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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 405x420, silence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6292432 No.6292432 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hear that?.. Silence.

My gut is screaming that tonight is the night the music stops. Anyone else with the same feel?

First time I've ever sold everything and tethered up.

>> No.6292580

inb4 China lifts crypto ban, market rallies 20%

>> No.6292682

I got the same feeling. The last two days doesn't seem like Bitcoins usual autistic seizures. And nearly all altcoins are at a stand-still.
Also considering sitting on the sideline for a week or so.

Rather miss out on 10% gains than lose 90% of my stack.

>> No.6292724


Also stop FUDfagging

>> No.6292914

Zoom out and look at 3 month market cap chart.

This isn't going to end well.

100 Billion left the market in 24 hours only yesterday.

I made my 3x profit in a week and GTFO.

Maybe I'll regret it, but the market right now is just fucked when random coins have BILLIONS of dollars invested in turn without even having a white paper.

This seems like the peak of the bubble.

>> No.6292934

Way ahead of you. Took shelter in tether and BNB 3 days ago. But tonight does feel extra weird, yeah.

>> No.6292979

if you're really worried about the entire market tether isn't going to save you

>> No.6293009

If you truly think this bear rally is a crash, you will be destroyed in this market.

>> No.6293099
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My intention is to jump back in on the way down. I don't intend to hold tether for a fucking year.

>> No.6293118
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>Maybe I'll regret it, but the market right now is just fucked when random coins have BILLIONS of dollars invested in turn without even having a white paper.
>This seems like the peak of the bubble.
Holy shit a sane person on biz, you must be a bot. Anyone who says we're not in a bubble is a deceitful shill. I'm not saying not to trade or make $ just that when the music stops you had better have a comfy chair.

>> No.6293163

tether is like the most retarded thing you can do lmao. if the bubble crashes no one is going to pay you real dollars for tether.

>> No.6293177

I've been in crypto since early 2015, and I've made a lot of money. If you want to ride it out, I won't stop you. But I think tonight will be worse than yesterday. A lot worse.

>> No.6293196

>100 Billion left the market in 24 hours only yesterday.
No it didn't, you dribbling fool. A market cap is not a measure of the money that's been poured in.

>> No.6293278

Tether is to easily jump back in on the way down, you dense sperg. I have no intention of leaving crypto.

>> No.6293283

I have also a very strange feeling. But I'll sit the crash out

>> No.6293601

Check 3 day candles.
If bubble chart posters are right, now would be the time for it to happen

>> No.6293719
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>tfw been having the very same gut feeling all day
>first time ever in more than a year of trading


>> No.6293922

It's really the end, isn't it?

>> No.6293967

Its quiet.... Too much actually..... But it isnt going down yet...
Very strange indeed...

>> No.6294024

Collective consciousness confirmed.
Atheists BTFO

>> No.6294025

Lol tether will be the first thing to die if crypto goes to shit. Good thing it's not going to shit so stfu and enjoy your gains. This weekend will be green as fuck.

>> No.6294113

Everyone, in almost every altcoin is waiting for new money to pour in. And I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that new money isn't coming.

>> No.6294116

Be gready when others are fearful anon

Ride the bear, theres lot of money to make.

Buy ven

>> No.6294195


>> No.6294206

tf is all the boomer money. they are so fucking slow.

>> No.6294220

You really think you can convert your tether to usd when market pops right? Biztard level of autism.

>> No.6294254

invest in bnb and u will heave gains this night my boy

>> No.6294296

Why is that every spergs assumption? That tethering up means you want out.

People who tether up intend to jump back in on the way down, in order minimize losses. Not wait for a full scale fucking collapse of the cryptomarket.

>> No.6294298

You do realize you can't be making 50% gains every day right, koreans will put their money back in later, just chill

>> No.6294330

Give it up buddy. or at least articulate why you think tonight of all nights is gonna e the night the music stops.

>> No.6294338

Nevermind, false alarm!! Everything ia good, we are going up again, this was the last dip before moon

>> No.6294403

My color confirms what happens tonight

Do you hear that? That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.

>> No.6294434
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Who /going down with the ship/

>> No.6294443

binance just signed up 240,000 new users in an hour

>> No.6294516

So you will go back into coins before full scale collapse? lol

>> No.6294557

Soo? They are coming for the alts
They prob thonk btc is dead

>> No.6294585
File: 3.17 MB, 406x300, 1510971501932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC shits the bed and goes down to $6000-9000
>Full scale collapse

>> No.6294609

jesus anons chill the fuck out. just some profit taking happening, calm ur tits, volume is still good

>> No.6294623

We in a cooling off period. Should last another day. Will start to pick back up over the weekend.

>> No.6294670

That's the problem... There's millions of investors but only a few thousand chairs.

When the REAL crash comes it's gonna be like the Titanic with too many people and not enough life rafts.

You can't trust exchanges to handle the load and you can't trust Ether and Bitcoin to transfer fast enough.

I'm sitting out until next week to see what happens.

Prefer to miss out on some gains than lose it all plus my initial investment.

>> No.6294817

ETH is still good. If you want to go full bearmode, cash out and buy back later.

But if the market corrects, you'd be down some.

The question is: are you going to put your money where your mouth is? Do you feel lucky?


>> No.6294874

ITT retards not realizing bubble bursts or massive crashes follow after massive rises, not during side movement.

>> No.6294934

Dude... No offense... But this pattern reminds me of the time before bcash... Sold half my shit... I prefer to lose some profit than to lose it all

>> No.6295020

>this fucking thread

This is literally how women talk among each other. "I FEEL things are going to go bad, better consult my astrologer".

>> No.6295024
File: 10 KB, 783x282, loll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sideways movement

Oh, you're right. We're supposed to look at the minute charts when trying to figure out whether there's an incoming crash.


>> No.6295144

You know what?? I saw this exact same comment back... In.. b..casHH HOLY SHIT ITS A SIGN!!

>> No.6295181

> I have 20k in BTC
> convert it to tether
> btc crashes
> I buy back into btc
> I still have 20k worth of btc to trade or cash out with

It’s not that hard

>> No.6295184
File: 42 KB, 800x450, 1509962927848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming it crashes, and the bubble pops.

With the exception of the obvious FIAT bear cashout, what are you're bear bunker plans everyone?

>> No.6295232

This is not what a crash looks like u fucking mongs.... when it happens most of this board will be left hanging with our dicks out...

>> No.6295249

>> I buy back into btc
That means someone wants tether

>> No.6295252

I'm getting my LINK and REQ back. I'm telling you that much.

These retarded spergs assume that a crash down to $8k BTC means the end of crypto forever.

>> No.6295289
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Kek I don't care. I can lose all this money anyways.

I'm gonna ride this all the way down. Ride or die baby.

>> No.6295299

It just means you lose 50%+ if you didn't go fiat. Nobody thinks crypto will die lol

>> No.6295306

me too breh, fuck it all I was born to die

>> No.6295359
File: 106 KB, 750x764, 59C5A00D-3BCC-4815-9D5B-891A1D3BC392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at u thinking market cap is how much money has gone in or out u fucking fool

>> No.6295366
File: 222 KB, 1066x600, 1513577627500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why tether will lose half its value if BTC goes from $13k to $8k. And why did it not occur when BTC went from $19k to $13k?

>> No.6295429

This is healthy as fuck

we need a correction

we need normies to go away afraid.

in 3 months we need new normies

we cant make 100% every month. well we can, but not everyone. you buy anyting and you make money. unhealthy.

let the market correct itself and start taking shitcoins with it.

>> No.6295443

When it all comes tumbling down, nobody will be looking to trade for tether. You're seeking shelter from a tornado in a greenhouse.

>> No.6295453

The second they print that tether i hope yall hop back in.

>> No.6295463

I feel the same too. It's odd. I cant describe it. Market seems different

>> No.6295476

ponzi's don't work out well in a bear market, as they are predicated on greater fools.

>> No.6295547

everybody must be making a fortune shorting right now then...

>> No.6295549
File: 2.06 MB, 1423x891, 1515539090079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that price there will be a full scale panic and a run for the exits. You can't value BTC, it is what people think it is. There isn't EPS, forward guidance or even widespread adoption yet. There is no dividend, no assets to sell off other than the BTC themselves, no break up plan, no Chapter 11, nada, nothing, zip. It can go to zero and trade link pink sheets for years between NEET's. That is completely in the realm of possibility because it will only harm speculators and nobody gives 2 fucks for you. Nobody in government will protect you, no normies will care, your excuses are your own.

>> No.6295741

>being so stupid that you think market cap means amount invested

>> No.6295781

These. Crypto suddenly going away is the least likely scenario and you guys prepare for it as the default. Better keep taking a sane amount of profits along the way so that you don't have to panic sell low every time you see red.

>> No.6295809
File: 274 KB, 414x508, 1497325200342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you brother.
This ends with a bullet or a lambo there is no middle ground.

>> No.6295859

im with you guys
this is my only shot at life
i dont want to wagecuck forever

>> No.6295872
File: 310 KB, 1043x1599, HoldFast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sink or swim.

>> No.6295958

mommy Im scared, hodl me.

>> No.6296092

that proves athiesm.

>> No.6296126

To fucking hell with it!! Im not selling the rest!!!
Come down all you want!! I aint selling shit!!

>> No.6296195

I feel it too, it’s like the whole shit show is about to end.

>> No.6296252

As a noob, I've been doing a little research into technical indicators. There is definitely a lot of downward moment at the moment, especially in etherium. I don't think this is the end, though. I think it is, however, the exit of many early adopters. My guess is that there will be at least a couple of weeks of steady decline, if not more, before things start picking up again. It's hard to tell exactly, because it's such a new concept, but I think this is going to be the first long-term crypto bear market, caused by the ungraceful falling to earth of bitcoin.

>> No.6296325

*downward *momentum*

>> No.6296341

>this is going to be the first long-term crypto bear market

You do realize there was a cryptomarket before 2017, right? Look at the charts. We've been through plenty of long-term bear markets.

>> No.6296456

I ain't selling shit! I set sell orders to take profit at 30% 50% and 100%. I will ride this shit right into the fucking ground rather than be shaken out.

>> No.6296528

>hurr durr newfags that got in in december catching "gut feelings".

Fuck off

>> No.6296693

I like you. I can always get back to working as welder.

>> No.6296802
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>> No.6297014

Same, i didnt knew we had such weak hands on /biz/ its discusting, when they make profits all they talk about is iron hands, well fucking show em....

>> No.6297100
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>> No.6297558

People didn't actually cash out, they went into alts. Just look at the massive bull run early/mid December.
Things are different now. Now that every transaction gets taxed to hell and back, many whales decided to call it quits. They just cash out and enjoy their gains.
And tether was just a sort of scam anyway. It's not backed by actual money, just like our paper money isn't actually backed by gold or something reliable anymore, so it can crash just as well. Just as usual: the first ones out the door might be able to use it and get away with it, but once the exchange runs out of fiat, that's it.

But alas, I don't think today's the day. But we'll see. It's not as if I haven't been wrong before.

>> No.6297624



This whole thing has felt like a dream. I never put in more than I was willing to lose and I made huge gains shitposting and having fun.

If I am to lose it all then so be it.

I'm going down with this fucking ship.

>> No.6297824

Nobody is saying crypto is going down. But it looks like a bear run is imminent. It may be best to find a shelter to weather this storm and repurchase after the dust clears.

>> No.6298061

These faggots are right.

I'm getting my LINK the fuck back. If BTC shits the bed, I'll just have to wait an extra 5-6 months to make it.

>> No.6298236

everyone is saying that.

>> No.6298517

I called the drop literally at the BTC ATH. When the market is done I’m going to pin that tweet to the top of my profile and apply for an analyst job.

>> No.6298890

Falling wedge, moon mission imminent

>> No.6298904

good good the weak hands are finally leaving

>> No.6299150

Sseriously, /biz/, get into USDT and buy back in when it's at the bottom. You're smart enough to see the bottom.

This is the first time I've ever just cut all my losses like this in a while. This shit is real senpais.

>> No.6299390


They're taxed the same amount cashing out dude. And the tax law didn't actually change, c2c was taxable since 2014 technically.
Giving up millions due to some taxes is fucking retarded. Think about what you're saying.

>> No.6299396

>you can't trust Ether and Bitcoin to transfer fast enough
Bitcoin Cash is fast and on every exchange. Or RaiBlocks.

>> No.6299447

tether isn't guaranteed to be backed by shit. if the "music stops" your bags are going down to zero fast

>> No.6299535

Hello new friend. Btc does have dividends. I'll leave it to you to figure out what they are :^)