these memes my BRAIN GANG makes and this is great totally freakin awesome my friend!

>> No.6314044

Thank You so much

>> No.6314887

You rule my friend, I'm going to boot my HD with photoshop on it and create somethin real nice for the Brain Gang senpai

>> No.6314970
File: 724 KB, 1000x667, 1515486510520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6314984

I just sold all my ETH (I was 50/50 between ETH and DBC) to go all in 100%.

We're going to be rich soon nigga

Getting rich in the future is fun

>> No.6315091

I fucking love you man

Just bought 1000 more. They're on sale now

>> No.6315104


>> No.6315107
File: 469 KB, 1538x776, pizza_adven_hampineapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRAIN GANG HYPE! my 3400 wont make me rich but I can feel your alls dreams and this makes me so happy to know so many good people are going to be rich and being freakin awesome people.

Most rich are greedy and selfish they have let dark into their heart but you all, you all going to change that, rock on my BRAIN GANG FAMILY!

>> No.6315129



>> No.6315158

Hmm I sold this turd to go after AIX. Got x2 gains there already and it has a lot more potential.
I'd love to rejoin but I have doubts this will go as far as AIX could go in the shortterm.

>> No.6315216
File: 237 KB, 1278x798, BRAIN GANG FMA FAMILY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you to my BRAIN GANG friend, may peace love and happiness fill your life and your dreams become reality! :D

Dang if I had the spare cash I would be right with you. I will keep working and hyping though :D dang right! 1k more for you to make it friend!


>> No.6315286

Same. Still up 300 percent. Was almost 600 though... :(

>> No.6315306
File: 17 KB, 875x113, hahahahhaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You people will believe anything.

>> No.6315388

I personally felt AIX was a shitcoin just getting the usual Kucoin introductory pump and dump. But hey, I wasn't able to get in on it before it mooned so you can take what I have to say with a grain of salt, you do you.

>> No.6315396

Whenever I come online, you're the only anon who makes it worthwhile. Three cheers for the brain gang!

>> No.6315427

you literally just believed what some random guy's wife was saying, you'll believe anything

>> No.6315450

>Random wechat image

>> No.6315471
File: 104 KB, 770x1280, dbcdisney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k den

>> No.6315488

>being this mad

enjoy your 1.1x 3 months long "moon"

>> No.6315514

actually, the article got deleted. I tried looking it at WeChat so it could be fake????? And couldn't find the article in their official account on wechat.

>> No.6315544

This proves my post idiot.

NOT partnering with Disney.

>> No.6315611

I wasn't refuting anything you said dumb ass. All I'm saying is DBC is at least working on projects which is probably more than anything you're invested in. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6315647

source: some deleted random post on wechat

>> No.6315738

There's plenty of projects done by other coins that aren't wechat rumors LMAO
The absolute state of brainlets. It would be funny if it wasn't sad.

>> No.6315845

>someone posts a moon rune pic
>everyone goes bananas
>post an English version to clear up matters
>dickheads everywhere

>> No.6316004


Moons runes are Japanese you doublenigger, this isn't

>> No.6316059
File: 317 KB, 765x511, 1515213613809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a wonderful feeling to know I brighten your day my BRAIN GANG friend, truly. love peace and happiness and may we realise your dreams.

BRAIN GANG is full of such good people! This is why this coin will go big, the community and the destiny for the good people.

They are just fudders my BRAIN GANG do not worry they are letting bitterness and anger and hate into their hearts.

>> No.6316082

Just went all in DBC we mooning boys

>> No.6316096

>deep moon chain

is this /our coin/?

>> No.6316142

>being this assmad over gookspeak

>> No.6316173

hey BGGG what do you think about the last 5 hours of dbc? :)

>> No.6316311

Whales are trying really hard to get some coins on the way up.

>> No.6316332

i like it

We're definitely Deep Moon Chain Brain gang

>> No.6316352

Considering japanese is just chinese letters it's the same shit

>> No.6316583
File: 199 KB, 950x675, 1515733111780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the other DBC thread

>> No.6316908
File: 2.19 MB, 1800x2700, 1515045647230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say that it is a bit chaotic but thats to be expected. but either way I believe it is a long hold coin that will make many wonderful peoples dreams come true! BRAIN GANG HYPE!


hehe I can see that, BRAIN GANG RISES!

It is the coin of the BRAIN GANG! and we have such wonderful awesome people everyone who joins scept a small hand full can only marvel at the awesome community. Welcome my friend!


>> No.6317068
File: 58 KB, 599x774, REAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6317123

buy rumors sell news motherfucker

>> No.6317660

Are alt-coin markets always more active in the middle of the night? It looks like I'm gonna have to stay up 'til 3 AM again.

>> No.6317849


For a Chinese coin like this one they can be, but I think this pump is mainly because of Disney rumors.

A outright denial would have been quick. This is going to get real exciting once they make a official statement if the cats outa the bag.

>> No.6318513
File: 24 KB, 240x175, SS_health_chronic_pain_Tylenol_Advil_07-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buys DBC at ATH

Here are your options OP

>> No.6318753

how's it feel being a retard OP?

>> No.6318771
File: 610 KB, 1426x783, 1515457946528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
