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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6301706 No.6301706 [Reply] [Original]

Who thinks this CHINK GOD can pull his shit together and get his piece of shit coin on the right track???

>> No.6301725

Abandon ship this is a scam coin

>> No.6301795

>U Penn grad
he went to my alma matter..FUCK!

i can't believe he is peddling shitcoins on twitter for a living now. granted he is a billionaire

>> No.6301814

late adopters dont give a fuck what coin theyre buying, trx was the last but now its been pumped and dumped no one would dare try again because its full of bagholding idiots

>> No.6301823
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I like it, because it’ll teach those faggots a lesson, thinking they could come here and get rich quick on our internet bux without doing any amount of research or criticitcal thinking for themselves. If you just looked at the project it raises a fuck ton of red flags, but normans decided to go full blown “chink man said he’ll give me free money” and circlejerk about how it’d be impossible his intentions aren’t 100% pure. Get fucked normies, this is the real world and unregulated, not everyone is “trying to make the world a better place”. I’m just worried they’ll go crying to Uncle Sam because of their inability to do some research before throwing there money at some random chink they had never heard of. Then the gubberment will ruin my internet bux casino.

>> No.6301848

He cashed out 6B TRX and made it plummet, nigga is gone

>> No.6301916
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>> No.6301976

so did DRUMPF

>> No.6301983

It will pump again but prepare to wait. Buy it cheap look at it 4 months later

>> No.6302007

Normies getting btfo, I'm loving it

>> No.6302032

Fuck off soy boy

>> No.6302161

it won't be cheap until it's dropped a few multiples in value

>> No.6302180

Yes Im sure the TRX 25 year road map will come to fruition kek, this shitcoin will be gone and obsolete in a year

>> No.6302188
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>> No.6302235

Repeat after me. Tron is vaporware.
This is an ERC20 token with no actual product or platform working. The parabolic rise of TRX was completely artificial mostly due to its large supply. Plus Binance pumps any cheap coin that gets listed not to mention the free airdrop, and it was a perfect combination. They literally could not fuck this up. Now they have your money. Justin's ideas are ambitious as fuck and quite honestly, refreshing. But you cannot answer serious questions about your crypto by just saying "we are going to decentralize everything." Now you just sound like another corecuck.

>> No.6302237
File: 2.94 MB, 498x276, 0C55A3FF-5740-4168-B5E7-080BB5FFE7DA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can vaporware really become obsolete though?

>> No.6302349

there is no stopping this from bleeding back to .04 over the coming months and months

>> No.6302570

>when everyone is gone, I can own it all!

>> No.6302621

he already cashed out 300M USD worth of tron. tron is dead.

>> No.6302664

He will have somekind of announcment about some meaningless partnership in a few days

>> No.6302766

Cut your losses and hop in confido faggots.
they have Web 7.0. and it's still underevaluated.
and this will go easy to 1$, not like shitty tron.

>> No.6303346

Not NASA but spacechain

>> No.6303690

Halarious NASA gonna team up with a Chinese coin

>> No.6304180

its funny cause the normies are pumpin this again after his tweet

>> No.6304406

>Rumors of S Korea banning crypto being squashed which will help the market return to normal
>Just had a developer from Alibaba join the TRX team
>Baofeng partnership
>Cobinhood release tomorrow
>Possible Spacechain partnership looming

Unless you got in under $0.02, you're legitimately retarded if you sell your bags now.

>> No.6304795

140K at .01 reporting in

>> No.6305168

probably a shitty scam coin, but you would be foolish to not be holding any TRX before the next news announcement. straight pumps up to news, then massive sell off. cant wait for the next one