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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6286257 No.6286257 [Reply] [Original]

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

> adds in "(including cryptocurrencies)"

>/biz/ is now 99% threads about invisible money and not how to make real money/ how to really save for the future.

Seriously, this is worst than /b/.

What the hell has happened to this place?

>> No.6286306

>he doesn't know about the biggest bull market in human history

do you hate money?

>> No.6286343


>> No.6286438


Ethereum and Bitcoin's run to 20k happened and anons made hundreds of thousands in less than a year on one investment. Then everything exploded from there.

>> No.6286446

GTFO boomer

>> No.6286447

It will all come crashing down.

Some of you will get rich but most of you will lose everything.

I'd rather invest in something physical.

>> No.6286500

Nagasaki Hiroshima's too lazy to give dedicated board for that human trash and its meme 'money'. /biz/ is dead.

>> No.6286532

Absolute retard

>> No.6286562



>> No.6286586

I was born in 1991.

I'm all for Technology but all these different coins popping up is insane. At this point, throwing money into whatever is a reckless gamble.

I can see BTC and a few of the others being a decent investment. I'm still kinda old school and would rather put money into metals and land.

>> No.6286659

Crypto is a new asset class OP
Ride the train with us or stay poor.

>> No.6286686
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Here's the thing with cryptocurrencies.

You have to FUD your way to the top.

In 2011 /g/ and SomethingAwful were calling bitcoin a scam, 'buttcoin', tulips etc

These people? They were mining bitcoin. They were building farming rigs. They are now multi-millionaires easily.

That was the FUD era

Now with alts we are in the Shill & Scam Era

Instead of one coin we all want to get more of and then get pumped up, we want *our* coin or coins to get pumped so we can sell.

Therefore you want to mislead anons into buying your "bags" and you want to stay DEAD SILENT on ICOs and other good buys early.

This is the one board on 4chan where you should expect the posters to be out to harm you.

Which I'm still getting used to since on all other boards anons usually want to help out others (or just troll or shitpost them).

>> No.6286757
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>> No.6286800


>> No.6286807

Not only that, but also fucking moronic shills in every thread with their shitcoins. They think that that's fun meme behavior to bring fucking offtopic in every thread that nobody cares about. This board is worse than old /b/.

At least 'free crypto' threads finally were banned. Even if that was so oblivious thing to do and should be done long time before.

>> No.6286912

You don't know that.

>> No.6286947

Absolute delusion.

>> No.6287045

What happened is that the people who are too highbrow for shitcoins aren't capable of making an interesting thread.

>> No.6287094

It’s a mania, and behavior on this board reflects that. See >>6286562
Crypto is very attractive to people who need excess gains and don’t mind excess risk. Then they make a few bucks and are eternally hooked. A bunch of poor people trying to exploit other poor people.

I don’t mind that this is happening, I only wish people would admit this shit isn’t real. They used to know. Many have become deluded to actually believe in these coins.
Like this
The bubble (which is ABSOLUTELY in play) is going to be basically impossible to forecast when it bursts, because those who are truly optimistic are working with flawed logic, and the rest are merely pretending.

>> No.6287165

Whenever I try to make quality threads, no one responds.

>> No.6287189

this bubble will get way bigger before it pops

fucking full fledged normies and insitutions/boomers who buy stock DOUBLED kodak overnight because they announced an ICO with dubious technical merits

this shit is going into the trillions before it pops

the dot com bubble (which was ONLY the US and ONLY insitutions) was like 5-10 trillion

this is THE WHOLE WORLD and normies can get money in (USA will change entirely with FairX, current exchanges are SHIT)

we'll make a lot more money, just have your exit plan ready once we get into the trillions

>> No.6287257

you sir are salty huh?

>> No.6287265


You're crazy if you don't think Blockchain technology has real application for the world market. That said, I think 95% of the coins are absolute shitcoins that will go down.

>> No.6287356


>time traveled from 2010 and came to /biz/ first.

This guy is woke as fuck guys.

>> No.6287357

Not really,

I was actually gonna invest in some coins but my gut is telling me not too.

But the more I was browsing /biz/, the more it looks like people are just shilling.

>> No.6287437


>exit plan

Implying there is one. Only thing I can think of is getting into tether or directly in fiat before the actual bubble bursts, which we have no idea WHEN will happen. This is why I am not losing sleep over -20% dips, because the money was never really there for me to begin with, my initial investment was $2k and it turned into $300k in about a year and it doesn't even seem real to me. I only cashed out enough to pay all debt and I'll keep the rest to play with and buy a few things from time to time.

>> No.6287463

Yeah everyone says that. But there is literally no reason for this to happen other than hopes that people will be stupid enough to keep buying. It is faulty to compare it with dotcom as they are completely different bubbles. Why it couldn’t be as big as subprime debt too?
It also casually admits it’s a bubble but says, don’t worry, it could go higher. Meanwhile everyone is here strictly for capital appreciation. Don’t tell me you send $50 to your family in cameroon on thursdays. It’s bullshit. All speculators playing musical chairs

What happened with kodak is pretty fucking spooky, too. A company makes one miner, says “blockchain” once. 345% gain. No change in fundamentals.

It does but not for trillions of dollars.

>> No.6287492

I'm cashing out 15k/week.. in combination with the other exchanges you can go up to 40k/week at least.

>> No.6287518


Exit plan means cash out at certain goals (10k, 50k, 300k, 1m) if you reach them. You're not supposed to play this game forever

>> No.6287565

>the more it looks like people are just shilling.
That is basically the backbone of crypto.
Nothing of value is created, but for early adopters (before governments put an end to it) have the chance to make an insane amount of money.

Majority of people dont give a fuck about the tech behind various coins.

>> No.6287566


Doesn't cashing out that much at once every week flag you or something? I have never cashed out more than 5k at once.

>> No.6287576

What a grandpa.
Go back to your shitty 401k and 5% annual gains.

>> No.6287610

All money is invisible anon

>> No.6287633


Oh that? Yes, I already have as I stated earlier. I cashed out half my stack when I hit 20k to pay off all of my debts. It still grew, cashed out more at 100k. Now I have 300k and it's showing no signs of stopping so I will certainly cash out some more to take advantage of the good fortune this market is giving us right now.

>> No.6287636
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feel free to post whatever you want, just because the majority of people aren't posting what you want to see, who gives a fuck man, do what you want to do here and dont worry what others are doing

>> No.6287686

no one fucking cares. fuck off.

>> No.6287696

We're busy making meme money so that we can cash out and start real businesses. Even if this shit just goes nuts and then the bubble pops next year, I'll easily be able to start my own toy store in a few months and whatever happens from then is just play money.

>> No.6287759
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I can support that. It's just I would like to see other advice on other things besides crypto.

I mean shit anons, you don't want me to go to Reddit for financial advice do you?

>> No.6287919
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some oc here

>> No.6288183

/biz/ wont change in the near future, because crypto is the most profitable right now.
You might have some luck when it comes to threads about taxes, but that is about it.

>> No.6288428

buy single plied toilet paper in bulk and a limiter that only allows 4 sheets per minute.
at the end of each day dumpsters behind bakeries are full of bagged, clean product baked the same day
buy property with high rent demand, rent it out and live like a king in a mudhut in africa

>> No.6288462

thx. saved

>> No.6288883

I missed bitcoin because it seemed fishy and I missed eth because I didnt think something being shilled that much vould really do it. Ive learned from that and am working back in sales to get as much money as fast as possible to invest before any bubble pops. If I lose it all I had it coming for passing up two opportunities already.

>> No.6288987

Unless you plan to never cash out you will either have to pay taxes or worry about going to jail for tax evasion for the rest of your life

>> No.6289052
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>being at the very cutting edge of technological innovation
>not a change in fundamentals

>> No.6289126

the exit plan is to keep half of your holdings in tether at all times. the other half is spread evenly across 5-10 coins. gains from the coins are split 50/50. half goes to tether and half goes to be reinvested.

that way the most you could ever lose is 50%

>> No.6289250

if you were actually here before crypto became the thing you wouldn't miss it, half the threads were people circlejerking about their net worth to ridiculous level with people who wouldn't be boasting about it on an anonymous imageboard if they were worth half as much as they claimed

>> No.6289521

>will get rich
nocoiner cope is sadder to see by the day

>> No.6289556
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I'm already rich from crypto though.

>> No.6289793

Faggot, /biz/ was originally created to alleviate /g/ from being overrun by crypto threads.