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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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626058 No.626058 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to make me sound like some narcissistic delusional cunt but its all facts, please don't take me for a douche bag. I am young (19), but very intelligent. But I never did good in school, because I never tried, due to many many reasons.. not because I was "too" smart or good for school, but I just didn't fit in with the system, I didn't have an interest in anything there. (I also have ADD)

I have read/listened to what many millionaires/highly successful people have had to say, and honestly I was fucking shocked at how similar my traits are to these people. Without going into great detail, I HAVE what it takes to become rich. I have the bare fundamentals, I have the code embedded in me, I am the type of person in which when I am SERIOUSLY DETERMINED on something, I will fucking do whatever it takes to reach the goal. This is a big reason why my parents had such a hard time with me when i was young (ages 2-10) I never fucking listened, when I fucking wanted something, I fucking did everything I could until I got it. By that I don't mean being a spoiled little cunt, I'm talking about other things other than objects. I can comfortably say that in 6-10 years from now I will probably be a millionaire. Again, I'm being fucking honest here, I know it makes me sound like such a cunt but please just take my word for it. I still have areas I need to improve on though for sure. (My ADD is a major one). I am being realistic that this will be a long path with many failures to come.

The thing about me is, I can seriously become good at anything as long as I truly apply myself, I have realized this from studying my life. It was always things that I taught myself on the side, mainly through the internet. HOWEVER I do not want to fucking go do some 4-5 year program at a university only to be making a measly 100-200k a year afterwards. I have an entrepreneurs mindset. One of my major flaws though is poor social communication. i will type more

>> No.626060


>> No.626063

>very intelligent
>because I never tried
It's amazing how many people say and believe this.
>I have what it takes to become rich
>I have an entrepreneurs mindset
>in 6-10 years from now I will probably be a millionaire
Alright, then do it.

>> No.626065


Sorry for such the long post by the way, and sorry that there will be more to read.

By the way I really respect constructive criticism, if you see any flaws in my thinking/reasoning please point them out and i will take into consideration what you have to say.

Also, I can only write so much, I don't want to have to list 5-10 examples to back up every point/claim I am making.

But anyways

So yeah, I am ambitious as fuck, but I do have my weakpoints on which I need to improve FIRST before starting my path to $$$.

THIS IS MY MAIN PROBLEM, and this is where I would like information/advice, I would appreciate it greatly..

What do I do to become rich? I know thats a very broad question but let me clarify more.

Every decade has its own niches where opportunity lurks, and its THOSE with innovation that strike, that make the millions.

The way I see it, these are the only paths in which I could choose from to become wealthy.

1. The cyberworld (this is where most opportunity is, would you agree?) By that I mean making apps.. software.. making some stupid fucking generic app or website like "twitter" that sparks the general retarded public. I mean look at SNAPCHAT, it's SUCH a brilliant app in the sense that its so stupidly simple yet so usable/effective with the average simpleton, yet the guy who made it was offered 2 billion by google..

So yeah, thats the first area.

2. Stocks. Day trading, swing trading, etc. I personally know little about trading, BUT I am willing to learn. And I understand that if you get very good at it, you can make good money. Especially with the more you have, the more you have, the easier it becomes to make money.

3. Real estate. buying a house, renting it out, buying a second one, etc etc, until you eventually have a small empire.

4. Starting your own company/opening up a business.. which in my opinion seems like the toughest, considering I have zero connections and the fact that this would require a huge amount initial $

>> No.626066

This is so funny to read. I have so many different thoughts.

I'm too high to type them all out, but OP, look up the Dunning - Kruger effect. It applies to you.

>> No.626067
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>I also have ADD

>> No.626068

Lay off the coke dude lmao

>> No.626069

i think im like this too, which probably means everyone thinks theyre like this.

were delusional

>> No.626071


If someone could add to the list that would be great.

Also I think its important to mention my expertise was the drug market, I used to be a dealer, a very good one at that. But obviously I had to stop, because you can only last so long doing this.

I am actually on blow right now, how did you know

>> No.626073

Cause you're a fuckin crack pot and an idiot.

>> No.626075


How so? You do not know my life experiences, did you even read what I said? I honestly do not understand why some people are like this.

I'm not making up any of this shit.

>> No.626076

Also, forgot to mention, I have around 100k, which I have saved over the years.

>> No.626077

>What do I do to become rich?
It's very "in vogue" in rich people circles to be Jewish so you may want to start with that. Additionally, rich people do copious amounts of drugs and frequently break the law for their own advantage, so give those a go as well. Though I think you already may have started with the drugs from how your posts are written.

>> No.626078

If you really have an entrepreneurial mindset, you don't need to ask us generic questions like that. Go and do it.

>> No.626081

You didn't actually say anything aside from what you think about yourself and how you think you can make money. Your ideas are ideas that every fucking retard with an 80 IQ has.

No one here gives a fuck if you think you can become rich, no one even cares if you do become rich (good luck), yet you come on here like a coked up retard talking to us like we're your parents who should be proud of you.

Fuckin kill yourself and get your drug problem sorted out, faggot. What kind of loser does coke to go post about himself on 4chan?

>> No.626084


I'm just acquiring information my friend. I'm simply seeing what others have to say, I like to write down all my options, make points, make mini conclusions etc etc. I want to see what advice others might say.

Information is extremely valuable, it just depends on how good you are at filtering out the shitty information.

I clarified further when I asked "what do I do to become rich?"

>> No.626085

become walter white and make better drugs

>> No.626086

I'd bet you want Rand Paul to be the next president and that you support the Tea Party.

>> No.626088


Good god you act like a woman. I can tell by all the emotion and little the logic.

Drug problem? I rarely do drugs, and who gives a fuck if I even did have a drug problem? that has nothing to do with anything lol. Stay on topic nigger. I don't give a fuck what fetish's a person has or how much drugs he does, if hes intelligent, wise and might potentially share some amazing info with me, I would be intrigued by his words of wisdom. Not pissed/angry at

I did not say what I said to "brag" or to show others how fucking great I am, like I said, im just listing facts about myself, I am saying that I have the tools I would just like advice from perhaps very successful people that lurk on biz and see what they have to say.

I know nobody gives a fuck you idiot, I am not asking for fucks , I am asking for advice on what paths I might want to look in more.

I don't even know why the fuck I responded to you

>> No.626091



>> No.626093


drugs is not a good market anymore. It hugely depends on location and the drug itself also. Don't get me wrong, if the right factors are present the drug market is great to excel in. But I want to keep it legal.

>> No.626094

Your main problem is that you have a big fucking mouth. You talk more than you work. Do more, talk less. Achieve something first and then go on typing self-indulgent essays on Japanese anime boards, honestly. At least go and make the first steps towards your ambitions. You'll probably get bored in a week and quit because you'll realize that you have to read hundreds of pages of material and spend thousands of hours honing your craft to actually have the ability to build something significant. The worst part is that you'll continue spouting this nonsense about yourself and believe that you're somehow special just never made it. Get your ego in check.
It seems like you have no respect towards these things you mention.
>making some stupid fucking generic app or website like "twitter"
You have absolutely no idea about how complicated a 'stupid fucking generic' service like Twitter actually is.

Man, I hope you start trading. With your mindset, losing everything is inevitable and it might actually put you in check.

>> No.626095

Still haven't convinced me that you're not a complete idiot. Leaving thread now. Good luck.

>> No.626096

>I clarified further when I asked "what do I do to become rich?"
And all of your ideas are very narrow-minded because of how little you know about the industries you're speaking about. Firstly, it's not enough to just "make an app" to have it become successful. Not that I'm convinced you would be able to, or even understand where to begin. And don't ever use the word "cyber" again. Anyone worth their salt in the tech industry will laugh at you. Seriously, they make games out of it at Defcon.

The rest of the plans you made are equally funny. Yes, you can become rich if you somehow figure out how to beat the market or if you draw in enough capital to become a slumlord. And maybe if the stars align properly you could become a successful business owner when you clearly have no personal skills.

>> No.626100

Dude you're sitting at home alone doing cocaine and talking to some Anonymous kids on the internet. You have a drug problem.

The best part of all of this is that despite people coming in here and offering constructive criticism, which just so happens to be that you should reconsider your self assessments, you're still gunna be the same arrogant faggot and be like "nah, they just don't know enough about me." Or you'll make up some other pathetic excuse. And you'll probably do it without even reflecting on it and realizing that you're doing it, cause you're an idiot.

>> No.626102


thanks for leaving woman


You are partially right, one thing about me is yes often I do talk more than I work.

like I said you do not know my life story, I am basing a lot of my points of my life experiences. I don't want to fucking write a life story, hence why I said "please just take my word for it" because I know theres going to be people saying "fuck you're so delusional blah blah this blah blah that" You act as if you KNOW MY LIFE, which is just fucking hilarious to me.

Like I said, I HAVE EXAMPLES to back up my claims, it's just a fucking WASTE of time trying to prove all my points because that isn't the fucking point of this thread.

And you fool, when I said "stupid fucking website" I mean't that it's BRILLIANT IN THE SENSE THAT ITS STUPIDLY SIMPLE. Is twitter a work of art? is it revolutionary? Is it fucking SO SOPHISTICATED? , no, it's some fucking website where teens can write meaningless statements.

Lets be real, twitter is fucking retarded, most things that are common within the teenage sector of the world is fucking retarded.

but thats why its so great. Its the simple shit that sells.

Why the fuck is everyone so pissy and emotional lol holy fuck.

>> No.626104


This is why /biz/ needs mods

This shitposting b8 will get at least 75 posts

>> No.626105

youre so great at everything that you just destroyed any chance you had at a real response, fail, even im not this bad

>> No.626106

IIf it's bait I'm fully convinced and it's 10/10

>> No.626111


lol, you're hilarious


My ideas are just very broad, and like I said, I want to learn more, I would like people to add to the list.

jesus fucking christ can you not read?

OF COURSE I KNOW it's not easy to make a successful app, like I said, im being fucking realistic, it's going to take me 6-10 years before I finally succeed in something, but thats why I'm asking, what are the things that I should be looking into the most.

>> No.626118

>Its going to take me 6-10 years
That means you know what you have to do right? So why do you need to ask?

>> No.626119

God damn, I forgot that in this day and age most guys are pissy emotional cunts though, that get pissed off at nearly anything.

It's understandable, people who are this pissed off usually are insecure or hate their lives in many different aspects.

I will clarify again, I am AWARE that I have a LONG fucking road to go down, I'm aware that I have A LOT to learn. Which is why I am asking for advice you silly niggers. but instead I get "you have a drug problem" "you're fucking retarded".

How many 19 years do you know with 112K? I have succeeded in many things at quite a young age which shocked a lot of people, I just don't want to list examples, I am simply maturing and transitioning, transitioning into the legal world. This is fucking pointless either way, what I am saying, who the fuck is going to believe me? No one. And I understand that, this is why I don't even bother trying to list examples/points. because no one would fucking believe me. So why bother?

No one has yet to provide some good advice

>> No.626120

>you're hilarious
Brilliant response. It must be good to know that you can add "think on my feet" to your list of guaranteed success attributes.

>> No.626121


It's very difficult to differentiate all-in shitposting from legitimate autism.

>> No.626122

I think op is both

>> No.626125


information nigger. the more info the better, the more opinions the better, the more options the better, are you this fucking retarded?

I will most likely go into real estate, but I am not completely sure yet. I like to study every option.

I'm not saying you are jealous, but you seriously are fucking acting like you are jealous, its funny. I mean why the HELL are you taking your time to respond to me if you think im so full of shit lol.

>> No.626129


It's pretty funny how you are still in this thread, it's like you are my little goy. Keep responding little goy, show your anger. I luv it

>> No.626131

So basically you want to be spoonfed.

>> No.626133


Literally no one cares about what you're saying OP

Literally no one

You're either right, and will be successful one day, and you're just wasting your time on right now on a Polynesian illumination cartoon board

Or you're wrong and you're just shit posting at a super autism level

Either way, you've got nothing but cheap words right now and literally no one cares about that

Literally no one

>> No.626135


look man, lets talk like men. I appreciate your responses but how am I wanting to be spoonfed?

I'm not saying your wrong, I just don't get it.

Wouldn't you agree that being spoonfed is more like asking "teach me how to code, ok what should my app be about, what should the name be, etc etc"

I am not asking to be spoonfed. I'm just seeing what some successful people might have to say, about what I said about the real estate/stocks/internet

I like hearing ideas.

And technically you could argue anyone that is asking a question is wanting to be "spoonfed"

If you asked me about the drug market and what product is generally best to be dealt.. I would tell you. But is that spoon feeding you? No. Spoon feeding would be if I literally fucking told you EVERYTHING, as in where to even get the product, how to distribute it, etc..

>> No.626136


I know no one cares, I want no one to care, because thats where you get idiots like the guy who posted earlier saying "hurr durr u have drug problemz"

I'm seeing if there are kind people that might offer me some guidance/advice

>> No.626139


There's no guidance on /biz/

This board is not beginner friendly and actual finances, investing, and economics involve too much in depth education for any of us to realistically teach you on a Hellenistic cave painting hentai message board.

If you truly are serious, you need to buy some basic college text books in economics, finance, and investing.

But you're just b8ing, so keep doing that instead

Whatever works for you

>> No.626141

>I have what it takes to be rich.
>What should i do to be rich?
It doesnt make sense, also no one here is going to tell you.

>> No.626150
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I'm the same more or less, except I'm bipolar, have a tendency toward control, I'm never happy when I'm not confident and, more and more, my confidence is based around being successful

This past few months I've read more books than there are months, won 8 or so fights and, this is embarrassing to say, gave my girlfriend 12 staples
I'm 22

You obviously have to be willing to put the hours in. The one overlap between all areas is business management, the abilty to analyze financials, come up with a business plan, etc

I can't hold your hand on what to do, but if you want an idea of different investment techniques, read more money than god. You want to learn to write code, go to Udacity and start with intro to computer science. I haven't started working on business management (the thing you need for getting any kind of loan, including real estate ) quite yet, but I'm sure you can find your own material.
And no successful entrepreneur will understate the value if sales & marketing, sales is the most basic form of entrepreneurship. Maybe look into a sales job
There's also a free ebook on amazon called'starting a lawncare businesses for $2000 or less' or something, you might want to start there (charging houses $20/m adds up)

The opportunity is endless in regards to what you could do to make any given business a success

>everything I'm saying is true
You haven't said much

>> No.626151

Alright OP, I'll bite.
Here's my advice for a very young person. Find what interests you, and stick with it. You seem to have a lot of ideas buzzing around your head, but you won't get anywhere until you pick something and focus on it. You want to break into the housing market? get a job in a real estate office, learn the ins and outs of the industry. More interested in creating a killer app? Teach yourself how to program. Don't do this "tomorrow" start right now. Stop wasting time on a Japanese message board. If you waste your time responding to this post, then you're just pro-longing your dreams to become a millionaire.

>> No.626154

Paraphrase of the Jewish book of creation
There is nothing in goodness above pleasure, there is nothing in evil below pain

Judiasm is a religion of mastery

>share some amazing info with me
Share some

>> No.626162

well, I read the first paragraph.... and yeah, you sound like some narcissistic delusional. I would say more, you ARE narcissistic and delusional.

>I have read/listened to what many millionaires/highly successful people have had to say

>> No.626181

I know right. They guy isn't even trying.

Pick something you like, and improve it. Thats all the advice you will ever need.

>> No.626196 [DELETED] 

the thing is, your idea's aren't terrible; But I can tell you won't do any of it, your a big talker, but won't do shit, the thing you don't have is drive, that's why you came here to /biz/ to shit post and get attention, and hope for people to tell you your ideas are good and you'll succeed, sorry man, but this is real life, and you'll never make it

>> No.626202

He doesn't have any ideas
Just the same generalizations posted here daily

>> No.626212

sup OP bruh i'm 18 & feel the same way as you except I don't spew it everywhere and actually do/pick some of my shit ton of ideas and ambitions to make.

Also I'm gonna go and guess that you are good at everything but not really great at anything?

Otherwise see you in 6-10 years

>> No.626214

You sound like every autistic neckbeard I went to high school with.

>I'm really fucking intelligent
>Everyone here is an idiot
>I could get better grades then all them if I acutally tried
>But I'm not going to try
>But if I did...

You won't be succesful. If you couldn't apply yourself at school for a few years in order to give yourself a huge advantage later in life (top tier Uni's, connections, scholarships etc.) then you probably don't have what it takes to become succesful.

Tell me one time in your life you have actually demonstrated that you are "very intelligent" or "seriously determined".

>> No.626217
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>Fuckin kill yourself and get your drug problem sorted out, faggot. What kind of loser does coke to go post about himself on 4chan?
Highly intelligent entrepreneurs with lots of ambition, clearly.

>> No.626220

Ok, I'm convinced that you're either a troll or actually 19.

You want advice, here goes:
-the world is a far more complex machine than you can begin to imagine for at least a decade. This doesn't mean that you don't know anything, it just means that there's a lot more that you don't know, and you don't know what you don't know. Another anon said it right when he mentioned the Dunning-Kruger effect. It's there with all of us to greater or less degrees.
-This means that the most important thing that you can have is a humble attitude focused on learning and generally being awesome. Don't tell people that you are, no one cares.
-No one cares about you, or what you say. The only thing that you can do with yourself is shutting the fuck up and living your life -- it's only in hindsight that people will see your actions, and only the highlights. Everything Else is forgotten, even the words that you say. So don't go around telling people that you're great, because you're not. Maybe you'll start to realize that everyone else in the world is also pretty fucking smart, and generally smarter than you.

If you start to realize that you're actually a normal person like everyone else, then you can actually start working hard because it's the only way to do anything with your life. And doing anything at all in the world is ridiculously fucking hard.

>> No.626239

>If you start to realize that you're actually a normal person like everyone else, then you can actually start working hard because it's the only way to do anything with your life. And doing anything at all in the world is ridiculously fucking hard.

This is EXACTLY what people like the OP need to hear. They've probably heard for years how "smart" they are and it's directly because of that, that they never put any real effort into anything.

OP, you are not very intelligent. The shit you are saying I've heard from hundreds of different anons before; there is nothing at all that is special about you, people who think just like you do are a dime a dozen.

So what to do from here? Realize that since you're nothing special you better start thinking about your future plans as if you're a normal person striving for greatness rather than a great person achieving what's their god-given right.

What advice would YOU give to a normal person in your situation? Not a "very intelligent" person, but a normal person?

>> No.626240
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Not him, but I'm a highschool dropout who also feels he's destined for greatness, so I'll troll you with some realities
>at 17 I discovered the answer to the 'unbridgeable gulf' between conscious and subconscious
>18 I discovered the merkabah, a year or so before I knew it was a thing
>later that year I started messing with my chakras, without knowing they were "chakras"(an archiac term), opening and using my palm chakra before I knew there was a palm chakra and its use
>discovered an unknown truth regarding our vision
>discovered the next level of evolution and an unknown field of science/medicine, and how it could be further studied/put to use
>discovered the meaning of life and its relation to the merkabah

All before I turned 19
I'm now getting myself on the path to monetary success (note my response to op, easily best in the thread. Which is sad bc I said nothing) and giving credence to some of my discoveries


>> No.626243


>Philosophical bullshit
>Nonsensical, pseudoscientific bullshit

You're an idiot and you're destined for whatever menial life you are currently living, unless you somehow happen to also be a good writer/swindler and get an Oprah book deal.

p.s. You're a terrible writer.

>> No.626252


Let's review your ideas:

>1. The cyberworld (this is where most opportunity is, would you agree?) By that I mean making apps.. software.. making some stupid fucking generic app or website like "twitter" that sparks the general retarded public. I mean look at SNAPCHAT, it's SUCH a brilliant app in the sense that its so stupidly simple yet so usable/effective with the average simpleton, yet the guy who made it was offered 2 billion by google..

Sure, you could try to do this. I think everyone's grandma has come up with this idea: "Sonny, you love the computers so much why don't you make the emails like Steve Jobs did?"

I think what you'll find is that the success rate for people that go this route isn't as high as you might think. That said, along the way you will still learn valuable skills and might be able to carve out a decent career.

>2. Stocks. Day trading, swing trading, etc. I personally know little about trading, BUT I am willing to learn. And I understand that if you get very good at it, you can make good money. Especially with the more you have, the more you have, the easier it becomes to make money.

You won't be successful day trading. The percentage of successful day traders is very, very low and most of these people are "old hands" that started a long time ago and have already built up a significant amount of capital to play with.

Stocks can certainly be worthwhile but that's more about building up a passive income slowly over time than any sort of "get rich quick!" scheme.

>3. Real estate. buying a house, renting it out, buying a second one, etc etc, until you eventually have a small empire.

Yeah there are a lot of people that have made a lot of money doing this. If you look into these people's financials many of them are leveraged to the hilt and when there's a housing market collapse most of them tend to get wiped out.

>> No.626258

someone save all of OP's posts and make sure to repost them when the thread goes down.

the thread seems to attract all the teenage pseudo intellectuals that plague this board and vastly improves the quality of all the remaining threads.

hell, i haven't even seen a single how to get rich thread today.

>> No.626259


>4. Starting your own company/opening up a business.. which in my opinion seems like the toughest, considering I have zero connections and the fact that this would require a huge amount initial $

The idea you consider the "toughest" is the one that most intelligent, entrepreneurial people would actually choose. Your other ideas are actually far harder because most of them require a far larger amount of capital to get started whereas you could start a small business selling trinkets at your local market without much at all.

Why do you think "flipping houses" requires less initial $ than starting a business? Is it because you imagine that you're going to go from 0 to Apple in a week or something?

As for connections, it's true that like everything in life business is largely about relationships. That said, if you think you need a connection that's willing to give you a hand out of some kind to get started then you're dead wrong.

There are no hand-outs.

>> No.626261

Like I mentioned in my first post, salesmanship is the most basic form of entrepreneurship. The most extreme form of sales would be swindling; selling without a product.
I'd have no problem being a swindler

Solar is an example of a market where no player has an edge, institutionalization is the ultimate edge. I definitely wouldn't mind, for instance, swindling a school district manager into installing my solar panels in his district's schools, and continue this, basically getting subsidized until I was the near-monopoly player the market gravitated towards

So yeah I wouldn't mind being a swindler

>> No.626262
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>> No.626270

You need 2/3 to start from the bottom and get anywhere. And 3/3 if you want to be highly successful in the long term.

>> No.626278

Why the fuck did I read all of this?

You want to be rich? It takes hard work, luck, and opportunity.

>> No.626311

Please explain your discoveries. I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.626314

Go to school. Prove you can achieve something when you apply yourself. Get a degree. You need money to trade, you need money to buy real estate, you need programming skills and luck to launch an app, you need money to start a business.

How do you get money? By working. How do you get a high paying job? A CS degree.

Shut the fuck up and go to school. Chances are you aren't special. A lot of people think they're brilliant when they apply themselves and most these people aren't millionaires, they're teenagers.

>> No.626315

Your insights aren't shit.

All the things you've discovered are subjective and philosophical. You couldn't prove a single discovery to a team of scientists if your life depended on it.

>> No.626317


if you read what I said fucktard, I have over 100k atm

>> No.626321

Good for you, I had 100k when I was 21 and I made it myself. It doesn't *mean* anything one way or the other. It doesn't make you an authority on anything, it doesn't mean that you know what you're talking about. It's just a number bro. It's what you do with that that matters. Ideally you find something constructive and building to use your money on, if not investing. Ideally you spend it on education and on learning to live your life instead of telling people how you could live your life if only everyone let you.

>> No.626323

Truth is that you are a chump autistic douche.

>> No.626325

this is the kind of moronic company you keep, OP

>> No.626326


truth is you hate many parts of your life lol, I am almost certain suicide has crossed your mind on more than one occasion.

>> No.626331

>I'm an entitled lazy faggot who thinks they have potential to generate more than $200,000/year in profit for a company, as a 22 year old jackoff

Good for you OP. Please let us know how it works out. You have poor communication skills and 90% of marketing is communication. Best of luck pitching your entrepreneurial plans to people. Oh wait, they'll just throw money at some autist because he's smart. Just like they throw jobs at ridiculously smart autists instead of the sociopaths with a slick mouth and a nice smile.

OP, you have one assignment: Get me to give a fuck. If you can't sell me an idea, how the fuck can you sell me a product or service?

>> No.626333

Oh shit kill yourself already. Look at these meaningless paragraphs you just wrote. Instead you could've work toward your goal or actually explained us HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE.

And no, it's not because you picture yourself working really hard and ending up rich that it is going to happen. Pick one of your BRILLIANT SOLUTIONS and start.

>> No.626334

>never tries
You aren't intelligent if you are so short sighted that you didn't even try in high school, the easiest fucking thing on the planet. You are not cut out for college or industry work until you learn to apply effort.

>> No.626340

i honestly don't understand how people can even begin to justify poor grades in high school. the classes are designed so that as many students as possible pass them. i would spend maybe 30 minutes a week on school work and still graduated with a 3.9 gpa. in my last two years the only Bs i got were in gym since i was fucking around majority of the time.

>> No.626344

Slept/was high everyday. I was also in the 8th percentile on my overall SAT score or something like that. Idk high school was lame. It's pretty much a daycare.
Btw im currently on the dean's list at uni and just got accepted to an honors society. I make it happen where it matters.

>> No.626345

**98th. Maybe I am a dumbass lol

>> No.626349

Have you heard about the 10.000 hours rule? You say you have everything to becone ruch but i dont think you have something as basic as being awesome at something because of the hours you put on it.

Btw you will need a bit of social skills and introducing you like you did you will fail big time. People dont want to hear how great you are.. specially if its not based on any arguments. Get clean and humble and start working hard.

>> No.626352

Dude you 19. You are deluded and narcissistic. Why are you on the subforum of an anime message board even posting this?

You dont have the life knowledge to know that "you've got it in you" .

at least 1/3rd of becoming rich , via any means is going to be luck. you read up on millionaires? Really did yah? So the gameplan should revolve around some of the common denominators , real estate for instance but do you have the patience to slowly build a realty empire? Doubt it

Ok what else. Lets see. Silver spoon. Luck. Silver spoon. Brilliance and luck. Persistence and a silver spoon. Backstabbing. Luck...hmm

>> No.626365

There's so much bait in this thread that commercial fishermen are experiencing shortages.

>> No.626371
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Ok I'll give you one, but I honestly don't feel like going into huge detail or arguing
Try to suspend disbelief for just a second

We perceive our 3 dimensional world in 2 dimensions; we see im 2D
Realize that not all 2D is created equal. You get the pictire in your head of a stick figure drawing, but look an hd movie

Why can a 2D tv screen look like a window into a 3D world? The same reasons you can use to describe how the tv image looks 3D, depth is illustrated through shading on a 2 dimensional plane, you can use for our vision; the image on our retina is actually 2D

The theory goes that our brain takes two 2D images and makes it 3D, not only us there zero proof to this, but there's a huge hole in the theory: one eyed people see the same is we do, it's spatial and not depth perception that's mainly affected by covering an eye

>> No.626377
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>> No.626378

Dude. We are 3rd dimensional beings "living" in the 4th dimension (time) you can percieve depth (3rd dimension) with your eyes closed.

The fuck?

>> No.626380

The 10000 hour rule was disproven. If you have no creative ability 10000 hours of painting will just make you an inneficient camera not a michelangelo

>> No.626382

Still waiting for the discovery dude

>> No.626402

I gave the most simple one - and all I feel like sharing

You can also think of it in different terms: imagine a 2D man where the top of his head would be a circle on a paper. What would his vision look like?
He'd be able to see through his peripherals, but not up or down. He'd see a line: one dimension
How was it disproven?
Randomly drawing for a total of 10,000 hours doesn't constitute practice

I'm saying the image we see is a 2D one

>> No.626410

1) start "paper trading" and studying full time option and mid term futures strategies
2) if the results are fine fund margin account @IB with 50k USD for futures and 50k for options
3) drop out of college
4) trade and study full time
5) profit

>> No.626420


Can relate, am also genius.

at age 15 I discovered chaos magic and managed to concentrate it into charms I still wear today that help me ward off evil. I can't say I discovered chakras on my own but I was inspired by Naruto. Obviously it's only a show and they got a lot of stuff wrong, but eventually I was able to open all twelve gates while lucid dreamng. I later went on to become a wiccan high priest in my neighborhood at age 16, and discovered during my meditation sessions that I am actually an Aetherkin and that eventually I have to go back into the sun in order to properly die (I am spiritually immortal, died spiritually on several occasions). At age 17 I wrote a thesis on elemental magic, which caused a full on war in the spirit realm for the next 3 years because the pentumvirate didn't want that information public in the mortal realm. Eventually my coven was backed up against the zero plane, and we conceded defeat for fear of eternal imprisonment under the zero plane. After another two years of psychic occupation I signed an existence treaty which forced me, my coven and familiar spirits to retire from the higher planes for the next 12000 years. I am now a major investor in spacex so that I can finally kill myself - i'll be damned if I wait a dozen thousand years to "live" again.

>> No.626425

100k really isn't a lot of money son, I mean it's a great start considering you're only 19, I broke 6 figures at 19 too and I remember thinking I was the shit as well, don't worry, it's normal.

Anyway, I'd say your best bet is to either stay in the drug game and pray you make it to half a million before you get arrested, or spend it on getting a college degree which will make you highly employable, investing the rest in stocks netting you a 5-10% yearly return and then working a job for 5-10 years, saving the fuck up, all while reading and learning as much as possible during your free time.

You should be able to safely make around a million by the time your 35-40 this way, depending on how hard you work. Then you can consider getting into real estate or starting up a business. Additionally, the odds of you failing in either of those domains are relatively high, so if you are a complete failure you'll have your degree to fall back on so you don't become a complete piece of shit failure.

Alternatively, if you want to avoid the risks that drug dealing entails, and want to start your entrepreneurial adventure immediately, your best bet would be starting up a small business, like a hot dog stand or maybe a small shop in the mall that sells e-cigs or something like that, and hope you're successful and that you can expand as much as possible. Even though, statistically speaking that's highly unlikely.

You probably wouldn't want to get your hands dirty working for such an not-so.glorifying start-up though.

Anyway, good luck faggot.

>> No.626428
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jesus lay off the drugs dude

>> No.626439
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>> No.626449

OP consider me your future self, I am also "very bright", have a similar snowflake complex and believe I am destined for success. I'm now 24 and because of my inability to play the games school and uni desired I am in an underwhelming job (~120k/year). There are two things which really are fucking me up right now, my lack of a formal qualification and my poor social skills. I am now having to go to Uni part time while working, it's not a fun thing to do.

There are a lot of very smart people who will put the effort in for that piece of paper (as worthless as it may seem) which will get there foot in the door and there are a lot of people who you won't be able to compete with for opportunities because they will be getting drunk, playing sport, going to events with the people who decide these opportunities.

I say you need to go to Uni for building your social skills and to ground your ego. I mean by the sound of your post you sound more arrogant then Stephen Wolfram (which should be noted has actually achieved things).

You are also the victim of your own cognitive biases, you are only paying attention to the things you have in common with the millionaires and ignoring the huge amounts of things which are different.

Also after reading your replies to others, you sound super immature.

TL;DR You might be smart where you are at now, but there are so many smart, social people out there you're not really special. It's the hard work and social abilities which will set you apart.

>> No.626451

>I did not say what I said to "brag" or to show others how fucking great I am
Don't worry, no one thinks you're great.

>> No.626477

If you were smart you would know that getting rich is achieved via:

Inheriting (also Luck)

You are a delusional teen with high hopes and a virgin.

>> No.626482
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>>very intelligent
>>because I never tried
>It's amazing how many people say and believe this.

I can see this, ADHD-PI the actual term, that people to this day keep calling ADD is a bitch though for performance, butt rapes working memory and focus. Working memory is stupid levels of important for "intelligence", focus is also important and they are both intertwined.

I'm not saying this guy is a genius or even gifted or what have you, it's just that there's a huge difference in performance between someone with ADHD-PI that is currently focused and the same person when not.

>> No.626531

What do you do for a living?
Just curious.

>> No.626535

This is officially a cringe thread.


>> No.626539
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This is so cheesy and devoid of science. It is so closed minded and dated.


>> No.626542

>never did good in school

also, i'm so fucking sick of people using ADD as an excuse. my doctor told me i had that shit in 5th grade and my dad told him to fuck off, so happy he did that because i didnt use it as an excuse my whole life like the rest of my generation. ADD has always existed, but it wasn't discovered until somewhat recently. yet even without adderall people somehow managed to pass highschool with undiagnosed cases since forever. stop telling people you don't know that you will be a millionaire and become one.

the thing about snapchat/facebook/twitter etc is that they weren't started with the intentions of becoming millionaires. if you just start a website to become a millionaire you won't, you need to be passionate about it in order to actually get to that goal.

my best advice would be to become a plumber or something within your attention span and prepare yourself for a life of wishing you had "done good" in school.

>> No.626543

Depends on what you consider being rich. You can easily become a millionaire by simply being smart. I honestly think that the biggest difference between a millionaire and a guy with 50mio+ is that the millionaire has a conscience. Becoming a billionaire however is almost exclusively up to luck.

>> No.626617


Why what?

Is science your religion? The page compels you to believe nothing. Witness how society compels you to believe in the religion of science despite no meaningful investigation on your part.

>> No.626920

Have you read Flatland (1884)?

>> No.627207

Reading it now for fun tho

>> No.627220
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Apparently everyone on /biz/ takes a shitton of drugs

>> No.627323

Not true, I don't do drugs. Not even alcohol despite a hue amount of peer pressure. My body is my temple, I got no reason to screw it up with such bad stuff.

Full disclosure: 29 years and only two beers and one glass of wine. Although I have been know to drink a caffeinated soda about once a month when I am really stressed, but I would call my self a drug user.

>> No.627343

This is fucking hilarious. It sounds like you read Flatland blazed as dongs and now think your fucking John von Neumann. For further financial success I recommend applying your vast cosmic knowledge to the art of baking people trippy cakes.

>> No.627512

More like Da Vinci

I'm about tired of beating the dead horse, but, through basically metaphysical theorizing on transcendental growth I came up with a certain shape, and made a few other drawings to represent it. Later I saw my shape referenced as the 'merkabah', I go on wiki and the picture is structured almost exactly like an alternate drawing I used
So I'm deducting that I had it right. Meaning I came up with a symbol worshiped by mystic Jews for thousands of years, so I think that says something


>> No.627652

Thats wrong. If you are bad at something you simply dont put 10k h on it! most people quit in between these hours and they dont improve. You dont know whats to put a lot of hours (doesnt have to be 10k) into something... and then this is just one of the few variables to make it! You can still fail.

I see you didnt read shit and you say you did. At least you didnt understand the books. Get humble, read Outliers, and work a bit to know what it is.

>> No.627663

>I have everything rich people have but I'm not rich
you and everyone else

>> No.627675

People should listen more to this guy.

>> No.627679

>ITT: A stupid fresh out of high school kid thinks he knows everything there is to know about being a millionaire and hasn't worked a day in his life.

I've met so many kids like you, the workforce is going to take a dump on you and youre going to be stuck working a 9-5 for the rest of your life, if you're lucky that Is.

>> No.627684


Implying he'll even get a job. He's going to be a jobless NEET because he'll never take jobs that he feels are "beneath" him; meanwhile he has no real skills that he can demonstrate to an employer so his only real job prospects are fast food/manual labor.

Pretty soon he'll be some NEET scum on this board crying about how there are no jobs - even though there are plenty of jobs, just not for lazy useless scumbags.

>> No.627687

This. What OP doesn't understand is that in the professional world there are tons of brilliant, motivated, and personable people. The fact that OP already admitted he has poor social skills puts him miles behind all his peers if he were to work in a corporate setting or even in any pleb tier work environment for that matter. Just because he is intellent and driven gaurantees him nothing except maybe a decent salary if he can keep his anti-social tendencies in check.

Sorry OP. You will learn the hard way.

>> No.627689

This is what happens when you reinforce the idea to your kids that their "special"

>> No.627758

>I'm too high to type them all out, but OP, look up the Dunning - Kruger effect. It applies to you.
Not everyone claiming to be smart suffers from that. There ARE intelligent people out there, and OP might aswell be one (the odds aren't that stacked up against him/her), so why don't you assume that and give advice accordingly?

>> No.627807

getting shitfaced every week or two doesn't count right?

>> No.627813

Congratulations, that's how everyone feels

>measly 100-200k a year
>100-200k a year
Get a load of this faggot

>> No.627814

OP you sound like a dumb kid. I mean that in the nicest way. That's probably why you're getting so many negative responses, if anything you're reminding a lot of guys of themselves at your age.

If you really have 110k saved up just keep doing whatever it was you were doing to save that money and invest in an index fund. You'll be a millionaire by age 27 ish.

>> No.627815


>> No.627816

>I'm destined to be rich
>I don't feel like getting an education
>how do I get rich?
You want people to give advice on that? You're a bigger faggot than OP.

>> No.627827
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Ok /biz forget the shitposting OP for a bit and try to answer me this:

>mindset like OP untill the age of 18
>thinking you are smarter than everyone else and destined to greatness
>average grades thinking " i could do better i just dont care"
>almost 22 now
>uni (europe)
>time to look for internships
>looking up careers in finance(investment banking, m&a etc.)
>realizing i've fucked up and wasted my time thinking i'm special while drifting towards mediocrity
>average grades, no international experience, lack of extra curricular activities all prevent me from getting into desired field

How do i deal with it? I fucked up and have noone to blame but myself.

>> No.627851

Hard work can get you out of any rut. Grind through school man, and put money to the side every single check, to fund your business ideas 3-4 years from now. The most important thing is the effort you put in doing your day to day tasks

>> No.627861


>> No.627870


Yeah I don't think the OP understands how this shit works. If you're good enough to somehow get out of university and get a job earning 100-200k then it's not supremely difficult to begin investing that to create some real money.

Hell, I think Ihaz was a corporate lawyer of some kind - I doubt he was on anything more than 200k and he managed to swing his savings into millions through index funds.

>> No.627876

Holy fuck thank you for posting this. This is what EVERYONE was thinking.

OP get your fucking shit straight.

>> No.627890

Thank you. I'm steadily becoming more depressed and actually preparing for the exams is the only thing that keeps me on track somehow

>> No.629328

Using index funds with 100k to become a millionaire by 27? You must be joking.

>> No.629361

> imagines 3d jew star
> is a genius

but how would you imagine, say, a 3d square? or circle? you can't just stop at one. imagine how you could eventually be the human version of a 3d engine

>> No.629367

You mean 16-ish years from now

>> No.629421

OP you will be delivering pizza into your 40s*

*I'm psychic

>> No.629429

All you need is a crystal ball, a wizard hat and robe, a few rings, set up a tent at a fair and youre good to go towards guaranteed financial success.

Better yet, start healing people and rake in the money. Dont forget to send them to a real doctor once shit begins hitting the fan though... in case you know, something doesnt work out.

>> No.629432

keked out of my chair.

>> No.629448

If, on my own, I made the blueprints for an engine without knowing it exists, then yeah I'd be a genius akin to Da Vinci

It's not the shape, it's the meaning behind it

And, while it wuldbe great to meet someone into sacred geometry who would be wowed by my discovering this (have a dinner with the masons on Thursday), I don't expect to gain anythig from this alone

Some of the notes that lead me to the mekabah would read knowledge is useless without an application. I don't know how to apply it and I'm not looking for a way any time soon

I'm looking for regular success, much in the way OP wants to (notice my first response itt with a picture of a page from Zero to One), I wouldn't mind being a psychic/guru, but if I did then I'd market to rich women without going public, and not the average joe sick person

>> No.629468
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>this fucking thread

>> No.629484
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I was a smart kid and my teachers always gave me shit because I was too fucking lazy to try.

That's the only reason a smart person does poorly. I mean I aced tests and all that, but I never had the motivation to hand in homework and toward the end even major assignments.

I just hate how I can consistently get 90-100 on my tests and score above 90 on mid-terms and finals but nearly fail a course because I didn't go home and waste four hours of time I barely had doing more fucking work.

>> No.629518



Daily reminder that school is a recent invention and it still sucks at fulfilling its purpose in 90% of institutions.

If you want to get ahead, just get the degree (aka ceritification) and get the work experience.

phil major with shit grades now making 45k entry level at political non profit.

>> No.629551
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I think there are a lot of legitimately intelligent people on 4chan. However if you don't bust your ass, you're not going to go anywhere.

I was lazy and foolish and probably criminal as a young kid. I make ~150k a year now, but it's because I got married, grew up, and worked really hard for years to make up for my pathetic self.

>> No.629553

>dinner with the masons
>sacred geometry
>genius akin to Da Vinci

holy shit you're one deluded crazy kid.

>> No.629561

>very intelligent
>never did well in school because I never tried
You're not very intelligent then. I played world of tanks through 4 AP classes and 5 dual-credit classes and graduated without a single grade below a 92 or a single AP below a 4. An 800 on the Math 2 and Physics SAT2s only took about 3 hours of looking over shit online the day before

>> No.629564

I didn't even take the AP environmental science class, accidentally signed up and took the test because I thought it was the physics one, and ended up with a 4 only learning my mistake when they were handing out the test

>> No.629567

Fellow americans. You do know that the american public school system is a joke and you have little to be proud of for finding it easy? Heh.

>> No.629569


What's an AP?

>> No.629571

It's like an IB
Basically an advanced class with a test at the end that many colleges take for credits

>> No.629572

This is pretty much me. I got 100% on most tests I took without even studying but did 0 homework. I barely graduated from highschool because of it. I could have done great in school if I applied myself but I had no ambition. It took me about 10 years after graduating highschool to get my shit together. I needed motivation and I never found that until I had kids.

I think there is a lot of people like us. I always tested really high on IQ tests. What OP doesn't understand is that being smart alone doesn't do it. Wanting it badly won't get you there either. If he couldn't even find the willpower to do well in school, he's not going to fare much better in the real world. It takes discipline and a strong work ethic. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and accept the fact that sometimes you have to get down in the mud even if you think you are above it. If there is one trait that most people do not respond well to, it is cockiness.

>> No.629576

norwegian here, can confirm
Lived in AZ for 1 year as an exchange student back in high school.
In norway I had a '3' in physics and math (on a 1-6 scale with 1 being fail and 6 being the best). In the US that quickly came to an A, all while working less than in Norway. The public american school system is a fucking joke

>> No.629584


Grade inflation is insane in the US.

I always used to be shocked at the amount of people claiming 3.9-4.0 gpas in America... until I found out the average GPA in America is 3.1

If the average is 3.1 then getting a 4.0 really isn't that big of a deal. In most countries 3.1 on a 4 point scale is quite good.

>> No.629591

Many people claim higher GPA's on weighted scales too. Take an AP class or two and it'll bring your GPA up.

>> No.629593

I graduated with like a 4.3 or something dumb like that

>> No.629595


Why does 4.3 even exist? Did they create this because of the grade inflation making 4.0 worthless?

>> No.629602

Also, it's very easy to have good grades when classes are all weighted the same. Our valedictorian was a girl with a bunch of art/photography/cooking classes. All of which were incredibly easy and offered dual-credit 4.5 weighting for an A

>> No.629603

4.4 is a common scale.

>> No.629605

Yeah, there's a lot wrong with the way things wrong. Some girl in my school got into Harvard for girl's lacrosse, and I busted my ass playing football as well as a bunch of other guys and we got squat, and we were one of the best teams at the time.

Girls fucking lacrosse for Harvard?!

>> No.629606

Because there's supposed to be a difference in someone taking a bunch of easy classes and getting an easy 4.0 and someone taking things like calculus and physics and no English foreign language classes

>> No.629607

It's alright anon. I'm a tranny with published peer-reviewed research in experimental optical BCIs in rats and I was rejected from literally everything above Duke and Purdue

>> No.629685

Nice one OP. Tell us when you've made it, i'll be sure to let my secretary know that I'm expecting a phone call from you in about... never

>> No.629786

Post WN8

>> No.629852


fucking this.

These days the job market is over saturated with kids who think they are smarter than everyone else and that the world is gonna pay them money for "their minds". OP needs to get down and dirty, only then will he realize that no one in this world is special and that the people who make it are the ones who are willing to go the extra step.

>> No.629881

Op is literally every college graduate

Only question is how many years of unemployment will it take you to unplug your head from your anus

>> No.629912

Deluded insofar as..?

The dinner with the masons? Do you want me to screenshot the invitation

Sacred geometry, yeah what we're discussing. What the masons are into, and what Leonardo has drawings of

Genius akin to Da Vinci, if I came up with the blueprints for an engine we without knowing engines exist

You're one idiot geezer

>> No.629933

I'm going to be honest, I really can't tell if OP's a troll or if he's really this retarded.

>> No.629944

>i will be a millionaire in 6-10 years
>has absolutely no plan for how to accomplish this

I know how this is going to work out...