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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 183 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-12-01-39-11-940_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6304933 No.6304933 [Reply] [Original]

Real whale here, listen to me I don't want to spread panic but I got some really really bad news earlier today.
I tethered up about 7hours ago, this folio is just for shows and playing about my net worth is much more and is being cashed out all day long by my employees.
Anyway I wouldn't want a bunch of you sinking with the ship so just a heads up.
Crypto is dead as of tomorrow 12pm UTC.

>> No.6305019

What will be the cause?

>> No.6305042

Nice larp

>> No.6305063

Nice larp

>> No.6305062


>> No.6305086

Nice larp

>> No.6305090
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>> No.6305118

>some of you guys are alright, don't go to crypto tomorrow

>> No.6305138

Lots of lads having fun with their dead blockfolios now that they're using delta.

>> No.6305147

u retard, if crypto is dead. first one to die is USDT. larper.

>> No.6305183

Oh, it's this thread again.
Get out of here you pajeet.

>> No.6305217

If I could tell you the cause I would write it in the original, listen up this is not jokes.
My life is endangered by just hinting this.
You can't even comprehend what is going on behind the curtains.
I'm off have to run.

>> No.6305276
File: 20 KB, 400x400, atoast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lost it

>> No.6305488

I literally know you are full of shit and wrong.

>> No.6305541

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.6305555


i'm not even kidding niggers. this is a complete larp. I just wonder why attention whore faggots like OP try and do this? Not to mention the absolute retardation of going into tether which will collapse if btc ever dies.

>> No.6305664

pick one tryhard
sage for fake and gay

>> No.6305696

3 days wallstreet get bonuses don't let those fags buy up your crypto for nothing. hodl

>> No.6305778

sounds legit. i'm out.

>> No.6305806
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>dump everything he holds

>> No.6305830
File: 121 KB, 863x529, bulltrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know. I secured my initial investment yesterday and sold half of my folio.

>> No.6306073


post your wallet showing tether balance then

>> No.6306386

Because he got weak hands and sold all holding 30 mins ago now he's tweaking because prices went up a touch.

>> No.6306393



>> No.6306407
File: 98 KB, 1440x837, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real whale here. OP is a lying faggot

>> No.6306466


1 zillion x this

>> No.6306525

Fucking this

>> No.6306604
File: 127 KB, 1000x581, EFCA5105-66A8-4D36-AB2C-C74D7CB27F51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought an exchange
>shutting down exchange

>> No.6306661

All we need is more money from normies. What's up with the exchanges ?

>> No.6306674
File: 84 KB, 1027x324, 1515708320448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Rai?

>> No.6306720

Sorry I can't right now too busy,
I don't care if you don't believe me we have 10hours to go.
Just gonna say this
United nations

>> No.6306737

Mfw people literally don't realize you can put any amount of money in blockfolio. OP is a retarded faggot whos jelly he didn't buy in months ago.

He wants the bubble to pop to get that chance. OP is a fucking faggot.

>> No.6306812

United Nations? what coin is that? where can i buy it? how's their roadmap looking?

>> No.6306849



Fuck off you stupid faggot. What makes you want to do this.

>> No.6306893

So a bunch of bureaucrats from shit hole countries are gonna rekt me?

>> No.6306936
File: 166 KB, 750x1334, EC654B1F-4635-48F1-9E28-8BC6DF018052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe this it is very hard to go into usdt when you have millions

>> No.6306943

OP here
Sorry was bored I eat cocks

>> No.6306959

his grammar in the first post!! ahh my eyes they burn!!!!

don't blue ball us. if you're genuine give us the entire scoop. wtf does the united nations have to do with this shit. they coming out with a binding resolution that would be detrimental to crypto?

>> No.6307085

>having that much in USD


>> No.6307108


>> No.6307157

So we have the Justice Minister saying they are “basically” preparing a bill to ban cryptocurrency trading through exchanges. Now when this bill is drafted, it will need a majority vote of 297 members of the National Assembly to pass. This process alone often takes years. The market has already “adjusted” but the potential impact won’t even be known until we know what the bill says, and then the real impact won’t be known until we get an idea of what % of members will be likely to vote for or against it. The market reaction is predictable, but premature.

some hero on reddit just posted something awesome

>> No.6307236

Did op suicide by 13 shots to the back of the head?

>> No.6307275

God we all fucking wish

>> No.6307357

They won't ban shit but they sure will find a way to make money on it

>> No.6307396

i have seen a 100 'whales' like you saying they cashed out and predicting doom in july. all the poor souls that that got fooled by those threads missed out on an insane amount of money.

anyone knows any 'whale' predictions that actually worked? can you link archived /biz/ threads from warosu?

>> No.6307465


>> No.6307488

oh nvm missed it, it's ok op, whatever gives u a boner, this is all /biz/ is about
everyone has to learn not to trust comments on an anonymous board sooner or later, and the sooner the better.
you're actually helping people who lose money because of you, otherwise they'd lose more later.

>> No.6307590

I hope you die in a fire.
I sold all my shit at a loss.
What am I going to do?
My wife's kids aren't going to able to afford college now.

>> No.6307666

your wife's kids eh?

don't be a cuck; they can pay their own fuggin way

>> No.6307787

guys can we actually help spread fud like this? we need to keep the normies out somehow

>> No.6307810

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.6307882

can confirm, dip ends nao, everybody buy

>> No.6307927


>> No.6308009
File: 110 KB, 1170x612, who TF does this?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADA anyone?

>> No.6308024

>My life is endangered by just hinting this.
Okay this is a dead give away its a larp

>> No.6308140
File: 189 KB, 1079x1840, Screenshot_20180112-025555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger whale here nothings gonna happen

>> No.6308147

> as if the UN ever had any power.

fuck off, op

>> No.6308194

nice quads

>> No.6308319


Jesus the replies to his article are dumb as fuck