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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1263x800, skycoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6298944 No.6298944 [Reply] [Original]


if you don't have any of this you're basically a retard

>> No.6299001


>> No.6299303
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, SkyCoin_Stack_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin was created in 2012 as an effort to fix the bitcoin's security vulnerabilities. It's new consensus algorithm "Obelisk" was inspired by academic research into adversarial distributed time-stamping and algorithms such as Ben-Or's, Paxos, and the Castro-Liskov PBFT algorithm. Obelisk is a new solution to the Byzantine Generals problem which offers strong mathematical security guarantees, even when the majority of nodes are hostile.The Skycoin infrastructure is made of 4 main things:

1. SKYCOIN: A coin that is technically superior to any alt there is. Transactions with zero fees that take approximately two seconds, unlimited transaction rate, no need for miners and block rewards, low power usage, ALL of the bitcoin's technical vulnerabilities fixed, a consensus mechanism superior to anything that exists, resistant to all conceivable threats (government censorship, community infighting, cyber/nuclear/conventional warfare, etc).

- Once coinjoin is implemented and the network is running over skywire, it will have a higher level of privacy than any other coin (more anonymous than zcash/monero and without the overhead). Wannabe drug lords should switch from monero/dash to skycoin after the CXO browser and skywire are available, because all of the ecosystem components are integrated with each other. You could have a decentralized silkroad on skywire and pay seamlessly with the same coin you use to pay for your utilities.

- Numerous peer reviewed whitepapers.

- Skycoin is being developed by legit engineering geniuses, for years (predating Bitcoin’s boom).

- Holding Skycoins generates income in the form of Coin Hours (like NEO’s GAS). There will be a marketplace where Coin Hours are traded and Coin Hours will be used for services within the Skycoin ecosystem.

>> No.6299319

when moon then

>> No.6299407
File: 1.15 MB, 5760x3840, skywire nodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2. SKYWIRE: A decentralized ISP where you earn coins for forwarding traffic/bandwidth (like Tor but faster, not backdoored by NSA and you are getting paid to run a node), that will give everyone nearly free internet access and will get a lot of users and actually be useful. Different networking protocol than TCP/IP, designed to be immune from literally all currently known network based attacks.

- Uses public keys instead of IP addresses, with all of the traffic encrypted by default, making man in the middle attacks impossible.
- Nodes forwarding the traffic can only see the previous and next hop, not origin or destination, making it extremely private.
- Latency is superior to TCP/IP because ISPs use hot potato routing, while Skywire doesnt.
- Speed is superior because bandwidth aggregation is possible, making it possible to share the unused bandwidth of your neighbours.
- Immune to ISP control tactics, such as throttling, censorship, outages, etc.
- Designed to be ran on skycoin's own open source hardware infrastructure.
- Works as an overlay over the current internet as of now, but will be completely independant as soon as the network backhaul is in place.
- Incentivized for the first 14 years, you get paid for running a node and transferring packets for the network.

>> No.6299477
File: 254 KB, 653x817, vitalik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. SKYLEDGER: A platform that’s their version of Ethereum’s ERC20, but with Ethereum's technical limitations fixed. Every coin is given their own blockchain and the platform runs on top of the skywire infrastructure. Coins have already started doing ICOs on skyledger (Solarbankers.com, SPACO, etc). About 30 coins lined up so far. There’s a programming language (CX) and it’s not limited to just "smart contracts". Developers of each chain can hardcode whatever they want to do. For example full video games could be embedded on the blockchain, if anyone would want that.

Ethereum is using javascript for front-end. Skycoin is using CX and CX is completely memory sandboxed and uses affordances to box applications and APIs in, so stuff like the parity hack can never happen in skycoin. Because of the affordances and a genode style resource/permission system, there's an easy way to write security policies - like "the frontend should not be able to access my coins unless something gave it permission to do so". Where as ethereum cannot enforce constraints like this, so they are just duck taping over the problems and hoping they go away.

Skycoin is designed to make these problems impossible through good architecture.

>> No.6299587

just bought 100k

>> No.6299640

been holding for a while, what are they doing regarding more exchanges? Cryptopia a shit

>> No.6299712

whale anon gave me .2
thanks whale anon

>> No.6299767
File: 283 KB, 1283x719, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust JJ

>> No.6299769

watch this synth goes into that

>> No.6299862
File: 44 KB, 1357x735, chrome_2018-01-12_00-40-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4. Then there’s the massive ecosystem of stuff being built on top of the previous three things. Like the sky-messenger, the file sharing/dropbox functionality, distributed social media (sort of like Steemit but running on skycoin’s infrastructure and platform), DEX and OTC markets for the whole skyledger family. There’s about 15 development teams working on different projects within skycoin’s ecosystem. And unlike shitty erc20 tokens promising similar things, most of this stuff is already being developed, you can check the github to see the progress.

This is a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity (The first opportunity was with Bitcoin's price rise).
This is literally the Godcoin that will replace btc and most of the alts. Research this yourself instead of chasing after /biz/ brainlet pumps. You will be rich because this.

>> No.6299922

Next.exchange soon.
Cobinhood next month. Will likely become one of the biggest exchanges in the future.
They've hinted at a 3rd exchange but can't give specifics because of NDAs.

>> No.6299939


Those videos are fucking hilarious btw

>> No.6300364
File: 683 KB, 1066x598, dindu millionaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is great