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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 1069x363, Screenshot from 2018-01-11 19-42-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6271466 No.6271466 [Reply] [Original]

How does the major shift in market cap not concern anyone? It's fucking terrifying.

>> No.6271566

lol, welcome to crypto, take a seat

>> No.6271601

This is great. Means we can bullrun again soon.

If the momentum continues endlessly the bubble WILL pop.

>> No.6271604

I guess that what happens when bitcoin's price goes down and everyone is buying 1 cent shitcoins, market cap does not reflect the amount of money in the market.

>> No.6271620

every one was saying this would happen, why didn't you listen?

>> No.6271640

Longest bear run Bitcoin had this past 6 months lasted 7 days. Average bear run is 4 to 5 days. We're on day 5.
Keep in mind a reversal pattern was forming until the Korean FUD.

>> No.6271641

this is actually good for the market

>> No.6271652

>Price drops
>Hold until price moons
>sell and retire at 30

>> No.6271658

>market cap does not reflect the amount of money in the market
we have a winner

>> No.6271665

1st day in crypto normietrader?

>> No.6271682

Did you start crypto 3 weeks ago? That stuff happens all the fucking time.

>> No.6271694
File: 121 KB, 2166x876, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 12.57.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Same thing happened during christmas. The difference is that the overall market opinion is a lot more positive right now so it's not like we are suddenly gonna go to 0 this time.

>> No.6271726

yes thank god. These downtrends prolong our gains in the long run boyos

>> No.6271732

Americans are selling again, double bottom forming.

>> No.6271737

friendly reminder this is healthy market behavior

>> No.6271761

If you buy the substance you're happy to see this. If you half randomly chase hype and buzz words you get rekt. Real tokens are actually still steadily going up

>> No.6271770

It's 7 am in the east coast and 3 in the west coast. Try again buddy.

>> No.6271789

Well not if the media plans to continue blasting it with fake news to get the price down like for the past few days. They can very realistically cause a collapse.

>> No.6271822
File: 79 KB, 1000x810, kys my man anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We going to 10T at least, dotcom bubble has nothing on us.

>> No.6271824

>baby’s first dip

Nigga I was here when China “banned” bitcoin.
We had nothing but pink wojaks for 3 weeks, literally 1-2 threads about something else and the rest was just pink and red. This shit is literally nothing, happens every other weekend.

>> No.6271851

Dotcom bubble had corporations investing. That's a fuckton of a lot more money.
Crypto is majority individuals with personal money.

>> No.6271895

What percentage of that drop was coinmarketcap removing the SK exchanges, and how much of the rest was caused by the fear that change created

>> No.6271906

Damn you people are retards. "hurrrrrr durrrr izzz jus a dip! HURRRRRR ohhhh nooooo now izz $3000 ohhhh HuRRRRR jus a dip! buy the dip HURRRR".

The bull market is over, but I hope you don't listen because you plebbit dumbfucks deserve to lose everything.

>> No.6271909

Go back to 2013/14, we don't fear your small corrections. We are the Link marines

>> No.6271921

Individuals are over the world, and investing has little or no barriers unlike the stock exchange, any pajeet can drop a couple hundred on crypto.

How long till investors start speculating on crypto? This regulation scares are temporary dips but on the longterm regulation opens the market to the big players which combined with all the Normie money will make crypto the biggest bubble in the history of humanity.
Take a picture of this thread and frame it in ur lambo room, we going to 5T next year.

>> No.6271923
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You think corps won't invest in crypto?

>> No.6271941

Yeah, china was the worst crash, portfolio was down 50 percent at some point.

>> No.6271954

yes buy gold

>> No.6271960

k buddy show me a timestamp with ur blockfolio on 0.
I’ll wait.

>> No.6272021

Speak English nigger.

I sold at $16.5k.

>> No.6272094

Take a picture of your blockfolio on 0 with a timestamp you cock sniffer newfag

>> No.6272142

Well why haven't they already? They were all in during dotcom at this point.

>> No.6272169

Fuck Tyrone, does the capacity for human speech really escape your ape brain?

I don't use phone apps anyway so it's a no-go even if I could comprehend what you're saying.

>> No.6272193
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 51OIRoxklRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whales are accumulating

>> No.6272252

this. i sold everything 2 days ago. as someone who has lived and breathed these markets, you can feel the shift taking place. it's time to hibernate for awhile and come back later, maybe never.

>> No.6272292

Where u even alive during dot com bubble? There was a massive pullback that wiped 30% markcapt before the real bullrun, look it up and look at the charts.
In any case, some countries have laws in place stopping managed fund and investment firms from investing in highly speculative assets, and even if these regulations didn’t exist they wouldn’t get into crypto before there was regulation in place, money will attract companies soon, we already have a lot of private investors going into crypto.
In any case if you truly believe companies and big funds will never touch crypto then get out, because 800billion is a lot if you think the market excitas solely thanks to pajeet and wagecuck money.

>> No.6272314

I know for a fact you’re worth less than 20k
Get out of my sight poorfag.

>> No.6272341 [DELETED] 

We don't Pump and Dump. We Pump and HODL.,-

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6272392

I just know it's too late, because it's always too late by the time I find out about anything, and I just found out about it 2 weeks ago. There, you can't win this argument. Either you have to admit I'm awesome because I entered early or you have to admit it's already late in the game and I'm right.

>> No.6272456

I remember an anon predicting this exact trend, and that he's was cashing out at the peak. Hes looking more and more like a wizard.

>> No.6272477

Brilliant pajeet! Now you don't have to worry about dumping late, because the suckers will think you're holding!
How about you go drown in your own shit.

>> No.6272580

Think whatever you want Drayshawn. I don't care enough about you to prove it one way or the other. Go smoke some crack with your baby momma.

>> No.6272596
File: 13 KB, 200x423, wgw2GAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking new fags disgust me

>> No.6272651

Fucking Burgers. When us Europeans woke up we ploughed more money in. Now the americunts are selling off with their snowflake hands. Fuck it, at least I can buy more on the cheap.

>> No.6272702

6:30 AM on the east coast. 3:30 AM on the west. Vast majority of the continent is still asleep
Why are Eurocucks so full of it?

>> No.6272731
File: 92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-12-00-34-09-226_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6272750

I know you're lying because yuropoors don't have any money.

>> No.6272752

Anyone who's not a newfag has seen this happen at least 4 times before.

>> No.6272844

Can confirm. My hands are like wet tissue paper.

>> No.6272890

People have been telling me this since pre-Gox and I've stopped caring. I used to be worried but now I just shake it off. I'm up 20x this year with conservative holds and no day trading.

>> No.6272905

So what's your point? It's going to keep growing forever right? Must be your first bubble.

>> No.6272950
File: 47 KB, 460x460, ull never amount to me boy - viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMOA what a gainlet!

>> No.6272965

Obviously not, but a permanent crash and the market vanishing into nothingness at under 1t just makes hardly any sense.

>> No.6272967

When Ford's model T's sales dropped dramatically, the overall market fell 20%.
Automobile usage only accelerated though.

>> No.6272997

How conservative? ETH and XMR style?

>> No.6273027


meh, I'm holding eth and my next 150k a year contract food/housing comped starts in a couple weeks

>> No.6273028

Let them be greedy, they deserve to lose it all.

>> No.6273035

4 AM West coast

>> No.6273059

based delusional greedlets

>> No.6273070

Who the fuck is saying it's going to be a permanent crash? It's gonna recover at some point for sure. THAT DOESNT MEAN THERE WONT BE A CRASH

>> No.6273242

I'm way up. Obviously should have sold more at the top but that's easy to say in hindsight.

It's already crashing. I don't think it's gonna go on for many days so the opportunity loss isn't that big at this point anymore

>> No.6273567

Bitcoin will be at least in the 8k range by Feb 1st.

>> No.6273774

Bitcoin isn't too relevant at this point and even though it's shit I seriously doubt that. I was bunkered up in fiat during the december "bull trap" where BTC seemed to be going all the way to sub-10k but was then pulled back by everybody looking to buy it for cheap.

>> No.6273947
File: 115 KB, 2558x762, end signaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the Dotcom bubble and see for yourself. Bitcoin will be 8k and everything else will follow it. The 10k phase was followed by a return to normal. Now the global market cap's upward exponential has broken and Bitcoin tripped past a bear flag at 13.4k signaling support below 10k.

>> No.6274050

Because i'm still 1/6 of my investment in the green my niggah thats why

All the coins i hold have actual products behind them ( well except Cardano too bad i missed the opportunityy to sell but still 100% in plus ) so i dont fear a nything

>> No.6274054

i for one am glad that this is coming to an end

>> No.6274091

Major Shift????

We're you saying that when the crypto market cap jumped this high???
Your'e looking at 8 days you fucking moron

Its relative.

use past data

past data.

>> No.6274207

Are you seriously using that pajeet-tier pic of comparing natural market fluctuation to mt gox as an example? Gox was a single event, not natural development

The december crash was exactly the same situation as the one we're in now and you can see BTC having support already.

>> No.6274276

Doesn't count if you cash out.

>> No.6274327

The Gox collapse followed a pattern. The Dot Com bubble followed a pattern. This bubble is following the same pattern and the drop to 10k+recovery was only halfway through that pattern.

If you can't see that then you're blind.

>> No.6274358

the media has been blasting btc with fud for the last 9 years straight.

>> No.6274423
File: 16 KB, 379x295, 1477493213101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are still nocoiners on /biz/?!

>> No.6274472

Oh and that "pajeet-tier pic" is what alerted me to sell at 16.5k. So maybe you'd be better off not spouting memes.

>> No.6274496

>over 2 posts by this ID

>> No.6274510

It's a minor crash after 2 weeks of insane gains
stop overreacting, get into good projects and hold, that's literally it

>> No.6274517

>comparing mt gox incident to this selloff
you guys are beyond retarded
congrats ond this, Seriously

>> No.6274561

i hope you keep investing all the money you made when the bubble starts to pop.

>> No.6274656
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i'm investing for life. i'm not going back to wagecucking, ever

>> No.6274743


>> No.6274782

because i zoomed out

>> No.6274846

I have made peace with the fact that I may lose everything. The potential upside however, is too good to ignore.

>> No.6274872

We've seen much worse, this is fine. Buy your favourites.

>> No.6274876

>The Gox collapse followed a pattern.

Which was what exactly? That the fucking idiot who bought it ran it into the ground?

>> No.6275020

>Applying market cap to a market with no outside demand.
What did downs syndrome mean by this?

>> No.6275214

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6275386

someone seems mad they lost the chu chu