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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 424 KB, 1167x575, Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6290119 No.6290119 [Reply] [Original]

Let me help you guys:

I've made a lot of money from crypto, and there's no way in fuck I'm risking my gains on a whale-directed PnD shitcoin.

I only will ever hold 3 coins, today I'll share one of them with you guys.

Binance Coin (BNB)

Let me explain...

>> No.6290149
File: 8 KB, 891x90, BNB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Binance Coin (BNB)

-Incredibly high volume compared to its neighbors on CMC (currently #27)


-Unlike other market tokens (and shitcoins in general) BNB has a very valuable use, lowering trading fees for greedy altcoiners

-Binance has been growing exponentially and once registration/servers become fully operational it will skyrocket.

Now the best part:

EACH QUARTER, FOR FIVE YEARS, the devs will use 20% of their profits (consider how much binance is making at .5%-1% per trade) to buy back BNB and DESTROY IT… until 50% of the total BNB supply is GONE.

And unlike other exchanges (cough bittrex cough) they can manage registration influx and can keep up with demand.

TL;DR – Bet on the fucking house.

>> No.6290162

Shill me anon

>> No.6290259
File: 103 KB, 748x828, binance comparisons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell, with ETH/BTC volatility at ATH's, BNB is the best investment right now.

Let's not kid ourselves, nobody truly believes even 1% of the altcoins have a value close to their market cap.

You don't have to believe in crypto being a trillion-dollar world-changing paradigm to profit off BNB, you just have to believe in people's greed.

You still profit even if the market corrects. Renember last night? People called BNB a "safe haven" since panic selling spiked transactions to an ATH, boosting BNB 15% while eth fell 10%

Bet on the house, sell the shovels. When the dust settles we'll be standing strong.

Not to mention maker/taker fees on bittrex are absurdly high unless you're throwing around $10,000+, something that the greedy normie would never dare risking. See attached, Binance has only been around 4.5 months and is already leading.

and before you ask: NO THIS WILL NOT 10x overnight. But the gains will be great, and most importantly GUARANTEED. At this point I want stable growth, not the next "20x or 0" ponzi scheme.

>> No.6290561
File: 57 KB, 299x296, buyBNB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want real success trading in cryptos, you have to think realistically. We profit is the market goes down, up, or sideways.

If you’d like me to continue posting advice to this board, show your appreciation by using my
binance referral link: 13817762

Maybe I'll share one of the other two coins if my referral gets some love for all the research I've done for you guys.

>> No.6290691


nice try pajeet

>> No.6290721

There are upcoming competitors to binance that will completely destroy it, especially the projects based on stellar/ripple.

>> No.6290891


Check back in a week to hear "I told you so"

Binance's usercount has gone up 100x in the past quarter, I'm already up 15%.

>Can't think of any arguments so calls others pajeet

>> No.6290932 [DELETED] 

Hey you seem like a wealthy man who trades a lot and wastes a lot of his money on fees.

Care to give it to an honest humble working man with dreams instead of a jew?


>> No.6291053


This post it me literally giving you money.

If you ever thought it wasn't possible to hate yourself any more than you do right now, wait a week and check the price of BNB.

>> No.6291109

>>Can't think of any arguments so calls others pajeet

what a pajeet response

>> No.6291319 [DELETED] 

Help me help you
www.binance.com/? ref=16321381

>> No.6291507
File: 211 KB, 1080x1860, 1515699753174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6291531

share the other 2 coinz

>> No.6291722


Congrats, I wish I had that type of money to invest right now.

I'm far too stingy to take out credit card loans.

>> No.6291734

Take a picture of the color of your skin with a time stamp

>> No.6291849

don't spend it all at one place when you cash out.