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6281323 No.6281323 [Reply] [Original]

Normies work out they can’t cash out

>> No.6281463

We are in this for the technology and for building a better future for everyone, there's no need to "cash out"

>> No.6281656

I honestly don't even want to cash out my money until we have mass adoption of crypto. I'm surviving on ramen and eggs for months now.

>> No.6281698

Fuck future, fuck technology.
I'm here for the money.

>> No.6281731


>> No.6281749

well then you got a problem bro
you wont be able to cash out
this is purely for interest in the tech

>> No.6281796
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you here to make millions of people ahead of you filthy rich if you here for the money you dumb fuck

>> No.6281838

Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it.
You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat.
All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank?
Those are scams, the deposit never goes through.
All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.6281854

why are you here?

>> No.6281878
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>trade for xmr
>buy drugs on dnm
>become in person drug dealer for cash

Ez pz lemon sqweezy

>> No.6281896

I cashed out lmao

>> No.6281934

>you wont be able to cash out
But I'm doing it.

>> No.6281936

i cashed out all my ETH ($200) check mate normies

>> No.6281937

nothing to do with every single exchange being inundated like never before

they will make more money running it properly than scamming people now

>> No.6281945

>FUDs crypto
Wouldn't you just be a bank shill?
cashing out is easy. If you cannot figure out how, then we absolutely deserve all of your money.

>> No.6281953

So what’s the whole point of this shit? Rack up a million internet bucks and pretend to be rich?

>> No.6281975

Or at least I'm trying.

>> No.6281986
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I cashed out 20k already

>> No.6282018

What did you use?

>> No.6282031

nice try jew

>> No.6282036


I pay for everything in BTC or ETH, fuck these normies. The point of crypto is to pay for everything in crypto, not go back to fiat.


>make over 1000% on an investment in a year is a scam

Jesus christ, if this is a scam then stocks are an even bigger scam and fiat is an even bigger scam than that since you lose about 8% purchasing power every year holding cash in USD.

>> No.6282053

Kraken and Coinbase. It's super fucking easy in EU and in my country I don't even have to pay taxes

>> No.6282074

This is money you brainlet

>> No.6282080

>You wasted all your money on internet bucks.
What do you mean buy this? I though I was investing?

>> No.6282082

nice larp nigger enjoy paying 15 bucks for each transaction

>> No.6282104

how do you buy a car or house in crypto? or pay bills?

>> No.6282110

oldfag miner here. Thanks for the income fgts

>> No.6282172

All I cashed out it 100 bucks cause I needed them fast, is there a roof on Coinbase of maximum cashout?

>> No.6282191

Already cashed out with Coinbase to my European bank account twice. Only took 48 hours


>> No.6282193

Uh, I’ve cashed out gains from GDAX a couple times. You dumb.

>> No.6282267

i never know with this pasta if the people responding to it are retarded normies or just trolls larping

>> No.6282309

When I signed up for coinbase, at first I made a SEPA transfer which took 5 days, during that time I got impatient and bought with a card instead. When the SEPA finally came through I just transferred it back to the bank account without issue.

Am I magical or are other people just really that bad at using computers?

>> No.6282317
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The point of crypto is to pay for everything in crypto, not go back to fiat.
>>make over 1000% on an investment
You ain't making shit retarded nigga. This is a speculation and it's not possible without having FIAT in order to measure your gains. You're so braindead that your contradict yourself.

>> No.6282324

I've cashed out multiple times. Ignore this garbage.

>> No.6282332

Not sure about Coinbase, in Kraken I can cash out 200k per month

>> No.6282393

Your mother's pussy is also money. but I'm not fucking it.

>> No.6282407
File: 80 KB, 1677x697, not a shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 bucks for each transaction
Those were the days

>> No.6282470

fucking plebs
you get a handful of coins and move them around using shapeshift
You cash out through smaller ventures like litebit

>> No.6282471

cashed out 15k this week nice fud faggot

>> No.6282743


You guys are fucking newfags holy shit. People were buying things like pizza, drugs, and even paying bills with BTC before it was even worth much at all. The whole point of crypto in itself was to get rid of fiat's shackles. Dumbfuck newfags are going to be buttblasted when this bubble pops, all they want is to get rich quick.
Also I pay for shit in ETH/LTC/XMR if possible nowadays, not BTC. Unless the fees get sorted out.

>> No.6282824

nice bro respond again when you figured out how you pay your bills you stupid nigger oh wait you still live with your mom