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6308700 No.6308700 [Reply] [Original]

Whats safe to hodl anymore?

>> No.6308722

Your mom.

>> No.6308740
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>> No.6308781


>> No.6308803

BNB and VEN and holding

>> No.6308805

Hahahaha! Shes super cuddly too

>> No.6308837


return to the shitboard from whence you came

>> No.6308844

My mom loves BNB and VEN, cuddling too!

>> No.6308881

VEN nigga

>> No.6308887

ven master race

>> No.6308921
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>> No.6308925

You need a cuddle? Must not hold BNB OR VEN

>> No.6308985

Don't associate /pol/ with this nu/pol/ faggot, faggot.

>> No.6309018

Bnb xlm
And buy this yuuuge tnb dip

>> No.6309057

Drop shitcoins get omg. plasma will fuck everyone over. screencap this. thanks bough 100k

>> No.6309105


currently very comfy

>> No.6309144

I made a killing over the last 48 hours, but right now I don't like how uneasy everything is, trend lines are breaking left and right so I'm hiding safely in tether until the storm passes.

>> No.6309152
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forgot pic lmao

>> No.6309186

I was at this event.

>> No.6309209
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Somebody called?

>> No.6309212

I hate watching my portfolio tank man!
Can anyone give any project benifts etc?


>> No.6309219


how do you even make money in one of these crashes? by the time I start to move my money into tether its already hit bottom

>> No.6309252

Was it the band bloodbath?

>> No.6309262



I'm just all in ADST


>> No.6309295

It was a rally/art show for gay Trump supporters.

>> No.6309389

BNB did absolutely fine during the downturn. Probably just gonna go up from here.

VEN was also very solid.

>> No.6309431

Well alright then... looks creepy

>> No.6309625

When you get good at understanding trend lines and target points you can see shit like this coming. I even came onto biz several times and warned people about it. But dips like this is for accumulating, you go into tether when BTC is at resistance and buy back in when it is at support. You can see it follow the trend lines clear as day, just do it over and over. So when BTC is going back down to support I look at buy and sell pressures, if I don't like what I see I stay in tether, a crash happens down to one of the target points I plot and I mean almost precisely where you plot it, you buy back in or you buy into some of the coins that follow BTC like Ripple has been doing. So I bought Ripple last night when it was in the 1.50's, after having tethered up when BTC was around 14,500 and sold Ripple this morning when it was at 2.17. Now that wasn't peak but if you always shoot for peak high and peak low you're gonna lose more often than not. I sold, looked at BTC, didn't like what I saw and so I went into tether and have been waiting for another opportunity to present. I pay not attention to news or FUD or any of that crap, I follow trends and targets and I almost never lose money.

>> No.6309881

Sounds smart.

Thanks man

>> No.6309971

Yeah, except this latest crash was due to MSM spreading FUD, there's no way that shows up in TA. You heard the news and (correctly) sold, admit it!

>> No.6309991

COLX has been holding strong, req is also showing good resist

>> No.6310058

seems legit
kucoin needs more tether pairs tho

>> No.6310132

If you think you couldn't spot this in TA then you have no idea how to TA. The method I use ensures that I minimize any possible chance of losing money. You can try out my method and make some gainz or not, your call.

>> No.6310168

for now?

>> No.6310243

Sitting on a pile of BNB since 15. Just got some more Xlm too. BNBs chart is like clockwork!

>> No.6310490

BNB has been safe to hodl for a while, still is, and always will be. Binance will always be the number 1 exchange out there. At least for the foreseeable future. Quarter million registrants in one hour yesterday is a great sign, it will only grow further from here. There are a few others, but this seems like the safest in this very volatile period we're in.

>> No.6310709

XLM, FUN, BNB? Safe bet?

>> No.6310838
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I'll do you guys a solid. FunFair is primed for a breakout, may not be too big but it's about to break resistance and the downward wedge is bullish. For conservative gainz I'd set your target at 1150 sats. If you are daring you can try for 1213, but I would set a stop loss at 1100 once it breaks 1150, at least then you keep some gainz.

>> No.6311434

I'll be the first to admit that my TA skills suck, but I also think the main reason TA works is because so many people follow it, and they become the spark that lights the very same fire that they predicted.
What indicator tipped you off that there would be a mass sell off from the MSM Korea FUD? Are you telling me that it literally predicted a panic? If you aren't shitting me then I am impressed that you were able to call that one, and you deserve every satoshi you make off it.

>> No.6312005
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I'll show you. Last night before I went out with my wife to do some stuff I had plotted BTC and based on the buy and sell pressures and the fact that it was above the trend channel I could see plain as day a big move south was coming. I tethered up around 14,500 sats because I knew it was going to drop. With the massive swings that had been happening lately I set a buy in below the channel at the first major target below it. While I was out I saw on my blockfolio that my target had been hit. In fact a little after that it hit my second target below that one precisely as well. I swear to god I don't understand why it works, but it works, time and time again I have proved it to myself. Some of it is a matter of experience and I base a lot of my thinking on what I have seen in the past. I have lost a lot of money learning, but now that I have the system down, I almost never lose and when I do it's simply because I hit a stop loss. So when I came home last night I screenshotted my trend lines to show my friend who I am teaching. This is what it looked like when I came home. I was able to move into Ripple and make massive gains because I knew there was going to be a massive upswing from this, the trend wants to continue, so any major ups or downs usually returns to trend in a bear market. Same happens in a bull market but the return is usually slower in my experience. Trading in a bear trend is a totally different ball game than a bull trend. Once you can distinguish that and understand it, the gainz will come pouring in. Downtrend is for accumulating and riding dips back up. Uptrend is for making cash and selling a little before where you think peak target is going to be. Sometimes you miss out on massive gainz because you sell to early, but to me that is fine. There are like 30 other coins I rotate in and out of regularly, usually don't go 24 hours without another great opportunity. Patience is the name of the game and always set a stop loss.

>> No.6312135

You'll be buying high on two out of the three, so keep an eye on them for a while if you buy. All three have solid use cases though, so they will probably do fine in the long run.

>> No.6312431

Wow, congratulations on the nice work. Thank you, that was very informative!

>> No.6312607

You're welcome and good luck.