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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6305865 No.6305865 [Reply] [Original]

how FUCKED are you?
I've lost 30% (THIRTY FUCKING PERCENT) of my entire money stack. half a years sallery.

>> No.6305918

I lost 30% too, so 80 euros :^) feels good to be poor

>> No.6305937

dumb adhd normie, just hold

>> No.6305952

im down 130k since yesterday

>> No.6305958

yup. lost 50k in this mayhem.
Crypto is not for the weak.

>> No.6305969

Down 50k. Can barely breathe.

>> No.6305988

nigga I lost 2.5 years of salary in the last week, fucking xrb man

>> No.6305991


I went all in on LINK post-ICO and held all the way through. I am literally impervious to dips now. I'm like Gandalf the fucking white.

>> No.6306029

I'm up 10% since two days ago.

>> No.6306040

SALARY you fucking retard. Are you people 14 years old or some shit? You deserve to lose your stack. Not like you'd contribute to society with your intellegence level.

>> No.6306053

Sounds like your first rodeo, calm down hold your shit the next wave is coming.

>> No.6306058
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Gentlemen, it has been a privilege trading with you these past few years /biz/. You all are some of the most gifted autists I have ever known or had the pleasure of REEEEEEing with. I'm going down with the ship, see you on the other side anon..

>> No.6306070

Get in Binance Coin (BNB).

Short version:

>>devs use 20% of profits each quarter to buy back and destroy the BNB supply until it reaches 1/2 supply

>>binance is not the most widely used marketplace and is gaining popularity rapidly

>>EVEN IF some miracle caused no tokens to burn, we still have a useful token that's only going up with the increased normie demand.

And they also plan to use BNB to power gas transactions on their upcoming decentralized exchange.

>> No.6306102

down 50%

I put a ton into OPT and it crashed into the toilet

basically I got mega-justed

>> No.6306105


Still up 25% on the weekly, not mad

>> No.6306155

$130k a day ago
sold $30k yesterday
The other $100k dropped to $85k

>> No.6306176

Same. Up 27% for the weekly.

>> No.6306189

I thought fidget spinning was a dumb trend, but then I got mine. I felt the spin, I felt it on my finger, I felt the rush of a good spin. It changed me. I got my spinner ironically, but I was wrong. Its amazing, I'm smarter, more productive, more focused at work, a simple task is now much better. Outsiders dont get it, they dont get us. I'm not saying were better but were more open minded and probably smarter. I love this community, and I love this way of life..

>> No.6306198

Down 7% today, up 20% over the week.

Get less bad at this OP

>> No.6306207

it'll recover (assuming you didn't buy dog shit).

>> No.6306225

buy high sell low

>> No.6306227

Up 40% in the last month. Can't complain.

Just gonna keep on holding these bags.

>> No.6306235
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Down over 300k from yesterday's peak.

>> No.6306237


you havent lost if you didnt cash out faggot

>> No.6306259

I'm down 50% from my ATH peak 2 days ago. I finally made it into 1 BTC club and then it was swiftly taken away from me.

>> No.6306273

I got in a week ago bought some shitcoins and got down about 30%

shouldve just holded ETH

>> No.6306278

lemme guess you are 16-17 years old?

>> No.6306288

Tron, Link, AirSwap?
Please before you start yes I know, tron, reeee

>> No.6306321

I lost almost nothing because I only own VEN and ETH

>> No.6306388

if you are losing money in these gold mine markets you need to just go to your bank and pay someone to invest for you , because you aint makin it out here boy

>> No.6306401

me too

>> No.6306410

Yea but had you been in for 2 months you would have already 4x so 30% is fuck all.
And if you bought at the ATH then you're an idiot and deserve to lose money.

>> No.6306422

Up 150% since last month. Just ride the dips and load. Weak hands will always get btfo

>> No.6306443

Sorry everyone!
This was all my fault.
Whenever I join something it tends to turn to shit right afterwards!

>> No.6306489
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>> No.6306530
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Went from $250k to $150k in 2 days.


>> No.6306531

China and Korea are fucking up the market. I'm cashing out until the dust settles.

>> No.6306533
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>anon be like

>> No.6306541

I dont know. I deleted blockfolio and not giving a fuck for a while. That's how we chads roll.

Before this shit happened i was at $33,000. Mostly in on XRP, ETH, COSS and DBC

>> No.6306543

xlm ven req gang?

>> No.6306576
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>Tfw lost 120% of portfolio and bank is coming to repossess your cardboard box

>> No.6306590

God Speed Anon. See you there

>> No.6306635

do yourself a favor. sell now and buy in a day or two after it goes back up so you have half the stack you had before. this way next time it corrects you won't lose as much because you wont have as much.

>> No.6306643



I lost 40k in 2 days, 1/2 of my portfolio.

just stay calm and wait some days bud.


>> No.6306738
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I don't know if this is a MEME but I'm also down 50k

>> No.6306795

Ghost ride the dip

>> No.6306851

so cut my dick off, cut that in half, sew back on half of my dick in hopes that it doesn't burn half as bad next time I piss? did I miss anything?

>> No.6306926

:( 70 to 35k, not as bad you tho

>> No.6306973

I am down 40k USD.... Fuck

>> No.6306988

or just donate everything, then you'll have something better than money - the feeling of helping others desu

>> No.6307151
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>> No.6307152

meh, it'll go back up

>> No.6307177
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>> No.6307184
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-$182,440 in a day.
Stay strong plebs, stay strong.

>> No.6307243

This is why you leave like 15% cash in your portfolio so you can bargain shop at times like this. Why did you spend everything you had to invest all at once?

>> No.6307270

addictive personality I guess anon

>> No.6307295

Good shit bruh. I’ll see you there soon

>> No.6307345

im only down 10% somehow

>> No.6307363

>half a years sallery.

Good thing we don't have jobs, amirite?

>> No.6307386

buying high and selling low is good for me when others do it

>> No.6307408

I'll be waiting

>> No.6307413

you'll never walk alone

>> No.6307416

Fucking down 25% of all the investment and qith all my ETH fucking frozen on the network

>> No.6307500

i've been all in ven

things are pretty good

>> No.6307527

Yeah, I'm probably gonna become an hero.

>> No.6307531
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What is this "down" you speak of?

>> No.6307563

I'm "down" about 50-100k depending on if we're going off ATh or just the recent dip and I could be less fazed. I've got enough money in Fiat to never have to touch coins.

Feels comfy, even if red is my least favorite color.

>> No.6307639

look behind you anon, that was this "down" you seek, lord kek carried you through the "down" times

>> No.6307640

Daddy will fill your bank account no matter how fucking dumb you are with your money. Sleep tight son.

>> No.6307658

Down 5%. Like I give a fuck.

>> No.6307691


Sell now OP before it becomes an entire years worth . Iron hands ppl are stupid

>> No.6307692


>> No.6307693

I'm still up 8k for the year. But a few days ago I was up 14k

>> No.6307710

About 50% myself not worried it is just a correction

>> No.6307721

I hit half a mil on sunday.

Now $360,000.00

I don't even care, I know it'll go back up. My hands are made of iron motherfuckers.

>> No.6307728

Nope, I wasn't retarded enough to buy in on pajeet coins... i'm talking about ETH

>> No.6307826

Binance is the most used marketplace... It is literally THE BIGGEST exchange now in terms of volume.

>> No.6307849

> already made it
> tells others to stay calm

fuck you dude, reminds me of vitalik saying to care about technology, not money

>> No.6307877

Claim it as a capital loss.
Get tax concessions.
Make sure you keep records.

>> No.6307880

Down about $750 so, as nature would dictate, stupid people like me remain poor. The demiurge is pleased with my suffering.

>> No.6307894
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I put a pretty large amount of savings into ripple, etherium, and Bitcoin in September.
I've mainly ignored it due to family, holidays, and not worrying about a pidly 6k of their away money.
Did my gambling r pay off our is it gone?
Don't feel like going to the office to log into the PC, phone posting currently.

Pic unrelated, just (you) b8

>> No.6307945

Did you seriously buy something at $35 when 3 weeks ago it was under a $1?

Good lord

>> No.6307961

If anyone here bought at ATH, sell now and buy back in after a couple of minutes. This will lower your cost basis and lower your taxes significantly if you're playing with a good chunk of money.

>> No.6308025

damn son

are you that guy who has 1M of DBC and TRX each?

>> No.6308032

The problem with you cucks is you all have weak baby hands. I put 15k credit card debt on this. Emptied bank account. Held through the June/July crash. All /biz/ is now is PND and shit coin chasing and then you cry when you loose 20% of your $500 buy in.

>> No.6308045

Salty fag detected.

>> No.6308048

Im down $7k from 35k
I can weather this storm EZ considering i started with 12k, reached 50k and now sitting 40k. If i loose half again overnight i may reconsider cashing out but thats very unlikely.

>> No.6308056
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same. just hold faggot.

>> No.6308076

not much cause most of my shit is in BNB ;)

>> No.6308088

lost 20%, which is 40$, feels good to be poor

>> No.6308121

He doesn't hold BBT
kek thats some slow growth you got

>> No.6308131
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Around $40k, not that bad. I've been $75k down in a day before.

>> No.6308411

If you held VEN you would not have lost anything!

>> No.6308969

Somehow I believe you